McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: dowling on March 10, 2009, 08:52:33 PM
Quote from: Zulu on March 10, 2009, 08:25:06 PM
I stopped reading alot of the posts over the past few days but I find ironic that the posters who for so long talked about democracy now claim that it is in fact 'mob rule'. A good number of posters are showing their true colours here over these past few days, I hope I would have shown a lot more class had the clubs voted to support the CB, whatever about Reillers posts some longtime posters here have really let themselves down. The GAA people of Cork have made their decision in a democratic manner, time for people to accept this fact and move on.

It was pointed out that the several meetings taking place had no offical standing within the structure of the GAA and the decisions reached came on the back of emotional blackmail of the county, also outside the structure of the GAA. When achieving a result by unconstitutional means that is 'mob rule'. Now you might not like that but by definition that's what it is. There is ample procedure within GAA structures to address and change anything.

If you believe that what has taken place is democracy and justified then you'll have to approve of any desire to use it in future.
Those of us who have opposed this 'strike' from the start not only understood what was going on but that there would be consequences from it if it were to be successful.

The closet thing to democracy would have been the players address their concerns through their clubs. They couldn't do that, it would never have worked? Well we'll never know but what we will know is they never tried.

As for you Reillers you have continually been on here talking about abusers. I have never heard Gerald abuse anyone, I haven't heard anyone from the county board abuse anyone and I certainly haven't abused anyone.
I don't for one minute believe your posts are unintentional. You've tried to slight and smear everyone from Gerald to the posters here who have opposed your view. I have constantly questioned the abuse and use of language directed towards me on this board and explained I never felt the need to be likewise.
So Reillers use whatever language you like towards me but here's the challange;
Put up just one post where I have been abusive to you or personally abusive to anyone else.
And when you find you can't do that please refrain from the accusations. The battle is over even if Cork GAA lost the war.
If any of your fellow pro posters had any decency they would challange you to stop the accusations. We'll see what happens.

What about the insults he threw at Sean Og, what about the insults about the younger players, too young to make up their own minds..etc.
I can't remember the players insulting Gerald, calling his training mickey mouse like is one thing, but never insulting him like you suggest.
You're one to talk. Ye, the anti player brigade have insulted everyone and anyone that has shown support for the players.
The journos have no integrity at all, they are just interested in writting biographies, and not doing their jobs.
The fans are just abusive soccer like fans.
The clubs, all for the mob ruling, GPA leading and my personal favourite, several hundred people being led by 3 or 4 players. Oh and then of course, apparently now the clubs love their players who are their idols (out of all the things the anti players posters on here have posted that is one of the most revealing to how much they know on the situation, if they were anyway closely involved with the Cork GAA, they'd know that some clubs who resented the players, had them fighting within themselves because of fixtures and such.)
The players who have done nothing to suggest this, apparently want to rule everything in Cork GAA.
And FM is suddenly a poor old 65 year old OAP who gets unfair abuse.
And suddenly after calls for democracy, when there is democracy, suddenly it's a mob rule.

Dowling I don't remember ever saying that you were abusive towards me, no, don't think I ever did, and nor do I care who was.

"The battle is over even if Cork GAA lost the war."

You couldn't find a more backwards post if you tried.


Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 09:01:58 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:57:16 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 08:51:14 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:48:08 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 08:30:15 PM
The GAA people of Cork have made their decision in a democratic manner, time for people to accept this fact and move on.

As far as I know the delegates at the last CB meeting voted in large numbers in favour of Mc Carthy.

The 2008 panel have used all means available to them in order to drive Gerald out.

Tonight Gerald Mc Carthy has stepped down citing threats to him and his family of physical violence. A shameful end to a shameful episode in Cork GAA.

He didn't deserve the apparent abuse he's got

I expected some revisionism but they're now denying that he was even abused - did you personally make any threats of violence towards him?
I don't know of anyone who has abused him like that Heffo. And as for the last bit.
How dare you even ask, what the hell gives you the right.

From Reillers:

"they think we'll take this lying down"

You've also blackguarded anyone who's disagreed with Donal Og and have gotten pretty hot under the collar and lost your temper and reason at times..

I'm not suggesting for a second you did, I simply asked so the question could be ruled out..

How has that anything to do with Donal Og? Again all talk and no backing.


Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:56:02 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 08:48:28 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:35:01 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 08:25:30 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:14:27 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 08:04:35 PM
He is a legend of a player and didn't deserve the so called grief he got from "fans

Fans like yourself !!!!!!! You can include yourself in that. Marching round Cork and taking swings at Gerald, FM, the CB executive ( apart from Sully who has only been there 5 seconds  :D :D :D :D ) and all who dare to disagree with you.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

You must be delighted tonight Reillers - crack open the champagne - Cork hurling has been saved - alright it took a few auld threats to a 63 year old man and his family to get there, but hey, all's fair in love and war - right ???

The journos, sure all of this is thanks to pressure from journos

Expect those sympathetic 'journos' to take their rightful in Caeser's Donal Og's court - exclusive's, biograhies etc will be shorn upon them..

1. Ye really have no respect for anyone.

2. Fans, well known hardcore fans, the best travelling and home support fans in the country

3. The CB is well run organisation, actually wait no, it's not, but it's the clubs fault. they are ALL being led by a few players on a string, ye think that little of the clubs


1. Not that I believe the GPA ringleaders could care less, but I've been consistent in where those players lost my respect - when they trousered the powerade/lucozade money and the clubs lost money as a result - I've already posted this and you chose to ignore it - but for the purpose of clarification - do you accept that the CCC had a sponsorship deal which was cancelled when the players personal deal conflicted and uncharacteristically the players threatened to strike if the CCB deal stayed in place - thats why I've no respect for them.

2. I'm not going to turn this onto Cork fans ( a lot of whom I count among my friends) who bring great colour and atmosphere to games - but going back 26 years of attending games in Cork, I've never been to a Dublin game in Pairc Ui Rinn or Pairc Ui Caoimh where Dublin supporters haven't outnumbered the home support - I'll also point out that there were TWO Cork supporters at the NFL game v Roscommon in Kiltoom last year - so you may want to revise your description above

3. I made the very suggestion thats happening now and resulted in Ger Mac's resignation - club empowerment, votes of no-confidence and was told emphatically by Passedit & yourself that it was impossible - the clubs were terrified and there wasn't an honest delegate to be found in all of Cork - so if you check the raimis you posted, you'll find it was in fact you who 'thought so little of the clubs'..
1.Oh GPA ringleaders here we go again..that was as part of members of the GPA. (The same GPA who no longer except that players should be treated like crap and merchandise, they also do more work with very weak counties, more so then the GAA) but you said you saw them everytime you left the house, turned on the tv and opened a paper. None of which you've been able to nearly prove.
2.I've got to ask what matches you've been at then Heffo, hurling or football? I cannot remember the last time Cork hurling fans were outnumbred at home. And were you not one (I stand fully corrected if I'm wrong and I apologise if I am but) who called the fans soccer like.
3.I still can't believe it happened and the only reason it did was because the CB so blatantly insulted the clubs, basically saying we don't give a f**k what ye think, we've all the power.

1. What work do the GPA do with 'weak counties'? I know they're pretty good working up strong bank balances..

2. Mainly football, but several hurling too - off the top of my head - more Dubs down there last year for the hurling last two games, every football game since the AI semi replay in '83 - I'm not going to let you could the issue by trying to get me to attack Cork supporters, but you might edit your description of Cork supporters as the best travelling supporters in the country. I've never used the soccer fans analogy (my own county has enough trouble in that regard)

3. So you're admitting that I was 100% correct  regarding club empowerment and that you were 100% wrong - regardless of whether or not you 'can't believe it or not'?? - please don't ignore this crucial point...


QuoteIt was pointed out that the several meetings taking place had no offical standing within the structure of the GAA and the decisions reached came on the back of emotional blackmail of the county, also outside the structure of the GAA. When achieving a result by unconstitutional means that is 'mob rule'. Now you might not like that but by definition that's what it is. There is ample procedure within GAA structures to address and change anything.

What does offical standing mean? The clubs of the county got together and held meetings in which their members freely expressed their opinion and that opinion was in favour of the palyers, now you may not like that but that is democracy at work. What has happened is unfortunate but the will of the Cork public was expressed by clear and unambigous means. Lads those of you trying to paint this as undemocratic have lost all credibility, the one thing it was was democratic. Anyway the decision has been made so all this arguing is pure waffle, if you boys want to call it 'mob rule' go on ahead, me, I think I'll wait and see how this pans out and hopefully Cork GAA folk will be able to put this behind them and move on. I've a feeling they will and you won't have to wait too long before they are winning AI's in both codes.


