McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: Zulu on September 03, 2009, 10:39:01 AM
Not the majority DR, all of them are and he even resorted to childish name calling and innuendo to try and lure the pro-player posters out. Every topic has a natural lifespan and everyone interested in this issue made their points (repeatedly), it's over now and Cork GAA is moving on. If dowling or anyone else wants to continue to post on this issue they are welcome to and if they want to claim 'victory' they can do that too but the rest of us have other interests and having made my points I don't feel the need to do so anymore. Suffice to say I believe in what I said now as much as I ever did, some agree with me others don't but going back over it long after the issue itself finished is worryingly pathetic.

So Zulu, how will you feel when Donal Og's memoirs drag the whole kit (sponsored by adidas btw  :)) and caboodle up again to line his own pockets? That'll be alright I suppose when christmas presents are being sought?
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


I couldn't care less Skull, I'd doubt very much I'll buy the book as I'd have little interest in Donal Og by and large. At the time I debated the issue on its merits, I made my points and I continue to stand over them, so what is there to be gained by any of us here rehashing the arguments or childishly claiming victory (especially where there is none)? Cork GAA is poorly run IMO and that would be the scource of my frustration but I could say that about quite a few counties, however I've made my points and I won't reargue the merits of the strike with anyone here as nobody here has anything new to say and neither do I.


Fair enough Zulu I wont drag out any debate with you. I'm just continually disappointed that regardless of the poor running of the CCB as you and others see it, that you considered the actions (and the motives of some) of the militant players a justifiable means to an end (i.e. the head & reputation of gerard mccarthy in full media glare)
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: theskull1 on September 03, 2009, 08:24:34 AM
feck me. all that accusing someone of being blatantly biased from someone who IS blatantly blinkered,biased and lives in a monochrome world.

And you expect to be listened to.

Tell me this...who will make the most from all this striking business down in Cork? Donal Og or FM?

Wouldn't have made a great page turner If they'd have decided indivivually  to walk away in silence as they should have done, but it would have made a point on principle. But principles dont keep endorsement opertunities coming or book deals rolling. But no want us to believe striking was the only and the right option........yeah right.
What has the majority of what I posted got to do with the players? What has it got to do with Donal Og, it's just circles with your lot all the time. Times moved on. But you don't.
The clubs report, JBM being pushed out of the U21 job and the clowns being given the job and the delegates backing FM for another year with no questions, and voting against bringing it back to their clubs..has nothing to do with the players. Get over it, it's happened, it's past, stop wasting your time posting about a dead topic about a situation that is no longer relevant. It's moved on, everyone but you and Dowling and the like have moved on.

The clubs are now gaining more and more momentum, and hopefully that will come to be seen in the convention. This is a lot bigger then what the players did a few months ago, but if there's a forced change it will have all happened because the players a few months ago brought the clubs together, gave them back their voice, and asked the question, why?

I refuse to go over and over something that cleary isn't going to change in your mind, opinions will not change on it. I came on here to post information on the actions of the CCB and the reaction from the GAA community, with the selectors and the reappointment of Frank Murphy, and all you and Dowling, can go back to is the players. When it has nothing to do with them.

Get over it. Donal Og has nothing to do with Frank Murphy being voted back in and not having the vote being brought to the clubs, and they've nothing to do with JBM being shoved out of the job, making way for Frank's boys, or the report written by the clubs forum.
Nothing to do with it whatsoever. So get over it, find something else to cry about. When you're done, maybe then you'll be able to see the state this CB is in and how their actions are and have been inexcusable. Until then though..get a life.

Now maybe I should have started a new topic a few posts ago with it, but seeing as ye had kept the topic alive all this time I said there was little point as ye'd still criticise them here as much as ye would there. So maybe I was wrong there.
But I suggest that a mod locks this topic, because if they don't you'll have some still on here complaining in 7 months time.
For most people this topic has ran much longer then it should have.
For others..well Skull and co will just have to find something else to moan about.


