McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 10:49:38 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 10:46:06 PM
Quote from: tyronefan on March 10, 2009, 10:42:16 PM
How did he make his bed   he was offered the job and he took it  you need to be looking at the CCB  which is where you should have been looking in the first place

He knew when he took it the second time that this would happen. He stayed in the job during all of this and refused to step aside, he knew that this was a very real possibility yet he stayed in the job, like I said, he made his bed.

Totally unrepentant - I think you're really enjoying tonight Reillers - great result for you isn't it ? Credit where it's due Reillers, you didn't take it lying down !

So because a genuine Cork hurling legend accepts the honour of managing his county and not abiding by the wishes of the mercenaries, he deserves anything that comes his way?? You and your boys got what you wanted and you certainly didn't take it lying down - I wonder were any of the people making these threats inspired by Reillers comments here?


Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 10:54:37 PM
Quote from: EddieMerx on March 10, 2009, 10:51:31 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 10:46:06 PM
Quote from: tyronefan on March 10, 2009, 10:42:16 PM
How did he make his bed   he was offered the job and he took it  you need to be looking at the CCB  which is where you should have been looking in the first place

He knew when he took it the second time that this would happen. He stayed in the job during all of this and refused to step aside, he knew that this was a very real possibility yet he stayed in the job, like I said, he made his bed.

How you can condone what happened is crazy! Criminal acts were committed

It is, and I'm not, but he would have seen it coming.

He would have seen that in continuing as manager he could expect to have his life threatened by a mob whipped up the strikers and that the same GPA ringleaders who eulogised about him in July and hugged him in front of the cameras would snub his mothers funeral?


Quote from: Reillers on March 11, 2009, 12:44:04 AM

But Donal O Grady has been thrown around as well as has apparently Brian Corcoran which I think would be very unlikely and a bad idea.

And I'm just waiting for the first anti players/clubs/fans/journos..etc to come on and say something about whatever Donal Og and co. wants..just waiting.

Would that be the same Donal Og who lost three county finals in a row as coach? I can't think of a better man to hold the honour..


Quote from: Reillers on March 11, 2009, 01:24:17 AM
Go ask Om, he'll know, so will Skull actually I think they were the two main lads for it, go look at the first 100 pages of this forum.

I will post more in the morning when I get a chance, couldn't be bothered looking now. But I think you'll find that there were a hell of a lot of negative opinion pieces and negative anti player articles around till before the press conference.

Reillers is of course right. I did make defamatory comments about certain ringleaders referring to the fact that I believed that they had one eye on themselves winning for Cork and the other on what could be gained from themselves being involved whilst winning for Cork. I said it because I believe it. This just isn't a "pastime anymore for some". It's business and a pretty dirty one at that. I believe that their greed (yes I chose that word specifically) for success/to be involved with Cork has driven them to do what they have done when walking away was a very real option for those who were not happy with "democracy". They and they alone will have to live with the bad karma they have created in Cork and beyond. I'm totally sick with disgust.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


MC CARTHY SHOCKER Colm Key's headline - Colm exerted as much pressure as anybody in this debacle through his sensational headlines and criticism of Mc Carthy in an effort to oust him on behalf of the 2008 panel. Well done Colm - job well done !!! Excellent journalism.

McCarthy: My life was threatened

By Colm Keys

Wednesday March 11 2009

Gerald McCarthy has stepped down as Cork hurling manager because of a threat to his life which is now in the hands of gardai, he said last night.

In an explosive statement, McCarthy said the final straw for him came when his father, who is in his mid 80s, pleaded with him to step down after the latest threat.

McCarthy said the ongoing threats and abuse he and his family have had to endure in recent weeks were "one of two tipping points" that have brought him to his decision.

He also claimed last night that "apparent advice" was given to the 2008 players not to attend the recent funeral of his mother, something he says "devastated his father and family".If such advice was given, it would be a serious escalation of the four-and-a half-month-old crisis.

McCarthy is understood to have confronted one of the 2008 players on this issue at the recent attempt by Croke Park to bring about a peaceful settlement.

"It reflects a lack of human warmth that we will never understand. The fact that the advice was ignored by some of the panel was deeply appreciated by us and those players who attended the removal or the funeral will testify to the welcome they received from my father, from me and the rest of the McCarthy family," he said.

McCarthy, who informed the 2009 squad of his decision at a planned training session in Mallow last night, said he could no longer expect his family to withstand the pressure as they have done and expose themselves to possible risk.

