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Messages - Good Relations

General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 24, 2007, 12:20:01 PM
Well if you genuinely think that Rovers fans would like to see everyon associated with TD die well then it doesn't say much for yous.
If you cant see the fact that it was only there way of saying mind your own business well then theres no more to be said to you.
If your just gonna constantly slag off and mouth off about Rovers fans you need to take a serious reality check and get a grip.
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 24, 2007, 12:06:03 PM
Hoop is right.."FCUK and die"...Dont tell me you havent used similar words or phrases before to someone else.It was just there way of saying to TD that they should keep there noses out of Rovers affairs and concentrate on there own club.What did want the banner to say.."TD please leave us alone"

Regarding the last man standing letter what that idiot in TD was implying was that with enough pressure from the GAA the stadium would be solely used as a GAA stadium (well at least the majority of the time) and the whole soccer only stadiom would be blown out of the water. But then Mr. O Donohue stepped in the whole thing backfired on him :D :D
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 24, 2007, 11:08:46 AM
Of course the club have to apologise for something that undeniably happened but not in the context most people seem to think

Did you not read my last message

Well if there was a lot of people shouting at Simon Webb how come no one seemed to hear it.Im not defending it but its not that hard to hear a pretty distinctive voice in that end of the ground where there tends to less supporters.
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 24, 2007, 10:58:18 AM
So your telling that there is no bad blood in Thomas Davis regarding Rovers.What about the letter that accidently got leaked last week saying that if Rovers take on TD that there would only be one winner and also the 13 page document given to all its members which contained some pretty bad stuff regarding Rovers.

Well if there was a lot of people shouting at Simon Webb how come no one seemed to hear it.Im not defending it but its not that hard to hear a pretty distinctive voice in that end of the ground where there tends to less supporters.
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 24, 2007, 10:46:05 AM
So your telling me that if TD got to a major final and brought a few hundred fans to it that they would not have a song or banner insulting Shamrock Rovers...I doubt it.
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 24, 2007, 10:42:59 AM
No one is defending that every club in Ireland has a very small minority of thugs who go to there matches.As Johnathan Roche said in his apology yesterday "these people are not welcome to Rovers", so supporting Rovers is not a scum bag or hooligan culture as a lot of people on this forum seem to think. We support Rovers out of love for the club and if nothing else the last twenty years have only drawn us closer.So you can see why we vigourusly defend any bad comments made about anything got to do with the club.
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 24, 2007, 10:09:03 AM
Lads you cannot deny that there is fights at inter county GAA matches nearly every week.I can pick out two in recent weeks.The one Hoop was on about and there was scenes where a supporter ran on the pitch to confront an umpire in a game about two weeks ago shown Sunday Sport.I was at the Rovers match against Drogheda and did not hear the abuse that Simon Webb got.Im not denying that it did not happen but it must of been only 2 or 3 at most as I was sitting close to where it took place.
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 20, 2007, 12:45:19 PM
Im just saying that it is a coincidence that these grants have been halted at this time.... ;) ;)
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 20, 2007, 11:12:31 AM
If ya read the back of yesterdays Daily Mail it was in it...
No Im sure newspapers cant be saying things like that without some documented proof...
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 20, 2007, 11:01:16 AM
Just got a phone call of a mate of mine and he told me that grants applied for by Lucan Sarsfield, Thomas Davis and St.Marks have all been turned down pending the outcome of the JR...Pressure is on TD now.. ;D ;D
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 19, 2007, 05:11:48 PM
Well Im sure that the article was read by the Editor of the Star and he gave the go ahead for it to be published and after all the reporter is a professional one so he knows what hes writing about.

It is amazing though the way Thomas Davis are very quick to try and defend the fact that they published a 13 page letter to all its members trying to bad mouth Shamrock Rovers,Conor Lenahan and the Government in general.

That letter carries a pack of lies any way.
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 19, 2007, 04:36:21 PM
Looks like all yesterday's press caused a bit of a stir in the TD camp. From no comments in yesterday's press, today they've put Kennedy front and centre to talk to Ian O'Riordain of the Irish Times (is he a half way house between GAA correspondant Sean Moran and football correspondant Emmett Malone?).