Quote from: Reillers on September 03, 2009, 11:45:03 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on September 03, 2009, 08:24:34 AM
feck me. all that accusing someone of being blatantly biased from someone who IS blatantly blinkered,biased and lives in a monochrome world.

And you expect to be listened to.

Tell me this...who will make the most from all this striking business down in Cork? Donal Og or FM?

Wouldn't have made a great page turner If they'd have decided indivivually  to walk away in silence as they should have done, but it would have made a point on principle. But principles dont keep endorsement opertunities coming or book deals rolling. But no want us to believe striking was the only and the right option........yeah right.
What has the majority of what I posted got to do with the players? What has it got to do with Donal Og, it's just circles with your lot all the time. Times moved on. But you don't.
The clubs report, JBM being pushed out of the U21 job and the clowns being given the job and the delegates backing FM for another year with no questions, and voting against bringing it back to their clubs..has nothing to do with the players. Get over it, it's happened, it's past, stop wasting your time posting about a dead topic about a situation that is no longer relevant. It's moved on, everyone but you and Dowling and the like have moved on.

The clubs are now gaining more and more momentum, and hopefully that will come to be seen in the convention. This is a lot bigger then what the players did a few months ago, but if there's a forced change it will have all happened because the players a few months ago brought the clubs together, gave them back their voice, and asked the question, why?

I refuse to go over and over something that cleary isn't going to change in your mind, opinions will not change on it. I came on here to post information on the actions of the CCB and the reaction from the GAA community, with the selectors and the reappointment of Frank Murphy, and all you and Dowling, can go back to is the players. When it has nothing to do with them.

Get over it. Donal Og has nothing to do with Frank Murphy being voted back in and not having the vote being brought to the clubs, and they've nothing to do with JBM being shoved out of the job, making way for Frank's boys, or the report written by the clubs forum.
Nothing to do with it whatsoever. So get over it, find something else to cry about. When you're done, maybe then you'll be able to see the state this CB is in and how their actions are and have been inexcusable. Until then though..get a life.

Now maybe I should have started a new topic a few posts ago with it, but seeing as ye had kept the topic alive all this time I said there was little point as ye'd still criticise them here as much as ye would there. So maybe I was wrong there.
But I suggest that a mod locks this topic, because if they don't you'll have some still on here complaining in 7 months time.
For most people this topic has ran much longer then it should have.
For others..well Skull and co will just have to find something else to moan about.

Who are "the clowns" ?.


Why your post doesn't warrant reply

Quotefeck me. all that accusing someone of being blatantly biased from someone who IS blatantly blinkered,biased and lives in a monochrome world.

And you expect to be listened to.

A mixture of truth, half truths, rumours, inuendo, contempt, hatred, conspiracy. Regardless of the certain issues you bring up which may very well be valid, you lack any ability to ground them within a reasoned discussion, therefore all people hear is the noise of Reillers.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: heffo on September 02, 2009, 09:52:31 PM
Quote from: Reillers on September 02, 2009, 09:23:47 PM
Quote from: heffo on September 02, 2009, 07:22:39 PM
Quote from: Reillers on September 02, 2009, 03:59:57 PM
Ya got a text late last night about what happened.

I wont believe it till it happens. But I think it's clear to some that there's change comming. That the momentum of power building up behind the clubs is gaining huge ground and their striking ground is the convention that'll come up soon enough.

And while the start of the message seemed full of optimism, I went on to finish reading that a proposal was put forward deliberately being the last item on the order of business, with no prior notice to the clubs or anybody else for that matter, it was a proposal to defer the vote until delegates had a chance to discuss it with their clubs was defeated by 77 to 9 votes.
Club delegates (not all in fairness) showing their true colours again, and Frank "accepted" the additional year. What a gracious man he is..
But there was no prior information, no written details were handed out it was a case of Lads, Frank's staying for another year. And another if it's acceptable to all. There was nothing on the agenda..oh wait we don't even have one of those, it's just one giant big  version of "Any other business."


"This is Cork democracy." 

And another sad day it is. 

