McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Reillers if the u21 team didn't try- what in gods creation would structures do for a team with that mindset?


Quote from: INDIANA on April 03, 2009, 12:08:19 AM
Reillers if the u21 team didn't try- what in gods creation would structures do for a team with that mindset?
They are not being managed at all and it 100% reflects on the set up, it is clear as anything that no one at the exec level cares how they do, no one cares about the underage level in Cork, not at club level or at IC level, no one who can do anything about it cares. It's more of a go do what ye like we're too busy..doing nothing, and we don't give two shits, and that's exactly how the players played. Does that excuse them for the way they played, not really, but it reflects 100% on the running of it..

It is rotten to the core.


They were just an average team Reillers thats all. I saw them with my own 2 eyes. It happens.


Quote from: INDIANA on April 03, 2009, 12:17:09 AM
They were just an average team Reillers thats all. I saw them with my own 2 eyes. It happens.

So instead of trying to reply to what I've said, instead you turn around, ignore it all and say that they are basically crap because you say so because you saw them that one time against eh an underage Dublin side, once will it now turn to twice, three times.
I'm sorry you saw who, against who, when? Who was average?

I'm sorry Indy but you're coming across as someone who seems hell bent to just keep on saying how crap the Cork teams, whetherit's to do with your personal issues with me or with Cork, it's coming across really badly. You are determined to put them down, despite what someone who's actual seen them play more then once, says, with nothing to back it up.

That's like me saying that I saw the U21 Dublin football team play there a while ago so I'm an expert, and they're all rubbish, and I wont take your word for it, even though you've probably seen them play probably 100 times more then I did, I will just keep making excuses for everything and keep saying that they wont get anywhere, and that Tyrone will dominite for 10 years more. But I wont even attempt to give any proof to back anything that I've said up and will, whenever I'm questioned about it, will just turn around and say they are crap and end of.

That's what it genuinely sounds like.

Like you've excuses for everything, what about the minors, what about the Munster finals they've either won/come runners up in for 8 years straight. Average ya? The same with the Munsters the U21s won, it means everything when Tipp win it, that their dominance is coming, but when it's Cork well they were average right?

Why don't you just admit what this is really about you can stop talking bull and stop wasting my time.


I'm not going to lower myself to your level Reillers. I've made my points rationally and the statistics back mine up. Your arguments are based on bluster and other arguments that are irrelevent to the debate. I've a long assoication with the GAA and I know  a good team when I see one. I've vast experience and knowledge of the underage teams in this country over the last decade and I think my posts back that up. Yours don't.
But you can hold me this- Cork are heading for a serious stint in the wilderness in a few years time. Just remember who told you first. I'm going to exits the debate now because its heading down another bullshit tangent .
Then again bullshit is your specialist subject.


Quote from: INDIANA on April 03, 2009, 12:48:39 AM
I'm not going to lower myself to your level Reillers. I've made my points rationally and the statistics back mine up. Your arguments are based on bluster and other arguments that are irrelevent to the debate. I've a long assoication with the GAA and I know  a good team when I see one. I've vast experience and knowledge of the underage teams in this country over the last decade and I think my posts back that up. Yours don't.
But you can hold me this- Cork are heading for a serious stint in the wilderness in a few years time. Just remember who told you first. I'm going to exits the debate now because its heading down another bullshit tangent .
Then again bullshit is your specialist subject.

Indy I've just given you a whole bunch of facts and results that back up what I've been saying, you've given me nothing, and yet again you wont reply, you cop out, why because you have no answer.
Stop bullshitting about something you know NOTHING about and it's clear from your post and I can guarantee you that if any Cork man worth their salt, even if Realrebel came on here and saw when you were attempting to say he'd wet himself.
It's complete biased crap.
You wont even admit that I'd know more then you who've seen half, oh sorry all of them play, against eh..underage Dublin side. But when asked when, where, who was good, whos wasn't you refuse to answer. ANything that has been asked of you, when you have been asked to back up what you've said you haven't and this is you doing it again.
Why are you pretending to know the slightest thing about Cork GAA at underage level when your knowledge of senior level is almost as bad.
Now I couldn't care less whether you think Cork will win all or nothing of the AIs for the next 10 years. That I couldn't care less about, it's your attempt to bullshit about the underage set up that is so wrong.
And if your view of the underage in Cork is what you genuinely think then I can't imagine your Dublin underage work has been very succesful.

You've know idea what I've done where I work, you've no idea. Oh that's bullshit as well is it?

Sersiouly though, why are you trying to bullshit about something you clearly know nothing about, I don't pretend to know anything about the Dublin underage teams, but for some reason you like to play pretend.

And Indy, why don't you grow a pair and admit what your view is based on, because it's clear to see from each one of your posts.
And stop trying to escape on your high horse anytime a question that you clearly can't answer is asked of you, if anything else, it's plainly obvious and it's a cop out. YOu have spent the last while insulting the underage players, you could at least give them the decency of saying why, because I said so or because I saw half, sorry all, of them once against Dublin doesn't do it.


The Dublin u21 football team aren't a good side-you're spot on. Thats the difference between me and you- I'm objective- you're blinded by blind faith in a bygone era that will cease to exist soon. We've had  agood season in the NHL this year- but nothing that is going to threaten liam mc carthy anytime soon- objectivity reillers- look it up in the dictionary.


