McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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THEY ARE THE SAME GEAR!! Gear they had been suplied with before that debacle.


The Adidas deal ? Did the 2009 panel benefit as well as the 2008 panel ?


Reillers-this is like your own wee thread  :P. You should check out some others including general discussion, some interesting stuff.


You're right Reillers, the same old stuff from you, attacking posters, misrepresenting people and refusing to deal with issues that might present difficulties for your mindset. Even refusing to acknowledge the treatment of Gerald McCarthy.
Even if you think every question posed is an attack on the strikers it doesn't make the questions invalid. Bud has a valid question but none of the pro strikers seem able to address it.
Here's another one for you how come you claim the strikers lack fitness if they were training away during the strike?
And seeing as you brought the phone calls to gerald up here's a further question for you. Why do you think the strikers didn't publicly condemn the calls. Now I'm not looking for a 'fact', just an opinion.
There are so many things about the strike that are relative to Cork hurling and county harmony, don't blind yourself and run away from them.
And we're back to the "GAA fans" bit. Keep saying it often enough and we might believe that's all we are.


Predictable as ever Dowling. Insults here and there. Ignoring the question. Maybe for one you could actually answer it truthfully instead of childish remarks.
Didn't even read my post.
I attacked know one. I made a statement that I believe is firmly true.
I haven't misrepresented anyone, just repeated what's been said.
I don't refuse to deal with any issues.
I have acknowledge the treatment of Gerald over and over and over again. And I have condemed the phone calls and all that.

I never once said they lacked fitness. I don't know how this is relevant to my question, but hell in fairness none of what you've written is relevant to my post.
I actually said that their fitness was good enough, because that's what they mainly concrentrated on. I've actually said that, again you not reading my posts.
So because they havne't condemed the phone calls you think what, they were in on it, why are you so viciously obsessed with making these guys look like the scum of the earth?

Now lets try again, be a good boy and answer the post for once in your life.


Reillers give me examples of where I've insulted yourself or anyone else.
I'm not going to go over old ground but on the phone calls to Gerald the decent thing that the strikers could have done would have been to make an immediate statement condemning them and telling anyone thinking of such to refrain, that the strike, but more importantly Ger didn't deserve these calls. There's no other implication there, that just would have been the decent thing to do. I can't understand why they didn't as to do so would have been good PR for them but perhaps they didn't see that. I'm just wondering what your opinion is on that.
You can throw back in my face that I want Cork to do well if you like but you're not really debating anything. As far as I'm concerned the bullying of Teddy Holland last year, the bullying of Ger this year and the whole strike have done more damage to Cork than you realise. You and GAA stated some time ago that some rules should be broken but if some people can break some rules surely anyone can break any rule. And that's the way Cork GAA has been left by the strike, without 'good faith' and people prepared to get their own way regarless of the methods used or who gets hurt. Later in life there may be some of the strike leaders who will recall in manly tones about how they sorted out that Frank Murphy and Gerald McCarthy but I've no doubt there will be others who will have grave regrets about where they allowed themselves to be taken.
Whether you like it or not the effects of the strike are still there, there are issues arising from the strike and there are situations, like Brian Murphy's retirement, which may or may not be totally innocent but for some will be issues.
Now if you take anything in that as insulting it's not my intention.

Bud Wiser

QuoteAll they did was that they stood up to a dictatorship of a county board that is intentially killing Cork GAA, choking it to death,

Is this the same County Board that are still there? If so, how did they stand up to them, what was achieved?

QuoteI never once said they lacked fitness.
If, (unlike other counties who obeyed the gaa directive of not training over winter) they conducted their own training regime over winter which was superior to Gerald McCarthy's ways,  and if they were fit, all I can say is that they need to go back to basic training of a hurling wall and a ball because there is no point in being fit if you can't hurl.  I'm not saying that this "strikers bunch" (as opposed to "McCarthy's bunch" as you called them) can not hurl but there were a few of them who should have been concentrating more on their preperations than the bigger picture they were more interested in. But we have been through all this, page after page of it.