Irish Times 19.04.07

Thomas Davis reiterate their offer of direct talks
Ian O'Riordan

The increasingly bitter row over the use of the Tallaght stadium site took a somewhat milder twist yesterday when the Thomas Davis GAA club reiterated their invitation to Shamrock Rovers to sit down and try to establish more cordial talks on the matter.

This follows developments earlier this week when Rovers chairman Jonathan Roche described as "a disgrace" a letter sent earlier this month by his counterpart at Thomas Davis, Christopher O'Donnell, to members of the GAA club in relation to the issue of access to the proposed stadium.

However, Thomas Davis club spokesman David Kennedy has attempted to ease the row by calling for both parties to sit down and talk, which he claims has already been offered to the soccer club on several occasions.

"We're as frustrated as everyone else by the whole saga," said Kennedy. "But, in fact, we've held out that invitation on more than one occasion over the past number of months, but have had no response whatsoever. Your guess is as good as mine why that's been the case. But we're more than willing to extend that invitation again."

In the letter, dated April 7th, O'Donnell encouraged members to make an election issue of the club's fight to win access to the stadium and provides detailed instruction to members on how the issue should be raised with politicians during the forthcoming campaign.

He also suggested they should not support local Fianna Fail TD Conor Lenihan, a Minister for State at the Department of Foreign Affairs, because he had recently signalled to club officials his support for the line taken by John O'Donoghue, that Government funding for the project be conditional upon it being used solely for soccer.

O'Donnell says the politician has been informed he will not be welcome at the club until the GAA is accommodated at the stadium.

"That letter was circulated to our members to keep them up to date in what is a very important and very sensitive issue," explained Kennedy, "and was somehow leaked to press. But we'd dismiss any claims that the contents were inaccurate.

"We're certainly not trying to sour relations here. We're happy to speak with anyone on this, including the minister, and we'd certainly like to appease any fears they might have by what we're trying to achieve here, because the reality is this stadium can still be open for use in 12 months time."

In the meantime a preliminary hearing takes place this Friday on Thomas Davis' successful request for a judicial review of the case, although that is merely to establish a date and procedures for the hearing itself. "That's essentially a planning matter anyway, but the real issue here is to get the stadium finished as soon as possible," said Kennedy.

"So we are available to talk, and always have been, and in fact we offered to bring in a mediator, from a soccer background, but Rovers haven't taken us up on that either. From what I can see Jonathan Roche is very genuine in his approach, and so are we, and hopefully we can establish some cordial relations here.

"But we certainly didn't turn this into a political issue. That was done by the minister himself when he insisted all funding would be withdrawn if the stadium went ahead as a multi-purpose facility, despite that being voted the case by the South Dublin County Council back in December of 2005."

lies lies and more lies...
but at least their cage is rattled.. BIG TIME!
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 19, 2007, 04:29:49 PM
Great article in todays Star...

General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 18, 2007, 10:02:41 PM
Give it up for f**k sake, lets not turn this into a personal squabble

For once I think your talking sense. Lets beg to differ.  ;D ;D
General discussion / Re: Shamrock Rovers Ultras
April 18, 2007, 08:59:57 PM
"I have no problem whatsoever with junior gaelic or hockey or any other type of sporting contest being staged at this stadium as long as it doesn't require changes (an enlarged pitch)"

I play junior football and have always played on the same size pitch as senior and intermediate football.
Does this guy have a clue???

That statement sounds like your being stupid.C,mon you know quite well what he was on about and just tried to twist it around and in doing so made yourself look like a twat.. ;D ;D

With regards to the this being a forum about the Ultras if you look back to page 1 of the forum and about 5 or 6 messages down the topic of the stadium comes up and since then there has been little or no messages regarding the Ultras. I didn't enter the debate till about the third or forth page when all the talk was about the stadium. Again your talking crap.