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Messages - Last Man

Quote from: Armagh18 on July 09, 2024, 10:58:06 PMFair play to Hanna for using Irish but a better gesture would be not to take the oath.

Not one blind bit of difference to waiting lists will they make in the HofC
The Govt is powerless to do anything about the NHS now. It's largely a sick care money racket. Junior docs when they realise where they have landed themselves are dropping out or emigrating in significant numbers. Where's the satisfaction in medicating people to an acceptable level of sickness rather than fixing their ailments in the longer term. Throwing money at it just feeds the beast. We need Docs who can think for themselves not just administer pre determined protocols. How the medics have let it come to this??
If you are a flag fan, go ahead and put one up on your own property. As the saying goes "Nail your colours to the mast" Whatever the symbolism, it is linked to you the individual as is the maintenance of it where they are invariably filthy, ragged and torn within a week or two. If that's who you are, go ahead. But public property should be off limits, end of...
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
June 07, 2024, 02:14:17 PM
AF loves to promote his message through fear, he has previous during the so called "Aids crisis". His description of some people's reticence in regards to this experimental treatment as "ideological bullshit" and how they should be prevented from employment in large corporations or excluded from education, like how is this any of hisfeicing business!!
His mild mannered paternal outward persona belies a very disturbing human.
Quote from: thebigfella on April 22, 2024, 12:22:07 PM
Quote from: Last Man on April 21, 2024, 05:55:52 AMLike this is funny??
Let's go with this one. A mate just turned 60, T2D for 10 years treated with all the standard drug protocols. Carrying too much weight,has nasty foot ulcer for over 12 months, diabetic retinopathy requiring injections into his eyeballs, regularly shits himself and now on insulin like a T1.
He hangs on every word of his dietitian with the healthy whole grains and low saturated fat, 5 a day, healthy cooking oils crap. All the while steadily declining.
Someone who is severely insulin resistant(carbohydrate intolerant) eating loads of carbs. In what universe does that make sense.
Won't listen to a word I say regardless of me showing him evidence of 100s of people just like him resolving their symptoms by drastically reducing the carbs in their diet.
Adamant he's going to listen to the doctors and nurses, they know best after all. And he's married to a nurse!
Sorry couldn't find any humour in this sad tale.

Why should he listen to you?

I assuming your advice is based upon "your published" scientific research. The research has been conducted to relevant standards and peer reviewed to the highest degree? Yes it is. Or is this just 100s of anecdotal claims that is used to back up your views and no serious scientific basis behind it?No it isn't. If the answer is as I suspect, then he's absolutely right not to listen to you.

I've no doubt diet and healthier lifestyles can help "reduce" symptoms for certain conditions, even if it's just for mental health or a placebo effect. Lots of the stuff I read is pure pseudoscience and backed up by no real scientific research or clinical trials, which is morally wrong and downright dangerous.
T2 diabetes can be put into remission by diet and lifestyle,FACT.
Sit outside the endocrinology dept. to get a feel for whats coming down the tracks, it would be motivation enough for most if they were at least presented with this advice by the "professionals"
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
June 06, 2024, 11:30:09 AM
I think if you read the study itself they are trying to demonstrate that there is a significant signal that could imply that the vaccines may be problematic for some people. Further independent studies should be funded to either prove or disprove this. Plus vaccination programs suspended for all except high risk individuals until we understand the risk/benefit better.
General discussion / Re: The far right
April 30, 2024, 05:22:21 AM

I wonder what the Far Right opinion is in relation to this immigrant medic?
Like this is funny??
Let's go with this one. A mate just turned 60, T2D for 10 years treated with all the standard drug protocols. Carrying too much weight,has nasty foot ulcer for over 12 months, diabetic retinopathy requiring injections into his eyeballs, regularly shits himself and now on insulin like a T1.
He hangs on every word of his dietitian with the healthy whole grains and low saturated fat, 5 a day, healthy cooking oils crap. All the while steadily declining.
Someone who is severely insulin resistant(carbohydrate intolerant) eating loads of carbs. In what universe does that make sense.
Won't listen to a word I say regardless of me showing him evidence of 100s of people just like him resolving their symptoms by drastically reducing the carbs in their diet.
Adamant he's going to listen to the doctors and nurses, they know best after all. And he's married to a nurse!
Sorry couldn't find any humour in this sad tale.
Quote from: RedHand88 on April 20, 2024, 04:56:52 PM
Quote from: Last Man on April 19, 2024, 04:17:29 PMThe NHS was never envisaged to deal with the levels of chronic disease we currently see. T2D, Cardiovascular disease, various cancers all on the up. All the polititions can offer is we need more money for doctors and nurses. How about asking why are we all so sick?

We are all old. With advanced age comes more illness. The population is aging. By 2037 1 in 12 people will be over 65.
Yeah we are all going to die at some stage no dodging that but I do not agree that we have to accept the largely self inflicted chronic diseases so many are inflicted with. None of
this helped by the scientifically baseless health messaging we have been duped with for the last 50 years.
Quote from: gallsman on April 19, 2024, 06:34:15 PM
Quote from: Last Man on April 19, 2024, 04:17:29 PMHow about asking why are we all so sick?

Sounds a bit Joe Rogan tbh.
Try these authors.
Nina Teicholz
Gary Taubes
Dr Malcolm Kendrick
Dr Chris Knobe
Professor Tim Noakes
That'll do for now, don't want to overwhelm anyone.
"The NHS is one of the biggest employers in the world, with some estimates putting it as high as the sixth biggest only behind the Indian Ministry of Defence, US Department of Defense, the People's Liberation Army of China, Walmart and Amazon."
"The NHS is one of the biggest employers in the world, with some estimates putting it as high as the sixth biggest only behind the Indian Ministry of Defence, US Department of Defense, the People's Liberation Army of China, Walmart and Amazon."
The NHS was never envisaged to deal with the levels of chronic disease we currently see. T2D, Cardiovascular disease, various cancers all on the up. All the polititions can offer is we need more money for doctors and nurses. How about asking why are we all so sick?
General discussion / Re: D.I.Y
April 17, 2024, 10:40:23 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on April 17, 2024, 09:31:23 AM
Quote from: Last Man on April 17, 2024, 09:18:58 AMSo you have heat in the rads but no HW?

Aye, rads pumping hot, The boiler in fairness hasn't had a check up in a few years, some parts were replaced a while back, was just looking a quick temp fix till I get someone to have a quick assessment on it, she's said someone might call this evening but I'll not hold my breath
Is your heating timer 2 channel i.e. separate buttons for HW and heating? If so there is a motorised valve somewhere. If your copper cylinder is upstairs it usually would be prioritised by convection (along with the upstairs rads) unless your motorised valve is foobarred which seems most likely at this stage.
General discussion / Re: D.I.Y
April 17, 2024, 09:18:58 AM
So you have heat in the rads but no HW?
As an onlooker the policies of the current administration is disconcerting personally.
Interesting that Elon is weighing in some of the carry on