"A few days ago my father, who is in his mid-80s, pleaded with me to step down after one of my sons, in my absence abroad, received the latest threat against me. The threat against my life which has been referred to the gardai, is the latest in a sequence of threats and abuse, random or organised I do not know, which I and my family members have had to endure over the past few months," the statement said.

"Given the kind of vitriol at recent public meetings and indeed in some media commentary, it is hardly surprising that thugs have attached themselves to the 'cause' of the 2008 hurlers."

McCarthy was unwavering in his conviction that he took on his battle for the right reasons and remained convinced that if there had been a third vote he would not have been removed.

"I am quite confident that after two overwhelming endorsements, a third vote would not have removed me at County Board level.

"However, only my resignation, apparently, will allow the best group of Cork hurlers to take the field.

"While the latter objective is very desirable, that outcome should not be confused with the future health of Cork hurling or its direction in the coming years."

McCarthy still feels a resolution could have come if the players had entered dialogue, something he feels he was always willing to do.

He rejected criticism of the County Board and accused the players of "dishonouring" the Cork jersey by using it was a weapon and a threat.

He again suggested that the players' stance was indicative of a pay-for-play agenda that he feels is coming down the tracks.

Among those tipped to make the shortlist to replace McCarthy are former managers John Allen and Bertie Og Murphy and 1990 captain Tomas Mulcahy, although it would be no surprise if the choice went beyond them with an announcement expected tomorrow.

At last night's information meeting, Cork chairman Jerry O'Sullivan declared the Mulvey arbitration document agreed upon to broker resolution last February "null and void". This document guaranteed two places on a seven-man appointments committee for the players but also bound them not go on strike again.

- Colm Keys


This whoole episode has made and should have made every genuine gaa supporter/follower sick to the pit of their stomach. The real motivations behind the strike are elluded to in Skulls post and I also believe that he is correct.

Every GAA supporter for the rest of the summer should think seriously about what these cork lads have brought to our association and the disgrace that they have cast apon it.

If the CCB had any bottle now they would appoint a manager who will keep the 2009 panel in place and let the 2008 panel twist in the wind. They should have to pay with a season of county hurling at least for the treachery and down right disgusting behaviour that they have been engaged in for the last few months.


What would the 08 players stance be if a new manager decides that he dosent want some of the older players on his panel (E.g Donal Og, Sean Og, Diarmuid O sullivan, Ben and Jerry o Connor) for various reasons such as a new manager might feel they are not up to inter county evel anymore or thay are a bad influence on the younger payers, it wouldnt really matter for what reasons as a manager dosent have to explain the selections of his panel. Would the remaining 08 players join this new panel or do all the striking players have to be included in a new panel for the strike to be over??


I agree that the Cork players of 2008 are a hard bunch to get behind, but in this particular instance, right is right. The County Board engineered this conflict from the start, and underestimated, as we all did I'd say (apart from Reillers), the staying power of the 2008 panel.

There are many reasons why someone would say that the players need to have manners put upon them, or could at least argue that, but what the County Board did here in being deliberately antagonistic, and then in manipulating votes, or ignoring the voice of the clubs in Cork is much more serious, and much more of a disgrace to the association in my view.

The players might be right, or they might be wrong. But the County Board have abused their power, and disregarded the constituents of their County. That makes THEIR position untenable.

If this just peeters out now, with Ger Mc gone, then I believe THAT will be the biggest disgrace of all, and the biggest indictment of the Clubs, and to a lesser extent the players.


What do you think ??? The 2008 panel have done this in order to save Cork hurling from going down the tubes. They're honourable, honest and decent men who will make no demands of any new manager and will be flexible in their approach.

But God help him if he doesn't pick the shop stewards !

But I don't think that this will be an issue.

Paul O'Connor is the initial leading candidate to replace McCarthy as Cork manager. The next league match is not until March 22nd against Clare, but the man who guided UCC to the Fitzgibbon Cup title last Saturday has already been tipped to take the returning 2008 panel into this summer's Munster championship – which opens against Tipperary on May 31st in Thurles.
A member of Seán Óg Ó hAilpín and John Gardiner's club, Na Piarsaigh, O'Connor won a county title with them in 1995, training them to their third crown in 2004 but it is an excellent record with UCC, as both a player and coach, that really embellishes his reputation.


McCarthy said the final straw for him came when his father, who is in his mid 80s, pleaded with him to step down after the latest threat.

McCarthy said the ongoing threats and abuse he and his family have had to endure in recent weeks were "one of two tipping points" that have brought him to his decision.

He also claimed last night that "apparent advice" was given to the 2008 players not to attend the recent funeral of his mother, something he says "devastated his father and family".