Quote from: Zulu on March 10, 2009, 09:08:03 PM
QuoteIt was pointed out that the several meetings taking place had no offical standing within the structure of the GAA and the decisions reached came on the back of emotional blackmail of the county, also outside the structure of the GAA. When achieving a result by unconstitutional means that is 'mob rule'. Now you might not like that but by definition that's what it is. There is ample procedure within GAA structures to address and change anything.

What does offical standing mean? The clubs of the county got together and held meetings in which their members freely expressed their opinion and that opinion was in favour of the palyers, now you may not like that but that is democracy at work. What has happened is unfortunate but the will of the Cork public was expressed by clear and unambigous means. Lads those of you trying to paint this as undemocratic have lost all credibility, the one thing it was was democratic. Anyway the decision has been made so all this arguing is pure waffle, if you boys want to call it 'mob rule' go on ahead, me, I think I'll wait and see how this pans out and hopefully Cork GAA folk will be able to put this behind them and move on. I've a feeling they will and you won't have to wait too long before they are winning AI's in both codes.

I think they'll have their hands full even winning Munster titles for the next few years. Tipp have a production line of young players on the way. Cork don't or at least not to the same extent and Donal Og and the lads are not getting any younger.

The footballers probably have a better chance but have to get over their own mental block with Kerry first.


Quote from: Zulu on March 10, 2009, 09:08:03 PM
QuoteIt was pointed out that the several meetings taking place had no offical standing within the structure of the GAA and the decisions reached came on the back of emotional blackmail of the county, also outside the structure of the GAA. When achieving a result by unconstitutional means that is 'mob rule'. Now you might not like that but by definition that's what it is. There is ample procedure within GAA structures to address and change anything.

What does offical standing mean? The clubs of the county got together and held meetings in which their members freely expressed their opinion and that opinion was in favour of the palyers, now you may not like that but that is democracy at work. What has happened is unfortunate but the will of the Cork public was expressed by clear and unambigous means. Lads those of you trying to paint this as undemocratic have lost all credibility, the one thing it was was democratic. Anyway the decision has been made so all this arguing is pure waffle, if you boys want to call it 'mob rule' go on ahead, me, I think I'll wait and see how this pans out and hopefully Cork GAA folk will be able to put this behind them and move on. I've a feeling they will and you won't have to wait too long before they are winning AI's in both codes.

Ok so, the citizens of Ireland can call a series of meetings and call a motion of No confidence on FF and Brian Cowen. Is that enough in a democratic system to remove them?


Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 09:07:33 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:56:02 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 08:48:28 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:35:01 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 08:25:30 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:14:27 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 08:04:35 PM
He is a legend of a player and didn't deserve the so called grief he got from "fans

Fans like yourself !!!!!!! You can include yourself in that. Marching round Cork and taking swings at Gerald, FM, the CB executive ( apart from Sully who has only been there 5 seconds  :D :D :D :D ) and all who dare to disagree with you.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

You must be delighted tonight Reillers - crack open the champagne - Cork hurling has been saved - alright it took a few auld threats to a 63 year old man and his family to get there, but hey, all's fair in love and war - right ???

The journos, sure all of this is thanks to pressure from journos

Expect those sympathetic 'journos' to take their rightful in Caeser's Donal Og's court - exclusive's, biograhies etc will be shorn upon them..

1. Ye really have no respect for anyone.

2. Fans, well known hardcore fans, the best travelling and home support fans in the country

3. The CB is well run organisation, actually wait no, it's not, but it's the clubs fault. they are ALL being led by a few players on a string, ye think that little of the clubs


1. Not that I believe the GPA ringleaders could care less, but I've been consistent in where those players lost my respect - when they trousered the powerade/lucozade money and the clubs lost money as a result - I've already posted this and you chose to ignore it - but for the purpose of clarification - do you accept that the CCC had a sponsorship deal which was cancelled when the players personal deal conflicted and uncharacteristically the players threatened to strike if the CCB deal stayed in place - thats why I've no respect for them.

