McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: Reillers on April 25, 2009, 12:57:28 AM
Nothing that I know can be sworn to be 100% concrete. There are rumours, usually started by people desperate to stirr which seems to be what you're doing. I have heard one or two things. But like I said, I can't say that I'd swear on it.
Why are you so obsessed. Does it really matter. All you're trying to do is drag Murphy's name, one of the best defenders in the country, through the mud in an attempt to throw dirt at the players.
So if he has integrity, then why can't you. Why does it matter so much to you. Why can't you just accept it and move on. It's grown tiresome at this stage.
You're just trying to stirr at this stage. It's over, it happened, get over it.

It's difficult at this stage to quantify how much it matters Reillers but it does defintely matter. And you probably know that and are being unfair in attempting to personalise this. When more information comes into the public domain then it will be possible to put Brian Murphy's 'retirement' in context.
Is it a sign that all is not right in the Cork camp? Did Brian Muphy disagree with the terrible treatment of Gerald McCarthy and decided he wouldn't be at ease among the strike leaders? Is there a personality difference between Brian and othe players?
You probably know a little more but are reluctant to say.


Quote from: dowling on April 26, 2009, 09:12:26 PM
Quote from: Reillers on April 25, 2009, 12:57:28 AM
Nothing that I know can be sworn to be 100% concrete. There are rumours, usually started by people desperate to stirr which seems to be what you're doing. I have heard one or two things. But like I said, I can't say that I'd swear on it.
Why are you so obsessed. Does it really matter. All you're trying to do is drag Murphy's name, one of the best defenders in the country, through the mud in an attempt to throw dirt at the players.
So if he has integrity, then why can't you. Why does it matter so much to you. Why can't you just accept it and move on. It's grown tiresome at this stage.
You're just trying to stirr at this stage. It's over, it happened, get over it.

It's difficult at this stage to quantify how much it matters Reillers but it does defintely matter. And you probably know that and are being unfair in attempting to personalise this. When more information comes into the public domain then it will be possible to put Brian Murphy's 'retirement' in context.
Is it a sign that all is not right in the Cork camp? Did Brian Muphy disagree with the terrible treatment of Gerald McCarthy and decided he wouldn't be at ease among the strike leaders? Is there a personality difference between Brian and othe players?
You probably know a little more but are reluctant to say.
There you are making presumptions again.
No new information has come to the public. You're having a hissy fit over rumours. Which if you haven't learned by now, they're not usually right, accurate, you know usually their bullshit. They are factless.

No new info has come to the public domain, that I know of, unless you read different newspapers then I do, or watch the news on different channels. But last time I checked everything you're obsessing over are just rumours.

And there you are again about terrible treatment, what about how badly Gerald treated the players, what about that terrible treatment, or how badly the CB treated everyone, what about that terrible treatment?

I mean really, it's been weeks, months at this stage.
Get over it. Move on, live your life, stop being so obsessed, it's not healthy.


Reillers players leave panels every year, sometimes in circumstances that are 'strange' and most of us feel it's worthy of comment or question the cause and effect. In view of the exceptional situation that has taken place in Cork any surprise or 'strange' retirements are probably more worthy of examination than most; will they impact on the county's chances of success, will there be a knock on effect and most obviously what are the origins?
There's no point you trying to throw up old arguments or be personal as a smokescreen to deflect from that. You state you heard rumours but came on here to declare one answer as fact. All I'm hoping is to find out the real facts.


Why are you so obsessed over one or two rumours, why do you need to, so badly, fine comb why Murphy left when it's been stated why he actually left all ready.

I mean you brought up the old arguement and you for some reason don't feel that it's time to move on, and you know, move on. And instead you are going over old ground again and again looking for something, anything to throw at the players, anything at all to whinge about, it's tiring and surely you've something better to do with your time?


You're some boy to be talking about someone else being obsessed.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Don't be trying your oul shite Reillers. What's the one or two rumours and how do they compare to the 'fact' you stated previously.
And so did Murphy leave or did he retire?
Are migraines the problem or not?
Are your facts for real? Are your sources for real?
There's a discussion on another thread about another player 'retiring'.
Are you saying it's ok to discuss the retirement of anyone as long as it's not a Cork player?

Go and consult someone before you answer if you want and then come on and abuse me.


Quote from: Reillers on April 27, 2009, 10:24:11 PM
Why are you so obsessed over one or two rumours, why do you need to, so badly, fine comb why Murphy left when it's been stated why he actually left all ready.