The 2008 lads are certainly decent, honourable and honest  men. I know it's not a pleasant subject to talk about but this is just pathetic. A boycott of Gerald's mother's funeral is just about as low as they could go.

Absolutely pathetic and how they could defend themselves from no going to a funeral is mindblowing. There is no decency in this bunch. And the shop steward who dreamed this tactic up can certainly be proud of his work.


I'm not from Cork and I'm not a hurler so by no means an authority on this matter but two things jump out at me from today's developments. Firstly I feel that it would be a very foolish man to take on the Cork hurlers mid-season with the two-way resentment that is flooding through Cork at the moment. Whoever takes over will be just bailing water out of a badly damaged vessels. Next October or November would be a good time to be appointed to the job, so the quality of candidate willing to take the job at present could be surprisingly poor.

Secondly, the links people make between the GPA and the 08 hurlers (which I think are very obvious) have done the GPA no good whatsoever and the cack-handed way that the GPA got involved was damaging too. However, I feel that the current economic down turn (disaster) in Ireland, is going to completely alter the high ground the the GPA have put themselves on recently. Basically the GPA and many of the top players have gone from making all sorts of demands from the organisation and striking over grants to having a succession of county managers pleading in the press to try and secure employment for their players. The mighty have fallen a long way in a very short space of time. I think this recession will knock the GAA back ten years in terms of players expectations at least.

magpie seanie

I hope they are happy now. No matter what, Gerald McCarthy did not deserve this disgusting treatment and the 2008 panel are directly responsible. I'm sick in the pit of my stomach about it.

This is not the end of course. Something else will be wrong next week. The county board should appoint Donal Óg as manager and let him make a start on the ten in a row championships these geniuses will undoubtedly win.


Quote from: theskull1 on March 11, 2009, 09:01:12 AM
Quote from: Reillers on March 11, 2009, 01:24:17 AM
Go ask Om, he'll know, so will Skull actually I think they were the two main lads for it, go look at the first 100 pages of this forum.

I will post more in the morning when I get a chance, couldn't be bothered looking now. But I think you'll find that there were a hell of a lot of negative opinion pieces and negative anti player articles around till before the press conference.

Reillers is of course right. I did make defamatory comments about certain ringleaders referring to the fact that I believed that they had one eye on themselves winning for Cork and the other on what could be gained from themselves being involved whilst winning for Cork. I said it because I believe it. This just isn't a "pastime anymore for some". It's business and a pretty dirty one at that. I believe that their greed (yes I chose that word specifically) for success/to be involved with Cork has driven them to do what they have done when walking away was a very real option for those who were not happy with "democracy". They and they alone will have to live with the bad karma they have created in Cork and beyond. I'm totally sick with disgust.

You're entitled to your opinion Skull, mine is that it is just as likely if not more that Mc Carthy's (x2) motives were financial and Ger stepped down now not because of threats from anyone but because the heat was turned on his paymaster. How come this man of principle chose now to step down now when he stuck out the 'death threats' for month's?

I'll be sick to my stomach if the real villain here scuttles off into the long grass to continued his plotting. This can't stop now.
Don't Panic


How come this man of principle chose now to step down now when he stuck out the 'death threats' for month's?

The death threats were made just last week for your information.


Quote from: passedit on March 11, 2009, 09:36:55 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on March 11, 2009, 09:01:12 AM
Quote from: Reillers on March 11, 2009, 01:24:17 AM
Go ask Om, he'll know, so will Skull actually I think they were the two main lads for it, go look at the first 100 pages of this forum.

I will post more in the morning when I get a chance, couldn't be bothered looking now. But I think you'll find that there were a hell of a lot of negative opinion pieces and negative anti player articles around till before the press conference.

Reillers is of course right. I did make defamatory comments about certain ringleaders referring to the fact that I believed that they had one eye on themselves winning for Cork and the other on what could be gained from themselves being involved whilst winning for Cork. I said it because I believe it. This just isn't a "pastime anymore for some". It's business and a pretty dirty one at that. I believe that their greed (yes I chose that word specifically) for success/to be involved with Cork has driven them to do what they have done when walking away was a very real option for those who were not happy with "democracy". They and they alone will have to live with the bad karma they have created in Cork and beyond. I'm totally sick with disgust.

You're entitled to your opinion Skull, mine is that it is just as likely if not more that Mc Carthy's (x2) motives were financial

What's the potential financial motives of Teddy - I'm aware of the potential conflict of interest regarding Ger - pm me please if you don't want to post it..