The entire ccb should go,they have all been spawned from the same source. And unless something is changed right now, it wont make any difference whatsoever if Frank goes. He will, more than likely, be replaced by someone from the same pool of people that have given him such 'loyal' support on the CCB executive. A different person but the same regeme will continue

They, I presume are hoping that this will be a distraction from the clubs before the convention, but we can't be strayed, we can't loose focus.
We need to it all here and now or we'll be stuck under some other clown the minute Frank's out the door.

You should get your place to nominate you Reillers - I'll have a word with Bobby if you like?

Boy you don't know me, you don't know him. Give it up it's beyond irritating.

We both know that's not true and only for you stood me up in the bar in Bishopstown GAA club at Easter when you went abroad for a break , I could've posted a picture of me, you & Bobby together.

bobby magee?


Quote from: the Deel Rover on September 03, 2009, 09:37:35 AM
Quote from: dowling on September 03, 2009, 12:53:20 AM
Quote from: the Deel Rover on September 02, 2009, 11:33:35 AM
:o :o :o can't believe this thread is still on the go, is the Ai Hurling Final on this week  ;)

Quote from: hatchetfield on September 02, 2009, 12:16:24 PM
OMFG, is this still going?? End it please Cork are out, they weren't good enough and won't catch up with the Cats for a long time regardless of who win in charge of the power struggle in the uinrivaled county of Cork

I don't mean to sound condescending but why didn't both of you come on this thread months ago and make a contribution to the debate instead of calling for an end to it now.
Perhaps one of the reasons why it hasn't faded away is because some see the 'Cork situation' as something which could become a 'GAA situation'. If Reillers is to get acknowledged for anything it's for his steadfastness in defending the indefensible and his refusal to recognise that everything he was lead to believe by the strikers was true wasn't. Others such as GAA, Passedit and Zulu, I would imagine, have recognised all was not the black and white picture that was painted for them and have thus ceased to defend the strike and the individuals behind it even if they haven't acknowledged they were lead on. Some of us said quite some time ago that the 'strike issue' would have repercussions for some time to come and Reillers recent posts are testament to that.
So why don't you both give us your views on how things are now.

i did make comments on the thread about 200 pages back, ffs we all know mc carthy doesn't have the support of the players he is gone for about 4 months now isn't he  ::)

Fair enough Deel but I hadn't really the time to check. Just because Gerald went months ago ffs for some the issues/problems weren't resolved.

Quote from: the Deel Rover on September 03, 2009, 10:28:57 AM
Quote from: Zulu on September 03, 2009, 10:21:26 AM

QuoteOthers such as GAA, Passedit and Zulu, I would imagine, have recognised all was not the black and white picture that was painted for them and have thus ceased to defend the strike and the individuals behind it even if they haven't acknowledged they were lead on.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Not really, we just have more important things to be doing than arguing the same points over and over and over and over and over again. You obviously haven't, which is far more worrying than anything the strike could ever lead to for the GAA. My advice to you is to pull your bedroom curtains, put away your voodoo doll of Donal Og and clean up the effigies you've burnt of the Cork hurlers, there's a big world out there and it has much to offer.

nail on the head there zulu the debate just goes on and on and on over the same points . i'd say the majority of dowlings posts are on this one thread. 

So what's the problem with where my posts go? Have I missed a rule about the use of the board?
For yourself and Zulu I think you'll find I posted very little for some time although addmittedly I used the Cork ladies semi win as an opportunity to make a sarcastic remark, but to show how plenty of people can get on in Cork and be successful. Reillers was the one who came on spouting about here we go again over Jimmy Barry and lauched another of his attacks on Frank Murphy. All I've done is make a few points regarding the forum, given it some credit and stated why, even if the intentions are good, their report wont amount to much. And I asked a few questions relative to this. Which haven't been answered by the way. And although this is the Gerald McCarthy thread he hasn't been focused on although I would argue that everthing that happens now is relative to his situation.
So what is it that you two are having trouble reading or understanding because if you can't understand where the debate is and that at present it's void of antagonism maybe you would both be better off avoiding this thread.

