McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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magpie seanie

Maybe players for Cork shouldn't wear the red jersies the county board forces them to wear. FFS.


Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:20:28 PM
Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on March 12, 2009, 05:17:11 PM
Quote from: deiseach on March 12, 2009, 05:12:59 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:08:26 PM

I notic you didn't revisit my reply on duff last time.

If duff were already contracted to RBS and newcastle signed him they'd have to buy out his deal with RBS if they wanted him to stop personally endorsing them.

The players had the deal with energise long before the County board tried to hijack it

I didn't revisit it because bingobus did with his Monaghan / VW example.

I doubt they could stop him PERSONALLY endorsing RBS (although why they'd sign him knowing he did, I don't know) any more than they can stop him banking there. However, they could stop him wearing their logos in his role as a Newcastle United player.

Well exactly.

He would be free to endorse products as an individual but when involved in whatever capacity with Newcastle United he is required strictly to use and promote their own sponsors.

If we want to get into the minuti of it, duff's contract with newcastle with stipulate the parameters of club endorsements and his obligations in that regard. You could even go as far as saying that his salary negotiations probably involved this detail.

GAA players sign no such contracts and have no such obligations

Its called an unwritten rule Gaa. You respect the jersey you wear and the people who gave it to you by adhereing to the rules. The little things you know. 
I can't imagine Alan Brogan going out to play for Dublin with his own sponsor on the jersey instead arnotts. The Dublin football team all wear predators, because they have a deal with them. Will adidas run onto the pitch to take puma boots off them if they are wearing them-no, but they'll get a friendly reminder from adidas as to who calls the tune. Could the players still tell them to f*** off- yes - will they no- why? common courtesy.
You're not going to see Alan Brogan promoting puma king boots. could he do so if he wished- yes. Will he -no. Why? because its called common courtesy. Down in Cork that counts for something else apparently.
Down in cork- its I'll wear whatever boots I want, I'll drink whatever energy drink I want and I'll arrange my own sponsorship deals and give two fingers to the county board, the grassroots and everyone else I claim to represent.


Is there any word of FM in all of this or has this issue just disappeared as if it were never one in the fitst instance ???


Quote from: orangeman on March 12, 2009, 06:20:51 PM
Is there any word of FM in all of this or has this issue just disappeared as if it were never one in the fitst instance ???

Sean Og flip flopped and thats the end of that. Everyone has forgotten that Ger Mac was not the problem it was Frank.

Sean Og has spoken and thats that.


Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 04:16:11 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 12, 2009, 04:06:06 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 03:52:16 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 12, 2009, 03:35:24 PM
I will not engage in discussion about professional sportmens or actors earnings been filtered down to whoever.

Do you not understand the ethos of the GAA? A completely different scale of things.

Let me get this stright. If Alan Brogan gets approached by a clothing company to endorse their new line of hats. say he receives E20k for the run of ads, etc.

Are you saying that His club, in whtever form, should receive a percentage?

No thats nowhere near what I am saying and you know it.

If Jim Joe Jimmyjoe is playing for Monaghan and Monaghan are using Ford as official team transport who supply all Monaghan teams with free transport and pay €150k towards this is addition to the free fleet at their use.
Jim Joe Jimmyjoe is approached by Volkswagon and asked if he drives in their car and won;t use the free ford fleet or be seen in it, they will give him use of the VW car and say €2k and his teammates will get the same deal.

Ford aren't happy as the main public imagine of the county aren't using their product and they are therefore not getting value for money in terms of their marketing deal. They pull the deal and Monaghan have to pay for their own transport and they don;t have surplus funds to use wherever they need to.

The players have therefore taken funds that have resulted in the county suffering.

If Monaghan have no deal with Ford, then Jimmyjoe is well entitled to get his VW and more power to him.

Is that simple enough? Replace Monaghan, Ford and VW with Cork, Powerade and Club energise and you;ll get the picture.

I know in Monaghan if you want a Monaghan player to make an appearance at your product launch, event etc, they will ask (if offered0 for a donation towards their training fund at your descretion. The Banty would be the same.

Andwhat if, as was the case in cork, the monaghan players had their deal in place and the county board decided that was a good idea and signed up to a conflicting deal, which would mean forcing the players to use a ford - breaking their pre existing agreement?

So you can deal with some hypothetical senarios but not others GAA. Only the ones you feel you can bend to suit your argument eh.
But I suppose you've been picking and choosing all along.