2. I'm not going to turn this onto Cork fans ( a lot of whom I count among my friends) who bring great colour and atmosphere to games - but going back 26 years of attending games in Cork, I've never been to a Dublin game in Pairc Ui Rinn or Pairc Ui Caoimh where Dublin supporters haven't outnumbered the home support - I'll also point out that there were TWO Cork supporters at the NFL game v Roscommon in Kiltoom last year - so you may want to revise your description above

3. I made the very suggestion thats happening now and resulted in Ger Mac's resignation - club empowerment, votes of no-confidence and was told emphatically by Passedit & yourself that it was impossible - the clubs were terrified and there wasn't an honest delegate to be found in all of Cork - so if you check the raimis you posted, you'll find it was in fact you who 'thought so little of the clubs'..
1.Oh GPA ringleaders here we go again..that was as part of members of the GPA. (The same GPA who no longer except that players should be treated like crap and merchandise, they also do more work with very weak counties, more so then the GAA) but you said you saw them everytime you left the house, turned on the tv and opened a paper. None of which you've been able to nearly prove.
2.I've got to ask what matches you've been at then Heffo, hurling or football? I cannot remember the last time Cork hurling fans were outnumbred at home. And were you not one (I stand fully corrected if I'm wrong and I apologise if I am but) who called the fans soccer like.
3.I still can't believe it happened and the only reason it did was because the CB so blatantly insulted the clubs, basically saying we don't give a f**k what ye think, we've all the power.

1. What work do the GPA do with 'weak counties'? I know they're pretty good working up strong bank balances..

2. Mainly football, but several hurling too - off the top of my head - more Dubs down there last year for the hurling last two games, every football game since the AI semi replay in '83 - I'm not going to let you could the issue by trying to get me to attack Cork supporters, but you might edit your description of Cork supporters as the best travelling supporters in the country. I've never used the soccer fans analogy (my own county has enough trouble in that regard)

3. So you're admitting that I was 100% correct  regarding club empowerment and that you were 100% wrong - regardless of whether or not you 'can't believe it or not'?? - please don't ignore this crucial point...

Are you kidding me. Well actually you wouldn't know would you because you are too busy abusing them and looking for 2 year old articles.

1.There's a twinning programe in the GPA a strong county is put with a weak county. Donal Og and Sully worked with Newry, a club up north, they sent a letter to the examiner praising the players to the heavens. Nothing but praise for their outstanding work.
What bank accounts, more talk about personal finances is it Heffo?
2. Mainly football, thought so. They are the best travelling hurling fans in the county and it's been said many times before.
3. I'm admitting what now?
I genuinely didn't think that the clubs would have any interest in backing the players because they wouldn't want to stand up to the Cb because of the possible ramifications as it happened before. But the CB insulted them one too many times, the Clubs would not have reacted the way they did if the CB basically didn't say that they didn't give a damn what the clubs thought, I was genuinely surprised what hapepend. I'm surprised it got to the stage where the clubs would stand up the way they did.
What ye are saying is that ye think that 2 or 3 players are leading the hundreds of members of the clubs on a string, and suddenly the democracy ye were demanding is suddenly mob rule.


Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 09:22:29 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 09:07:33 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:56:02 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 08:48:28 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:35:01 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 08:25:30 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:14:27 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 08:04:35 PM
He is a legend of a player and didn't deserve the so called grief he got from "fans

Fans like yourself !!!!!!! You can include yourself in that. Marching round Cork and taking swings at Gerald, FM, the CB executive ( apart from Sully who has only been there 5 seconds  :D :D :D :D ) and all who dare to disagree with you.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

You must be delighted tonight Reillers - crack open the champagne - Cork hurling has been saved - alright it took a few auld threats to a 63 year old man and his family to get there, but hey, all's fair in love and war - right ???

The journos, sure all of this is thanks to pressure from journos

Expect those sympathetic 'journos' to take their rightful in Caeser's Donal Og's court - exclusive's, biograhies etc will be shorn upon them..

1. Ye really have no respect for anyone.

2. Fans, well known hardcore fans, the best travelling and home support fans in the country

3. The CB is well run organisation, actually wait no, it's not, but it's the clubs fault. they are ALL being led by a few players on a string, ye think that little of the clubs


1. Not that I believe the GPA ringleaders could care less, but I've been consistent in where those players lost my respect - when they trousered the powerade/lucozade money and the clubs lost money as a result - I've already posted this and you chose to ignore it - but for the purpose of clarification - do you accept that the CCC had a sponsorship deal which was cancelled when the players personal deal conflicted and uncharacteristically the players threatened to strike if the CCB deal stayed in place - thats why I've no respect for them.