Quote from: INDIANA on April 03, 2009, 12:53:29 AM
The Dublin u21 football team aren't a good side-you're spot on. Thats the difference between me and you- I'm objective- you're blinded by blind faith in a bygone era that will cease to exist soon. We've had  agood season in the NHL this year- but nothing that is going to threaten liam mc carthy anytime soon- objectivity reillers- look it up in the dictionary.

Objective, please you've spent the last few posts insulting players at the U21 and minor level for no other reason then you felt like it, because apparently you saw half..sorry wait no, it went to half to all (apparently they all suddenly have played on the same team once there up in Dublin between posts) against a Dublin underage team.

You have shown them no respect and you have shown me no respect, whether you agree with my view on the McCarthy issue, you have shown me no respect. You question my ability to make a judgement on players I've seen play many times and improve over the years.

You have seen them once, ONCE (wait it'll magically turn to twice to three times.) You though, you think you know it all.

You mightn't have agreed with me on the McCarthy issue and I certainly didn't agree with you but I didn't pretend to know tings that I hadn't a clue about. But you. You've shown everyone, the players and me, complete disrespect by blabbering on about something you know f**k all about.
I know hurling, I've been involved all my life, be it playing or coaching and I know a good player from a bad one, and I am certainly in a better place to make a call on that then you are. I know the difference between one that will make it and one who probably wont, but you think you know it all, you certainly think that you are so smart, so good that you are better placed to make a call after seeing God knows how many of them that you apparently saw against Dublin (when, where and the players involved have all remained a mystery) on how good they are much better then I am, despite the facts that I've seen these players and seem them develop over the years. You've so little respect that you disreguard everything that I've said.

And you are judging these young lads so hard and compltely disreguarding my view, because of one apparent game, you might as well be calling yourself the greatest expert in the county because not even Cody is that good, after seeing them play one game. Get over yourself. Who do you think you are? Brian Cody. FFS

Grow a pair and answer the questions that I've asked you, but you wont, because you can't because you are bullshitting. YOu haven't got a clue about the players at underage level at Cork. But for some reason or another you are pretending to have some sort of knowledge, which is doing nothing but making you look like a clueless fool.

And don't even try and weasel your way out of this one by trying to take the high horse. You've been shown for what you really are in the last few posts.

Bud Wiser

jaysus lads, take her easy.

QuoteNow yes or no, would I who has seen the Cork lads actually play be in a better position to judge them then lets say you or Indy?

Reillers, if we were all to subscribe to that logic we may as well close down the board altogether, along with every radio and TV station.  Are you suggesting that journalists, pundits, commentators or anyone outside of yourself can not comment on Cork because they did not have their head stuck in through a ditch peeping at juveniles playing. 

Are you familiar with what happens at county board level ? I had a question but there is no use asking it unless you are.

" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"

Tatler Jack

Reillers I was expecting a more detailed and constructuve answer as to what structures are not in place that you feel should be there. Instead you give a long rant full of generalisations and bluster with the usual blame Frank piece. If you set out the structures you feel should be there and how they should be put in place then it would be helpful.


Quote from: Reillers on April 03, 2009, 12:06:49 AM
Before you call me a liar again Heffo maybe do your research.

I know the facts - you are posting based on what you've read 'langer100' post on PROC - you are (as you have done for 450 pages) taking what they are writing as gospel and reproducing it here as your own opinion and when you're called on it and facts are clarified you throw your virtual hands in the air and claim 'that is what you were told'

There was no demand from 'Croke park' to take over the structures at Juvenile level in Cork. That is fact coming straight from a member of Croke park senior mgt.


reillers do us all a favour and find another messageboard you can't debate anything it seems
It is not a crime to give my opinions on the merits of players over others
The fact remains cork haven't won a minor since 2001 and more importantly an u21 since 1998
Statistics don't lie but sure that was probably all geralds fault as well


Cork's inability to win anything can be put dow to FM who by the way is still in situ and seems not to be going anywhere soon now that everything is well with the world again.

I see Walsh has rung the changes for Sunday's match !


Does anyone think that Reillers is 14 or 15?

His "arguments" on page 200 to this page are very much the same and it is impossible to engage him in debate.

I think it is sad at this stage and his latest rants to Indy and Heffo are baffling to say the least. I can't pick out these facts or questions that he keeps bringing up  ???


Quote from: Reillers on April 03, 2009, 01:09:05 AM
Quote from: INDIANA on April 03, 2009, 12:53:29 AM
The Dublin u21 football team aren't a good side-you're spot on. Thats the difference between me and you- I'm objective- you're blinded by blind faith in a bygone era that will cease to exist soon. We've had  agood season in the NHL this year- but nothing that is going to threaten liam mc carthy anytime soon- objectivity reillers- look it up in the dictionary.

Objective, please you've spent the last few posts insulting players at the U21 and minor level for no other reason then you felt like it

And don't even try and weasel your way out of this one by trying to take the high horse. You've been shown for what you really are in the last few posts.

Reillers - this is a discussion forum - a place where GAA minded people can post their opinions on GAA matters and invite discussion on said opinions from other posters.

For Indiana to post his opinions on the ability of Cork players who have failed to win AI's at minor & U21 level for eight & eleven years respectively - Indiana is dealing in facts - not insulting anyone - it's no crime to represent your county and not be good enough to win an AI

In response you talk of reaching provincial finals and games you should have won here and there and still persist to take every negative opinion about the above players as a personal insult - I very much doubt whether the guy who nurtured these players would take exception to Indiana's comments.

Please grow up and stop personalising this discussion.