Quote from: INDIANA on March 12, 2009, 05:58:38 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:20:28 PM
Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on March 12, 2009, 05:17:11 PM
Quote from: deiseach on March 12, 2009, 05:12:59 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:08:26 PM

I notic you didn't revisit my reply on duff last time.

If duff were already contracted to RBS and newcastle signed him they'd have to buy out his deal with RBS if they wanted him to stop personally endorsing them.

The players had the deal with energise long before the County board tried to hijack it

I didn't revisit it because bingobus did with his Monaghan / VW example.

I doubt they could stop him PERSONALLY endorsing RBS (although why they'd sign him knowing he did, I don't know) any more than they can stop him banking there. However, they could stop him wearing their logos in his role as a Newcastle United player.

Well exactly.

He would be free to endorse products as an individual but when involved in whatever capacity with Newcastle United he is required strictly to use and promote their own sponsors.

If we want to get into the minuti of it, duff's contract with newcastle with stipulate the parameters of club endorsements and his obligations in that regard. You could even go as far as saying that his salary negotiations probably involved this detail.

GAA players sign no such contracts and have no such obligations

Its called an unwritten rule Gaa. You respect the jersey you wear and the people who gave it to you by adhereing to the rules. The little things you know. 
I can't imagine Alan Brogan going out to play for Dublin with his own sponsor on the jersey instead arnotts. The Dublin football team all wear predators, because they have a deal with them. Will adidas run onto the pitch to take puma boots off them if they are wearing them-no, but they'll get a friendly reminder from adidas as to who calls the tune. Could the players still tell them to f*** off- yes - will they no- why? common courtesy.
You're not going to see Alan Brogan promoting puma king boots. could he do so if he wished- yes. Will he -no. Why? because its called common courtesy. Down in Cork that counts for something else apparently.
Down in cork- its I'll wear whatever boots I want, I'll drink whatever energy drink I want and I'll arrange my own sponsorship deals and give two fingers to the county board, the grassroots and everyone else I claim to represent.

So now apparenlty they now don't respect the jersey.
You know I'd bother arguing with but it's more then insulting. Everything these lads have done is so they can play in the jersey, but not just to play, have a better chacne of winning and representing it better.
Constant complete disrespect for these players from everyone on here bar a few and then ye get so high and mighty when people disagree with ye.
Do the players not deserve more respect then that. Apparently not.
Gerald, well he's a 5 time winning AI hurler. He desrves to be respected.
The CB, well FM he's a poor ole OAP he deserves to be respected and not dehumanised. Everything they do, well that's the clubs fault.
The 09 players, the poor boys are just playing when so many people refused, they deserve respect as well.

Do the 08 hurlers who stood up for what they believe in, against the CB, do they deserve respect, never mind whether you agree with them or not does someone like Deane or Sean Og deserve to be slated again and again, not recognised for their tremendous years of service, winning 3 AI finals and  numerous Munster titles, do they not at least deserve respect for that.

Oh I forgot, somehow standing up for what they believed in has lost their respect from ye.
Never mind Gerald's coments on Sean Og, never mind Gerald leaking the doccument. He's a saint, the players, for calling his training mickey mouse like, well how dare they.
People forget very quickly what the likes of Joe Deane had to deal with, or what abuse Sean Og would get from a few in the crowd of opposing teams each season, or how he was told a few years ago that he'd never play again because of the extent of the damage done to his knee. So what, at the back of their minds all the work they did was just to get back to get sponsorship deals. That's all what they wanted right?

Sure f**k them right? They don't deserve respect at all, why, because they are members of the GPA.
Because they stood up to a bully regime that is the CB, they don't get money from the GPA, that money goes to the GPA.
No, everyone who has anything to do with backing the players all have hidden agenda.

It's gotten to the point now where ye, I don't know if it's genuine or not, think that little of the players that suddenly all of this was for self gain. Apparently bringing up personal finances and such is ok and justified for the context, something which is none of yere business at all. That's justified but nothing the players have done are justified, no not at all, they are just the scum of the earth according to ye.
Ye who act high and mighty and criticize us for not having respect though ye never, not once, have shown and ounce of respect towards any player or 08 squad sympathiser on here. They've all been discredited for some reason or another.
But that's ok, it's ok for ye to do it, but it's an absolute disgrace for us to say that Gerald isn't a great manager. Ye jump goalposts all day long, but we get all the greif from ye player haters. See what we are saying is the problem is the problem, Gerald is the small problem, the CB is the bigger issue, they have always been the problems, no one has moved goalposts at all here except ye.
Ye even think that gives ye the right to discuss players personal lives and finances on here because ye believe that's what's right. Despite the fact that ye've no right to, that it's against the rules and it's none of yere business. But hey, that doesn't matter, because it's the players, they don't deserve respect of any level.