I agree this thread has run its course but if it is to end it won't end on the inference by you and a few of your pals that all is well again in Cork and it is time to move on as if nothing happened, and, that suggestion alone typifies the type of arrogance that has been dished out to Gaa supporters throughout the country by you lot.  I have never seen one single apology from this bunch to anyone, but then again, if teams were given walkovers in the league and the structure of the league was to be turned upside down with teams playing in lower divisions next year that they should not be in, who were Cork to care.  Then, as if the actions of the hurlers were not influential enough on other clubs and county teams throughout the country you had the footballers coming on board and adding their voice of support at a time when they should have known better but, like most in Cork, they didn't.  

In a recent interview Ross Carr was asked about players going to Australia and he said the GAA has to do something about it. In the same interview the same question was asked of the Cork Football manager (whoever he is) and he said he had no problem at all with players going to Australia as when they come back they bring with them usefull information on how the game can be more professional here !!!!  Now, can you see any irony in that Reillers?  Here we are celebrating 125 years of the GAA and we have a Cork Manager who is not happy with our achievements over 125 years but, the game is not professional enough for him and we need to send lads to Australia to learn us how to be professional.  There's arrogance for you?  In a few years we will have not just the Cork strikers telling us what to do but we will have them going around with Australian suntans and corked hats telling us all how to be more professional.    

The reality is (and this is what neither you or the strikers can comprehend) that anyone associated with a team that goes on strike to the detriment of the GAA as a whole are not in any position at this time to lecture anyone on how to be professional.  This assertion by me is firther compounded by the wrongful belief by the dimwits who supported the strike that it had no effect on the GAA outside Cork and we were more or less told if we did not like what was going on down there to mind our own business. Nicky Brennan is at fault too for not f**king ye out of the league and championship for two years and now we have a Cork president who has already stated that his first objective is to agree to gain recognition for the GPA.  I see another Cork man walking a dog around Croker this week and having walked out on his country all I was short of seeing him doing was getting the dog to piss on the spot where Michael Hogan lay.  Later he was on the Late Late Show telling the whole country how another Cork man (who refused to play for his country because someone said something about his hair) should be "enticed" back to play for Ireland and that he would sleep outside his house to get him to come back.   I think the strikers were friendly with him too, didn't the bring a whole new professional feel to the game by having him give a talk before an All-Ireland.  
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


Dowling hasn't been responsible for the 2008 panel looking bad - they've done a good job of it themselves. They allied themselves to all and sundry who were prepared to spew negatives about Gerald and the CB.

The thing that irks but doesn't surprise me is that not a negative word has been said about the CB and FM since the lads got back playing.

This thread won't have run its' course until all the unresloved issues and unresolved questions have been addresses and answered.

This might take a long time cos some of them require unsavoury answers which won't be forthcoming. You just can't say that it's over, let's move on, sure it was no big deal anyway much as some wouls wish that the thread would just get deleted.



The players did all they could. It was up to the clubs to do their final part, something that the players could not do. And the clubs were going in the day before looking for blood but conveniantly McCarthy's bitter resignation statement was put out their, convenient timing.
The clubs have tried, things have been put to the CCB and they have been tuned down, called out of order or overwhelmingly voted against, despite what the actual clubs opinions were. The same CCB is in place because they have much too much power. The delegates, no matter what their clubs tell them to do, will always back Frank Murphy.

As for the rest of it..

Bud are you that naive. EVERYONE trains in the winter. EVERYONE. Not as a team, and the players weren't training as a panel either. They did nothing wrong. They had very little time to train and rarely could they train together. They had a great trainer in there but they were lucky to get training in once a week. Sometimes a week or so went by with no training at all. They lost a lot of time while everyone else was going full blast the Cork panel were doing something our clubs should have done a long time ago.
I thought ye weren't GAA fans at all. I suppose some are though.