2. I'm not going to turn this onto Cork fans ( a lot of whom I count among my friends) who bring great colour and atmosphere to games - but going back 26 years of attending games in Cork, I've never been to a Dublin game in Pairc Ui Rinn or Pairc Ui Caoimh where Dublin supporters haven't outnumbered the home support - I'll also point out that there were TWO Cork supporters at the NFL game v Roscommon in Kiltoom last year - so you may want to revise your description above

3. I made the very suggestion thats happening now and resulted in Ger Mac's resignation - club empowerment, votes of no-confidence and was told emphatically by Passedit & yourself that it was impossible - the clubs were terrified and there wasn't an honest delegate to be found in all of Cork - so if you check the raimis you posted, you'll find it was in fact you who 'thought so little of the clubs'..
1.Oh GPA ringleaders here we go again..that was as part of members of the GPA. (The same GPA who no longer except that players should be treated like crap and merchandise, they also do more work with very weak counties, more so then the GAA) but you said you saw them everytime you left the house, turned on the tv and opened a paper. None of which you've been able to nearly prove.
2.I've got to ask what matches you've been at then Heffo, hurling or football? I cannot remember the last time Cork hurling fans were outnumbred at home. And were you not one (I stand fully corrected if I'm wrong and I apologise if I am but) who called the fans soccer like.
3.I still can't believe it happened and the only reason it did was because the CB so blatantly insulted the clubs, basically saying we don't give a f**k what ye think, we've all the power.

1. What work do the GPA do with 'weak counties'? I know they're pretty good working up strong bank balances..

2. Mainly football, but several hurling too - off the top of my head - more Dubs down there last year for the hurling last two games, every football game since the AI semi replay in '83 - I'm not going to let you could the issue by trying to get me to attack Cork supporters, but you might edit your description of Cork supporters as the best travelling supporters in the country. I've never used the soccer fans analogy (my own county has enough trouble in that regard)

3. So you're admitting that I was 100% correct  regarding club empowerment and that you were 100% wrong - regardless of whether or not you 'can't believe it or not'?? - please don't ignore this crucial point...

Are you kidding me. Well actually you wouldn't know would you because you are too busy abusing them and looking for 2 year old articles.

1.There's a twinning programe in the GPA a strong county is put with a weak county. Donal Og and Sully worked with Newry, a club up north, they sent a letter to the examiner praising the players to the heavens. Nothing but praise for their outstanding work.
What bank accounts, more talk about personal finances is it Heffo?
2. Mainly football, thought so. They are the best travelling hurling fans in the county and it's been said many times before.
3. I'm admitting what now?
I genuinely didn't think that the clubs would have any interest in backing the players because they wouldn't want to stand up to the Cb because of the possible ramifications as it happened before. But the CB insulted them one too many times, the Clubs would not have reacted the way they did if the CB basically didn't say that they didn't give a damn what the clubs thought, I was genuinely surprised what hapepend. I'm surprised it got to the stage where the clubs would stand up the way they did.
What ye are saying is that ye think that 2 or 3 players are leading the hundreds of members of the clubs on a string, and suddenly the democracy ye were demanding is suddenly mob rule.

1. The players wrote a letter into the Examiner praising themselves? I'm well aware the twinning programme - I've heard very mixed opinions on it - certainly not enough to conclude that the GPA in between lining elite players pockets, has done more work in weak counties than the GAA has..

2. Will you edit your description of 'Cork GAA fans are the best travelling fans in the country' to read 'Cork hurling fans' so..

3. Regardless of whether you're surprised or not - I was 100% right and you were 100% wrong - there is no way the clubs can empower themselves you said - all the clubs are terrified of the pensioner with the combover..


what amazes me is that mccarthy stayed around so long. it was a no win situtation from the start and there are no winners here. tho i'm glad to see gerald step down some of the cork players need a good kick in the hole..


They are cowards with no balls or backbone, there is no way in hell they had time to go back to their clubs, they are an absolute fuckin disgrace. And they think we'll take this lying down..

What exactly did you lads mean or have in mind Reillers ???


Quote from: bingobus on March 10, 2009, 09:19:31 PM
Quote from: Zulu on March 10, 2009, 09:08:03 PM
QuoteIt was pointed out that the several meetings taking place had no offical standing within the structure of the GAA and the decisions reached came on the back of emotional blackmail of the county, also outside the structure of the GAA. When achieving a result by unconstitutional means that is 'mob rule'. Now you might not like that but by definition that's what it is. There is ample procedure within GAA structures to address and change anything.