You trotted out the party line that he couldn't stomach playing with the strikers commit to playing IC hurling due to his migranes - your county colleague says there is more to the story as we all originally assumed - why are you so against letting the truth/full story come out?


Quote from: dowling on April 28, 2009, 12:52:07 AM
Don't be trying your oul shite Reillers. What's the one or two rumours and how do they compare to the 'fact' you stated previously.
And so did Murphy leave or did he retire?
Are migraines the problem or not?
Are your facts for real? Are your sources for real?
There's a discussion on another thread about another player 'retiring'.
Are you saying it's ok to discuss the retirement of anyone as long as it's not a Cork player?

Go and consult someone before you answer if you want and then come on and abuse me.

Would you cut the dramatics for God's sake.
The rumours that have been there from the start are the rumours that are still there now, mainly started by troublemakers who enjoy to bitch about the players and seem to have nothing better to do with their time then to find daily things to be annoyed about when it comes to the Cork hurlers.
Murphy retired. It's not that hard to understand.
Migranes are the problem.
Yes my facts are real, my sources, as much as you try to right them off to being from PROC (what idiot would use that as a source is well beyond me.)  there real and in this case they should be very very accurate.
On the other thread about the player retiring people paid tribute to him, I can't remember you paying tribute to Murphy or Deane for that matter. On the other topic people aren't looking for scraps of rumours to try and drag a players name threw the mud so they could throw dirt at the other players.
I have heard rumours but ones you've heard yourself and none that I can say are facts, none are worth having your lot drag his name threw the mud with yere childish over dramatic exagerated bullshit.
It's not worth it.

So cut the dramatics for the love of God and just move on with your life.


You're some boy to be talking about someone else being over dramatic
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera

Bing Crosby .

This thread will only wind up when the Cork 08 IC hurling are completely gone from the scene , one and all .


Yes Skull I know what you think I read it the first time

"You're some boy to be....." I mean really, there's no need to repeat yourself.


Reillers first you come on and claim 'fact'. Then when 'pushed' you say there are rumours and couldn't be 100% -concrete- about anything and now we're back to fact. And your sources are 100%. Well you better hope so as you could be totally undermined if your info is wrong.
I think if you read back you'll find I have praised the hurler in question and Joe Deane.
If a player in any other county 'retired' in circumstances which weren't clear it would be debated here as to why he did and you would be one of the ones debating. The situation about Murphy's retirement is that it is potentially linked to the topic of this thread and the effects of the strike.
You say there's nothing untoward and I can't offer any evidence there is. Someone else has intimated there may be something going on. Now tell me, who should I 'listen' to?


Quote from: Reillers on April 28, 2009, 12:52:01 PM
Yes Skull I know what you think I read it the first time

"You're some boy to be....." I mean really, there's no need to repeat yourself.

Reillers if you abided by that comment yourself then this thread would have been half the size.

I read and construct full sentences so how ou think I repeated myself I dunno.

It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: dowling on April 28, 2009, 01:29:35 PM
Reillers first you come on and claim 'fact'. Then when 'pushed' you say there are rumours and couldn't be 100% -concrete- about anything and now we're back to fact. And your sources are 100%. Well you better hope so as you could be totally undermined if your info is wrong.
I think if you read back you'll find I have praised the hurler in question and Joe Deane.
If a player in any other county 'retired' in circumstances which weren't clear it would be debated here as to why he did and you would be one of the ones debating. The situation about Murphy's retirement is that it is potentially linked to the topic of this thread and the effects of the strike.
You say there's nothing untoward and I can't offer any evidence there is. Someone else has intimated there may be something going on. Now tell me, who should I 'listen' to?

There is fact and then there are rumours, do you really need me to explain the difference. We're going around in circles here. You are not willing to accept things and move on and it's like talking to a brick wall. You wont listen to me, you want something to whine about, some reason to bitch about the players, and I'm not giving you rumours that are more then likely started by stirrers who love nothing more, like yourself, to whinge about the players. I'm not prepared to bring things up that are untrue just for you to drag a good players name threw the dirt so you can throw mud blindly at the players.

I don't care who you listen to Dowling, it's one of those decisions that you most learn to make yourself. We're going around in circles, like I said, and as much as I enjoy humouring you, unless you can show me something more convincing that what I've seen, to why Brian Murphy isn't playing this season, then I think we should leave it.

But obviously it's too much to ask you to accept things and move on.
You said yourself you had no proof so why can't you accept it, do the healthy thing and let things be.