Arrogance, where exactly are you getting arrogance from. I never said all is well in Cork. Never once. But this current issue is over for now. And untill the CCB make another attempt to get rid of the players it will stay over, or until the day Frank Murphy steps down, which will be the greatest day Cork GAA has seen in a long, long time.
Why should they apologise, they did what we should have done a long time ago. Who should they apologise to, your lot, who didn't enjoy what they read in the papers, I'm sorry for ya. FFS like. Get a grip. Cork had no influence on who went down. A team played did it not. Clare have only themselves to blame for getting relegated. It was in their own hands.
Do you know, maybe there's a reason why there has been so much upset between not only the hurling panels, but the football panels as well, 3 times. Maybe, just maybe all of those people, that came and went over the years, aren't all horrible selfish arrogant people. Maybe, did ya think for a second that there is a reason why all these strikes happened. Surely you're not naive enough to think that Donal Og has some magical hold over everyone of those 3 different squads. I mean surely you're not htat naive.
Maybe just maybe some where along the road you might figure out that something just isn't right. That maybe the CCB are as bad as I've been saying and have forced 3 squad of hurlers and 3 footballers to refuse to play 3 times. It's not enjoyable at all being on strike. I mean maybe if you thought for just a second, maybe you'd figure out that there was a reason behind it, and maybe it might be the CCB.
In 2002 they treated the players like nothing more then what you'd find at the bottom of your shoe. In 07 they said they were going to appoint the selectors, a move that was a slap in the face for the footballers (and the hurlers) but it would affect the footballers immediately. Because their poor manager had been forced out and new manager needed to be put in place and new selectors. This was a direct break of an agreement that was made in 2002, where the manager was supposed to be allowed to pick their own selectors. It was an attempt to take power back.
The footballers made it clear that they would go on strike in a new manager was appointed before they sorted out the selectors business. And what do the CCB do. They appoint a manager anyway, eventually after several managers turned it down.

The CCB had made that decision knowing full well what would happen. And they made the decision in the last incident knowing the same thing would happen. Maybe just maybe something doesn't add up there in your head.
Just think about it for a second.

The footballers let their voices be heard. How is that wrong. They backed the hurlers, everyone in Cork all backed the hurlers, but I supposed all the clubs were wrong as well were they. Why because they went against what you feel. Against people who know very little about the "running" of Cork GAA. But sure you know better right?

The next part of your comment is just ridiculous. Players going to Australia. I mean what has that got to do with the Cork hurlers at all? Nothing. When was that question asked and to, well it says a lot when you don't know who the Cork football manager is. Funny though, typical as well. People know nothing about Cork GAA but apparently everything about the 08 panel refusing to play. Where does this so called Cork manager say he's not happy with the 125 years. Where does he say that he's not happy, that it's not professional enough? WHen has he said he thinks it's good to send the lads to Australia. How has that anything to do with the Cork hurlers and this situation.
Making a lot of presumptions out of a lot of bullshit aren't you.

They went on strike because the CCB are killing GAA in this county and they stood up to the dictatorship that is the CCB. Not once but 3 times when everyone else was afraid to do so. They have been backed 100% by their past managers, greats of the game, and 100% by the clubs of Cork. Is that not good for you? That's thousands of people. The only people who should be able to make comment on the situation because they are the only ones who understand it fully. But then of course you've got know it alls from Derry to Dingle thinking they're the ones who are right and everyone in Cork are wrong. Despite them not having a clue about what's really going on, making coments based on what they read in the paper and their own personal opinions of Donal Og.
Brenan, the biased, incredibly hurling strong county biased, one of the worst presidents that the GAA has had, was the one who in his out going speech who said he was disapointed that the GPA hadn't been made official. Whine about that. The Cork lad hasn't been in the job for 3 seconds, but of course he's wrong because, why, yes that's right, he's from Cork. Despite the fact that he doesn't have the time of day for the hurlers. But you don't care less about that.
Roy Keane being sent home from the WC has nothing to do with this, but it is showing a side of you that at least you're willing to admit, you're hate for Cork is crystal clear from your post above.


Quote from: orangeman on May 03, 2009, 02:02:13 PM
Dowling hasn't been responsible for the 2008 panel looking bad - they've done a good job of it themselves. They allied themselves to all and sundry who were prepared to spew negatives about Gerald and the CB.

