McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Show a bit of pride and integrity.

Hiding behind rule 50 only lowers the bar in terms of their credability.

If they had a modicum of pride or consideration for the good of the county they'd adhere to the result of a vote of no confidence.

anyone who wants to use this loophole as a fig leaf to keep them in place should stop and consider what they are supporting


And again I ask.

Adhere to the rules or don't adhere to the rules?




It's one thing to use the rules as a guidline, but as a weapon, a weapon that makes it ok for the Cb to have so much power that what the clubs want and think don't matter and any move made by the any club is quashed, isn't even passed to vote on because it wont get through the system, the rule book, so the CB have complete control.
Maybe just maybe it would be appropriate to break the rules a bit or bend them because following the rules, doing it the proper way and the correct way hasn't worked against a backhanded system where the rules are bent for the CBs liking.
Do you think it's fair what the CB do? That the rule book is used as a weapon to walk all over the clubs and to disregaurd the clubs the way they do, because technically in the rule book it says somewhere that that's partially ok.

Could it be that the ends would justify the means?


lads i heard a few mins ago that denis walsh will be the next cork manager
he is from st catherines and he trained the waterford footballers a few years ago


Quote from: realrebel on March 26, 2009, 06:29:47 PM
lads i heard a few mins ago that denis walsh will be the next cork manager
he is from st catherines and he trained the waterford footballers a few years ago

Heard it was between him and Mulcahy, didn't think either of them were intersted, well not Mulcahy anyway..
It'd be a very good choice though, know a few lads who've trained with him. From what they say, he's a smart lad, a hell of a pro, the players would like him, they'd like his style. The Cb would have no problem with him. No baggage on either side is the main thing I suppose.

See the Cloyne match on Tuesday?


mul was never interested not yet anyway
but denis is the new cork manager my source is 100% on this
what bout the cloyne match reillers?


Quote from: realrebel on March 26, 2009, 06:39:12 PM
mul was never interested not yet anyway
but denis is the new cork manager my source is 100% on this
what bout the cloyne match reillers?

We're they not playing Bars?
Sully had a blinder at full forward apparently. The rugby really has made him a hell of a lot sharper from what I hear. Just wondering if you saw him. Scored a 3-2 apparently. I've never fancied playing him up front, despite the fact that he has with his club. Never thought he was fit enough, but now, I don't know. What do you think?

Sully Og is to start against Limerick along with Hero, I think. Good changes imo anyway.


ya they were playing the barrs alright
i wasnt at it just bought a house so moving all my stuff
sully got a very good score alright


Quote from: realrebel on March 26, 2009, 06:43:14 PM
ya they were playing the barrs alright
i wasnt at it just bought a house so moving all my stuff
sully got a very good score alright

A house, looks like the recession hasn't affected us all.  ;) :D

Ya I've never fancied him up front because I didn't think he was fast enough or fit enough for that matter. But the rugby seems to really have improved his game and his fitness. Do ya think he could do it with Cork?

JOC lined out for his club as well in the final, hopefully he'll be fit for the Limerick game. Didn't hear how he played though. That bloody hip has been playing up on him for last season as well, ffs, if it's not him it's his brother. It's a miracle really they managed to stay so injury free for so long because they were at one stage there a year or so going full blast with their club, a few injuries here and there were going to happen eventually.
Fintan O Leary was outstanding though, hopefully he'll be in the Cork squad sooner rather then later. Great prospect in my book anyway.


well im on the rent to buy thing didnt buy it yet ;D
sully could do some damage there alright but maybe as a sub
i dont he would last the match hes strong enough anyway thats whats needed


Quote from: realrebel on March 26, 2009, 06:47:25 PM
well im on the rent to buy thing didnt buy it yet ;D
sully could do some damage there alright but maybe as a sub
i dont he would last the match hes strong enough anyway thats whats needed

Rent. Oh well that's grand, you're broke like the rest of us then.  :D....not like that's funny in the slightest. Lol.
Ya we've some talented lads up front but they're scrawny feckers, Sully though would do some damage running at you full belt. Still remember the shoulder he gave last season against Clare, I think. The ground was shaking after it.

Did ya here Deane is probably packing it up, as is Timmy McCarthy, depending on the story with the manager.
If it is Walsh I hope he drags Wayne Sherlock back by his hair. Him walking away was probably the worst thing about the McCarthy 2 years. MASSIVE loss. Wouldn't blame him though, got treated like crap over and over again, there's only so much one person can take really.


Quote from: Reillers on March 26, 2009, 06:36:32 PM
Quote from: realrebel on March 26, 2009, 06:29:47 PM
lads i heard a few mins ago that denis walsh will be the next cork manager
he is from st catherines and he trained the waterford footballers a few years ago

It'd be a very good choice though - he's a smart lad, a hell of a pro, the players would like him, they'd like his style

Ya wha??


ya heard bout deane and timmy deane could have been useful as a sub
cork badly need to get their forwards scoring they arent strong enough
but sully would be a ideal target man for sure