Tony Baloney

Quote from: dowling on September 03, 2009, 06:38:59 PM
Quote from: the Deel Rover on September 03, 2009, 09:37:35 AM
Quote from: dowling on September 03, 2009, 12:53:20 AM
Quote from: the Deel Rover on September 02, 2009, 11:33:35 AM
:o :o :o can't believe this thread is still on the go, is the Ai Hurling Final on this week  ;)

Quote from: hatchetfield on September 02, 2009, 12:16:24 PM
OMFG, is this still going?? End it please Cork are out, they weren't good enough and won't catch up with the Cats for a long time regardless of who win in charge of the power struggle in the uinrivaled county of Cork

I don't mean to sound condescending but why didn't both of you come on this thread months ago and make a contribution to the debate instead of calling for an end to it now.
Perhaps one of the reasons why it hasn't faded away is because some see the 'Cork situation' as something which could become a 'GAA situation'. If Reillers is to get acknowledged for anything it's for his steadfastness in defending the indefensible and his refusal to recognise that everything he was lead to believe by the strikers was true wasn't. Others such as GAA, Passedit and Zulu, I would imagine, have recognised all was not the black and white picture that was painted for them and have thus ceased to defend the strike and the individuals behind it even if they haven't acknowledged they were lead on. Some of us said quite some time ago that the 'strike issue' would have repercussions for some time to come and Reillers recent posts are testament to that.
So why don't you both give us your views on how things are now.

i did make comments on the thread about 200 pages back, ffs we all know mc carthy doesn't have the support of the players he is gone for about 4 months now isn't he  ::)

Fair enough Deel but I hadn't really the time to check. Just because Gerald went months ago ffs for some the issues/problems weren't resolved.

Quote from: the Deel Rover on September 03, 2009, 10:28:57 AM
Quote from: Zulu on September 03, 2009, 10:21:26 AM

QuoteOthers such as GAA, Passedit and Zulu, I would imagine, have recognised all was not the black and white picture that was painted for them and have thus ceased to defend the strike and the individuals behind it even if they haven't acknowledged they were lead on.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Not really, we just have more important things to be doing than arguing the same points over and over and over and over and over again. You obviously haven't, which is far more worrying than anything the strike could ever lead to for the GAA. My advice to you is to pull your bedroom curtains, put away your voodoo doll of Donal Og and clean up the effigies you've burnt of the Cork hurlers, there's a big world out there and it has much to offer.

nail on the head there zulu the debate just goes on and on and on over the same points . i'd say the majority of dowlings posts are on this one thread. 

So what's the problem with where my posts go? Have I missed a rule about the use of the board?
For yourself and Zulu I think you'll find I posted very little for some time although addmittedly I used the Cork ladies semi win as an opportunity to make a sarcastic remark, but to show how plenty of people can get on in Cork and be successful. Reillers was the one who came on spouting about here we go again over Jimmy Barry and lauched another of his attacks on Frank Murphy. All I've done is make a few points regarding the forum, given it some credit and stated why, even if the intentions are good, their report wont amount to much. And I asked a few questions relative to this. Which haven't been answered by the way. And although this is the Gerald McCarthy thread he hasn't been focused on although I would argue that everthing that happens now is relative to his situation.
So what is it that you two are having trouble reading or understanding because if you can't understand where the debate is and that at present it's void of antagonism maybe you would both be better off avoiding this thread.
Come on lads, things are slowing up around here. 500 pages by the Final on Sunday?


Quote from: The GAA on September 03, 2009, 05:48:59 PM
Quote from: heffo on September 02, 2009, 09:52:31 PM
Quote from: Reillers on September 02, 2009, 09:23:47 PM
Quote from: heffo on September 02, 2009, 07:22:39 PM
Quote from: Reillers on September 02, 2009, 03:59:57 PM
Ya got a text late last night about what happened.