The thing that irks but doesn't surprise me is that not a negative word has been said about the CB and FM since the lads got back playing.

This thread won't have run its' course until all the unresloved issues and unresolved questions have been addresses and answered.

This might take a long time cos some of them require unsavoury answers which won't be forthcoming. You just can't say that it's over, let's move on, sure it was no big deal anyway much as some wouls wish that the thread would just get deleted.
And what are they supposed to say, I mean how stupid would that be, they're back playing, they've to work with these guys they can't constantly turn around and criticize them right left and centre either the clubs, despite their pure hate for the CCB. You can't do that. It'll only lead to a bigger mess.
But it is over, I'm sorry that you and Dowling all the rest of ye will have nothing to cry and whine about but for now, it's over. Like it or not. It's over and it will stay under the rug like 2002 and 07, until the CCB make another attempt to destroy the panel.


Quote from: Reillers on May 03, 2009, 02:07:58 PM
Quote from: orangeman on May 03, 2009, 02:02:13 PM
Dowling hasn't been responsible for the 2008 panel looking bad - they've done a good job of it themselves. They allied themselves to all and sundry who were prepared to spew negatives about Gerald and the CB.

The thing that irks but doesn't surprise me is that not a negative word has been said about the CB and FM since the lads got back playing.

This thread won't have run its' course until all the unresloved issues and unresolved questions have been addresses and answered.

This might take a long time cos some of them require unsavoury answers which won't be forthcoming. You just can't say that it's over, let's move on, sure it was no big deal anyway much as some wouls wish that the thread would just get deleted.
And what are they supposed to say, I mean how stupid would that be, they're back playing, they've to work with these guys they can't constantly turn around and criticize them right left and centre either the clubs, despite their pure hate for the CCB. You can't do that. It'll only lead to a bigger mess.
But it is over, I'm sorry that you and Dowling all the rest of ye will have nothing to cry and whine about but for now, it's over. Like it or not. It's over and it will stay under the rug like 2002 and 07, until the CCB make another attempt to destroy the panel.

It's not over - the 2008 panel wanted FM out. They wanted changes to the CB, the way hurling was administered in the county - they haven't achieved any of this but are happy enough hurling away, getting ready for the championship.

There will be an AGM shortly - how many new candidates are being put forward ? How many changes will be made ?


Quote from: dowling on May 03, 2009, 09:53:44 AM
Reillers give me examples of where I've insulted yourself or anyone else.
I'm not going to go over old ground but on the phone calls to Gerald the decent thing that the strikers could have done would have been to make an immediate statement condemning them and telling anyone thinking of such to refrain, that the strike, but more importantly Ger didn't deserve these calls. There's no other implication there, that just would have been the decent thing to do. I can't understand why they didn't as to do so would have been good PR for them but perhaps they didn't see that. I'm just wondering what your opinion is on that.
You can throw back in my face that I want Cork to do well if you like but you're not really debating anything. As far as I'm concerned the bullying of Teddy Holland last year, the bullying of Ger this year and the whole strike have done more damage to Cork than you realise. You and GAA stated some time ago that some rules should be broken but if some people can break some rules surely anyone can break any rule. And that's the way Cork GAA has been left by the strike, without 'good faith' and people prepared to get their own way regarless of the methods used or who gets hurt. Later in life there may be some of the strike leaders who will recall in manly tones about how they sorted out that Frank Murphy and Gerald McCarthy but I've no doubt there will be others who will have grave regrets about where they allowed themselves to be taken.
Whether you like it or not the effects of the strike are still there, there are issues arising from the strike and there are situations, like Brian Murphy's retirement, which may or may not be totally innocent but for some will be issues.
Now if you take anything in that as insulting it's not my intention.

Gerald didn't deserve the phone calls, but did and do the players deserve all the crap, all the insults and threats they've gotten, because what Gerald got, as undeserved as it was, it isn't even a taste compared to what the hurlers are getting. You haven't condemed that. So does that mean you support, I presume it does, as you are making the same presumptions about the players.

