McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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can you not drop it now ?

I didn't start it - and if you want it  dropped you'd better get onto to the 2008 panel to come out and make a statement of their won on this and the death threats  instead of hiding behind a friendly journo who comes up with weasel words, spin and a bullshit excuse about having a conference call and voting to send a mass card. Now that is classy - very classy.  this is an issue that the 2008 panel can feel rightly proud but unfortunately it is one in a long list of tactics that have well and truly backfired on them. Talk about being so content that they can go to the grave happy is so repulsive given the way these lads have behaved. O'Rourke has them well sussed. O'Rourke also said that the 2008 panel will feel that they have nothing to apologise for. He's right - I haven't seen any save a comment from Sean Og who said that they'll have to take a good hard look at themselves.  :D :D


And when you're talking about classy - do you really want to have to endure another 10 pages of how you've insulted everyone from Gerald to FM to Sideshow Bob to Considine and his poor old selectors ?? Or have you had enough of that ??


Quote from: Reillers on March 16, 2009, 11:40:10 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 16, 2009, 11:37:38 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 16, 2009, 11:15:54 PM
Classy OM, classy.
You answer me this OM is it the norm in Irish society for someone to use someones death with no regret or apology as an insult and something to attack people over and to use someones death to throw mud.

You continue to use someones death to try and get an upper foot in an arguement, is that the norm.

You say the players have no respect, but what the hell do you think you're doing. How the hell do you defend yourself by using someones death to get an upper hand in an arguement, you say they're bad, that they've no respect, well you're no better. Some would say worse, they didn't go out to insult any one, you on the other hand do.

You'd better ask the spokesperson for the players, Shannnon,  who took time out to describe the conference call ( what a joke that was ) and the vote to send a mass card instead of going. Last time they only had a few of the panel present, it was decided that they could do nothing without eveyone having a say - so on some mundane issues like going to Gerald's mother's funeral, it was ok just to take a vote with a few present. Double standards pervade this issue - it's ok for Shannon to write about this story and spin it to suit and make it look like the 2008 were justified in not going to the funeral but it's not alright for me to talk about and tell it the way Shannon hasn't. 

With regard to the crticism of the players as an arrogant and self indulgent group who think only of themselves who don't have the future interest of Cork hurling at heart, again you'd best refer to Colm O'Rourke for an explanation.

And you continue to talk about it and use someones death as to gain some sort of high ground, showing no respect at all. You've made your point (and the type of person you are) very clear at this stage, can you not drop it now.

Reillers you just don't know when to stop. You put up Shannon's post to project a prespective, Zulu puts on as many posts, if not more, than anyone else and then you both, when under pressure call for a stop to all this as if suddenly you've both become aware of the sensitivity of death.

As far as you're both concered the panel should have gone to the funeral.
As far as your both concerned the panel couldn't have gone to the funeral.

The two of ye don't even know what you're talking about so why don't ye both just stop and let everyone else decide upon the 'strangeness' of the situation with the information and circumstantial evidence put before them.

Why don't ye both move on to OGrady, your next topic?


I put up the Shannon link because it cleared the players of the boycotting the funeral which I thought they were unfairly accuse over.

You and OM though, ye've crossed the line when it comes to using someones death as a weapon in an arguement, using someones death as a way to get a step up in an arguement is something that's never ok.
I wasn't comfortable and I didn't think it was acceptable to be discussing on this topic on the day of the funeral or about her death way back then, go check if you like, nor am I ok, well in my view anyway, as using someones death as a tool to throw mud at eachother and attack people with. You've never found it hard to find a reason to abuse the players over can you not find something else to attack them with?

But keep going if you like clearly you don't seem to mind.

Bud Wiser

Quoteas using someones death as a tool to throw mud at eachother and attack people with.

Not that you have answered one single question that I have asked you but;  
Where have you objected to the scurrilous article that I consider has libelled Gerald McCarthy and written in last Sundays Independent in which Tommy Conlon stated that Gerald McCarthy was of low character enough to use his mothers funeral to gain sympathy.  Did you, like other Cork fans take pleasure from the libelous statements of Tommy Conlon?   You have consistently, very consistently chosen to answer what questions you like on this board and insinuate that you know it all.  Since you are so concerned about leaving the funeral aside, which I agree with at this stage by the way, it is a mark of your inconsistency that you did not make one comment about the libelous statement that Tommy Conlon made.