But hey, actually according to ye, they want to run it all, and then when they show they don't, they critcized anyway. What is it exactly that ye are fighting today. It was the journos yesterday, the clubs the day before that, ye'd a good lash off the fans the day before, and of course teh ongoing abuse of the players who clearly deserve no respect, everyone else does, even FM, but no, not the players. No proof, no backing, but lets bash them all anyway. Right?

They've had to put up with the bully boy tactics from the CB for years, they've been the only ones who've stood up to them, the players, all the players from the GPA not just the Cork players, which people again forgot, because apparently this has been renamed bash the Cork players for anything and everything topic, agreed a deal with club energise, the CB then tried to force another deal on them, and what, the players were supposed to do what.
I don't think ye grasp how bitter it is there.

These players want nothing more to be in the Cork jersey representing it the best way they can, no amount of scrutiny and criticism that ye love giving them will take that away.

Ye've no idea how desperate the players were to get back in the jersey. They didn't just go and train, money from their own pocket, for the craic. They did it in the hope that they'd be back playing.

But no, none of ye care about that, all ye care about is twisting the facts to make the players look as bad as possible, deny it if ye want, criticise me, this post, how it's phrased, and such but all ye spend ye're time doing is dehumanising the players, criticising them for every single move they make.

Not playing,
not respecting the clubs wishes,
putting in a mob rule when they go ahead with club wishes,
oh and when they do agree to go back, now they get criticized for playing, of course they do, because suddenly ye all care about what happens to the CB that ye didn't give a danm about a few weeks ago.
Oh and they are also personaly responsible for every bad thing that has happened over the 4 or 5 months, forgot about that.

..etc. The list goes on.

Just admit it, this isn't nor has it ever been about ye're views on what the players are doing, it's just been about yere views on the players. Ye hate them, ye have zero respect for them. Ye are willing to criticize anyone who backs them, fans, clubs, journos even..etc.
Whatever is to be said about the pro players, everyone on here, all of them have always respected Gerald, the same can't be said for ye at all.
It has been clear for a very long time that ye hate the players with a passion and they can do nothing right.

I've no doubt at all that replies will end up being things like, you've said the same thing over and over again, I don't care what you think, jibberish, you're a disgrace, you're a joke, (which ye also feel that ye are justified in saying) ye'll end up probably taking some if not all of it out of context, someone, probably OM nit picking through it, mis quoting me, (with the several smiley faces, ye'll end up inaccuratly paraphrasing me, twisting my words.etc. No doubt ye'll try and sit on the high horse and such and criticise me, my post, the way I've worded it..etc. But yet again, ye'll do just about anything but reply honestly to any of this post.

Hell I doubt some will even respond at all. Just abuse and criticizm of me/players is all that will come of this post.


Anyone who can be arsed can trawl back 300 or so pages on this very thread and see this red herring has been trawled out before and dismissed. Ambush marketing from Coca cola. GPA has a deal with Club Energise, who hates their own players enough to go against that, oh thats right CCB and the fuhrer. Aproach them get a bit of free publicity (bandy a few numbers about) and withdraw with brand recognised for free. Job done. Admit it lads there's nothing this bunch can do that will placate. Without the club energise deal there would have been no 'offer'.

BTW Dowling I have a life, i'll dip in and out of whatever thread I choose when I choose. You on the other hand are a one trick pony.(take that as personal abuse if you want).
Don't Panic


Quote from: Reillers on March 12, 2009, 07:19:18 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 12, 2009, 05:58:38 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:20:28 PM
Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on March 12, 2009, 05:17:11 PM
Quote from: deiseach on March 12, 2009, 05:12:59 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:08:26 PM

I notic you didn't revisit my reply on duff last time.

If duff were already contracted to RBS and newcastle signed him they'd have to buy out his deal with RBS if they wanted him to stop personally endorsing them.