I wont believe it till it happens. But I think it's clear to some that there's change comming. That the momentum of power building up behind the clubs is gaining huge ground and their striking ground is the convention that'll come up soon enough.

And while the start of the message seemed full of optimism, I went on to finish reading that a proposal was put forward deliberately being the last item on the order of business, with no prior notice to the clubs or anybody else for that matter, it was a proposal to defer the vote until delegates had a chance to discuss it with their clubs was defeated by 77 to 9 votes.
Club delegates (not all in fairness) showing their true colours again, and Frank "accepted" the additional year. What a gracious man he is..
But there was no prior information, no written details were handed out it was a case of Lads, Frank's staying for another year. And another if it's acceptable to all. There was nothing on the agenda..oh wait we don't even have one of those, it's just one giant big  version of "Any other business."


"This is Cork democracy." 

And another sad day it is. 

The entire ccb should go,they have all been spawned from the same source. And unless something is changed right now, it wont make any difference whatsoever if Frank goes. He will, more than likely, be replaced by someone from the same pool of people that have given him such 'loyal' support on the CCB executive. A different person but the same regeme will continue

They, I presume are hoping that this will be a distraction from the clubs before the convention, but we can't be strayed, we can't loose focus.
We need to it all here and now or we'll be stuck under some other clown the minute Frank's out the door.

You should get your place to nominate you Reillers - I'll have a word with Bobby if you like?

Boy you don't know me, you don't know him. Give it up it's beyond irritating.

We both know that's not true and only for you stood me up in the bar in Bishopstown GAA club at Easter when you went abroad for a break , I could've posted a picture of me, you & Bobby together.

bobby magee?

That would've worked but for the 'you' in the middle.

Anyhoo, I'm starting the Reillers for CCB campaign right here and now

Bing Crosby .

Quote from: Zulu on September 03, 2009, 10:21:26 AM

QuoteOthers such as GAA, Passedit and Zulu, I would imagine, have recognised all was not the black and white picture that was painted for them and have thus ceased to defend the strike and the individuals behind it even if they haven't acknowledged they were lead on.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Not really, we just have more important things to be doing than arguing the same points over and over and over and over and over again. You obviously haven't, which is far more worrying than anything the strike could ever lead to for the GAA. My advice to you is to pull your bedroom curtains, put away your voodoo doll of Donal Og and clean up the effigies you've burnt of the Cork hurlers, there's a big world out there and it has much to offer.

I'm glad to see that you took my advice from a couple of months ago Zulu . I hope you're doing well now .


In all fairness to Zulu Bing I believe he knows he was duped by the strikers but to come on here and acknowledge that wouldn't be easy. And the same for one or two others.
One of the players from the final on Sunday said that the county were where they were because there was great unity between the players, management and county board. Perhaps harmonised relationships should have been the strikers goal in Cork.
Now that the All-Ireland is over can we 'now' judge the Cork team. Didn't the strikers asked to be judged on how they did?


Quote from: dowling on September 08, 2009, 11:40:37 PM
In all fairness to Heffo Bing I believe he knows he was duped by the strikers but to come on here and acknowledge that wouldn't be easy.

Easy there Dowling - I always knew they were gougers who were in it for themselves!


QuoteI'm glad to see that you took my advice from a couple of months ago Zulu . I hope you're doing well now .

Don't recall you giving me advice, I do however recall you having a couple of cheap shots at pro-player posters, claiming that the Gaelic Grounds are the envy of the country and that Limerick could win the hurling AI, so I'd say we'd all agree taking advice from you would be foolish.

QuoteIn all fairness to Zulu Bing I believe he knows he was duped by the strikers but to come on here and acknowledge that wouldn't be easy.

You're a one topic WUM with nothing new to say and are simply trying to goad posters into another pointless debate that will go nowhere because you have nothing better to do with your time. The pity is that some of the other pro-CB posters like heffo or skull1 who have other interests and are generally very good posters haven't called a halt to this rubbish by telling you to give it a rest, I don't think they feel this topic is worth posting on at this stage either.