What does offical standing mean? The clubs of the county got together and held meetings in which their members freely expressed their opinion and that opinion was in favour of the palyers, now you may not like that but that is democracy at work. What has happened is unfortunate but the will of the Cork public was expressed by clear and unambigous means. Lads those of you trying to paint this as undemocratic have lost all credibility, the one thing it was was democratic. Anyway the decision has been made so all this arguing is pure waffle, if you boys want to call it 'mob rule' go on ahead, me, I think I'll wait and see how this pans out and hopefully Cork GAA folk will be able to put this behind them and move on. I've a feeling they will and you won't have to wait too long before they are winning AI's in both codes.

Ok so, the citizens of Ireland can call a series of meetings and call a motion of No confidence on FF and Brian Cowen. Is that enough in a democratic system to remove them?

The difference is the GAA is a voluntary sporting organisation and the volunteers of that organisation, remember the groundsmen, coaches and club chairmen that we heard so much about from certain posters when it appeared that these self centered IC hurlers were riding rough shod over them, have spoken and want this change. It would be pointless going back over the way 'democracy' was treated in Cork in the past but the very people who are the GAA in Cork want this so that is exactly what should happen and is happening.


Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 09:28:13 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 09:22:29 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 09:07:33 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:56:02 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 08:48:28 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:35:01 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 08:25:30 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 08:14:27 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 08:04:35 PM
He is a legend of a player and didn't deserve the so called grief he got from "fans

Fans like yourself !!!!!!! You can include yourself in that. Marching round Cork and taking swings at Gerald, FM, the CB executive ( apart from Sully who has only been there 5 seconds  :D :D :D :D ) and all who dare to disagree with you.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

You must be delighted tonight Reillers - crack open the champagne - Cork hurling has been saved - alright it took a few auld threats to a 63 year old man and his family to get there, but hey, all's fair in love and war - right ???

The journos, sure all of this is thanks to pressure from journos

Expect those sympathetic 'journos' to take their rightful in Caeser's Donal Og's court - exclusive's, biograhies etc will be shorn upon them..

1. Ye really have no respect for anyone.

2. Fans, well known hardcore fans, the best travelling and home support fans in the country

3. The CB is well run organisation, actually wait no, it's not, but it's the clubs fault. they are ALL being led by a few players on a string, ye think that little of the clubs


1. Not that I believe the GPA ringleaders could care less, but I've been consistent in where those players lost my respect - when they trousered the powerade/lucozade money and the clubs lost money as a result - I've already posted this and you chose to ignore it - but for the purpose of clarification - do you accept that the CCC had a sponsorship deal which was cancelled when the players personal deal conflicted and uncharacteristically the players threatened to strike if the CCB deal stayed in place - thats why I've no respect for them.

2. I'm not going to turn this onto Cork fans ( a lot of whom I count among my friends) who bring great colour and atmosphere to games - but going back 26 years of attending games in Cork, I've never been to a Dublin game in Pairc Ui Rinn or Pairc Ui Caoimh where Dublin supporters haven't outnumbered the home support - I'll also point out that there were TWO Cork supporters at the NFL game v Roscommon in Kiltoom last year - so you may want to revise your description above

3. I made the very suggestion thats happening now and resulted in Ger Mac's resignation - club empowerment, votes of no-confidence and was told emphatically by Passedit & yourself that it was impossible - the clubs were terrified and there wasn't an honest delegate to be found in all of Cork - so if you check the raimis you posted, you'll find it was in fact you who 'thought so little of the clubs'..
1.Oh GPA ringleaders here we go again..that was as part of members of the GPA. (The same GPA who no longer except that players should be treated like crap and merchandise, they also do more work with very weak counties, more so then the GAA) but you said you saw them everytime you left the house, turned on the tv and opened a paper. None of which you've been able to nearly prove.
2.I've got to ask what matches you've been at then Heffo, hurling or football? I cannot remember the last time Cork hurling fans were outnumbred at home. And were you not one (I stand fully corrected if I'm wrong and I apologise if I am but) who called the fans soccer like.
3.I still can't believe it happened and the only reason it did was because the CB so blatantly insulted the clubs, basically saying we don't give a f**k what ye think, we've all the power.