The players had the deal with energise long before the County board tried to hijack it

I didn't revisit it because bingobus did with his Monaghan / VW example.

I doubt they could stop him PERSONALLY endorsing RBS (although why they'd sign him knowing he did, I don't know) any more than they can stop him banking there. However, they could stop him wearing their logos in his role as a Newcastle United player.

Well exactly.

He would be free to endorse products as an individual but when involved in whatever capacity with Newcastle United he is required strictly to use and promote their own sponsors.

If we want to get into the minuti of it, duff's contract with newcastle with stipulate the parameters of club endorsements and his obligations in that regard. You could even go as far as saying that his salary negotiations probably involved this detail.

GAA players sign no such contracts and have no such obligations

Its called an unwritten rule Gaa. You respect the jersey you wear and the people who gave it to you by adhereing to the rules. The little things you know. 
I can't imagine Alan Brogan going out to play for Dublin with his own sponsor on the jersey instead arnotts. The Dublin football team all wear predators, because they have a deal with them. Will adidas run onto the pitch to take puma boots off them if they are wearing them-no, but they'll get a friendly reminder from adidas as to who calls the tune. Could the players still tell them to f*** off- yes - will they no- why? common courtesy.
You're not going to see Alan Brogan promoting puma king boots. could he do so if he wished- yes. Will he -no. Why? because its called common courtesy. Down in Cork that counts for something else apparently.
Down in cork- its I'll wear whatever boots I want, I'll drink whatever energy drink I want and I'll arrange my own sponsorship deals and give two fingers to the county board, the grassroots and everyone else I claim to represent.

So now apparenlty they now don't respect the jersey.
You know I'd bother arguing with but it's more then insulting. Everything these lads have done is so they can play in the jersey, but not just to play, have a better chacne of winning and representing it better.
Constant complete disrespect for these players from everyone on here bar a few and then ye get so high and mighty when people disagree with ye.
Do the players not deserve more respect then that. Apparently not.
Gerald, well he's a 5 time winning AI hurler. He desrves to be respected.
The CB, well FM he's a poor ole OAP he deserves to be respected and not dehumanised. Everything they do, well that's the clubs fault.
The 09 players, the poor boys are just playing when so many people refused, they deserve respect as well.

Do the 08 hurlers who stood up for what they believe in, against the CB, do they deserve respect, never mind whether you agree with them or not does someone like Deane or Sean Og deserve to be slated again and again, not recognised for their tremendous years of service, winning 3 AI finals and  numerous Munster titles, do they not at least deserve respect for that.

Oh I forgot, somehow standing up for what they believed in has lost their respect from ye.
Never mind Gerald's coments on Sean Og, never mind Gerald leaking the doccument. He's a saint, the players, for calling his training mickey mouse like, well how dare they.
People forget very quickly what the likes of Joe Deane had to deal with, or what abuse Sean Og would get from a few in the crowd of opposing teams each season, or how he was told a few years ago that he'd never play again because of the extent of the damage done to his knee. So what, at the back of their minds all the work they did was just to get back to get sponsorship deals. That's all what they wanted right?

Sure f**k them right? They don't deserve respect at all, why, because they are members of the GPA.
Because they stood up to a bully regime that is the CB, they don't get money from the GPA, that money goes to the GPA.
No, everyone who has anything to do with backing the players all have hidden agenda.

It's gotten to the point now where ye, I don't know if it's genuine or not, think that little of the players that suddenly all of this was for self gain. Apparently bringing up personal finances and such is ok and justified for the context, something which is none of yere business at all. That's justified but nothing the players have done are justified, no not at all, they are just the scum of the earth according to ye.
Ye who act high and mighty and criticize us for not having respect though ye never, not once, have shown and ounce of respect towards any player or 08 squad sympathiser on here. They've all been discredited for some reason or another.
But that's ok, it's ok for ye to do it, but it's an absolute disgrace for us to say that Gerald isn't a great manager. Ye jump goalposts all day long, but we get all the greif from ye player haters. See what we are saying is the problem is the problem, Gerald is the small problem, the CB is the bigger issue, they have always been the problems, no one has moved goalposts at all here except ye.
Ye even think that gives ye the right to discuss players personal lives and finances on here because ye believe that's what's right. Despite the fact that ye've no right to, that it's against the rules and it's none of yere business. But hey, that doesn't matter, because it's the players, they don't deserve respect of any level.