Do you agree that in last Sunday's Independent that Tommy Conlon made a statement in which he said that Gerald McCarthy used the funeral of his mother to gain sympathy votes and that such an allegation constitutes libel and defamation?

Defamation is the difference between fact and opinion. Do you think what Conlon wrote in a publication circulated to thousands was fact? Statements made as "facts" are actionable defamation so do you think what Conlon wrote were statements of fact or mixed statements of opinion and fact" and second that these statements were false.  Unless Conlon can prove without any doubt that Gerald McCarthy had less concern about the death of his mother than he had for using the death of his mother to gain sympatyhy it is not those of us on this board you should be cribbing about unless you display some kind of consistency, which up to now you have not.

I hope Gerald sues the Independent.

" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


I hope Gerald sues the Independent.

I agree. Typical Tommy Conlon- its because of journalists like him that i don't buy the SINDO anymore. i wouldn't use it to wash my car. A crass unnecessary comment.

Bud Wiser

I read it on-line.  I would certainly not pay for it Indiana.  It is turned into a right rag altogether.
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


QuoteHad they now  That's news to me. Can you tell us what it was ?

I've done so at least twice but for you I'll do it one more time, they felt their presence might be misinterpreted and the funeral turned into a circus. Like I've said before it is up to each individual to make up their own mind whether that is a reasonable stance or not, i think it is, though I'd accept they should have gone to the funeral. Others like you and dowling disagree and feel that that isn't a good enough reason or maybe worse, a fictitious one, which is fair enough. But your and dowlings attempts to use this as a stick to beat the players with or evidence that they are integrityless, self serving individuals is nonsense and distasteful. It also shows your true colours, the rights and wrongs of this issue are no longer important to either of ye as long as ye can point score of the players.

QuoteZulu puts on as many posts, if not more, than anyone else

No i don't OM takes that dubious award by some distance and you've posted more than I over the past week or two.

Quotewhen under pressure call for a stop to all this as if suddenly you've both become aware of the sensitivity of death.

Good to see you've abandoned logic  altogether dowling.

QuoteAs far as you're both concered the panel should have gone to the funeral.
As far as your both concerned the panel couldn't have gone to the funeral.

Are you actually OM? Reread my posts I didn't say that.

QuoteThe two of ye don't even know what you're talking about so why don't ye both just stop and let everyone else decide upon the 'strangeness' of the situation with the information and
Quotecircumstantial evidence
put before them

Tut tut dowling 'we don't know what we're talking about' isn't that a tactic only pro-player posters are meant to engage in and this from a man who has admitted most of his opinions are based on speculation.

Quotecircumstantial evidence

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D, good one dowling.


Quote from: Bud Wiser on March 17, 2009, 09:24:26 AM
Quoteas using someones death as a tool to throw mud at eachother and attack people with.

Not that you have answered one single question that I have asked you but;  
Where have you objected to the scurrilous article that I consider has libelled Gerald McCarthy and written in last Sundays Independent in which Tommy Conlon stated that Gerald McCarthy was of low character enough to use his mothers funeral to gain sympathy.  Did you, like other Cork fans take pleasure from the libelous statements of Tommy Conlon?   You have consistently, very consistently chosen to answer what questions you like on this board and insinuate that you know it all.  Since you are so concerned about leaving the funeral aside, which I agree with at this stage by the way, it is a mark of your inconsistency that you did not make one comment about the libelous statement that Tommy Conlon made.

Do you agree that in last Sunday's Independent that Tommy Conlon made a statement in which he said that Gerald McCarthy used the funeral of his mother to gain sympathy votes and that such an allegation constitutes libel and defamation?

Defamation is the difference between fact and opinion. Do you think what Conlon wrote in a publication circulated to thousands was fact? Statements made as "facts" are actionable defamation so do you think what Conlon wrote were statements of fact or mixed statements of opinion and fact" and second that these statements were false.  Unless Conlon can prove without any doubt that Gerald McCarthy had less concern about the death of his mother than he had for using the death of his mother to gain sympatyhy it is not those of us on this board you should be cribbing about unless you display some kind of consistency, which up to now you have not.

