Modified Exhausts

Started by clarshack, April 18, 2008, 08:51:29 PM

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sc**bag living across the street has just bought a car with one of those modified exhausts for 'maximum noise' and has been raking up and down the street in the early hours of the morning. surely these things cant be legal can they?

Cuchulainns Ard Mhacha

Quote from: clarshack on April 18, 2008, 08:51:29 PM
sc**bag living across the street has just bought a car with one of those modified exhausts for 'maximum noise' and has been raking up and down the street in the early hours of the morning. surely these things cant be legal can they?

They are legal as long as they dont exceed a certain limit of sound/noise.

But sure isnt sticking a banana up the exhasut once they're in bed and not get caught also be legal.
You could get a Beverley Hills Cop scenario out of it, trust me it works ;)...

...But if its young uns and exhausts a watermelon or basketball may be needed to block it, some of the exhausts on cars are massively overfunny
Hurling, because there's nothing else