But hey, actually according to ye, they want to run it all, and then when they show they don't, they critcized anyway. What is it exactly that ye are fighting today. It was the journos yesterday, the clubs the day before that, ye'd a good lash off the fans the day before, and of course teh ongoing abuse of the players who clearly deserve no respect, everyone else does, even FM, but no, not the players. No proof, no backing, but lets bash them all anyway. Right?

They've had to put up with the bully boy tactics from the CB for years, they've been the only ones who've stood up to them, the players, all the players from the GPA not just the Cork players, which people again forgot, because apparently this has been renamed bash the Cork players for anything and everything topic, agreed a deal with club energise, the CB then tried to force another deal on them, and what, the players were supposed to do what.
I don't think ye grasp how bitter it is there.

These players want nothing more to be in the Cork jersey representing it the best way they can, no amount of scrutiny and criticism that ye love giving them will take that away.

Ye've no idea how desperate the players were to get back in the jersey. They didn't just go and train, money from their own pocket, for the craic. They did it in the hope that they'd be back playing.

But no, none of ye care about that, all ye care about is twisting the facts to make the players look as bad as possible, deny it if ye want, criticise me, this post, how it's phrased, and such but all ye spend ye're time doing is dehumanising the players, criticising them for every single move they make.

Not playing,
not respecting the clubs wishes,
putting in a mob rule when they go ahead with club wishes,
oh and when they do agree to go back, now they get criticized for playing, of course they do, because suddenly ye all care about what happens to the CB that ye didn't give a danm about a few weeks ago.
Oh and they are also personaly responsible for every bad thing that has happened over the 4 or 5 months, forgot about that.

..etc. The list goes on.

Just admit it, this isn't nor has it ever been about ye're views on what the players are doing, it's just been about yere views on the players. Ye hate them, ye have zero respect for them. Ye are willing to criticize anyone who backs them, fans, clubs, journos even..etc.
Whatever is to be said about the pro players, everyone on here, all of them have always respected Gerald, the same can't be said for ye at all.
It has been clear for a very long time that ye hate the players with a passion and they can do nothing right.

I've no doubt at all that replies will end up being things like, you've said the same thing over and over again, I don't care what you think, jibberish, you're a disgrace, you're a joke, (which ye also feel that ye are justified in saying) ye'll end up probably taking some if not all of it out of context, someone, probably OM nit picking through it, mis quoting me, (with the several smiley faces, ye'll end up inaccuratly paraphrasing me, twisting my words.etc. No doubt ye'll try and sit on the high horse and such and criticise me, my post, the way I've worded it..etc. But yet again, ye'll do just about anything but reply honestly to any of this post.

Hell I doubt some will even respond at all. Just abuse and criticizm of me/players is all that will come of this post.

Good grief I hope you just copy and pasted that. Diametrically opposite views , thats life. Deal with it.
You've insulted so many people at this stage you lost the moral high ground a long time ago on that one. Why you can't grasp that point sadly fails me
Just couldn't read the rest of it. Stock lines and all that.


Well done, you've lived up to expectations.

Whatever about me, ye've all made ye're points and views on me crystal clear, now look at yereselves. Too much to expect.
And what are you trying to say that my apparent actions justify yours, oh right well that's ok then.


Quote from: Reillers on March 12, 2009, 07:19:18 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 12, 2009, 05:58:38 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:20:28 PM
Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on March 12, 2009, 05:17:11 PM
Quote from: deiseach on March 12, 2009, 05:12:59 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:08:26 PM

I notic you didn't revisit my reply on duff last time.

If duff were already contracted to RBS and newcastle signed him they'd have to buy out his deal with RBS if they wanted him to stop personally endorsing them.

The players had the deal with energise long before the County board tried to hijack it

I didn't revisit it because bingobus did with his Monaghan / VW example.

I doubt they could stop him PERSONALLY endorsing RBS (although why they'd sign him knowing he did, I don't know) any more than they can stop him banking there. However, they could stop him wearing their logos in his role as a Newcastle United player.

Well exactly.

He would be free to endorse products as an individual but when involved in whatever capacity with Newcastle United he is required strictly to use and promote their own sponsors.

If we want to get into the minuti of it, duff's contract with newcastle with stipulate the parameters of club endorsements and his obligations in that regard. You could even go as far as saying that his salary negotiations probably involved this detail.