They had agreed, or so I'm told, that they would make no more comments and would get back to the hurling which is something they've wanted to do for months. They don't like at all what happened. But I've no doubt if they had come out and criticized the phone calls they would have gotten even more grief from your lot. They can't win either way.

It mightn't have been good PR but they don't care less about PR all they care about was getting back playing, they didn't have a massive PR machine behind them, paid no doubt out of our money, like the CCB and Gerald did.

No one bullied Teddy Holland. He was an idiot to take the job. The footballers yes the FOOTBALLERS made it clear what would happen, they actually said they will not play if a manager is appointed before the selector issue was sorted out. It wasn't personal with Holland, it could have been any manager, the CCB approached several men and they all refuse, and Holland for some reason, most have owed FM one, took the job up. It could have been anyone. The footballers never played under him and he wasn't bullied by anyone other then the CCB.
He walked into a burning building with his eyes wide open.
As for Gerald. He didn't leave anyone bully him, do you think that little of him. The only one that "bullied" him was FM to take the job in the first place and FM to make him stay in the job. The hurlers made it clear to the CCB that they did not want to play under Gerald again, they'd him for 2 years, it didn't work out. He was the one man they didn't want to play under, so what do the CCB do, they reappoint him. The players took action against the CCB's actions, Gerald made it personal. It never really was about Gerald. It was always about the CCB's actions. But Gerald made statement after statement, personal attack after personal attack. And for months he was winning the PR war and even in the end when he lost, the press weren't attacking him, it was the CCB they were attacking.

Gerald when into this fighting. He stood on his own too feet and he threw some massive punches, playing the media like a pro. Cork GAA has always been in a shocking state, the only thing that's changed is the clubs have grown grew some backbone, even if it was only for a little while.
Again with the strike leaders, do you really think so little of 3 squads of hurlers and footballers, do you genuinely think that the likes of Donal Og has that much power over that many people?

Cork GAA is in a state, but it's nothing to do with the lads who went on strike. And you'd know that if you and your kind opened your eyes, but no, they're too blinkered to see what's straight in front of you.


Quote from: orangeman on May 03, 2009, 02:12:59 PM
Quote from: Reillers on May 03, 2009, 02:07:58 PM
Quote from: orangeman on May 03, 2009, 02:02:13 PM
Dowling hasn't been responsible for the 2008 panel looking bad - they've done a good job of it themselves. They allied themselves to all and sundry who were prepared to spew negatives about Gerald and the CB.

The thing that irks but doesn't surprise me is that not a negative word has been said about the CB and FM since the lads got back playing.

This thread won't have run its' course until all the unresloved issues and unresolved questions have been addresses and answered.

This might take a long time cos some of them require unsavoury answers which won't be forthcoming. You just can't say that it's over, let's move on, sure it was no big deal anyway much as some wouls wish that the thread would just get deleted.
And what are they supposed to say, I mean how stupid would that be, they're back playing, they've to work with these guys they can't constantly turn around and criticize them right left and centre either the clubs, despite their pure hate for the CCB. You can't do that. It'll only lead to a bigger mess.
But it is over, I'm sorry that you and Dowling all the rest of ye will have nothing to cry and whine about but for now, it's over. Like it or not. It's over and it will stay under the rug like 2002 and 07, until the CCB make another attempt to destroy the panel.

It's not over - the 2008 panel wanted FM out. They wanted changes to the CB, the way hurling was administered in the county - they haven't achieved any of this but are happy enough hurling away, getting ready for the championship.

There will be an AGM shortly - how many new candidates are being put forward ? How many changes will be made ?
It is over..for now.
Everyone, not just the panel wants FM, but FM leaves when FM wants to leave. No one can force him out, he cannot be fired or voted out, it's in his contract.
The clubs are the only ones who can make changes in the AGM, nothing to do with the players unless they go threw their clubs.
Now there could well be another forced strike next year or 5 years time with a new panel completley, time will tell, but until FM is gone there will be no peace.

