McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: Reillers on March 26, 2009, 05:51:45 PM
It's one thing to use the rules as a guidline, but as a weapon, a weapon that makes it ok for the Cb to have so much power that what the clubs want and think don't matter and any move made by the any club is quashed, isn't even passed to vote on because it wont get through the system, the rule book, so the CB have complete control.
Maybe just maybe it would be appropriate to break the rules a bit or bend them because following the rules, doing it the proper way and the correct way hasn't worked against a backhanded system where the rules are bent for the CBs liking.
Do you think it's fair what the CB do? That the rule book is used as a weapon to walk all over the clubs and to disregaurd the clubs the way they do, because technically in the rule book it says somewhere that that's partially ok.

Could it be that the ends would justify the means?

Fair point Reillers.

So which rules do you think should be broken or bent?

And if someone came along saying the same should happen to other rules you would agree right?


Quote from: dowling on March 27, 2009, 12:59:09 AM
Quote from: Reillers on March 26, 2009, 05:51:45 PM
It's one thing to use the rules as a guidline, but as a weapon, a weapon that makes it ok for the Cb to have so much power that what the clubs want and think don't matter and any move made by the any club is quashed, isn't even passed to vote on because it wont get through the system, the rule book, so the CB have complete control.
Maybe just maybe it would be appropriate to break the rules a bit or bend them because following the rules, doing it the proper way and the correct way hasn't worked against a backhanded system where the rules are bent for the CBs liking.
Do you think it's fair what the CB do? That the rule book is used as a weapon to walk all over the clubs and to disregaurd the clubs the way they do, because technically in the rule book it says somewhere that that's partially ok.

Could it be that the ends would justify the means?

Fair point Reillers.

So which rules do you think should be broken or bent?

And if someone came along saying the same should happen to other rules you would agree right?

Start with the fundamental principle of Frank's rule book.
Don't Panic


So that would be the rule book Frank wrote passedit?

And then made all the clubs endorse it yea?


So what are you saying Dowling, you want the old fashioned typical, shut up or put up crap from the GAA because that is the alternative.


The team for Sunday..

s o neill    e cadogan  c o sullivan

ga          curran       sean og

cathal n    t kenny

ben    hero     jerry

hoggie   fraggy   paudie sull

C Murphy
T Óg Murphy

Disappointing not to see O Leary on the bench but that'll come in time I suppose.


Quote from: Reillers on March 27, 2009, 04:30:44 PM
The team for Sunday..

s o neill    e cadogan  c o sullivan

ga          curran       sean og

cathal n    t kenny

ben    hero     jerry

hoggie   fraggy   paudie sull

C Murphy
T Óg Murphy

Disappointing not to see O Leary on the bench but that'll come in time I suppose.

The lads will have a wee word with Wlash and he'll soon rectify that !!   ;)


Quote from: orangeman on March 27, 2009, 11:09:29 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 27, 2009, 04:30:44 PM
The team for Sunday..

s o neill    e cadogan  c o sullivan

ga          curran       sean og

cathal n    t kenny

ben    hero     jerry

hoggie   fraggy   paudie sull

C Murphy
T Óg Murphy

Disappointing not to see O Leary on the bench but that'll come in time I suppose.

The lads will have a wee word with Wlash and he'll soon rectify that !!   ;)
You're nothing but a joke at this stage OM.


Do you really think it's beyond your lads ?? They've a proud record at this stage !  ;)


Well I really think you keep on prooving how much of a joke you are, I honestly don't think you could discuss the game if you tried, if you knew anything about it.


Don't talk about me - don't try and churn out the same old smokescreen constantly trying to avoid talking about the self serving lads who never had the future of Cork hurling at heart. You've done your damndest to defend the lads but have failed miserably. Your idea of defending the strikers was to abuse, insult and demean anybody who dared criticise the lads. The 2008 panel have managed to have delivered only one thing as past few years  - NEGATIVITY  =  ANARCHY, HURT, DIVISION, ANGER, BITTERNESS, THREATS, DISRESPECT, HEADLINES FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS.

But the end justfies the means doesn't it ??? I should have seen it coming shouldn't I ?? :D :D


Quote from: orangeman on March 28, 2009, 12:18:33 AM
Don't talk about me - don't try and churn out the same old smokescreen constantly trying to avoid talking about the self serving lads who never had the future of Cork hurling at heart. You've done your damndest to defend the lads but have failed miserably. Your idea of defending the strikers was to abuse, insult and demean anybody who dared criticise the lads. The 2008 panel have managed to have delivered only one thing as past few years  - NEGATIVITY  =  ANARCHY, HURT, DIVISION, ANGER, BITTERNESS, THREATS, DISRESPECT, HEADLINES FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS.

But the end justfies the means doesn't it ??? I should have seen it coming shouldn't I ?? :D :D

OM you keep blabbering on about smokescreens and such, but not once have you ever proved to have any knowledge at all when it comes to Cork hurling, bitching and moaning and crying about things you hear in the media is one thing and certainly is something you've proven to be reliable in, especially when it comes to taking things out of context, but in ALL these pages you have shown zero to little knowledge ahout Cork hurling. Yes, yes yes I've heard your gospel preaching, well the attempt to do so anyway, but you have constantly showed you're lack of knowledge about Cork hurling, well hurling in general and about clubs, and any time you have been confronted you've either resorted to: Insults, sarcasm, nit picking, miss quoting, or avoidance completely. What'll it be this time? You lecture on about the 2008 panel this and that but you have shown that you haven't a clue what you're talking about, you blabber on about negativity, disrespect..etc, when you have never, not once shown the players an ounce of it, you even had the nerve to use someones death for trying to win points, and you brought it up again in the Billy Rackard topic, you've NO respect or decency or anything, just bitterness, petiness, hate, disrespect..etc the list goes on, and all you can manage to do in response to confrontational questions is what I listed above plus several smiley spaces. I mean anytime anyone has attempted to discuss hurling itself on here you change topic immediatley and bring it back to your level of disrespect, hate and petty squables.
So what'll it be this time OM? Personally I think it'll be a mixture of both not to mention complete denial.


You're so full of surprises Reillers !!!

O'Leary will soon be on the subs and with a wee bit of added "pressure" he might even make the team. These lads can achieve unbelievable results when they put their "minds" and all their other collective "resources" and some of their mates to it. Mass protest ( a few shoppers threw in ), control of the mass media, personal appearances on Primetime etc - these lads would do anything to make sure they get what they want  achieve results, would do anything for themselves Cork hurling - you've just got to admire them !!  ;) Like I said, it doesn't matter what you have to do to get there, the end always justifies the means as far as these lads are conerned.

But they're such honourable, noble and outstanding lads that they don't want to talk about it anymore.


Ah, so shock horror you've: ignored what I said, turned to insults and sarcasm. Like I said, you're completely clueless. Yes I always say it about you OM, and for one reason, not because you have a different opinion on this, but because you are clueless. Realrebel has a different view but at least he can back up in large what he says, you though, you really are totally clueless, and anytime there's an attempt to actually talk about hurling you, surprise surprise, try to bring it back down to your level.


i hear timmy mc carthy has agreed to play one more year


Great news if it's true. I'd love, and I still think he's got the legs for it, if Walsh brought back Wayne Sherlock. What happened with him, the way he was treated was sinfull.
That was probably the worst things about Geralds time in charge, Sherlock walking away. Such a waste. One of the best in the county.