GAA players sign no such contracts and have no such obligations

Its called an unwritten rule Gaa. You respect the jersey you wear and the people who gave it to you by adhereing to the rules. The little things you know. 
I can't imagine Alan Brogan going out to play for Dublin with his own sponsor on the jersey instead arnotts. The Dublin football team all wear predators, because they have a deal with them. Will adidas run onto the pitch to take puma boots off them if they are wearing them-no, but they'll get a friendly reminder from adidas as to who calls the tune. Could the players still tell them to f*** off- yes - will they no- why? common courtesy.
You're not going to see Alan Brogan promoting puma king boots. could he do so if he wished- yes. Will he -no. Why? because its called common courtesy. Down in Cork that counts for something else apparently.
Down in cork- its I'll wear whatever boots I want, I'll drink whatever energy drink I want and I'll arrange my own sponsorship deals and give two fingers to the county board, the grassroots and everyone else I claim to represent.

Everything these lads have done is so they can play in the jersey - If they can trouser 250k per annum thats a bonus

what abuse Sean Og would get from a few in the crowd of opposing teams each season - He doesn't have a monopoly on racist abuse - Jason Sherlock (himself no stranger to commercial endorsements) has been on the receiving end for nigh on fifteen years - he hasn't used it as an excuse to stike

Apparently bringing up personal finances and such is ok and justified for the context, something which is none of yere business at all - As a member of the GAA it most certainly is my business when the cancer that is the GPA steals money from my fellow members and clubs and puts it into the pocket of a professional mercenary

They've had to put up with the bully boy tactics from the CB for years, they've been the only ones who've stood up to them, the players, all the players from the GPA not just the Cork players - You've spent 350 pages telling us the GPA have absolutely no involvement whatsover - lies and flip flop flip flop

Ye've no idea how desperate the players were to get back in the jersey - so desperate they'd round up a mob (and we all seen how that ended) and snub the funeral of the mother of an erstwhile colleague?

They didn't just go and train, money from their own pocket - I know these lads are paid to play but do they want paying to train as well?


Quote from: heffo on March 12, 2009, 09:04:46 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 12, 2009, 07:19:18 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 12, 2009, 05:58:38 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:20:28 PM
Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on March 12, 2009, 05:17:11 PM
Quote from: deiseach on March 12, 2009, 05:12:59 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:08:26 PM

I notic you didn't revisit my reply on duff last time.

If duff were already contracted to RBS and newcastle signed him they'd have to buy out his deal with RBS if they wanted him to stop personally endorsing them.

The players had the deal with energise long before the County board tried to hijack it

I didn't revisit it because bingobus did with his Monaghan / VW example.

I doubt they could stop him PERSONALLY endorsing RBS (although why they'd sign him knowing he did, I don't know) any more than they can stop him banking there. However, they could stop him wearing their logos in his role as a Newcastle United player.

Well exactly.

He would be free to endorse products as an individual but when involved in whatever capacity with Newcastle United he is required strictly to use and promote their own sponsors.

If we want to get into the minuti of it, duff's contract with newcastle with stipulate the parameters of club endorsements and his obligations in that regard. You could even go as far as saying that his salary negotiations probably involved this detail.

GAA players sign no such contracts and have no such obligations

Its called an unwritten rule Gaa. You respect the jersey you wear and the people who gave it to you by adhereing to the rules. The little things you know. 
I can't imagine Alan Brogan going out to play for Dublin with his own sponsor on the jersey instead arnotts. The Dublin football team all wear predators, because they have a deal with them. Will adidas run onto the pitch to take puma boots off them if they are wearing them-no, but they'll get a friendly reminder from adidas as to who calls the tune. Could the players still tell them to f*** off- yes - will they no- why? common courtesy.
You're not going to see Alan Brogan promoting puma king boots. could he do so if he wished- yes. Will he -no. Why? because its called common courtesy. Down in Cork that counts for something else apparently.
Down in cork- its I'll wear whatever boots I want, I'll drink whatever energy drink I want and I'll arrange my own sponsorship deals and give two fingers to the county board, the grassroots and everyone else I claim to represent.