1. What work do the GPA do with 'weak counties'? I know they're pretty good working up strong bank balances..

2. Mainly football, but several hurling too - off the top of my head - more Dubs down there last year for the hurling last two games, every football game since the AI semi replay in '83 - I'm not going to let you could the issue by trying to get me to attack Cork supporters, but you might edit your description of Cork supporters as the best travelling supporters in the country. I've never used the soccer fans analogy (my own county has enough trouble in that regard)

3. So you're admitting that I was 100% correct  regarding club empowerment and that you were 100% wrong - regardless of whether or not you 'can't believe it or not'?? - please don't ignore this crucial point...

Are you kidding me. Well actually you wouldn't know would you because you are too busy abusing them and looking for 2 year old articles.

1.There's a twinning programe in the GPA a strong county is put with a weak county. Donal Og and Sully worked with Newry, a club up north, they sent a letter to the examiner praising the players to the heavens. Nothing but praise for their outstanding work.
What bank accounts, more talk about personal finances is it Heffo?
2. Mainly football, thought so. They are the best travelling hurling fans in the county and it's been said many times before.
3. I'm admitting what now?
I genuinely didn't think that the clubs would have any interest in backing the players because they wouldn't want to stand up to the Cb because of the possible ramifications as it happened before. But the CB insulted them one too many times, the Clubs would not have reacted the way they did if the CB basically didn't say that they didn't give a damn what the clubs thought, I was genuinely surprised what hapepend. I'm surprised it got to the stage where the clubs would stand up the way they did.
What ye are saying is that ye think that 2 or 3 players are leading the hundreds of members of the clubs on a string, and suddenly the democracy ye were demanding is suddenly mob rule.

1. The players wrote a letter into the Examiner praising themselves? I'm well aware the twinning programme - I've heard very mixed opinions on it - certainly not enough to conclude that the GPA in between lining elite players pockets, has done more work in weak counties than the GAA has..

2. Will you edit your description of 'Cork GAA fans are the best travelling fans in the country' to read 'Cork hurling fans' so..

3. Regardless of whether you're surprised or not - I was 100% right and you were 100% wrong - there is no way the clubs can empower themselves you said - all the clubs are terrified of the pensioner with the combover..
The Newry club wrote a letter in.
You're well aware of it, no I thought you were just aware of apparent finances. And your proof is where?

2. I will yes.

3. How were you 100% right. You still haven't explained how? Cut the sarcasim now and maybe explain why for some reason you think you were 100% right.


Zulu - the public in Cork were full sqaure behind Mc Carthy up until 6 weeks ago. FACT - I refer to Vincent Hogan's article ( who is a supporter of the 2008 panel by the way ).

The 2008 panel put the pressure on in every way possible - they engaged the public - the clubs etc - some of the methods used were legitimate - some were downright illegal and criminal in nature.

The clubs were taken in by the stories about FM and the historical abuse by the CB of the clubs - Mc Carthy was never mentioned by ther clubs - it was ALL about the CB and FM - same goes for the marchers / protesters. They were all chanting "FRANK OUT" - they weren't chanting " GERALD OUT".

Somewhere in the midst of this frenzy of information, disinformation, GPA intervention, propaganda, blackguarding, some people felt it appropriate to threaten the manager and his family with physical violence which was the straw that broke the camel's back for Gerald.

The 2008 achieve their goal. Congratulations on a job well done.


Quote from: Zulu on March 10, 2009, 09:08:03 PM
What does offical standing mean? The clubs of the county got together and held meetings in which their members freely expressed their opinion and that opinion was in favour of the palyers, now you may not like that but that is democracy at work. What has happened is unfortunate but the will of the Cork public was expressed by clear and unambigous means. Lads those of you trying to paint this as undemocratic have lost all credibility, the one thing it was was democratic. Anyway the decision has been made so all this arguing is pure waffle, if you boys want to call it 'mob rule' go on ahead, me, I think I'll wait and see how this pans out and hopefully Cork GAA folk will be able to put this behind them and move on. I've a feeling they will and you won't have to wait too long before they are winning AI's in both codes.

I'll agree that it was as democratic as the delegates voting on CCB matters Zulu. Is that fair enough

As regards winning AI's again who knows......but I hope everyones equally if not more interested in these poor juvenile structures, better coaching standards, run down facilites, better club fixtures. I take it the CCB needs root and branch changes for this to happen....lets hope these club members really show that they want these to happen as well. Real club people should actually be more interested in these things so I there should be no more excuses now they have found this new burst of confidence.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Gerald McCarthy has confirmed his decision to step down as manager of the Cork hurling team.