I hope Gerald sues the Independent.

I haven't seen that article, that I know of anyway. Have you got the link?
It's a journo, they write shit about everyone all the time, it was an opinion piece, last week it was about Gerald, two pages down from him they'd probably insult the players to the high heavens and you'd have no problem with it, you wouldn't be telling them to sue.
It's a newspaper, they write crap about everyone. Grow up, it's the media It's what they do,  get over it.
I answer questions asked at me all the time, if the same question is constantly asked that I have all ready answered 100 times then I doubt I'll answer again. Show me question I haven't answered and I'll answer them for you.
You consitantly, along with Om, Dowling and co. ignore anything positive about the players, any articles are sypathetic and biased, every question is either ignored or deemed inappropriate, (apparently using someones death as a tool isn't.) Infairness OM answered the question about the two trainers, but when it came to seeing what players Considine should play ye call all frantic in trying to say it wasn't right to discuss it here, actions that lead me to think that the ones who got so offensive are the ones who probably don't know much or anything about Cork hurling, and who's sole purpose is to come on here and bitch about them.

At least 90% of the time I don't intentionally ignore questions whcih ye do, only answering questions that suit ye.

Let me ask you this, what do you think of the move to keep back the trainers, what do you think of the trainers? Or do you even know.


This is just ridiculous, in reward for playing 2 or 3 games the CCB have rewarded the 09 team with a free trip, all expensises paid trip to La Manga, they're still going.
It's a small bit over the top, especially with the economy the way it is, good to know where our money's going.
I've no problem with teams being rewarded and such, and the lads did well to play, but what bothers me is the mean spirit of it, like our All Ireland winning camogie team had to fundraise every single bit of the money to pay for their team holiday, and they won the All Ireland. They had pay for all of it, while these lads just get shipped off as a thank you for just showing up.
IMO the CB have gotten worse since Gerald.

So this is what our money is paying for now, no wonder we have no underage structure, no wonder our main ground is falling down, if this is the kind of stuff our money goes towards.


The Ballyhea club held a special general meeting last night at which a proposal of no confidence in the Officer Board of Cork County Board due to their handling of their recent dispute was discussed.

The motion was passed 33 votes to 4 and will be presented at the next meeting of the County Board.

God please let this be the start of it.

Can't wait to see this one spun. Out of order, no doubt.


Quote from: Reillers on March 17, 2009, 03:34:47 PM
The Ballyhea club held a special general meeting last night at which a proposal of no confidence in the Officer Board of Cork County Board due to their handling of their recent dispute was discussed.

The motion was passed 33 votes to 4 and will be presented at the next meeting of the County Board.

God please let this be the start of it.

Can't wait to see this one spun. Out of order, no doubt.

Well done to the Ballyhea club - this is the correct way to do things


Quote from: Bud Wiser on March 17, 2009, 10:30:48 AM
I read it on-line.  I would certainly not pay for it Indiana.  It is turned into a right rag altogether.

Welcome to about 15 years ago Bud!!


Quote from: Reillers on March 17, 2009, 03:34:47 PM
The Ballyhea club held a special general meeting last night at which a proposal of no confidence in the Officer Board of Cork County Board due to their handling of their recent dispute was discussed.

The motion was passed 33 votes to 4 and will be presented at the next meeting of the County Board.

God please let this be the start of it.

Can't wait to see this one spun. Out of order, no doubt.

Would Diarmuid O'Flynn have been the driving force here? As Turk says its the right way to do things rather than some of the protests we've seen.
Mayo for Sam! Just don't ask me for a year

Bud Wiser

QuoteSo this is what our money is paying for now, no wonder we have no underage structure, no wonder our main ground is falling down, if this is the kind of stuff our money goes towards.
:D  :D   :D  :D  :D

A terrible beauty is born, what will the footballers have to say abou this when their league campaign is finished.  La Manga or Strike?

You are absolutely right, get rid of the county board and anyone, any team, any panel or any celebrity to where money is being deflected to for self interest or holidays or cars and build a new grounds.
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"