Everything these lads have done is so they can play in the jersey - If they can trouser 250k per annum thats a bonus

what abuse Sean Og would get from a few in the crowd of opposing teams each season - He doesn't have a monopoly on racist abuse - Jason Sherlock (himself no stranger to commercial endorsements) has been on the receiving end for nigh on fifteen years - he hasn't used it as an excuse to stike

Apparently bringing up personal finances and such is ok and justified for the context, something which is none of yere business at all - As a member of the GAA it most certainly is my business when the cancer that is the GPA steals money from my fellow members and clubs and puts it into the pocket of a professional mercenary

They've had to put up with the bully boy tactics from the CB for years, they've been the only ones who've stood up to them, the players, all the players from the GPA not just the Cork players - You've spent 350 pages telling us the GPA have absolutely no involvement whatsover - lies and flip flop flip flop

Ye've no idea how desperate the players were to get back in the jersey - so desperate they'd round up a mob (and we all seen how that ended) and snub the funeral of the mother of an erstwhile colleague?

They didn't just go and train, money from their own pocket - I know these lads are paid to play but do they want paying to train as well?

You are a disgrace.

So because the abuse that he doesn't have a monopoly on racist abuse and the fact he didn't use it in this arguement, well that's ok then. Good to see where you stand on that. He never used it as a reason to stop playing.

It's f**k all of your businesss, the GPA have also done a lot of good work, but f**k them as well right. You've haven't a clue what the whole story is so stop acting like you do.
Oh great so, apparently now the players sent a mob around is it. Apparently now the Cork fans are a mob.
You're calling me a liar again for no reason. I said the GPA have nothing to do with THIS arguement, the Powerade agreement is nothing to do with this arguement, of course you inaccuratley paraphrasing me again. Apparently you think you've the right to do that as well. Apparently you are above the rules of this board.
They are not paid to play Heffo, continue posting these disgracefully inaccurate posts and they will be reported. You're hate is clear, you've feck all respect for anyone.
Accusations with no backing. When training with a county you idiot the players don't pay for use of the ground and such, they did over the past few months.
According to you the abuse Sean Og gets is ok because he doesn't have the monopoly..good to see what kind of person you are.
Apparently you think you've got the right to go on about players personal finances because apparently it's your business.
And apparently Cork fans are just a mob and the players are responsible for everything that every individual does in the county.

Who the hell do you think you are.
Above the rules, if you want to go bitch and wum, go do it somewhere else where you can read and enjoy your imaginary newspapers, adds and papers. All of which you have justified in your responses.
Unfound, unbacked, unproved facts, lies, abuse..etc. Who the hell do you think you are.


Quote from: Reillers on March 12, 2009, 09:15:39 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 12, 2009, 09:04:46 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 12, 2009, 07:19:18 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 12, 2009, 05:58:38 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:20:28 PM
Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on March 12, 2009, 05:17:11 PM
Quote from: deiseach on March 12, 2009, 05:12:59 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 12, 2009, 05:08:26 PM

I notic you didn't revisit my reply on duff last time.

If duff were already contracted to RBS and newcastle signed him they'd have to buy out his deal with RBS if they wanted him to stop personally endorsing them.

The players had the deal with energise long before the County board tried to hijack it

I didn't revisit it because bingobus did with his Monaghan / VW example.

I doubt they could stop him PERSONALLY endorsing RBS (although why they'd sign him knowing he did, I don't know) any more than they can stop him banking there. However, they could stop him wearing their logos in his role as a Newcastle United player.

Well exactly.

He would be free to endorse products as an individual but when involved in whatever capacity with Newcastle United he is required strictly to use and promote their own sponsors.

If we want to get into the minuti of it, duff's contract with newcastle with stipulate the parameters of club endorsements and his obligations in that regard. You could even go as far as saying that his salary negotiations probably involved this detail.

GAA players sign no such contracts and have no such obligations

Its called an unwritten rule Gaa. You respect the jersey you wear and the people who gave it to you by adhereing to the rules. The little things you know. 
I can't imagine Alan Brogan going out to play for Dublin with his own sponsor on the jersey instead arnotts. The Dublin football team all wear predators, because they have a deal with them. Will adidas run onto the pitch to take puma boots off them if they are wearing them-no, but they'll get a friendly reminder from adidas as to who calls the tune. Could the players still tell them to f*** off- yes - will they no- why? common courtesy.
You're not going to see Alan Brogan promoting puma king boots. could he do so if he wished- yes. Will he -no. Why? because its called common courtesy. Down in Cork that counts for something else apparently.
Down in cork- its I'll wear whatever boots I want, I'll drink whatever energy drink I want and I'll arrange my own sponsorship deals and give two fingers to the county board, the grassroots and everyone else I claim to represent.