Bud Wiser

Oh sweet jesus reillers will you cop on and can you trymaking one reply, just one reply without telling us we know nothing about Cork
QuoteIn 2002 they treated the players like nothing more then what you'd find at the bottom of your shoe.

The problem arose in the first place because of shoes, how ironic is that because down in Cork ye were all getting too big for your shoes, especially the ones on the sponsorship deals.

Where in the rule book or for that matter in the ethics of the GAA (outside of the GPA) is theree ever a reference to the word "STRIKE".  Answer: Nowhere, it is a Cork thing.

I was not referring to Clare as you suggest in your ramblings above, or your 100 repeat of the bullshit you have been coming out with over the last 400 pages, I was referring to the effect on all teams in the hurling league, including division two when a team/county have the arrogance to go on strike for half of it and effectively handing walk overs to some teams, and then, when their sulk is over, they decide to come back, when THEY decide, which is why Nicky Brennan should have thrown Cork out of the league and championship for two years. (I would have thrown them out for five)

I will repeat for you that I was told from a very senior person in a very well known club in Cork that there were sponsorship issues.  Do you want me to name who told me?

There was a directive from HQ that there was to be no winter training.  Yes, I do understand that teams train for fitness throughout the winter but when the papers did the story of Cork training it showed a Cork hurler running in a field with a hurley in his hand.  Now, it didn't say as it sometimes does in the papers "Picture Posed By Model" (although they probably could have anyway) so if the players were in a field training with hurls and a ball they were in breach of the directive, unless of course they were just doing gym work in the field and the picture used was just one from a sponsorship deal they were seeking and the used it at the time.  

Lastly, just because you don't think the Cork players have anything to apologise for says it all.  I actually give up.  Do you even realise the damage that has been caused to hurling, or that even the last letter of GAA stands for Association and that this applies on a 32 county basis, not just in Cork.  The answer to that I fear is no you don't.
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


Quote from: Reillers on May 03, 2009, 02:27:02 PM
Quote from: orangeman on May 03, 2009, 02:12:59 PM
Quote from: Reillers on May 03, 2009, 02:07:58 PM
Quote from: orangeman on May 03, 2009, 02:02:13 PM
Dowling hasn't been responsible for the 2008 panel looking bad - they've done a good job of it themselves. They allied themselves to all and sundry who were prepared to spew negatives about Gerald and the CB.

The thing that irks but doesn't surprise me is that not a negative word has been said about the CB and FM since the lads got back playing.

This thread won't have run its' course until all the unresloved issues and unresolved questions have been addresses and answered.

This might take a long time cos some of them require unsavoury answers which won't be forthcoming. You just can't say that it's over, let's move on, sure it was no big deal anyway much as some wouls wish that the thread would just get deleted.
And what are they supposed to say, I mean how stupid would that be, they're back playing, they've to work with these guys they can't constantly turn around and criticize them right left and centre either the clubs, despite their pure hate for the CCB. You can't do that. It'll only lead to a bigger mess.
But it is over, I'm sorry that you and Dowling all the rest of ye will have nothing to cry and whine about but for now, it's over. Like it or not. It's over and it will stay under the rug like 2002 and 07, until the CCB make another attempt to destroy the panel.

It's not over - the 2008 panel wanted FM out. They wanted changes to the CB, the way hurling was administered in the county - they haven't achieved any of this but are happy enough hurling away, getting ready for the championship.

There will be an AGM shortly - how many new candidates are being put forward ? How many changes will be made ?
It is over..for now.
Everyone, not just the panel wants FM, but FM leaves when FM wants to leave. No one can force him out, he cannot be fired or voted out, it's in his contract.
The clubs are the only ones who can make changes in the AGM, nothing to do with the players unless they go threw their clubs.
Now there could well be another forced strike next year or 5 years time with a new panel completley, time will tell, but until FM is gone there will be no peace.

There's a contradiction if ever I read one. How can you say that the dispute is over and everyone is happy and then say there won't be peace till he's gone ??