McCarthy issued a lengthy and hard-hitting statement this evening, in which he highlighted the growing concern he has for the safety of his family as one of the key reasons behind his decision.

The St Finbarr's clubman said: 'I cannot continue to expect a family even as supportive as mine to withstand that pressure and possibly to put their own safety at risk.'

McCarthy also reserved some stern criticism for the 2008 panel, whom he believes have 'dishonoured the Cork jersey'.

He insisted: 'From my perspective, they have dishonoured the Cork jersey and used it as a weapon and a threat. I believe that for the majority of previous Cork All-Ireland winners, and we did have some before the 08 Panel arrived on the scene, that is the ultimate sporting abuse.'

Throughout the statement McCarthy insisted that he firmly believed in his original stance four months ago and concluded the statement with: 'Hurlers should not have the right to appoint their own manager, veto the appointment of a manager, interview their own manager or pursue commercial interests at the expense of the broader GAA family.

'My greatest disappointment is to have to leave the current team and the selectorial and backroom team who have been outstanding, honourable, steadfast and at all times motivated by the highest of values.'

Gerald McCarthy's statement read:

'I have decided to step down as manager of the Cork Senior Hurling Team, effective immediately.

I am not, as some would have it, resigning 'for the good of Cork hurling'. In fact, and without being presumptuous, I would regard my resignation in the current circumstances as being detrimental to Cork hurling in the long term.

I am quite confident that after two overwhelming endorsements, a third vote would not have removed me at County Board level. However, only my resignation, apparently, will allow the best group of Cork hurlers to take the field. While the latter objective is very desirable, that outcome should not be confused with the future health of Cork hurling or its direction in the coming years.

A few days ago, my father who is in his mid-eighties, pleaded with me to step down after one of my sons, in my absence abroad, received the latest threat against me. The threat against my life, which has been referred to the Gardai, is the latest in a sequence of threats and abuse, random or organised I do not know, which I and my family members have had to endure over the past few months.

Given the kind of vitriol at recent public meetings and indeed in some media commentary, it is hardly surprising that thugs have attached themselves to the 'cause' of the 2008 hurlers. I cannot continue to expect a family even as supportive as mine to withstand that pressure and possibly to put their own safety at risk.

This latest threat is one of two tipping points that have occurred in recent weeks. It's been a long and difficult four months. With any willingness on the part of the players, the dispute could have been resolved almost as soon as it began.

The Mulvey arbitration provided for certain steps to be followed in the event of any dispute arising. These precluded a strike by the players and allowed for discussions, mediation and arbitration to take place. The players went on strike, refused to meet the Board or the management team together and refused to engage in mediation.

There is huge irony in the thought that the clubs who are now supporting the players were among those who voted for mediation at the County Convention last December - which the players refused to engage in. They are now supporting those players who rejected their specific direction.

I am well aware that players will always garner popular and media support when positioned against a management team or the County Board. However, I am surprised that the media, with a few honourable exceptions, never challenged the players' views. I am also surprised that journalists who never met me or spoke to me could write so authoritatively about my position and my motivation.

The criticism of the County Board has been well over the top. For any faults it has, and what organisation does not, the County Board has presided over a level of success that most counties in the country would envy.

The players' modus operandi has been simple: strike, issue ultimatums, refuse to speak and raise the temperature by carefully choreographed public events. No amount of these can disguise the fundamental truth, however. No dispute was ever resolved in the absence of dialogue.

Even our critics have acknowledged that the Board and Gerald McCarthy were open to compromise and changes in direction for the sake of Cork hurling by taking on the Duffy/Cooney document. The players were not. Neither would they meet under Olan Kelleher or other offered auspices. All the calls for a resolution excluded any responsibility on the players' part.

My reasons for taking the stand I did four months ago are as valid today as they were then. Hurlers should not have the right to appoint their own manager, veto the appointment of a manager, interview their own manager or pursue commercial interests at the expense of the broader GAA family.

From my perspective, they have dishonoured the Cork jersey and used it as a weapon and a threat. I believe that for the majority of previous Cork All-Ireland winners, and we did have some before the 08 Panel arrived on the scene, that is the ultimate sporting abuse.

My greatest disappointment is to have to leave the current team and the selectorial and backroom team who have been outstanding, honourable, steadfast and at all times motivated by the highest of values.'

The above is an edited version of Gerald McCarthy's statement.