Everything these lads have done is so they can play in the jersey - If they can trouser 250k per annum thats a bonus

what abuse Sean Og would get from a few in the crowd of opposing teams each season - He doesn't have a monopoly on racist abuse - Jason Sherlock (himself no stranger to commercial endorsements) has been on the receiving end for nigh on fifteen years - he hasn't used it as an excuse to stike

Apparently bringing up personal finances and such is ok and justified for the context, something which is none of yere business at all - As a member of the GAA it most certainly is my business when the cancer that is the GPA steals money from my fellow members and clubs and puts it into the pocket of a professional mercenary

They've had to put up with the bully boy tactics from the CB for years, they've been the only ones who've stood up to them, the players, all the players from the GPA not just the Cork players - You've spent 350 pages telling us the GPA have absolutely no involvement whatsover - lies and flip flop flip flop

Ye've no idea how desperate the players were to get back in the jersey - so desperate they'd round up a mob (and we all seen how that ended) and snub the funeral of the mother of an erstwhile colleague?

They didn't just go and train, money from their own pocket - I know these lads are paid to play but do they want paying to train as well?

You are a disgrace.

So because the abuse that he doesn't have a monopoly on racist abuse and the fact he didn't use it in this arguement, well that's ok then. Good to see where you stand on that. He never used it as a reason to stop playing.

It's f**k all of your businesss, the GPA have also done a lot of good work, but f**k them as well right. You've haven't a clue what the whole story is so stop acting like you do.
Oh great so, apparently now the players sent a mob around is it. Apparently now the Cork fans are a mob.
You're calling me a liar again for no reason. I said the GPA have nothing to do with THIS arguement, the Powerade agreement is nothing to do with this arguement, of course you inaccuratley paraphrasing me again. Apparently you think you've the right to do that as well. Apparently you are above the rules of this board.
They are not paid to play Heffo, continue posting these disgracefully inaccurate posts and they will be reported. You're hate is clear, you've feck all respect for anyone.
Accusations with no backing. When training with a county you idiot the players don't pay for use of the ground and such, they did over the past few months.
According to you the abuse Sean Og gets is ok because he doesn't have the monopoly..good to see what kind of person you are.
Apparently you think you've got the right to go on about players personal finances because apparently it's your business.
And apparently Cork fans are just a mob and the players are responsible for everything that every individual does in the county.

Who the hell do you think you are.
Above the rules, if you want to go bitch and wum, go do it somewhere else where you can read and enjoy your imaginary newspapers, adds and papers. All of which you have justified in your responses.
Unfound, unbacked, unproved facts, lies, abuse..etc. Who the hell do you think you are.

Keep the head now Reillers.

I never said any abuse (racist or otherwise) was justified - it's completely unjustified - simply that it's entirely irrelevant to the issue at hand.

The GAA is a democratic membership based organisation Reillers - that makes it my business - this isn't the Premiership no matter how much so of your lot want it to be..

Unfortunately I believe the GPA are less about hot showers after training for the Donegal hurlers and more about extensions on the summer houses in the sun for it's elite members.


john considine new manager   just announced on rte


At a meeting of the Cork County Board tonight, delegates voted to appoint Under-21 boss John Considine and his selection team as the Cork senior hurling interim management.

In a secret ballot, delegates voted by 77 to 39 in favour of the Under-21 management ahead of former senior boss Donal O'Grady for a maximum of two games.

Two people abstained from voting, while there were three spoiled ballots.

However, it is as yet unclear if the Under-21 management are interested in taking over the senior hurlers in a caretaker capacity.

In a forty-minute discussion, delegates considered the composition of a committee to appoint Gerald McCarthy's permanent successor.


Quote from: tyronefan on March 12, 2009, 10:56:16 PM
john considine new manager   just announced on rte

Would have prefered Donal O Grady myself but there wasn't a chance in hell the Cb were going to bring him back.

Considine and co in charge for the League games, he's had a terrible record, wouldn't have been my first pick at all.

Donal O'Grady would have been the better choice but no doubt seen as too close to the players for the liking of the CCB.

Here we are yet again back to where we started.

The delegates are now on a lead from their clubs and it's clear now that they will make things as hard as they possibly can for the players and when it comes to decisions like Considine or O Grady, they will vote for whichever the players were prefer least.