McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:17:54 PM

i'm confused. why would they not apply?

There were actually three questions there GAA. Now you were close to answering one but decided to ask your own question so Ill re-phrase the first part and you can try again with it and the other two parts.

If there's a new scenario- although there might not be - what constitution, procedures and bylaws might apply?

And then the other bits.


Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:25:32 PM
How have they been chucked out the window?

Binding votes taken by the county board and delegates will have their democratic results trodden all over after this Thursday as the mob gets it's way..


Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 04:27:49 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:25:32 PM
How have they been chucked out the window?

Binding votes taken by the county board and delegates will have their democratic results trodden all over after this Thursday as the mob gets it's way..

Why are you surprised Heffo ? Didn't Teddy suffer the same fate last year ??


Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 04:27:49 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:25:32 PM
How have they been chucked out the window?

Binding votes taken by the county board and delegates will have their democratic results trodden all over after this Thursday as the mob gets it's way..

Results taken undemocratically and with motivations which constitute bringing the association into disrepute.

The mob - or the overwhelming majority as i like to call them - are entitled to hold their county boad to account


Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:34:24 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 10, 2009, 04:27:49 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:25:32 PM
How have they been chucked out the window?

Binding votes taken by the county board and delegates will have their democratic results trodden all over after this Thursday as the mob gets it's way..

Results taken undemocratically and with motivations which constitute bringing the association into disrepute.

The mob - or the overwhelming majority as i like to call them - are entitled to hold their county boad to account

The overwhelming majority ( your term ) both inside and outside of the CB delegate structures were full square behind Mc Carthy and the CB a mere 6 weeks ago.

The threats ( some of violence ), the pressure, the media frenzy, the coercion etc etc has turned the result around in 6 weeks.


Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 04:43:01 PM

The overwhelming majority ( your term ) both inside and outside of the CB delegate structures were full square behind Mc Carthy and the CB a mere 6 weeks ago.

They weren't. the delegates and the executive were. that's like asking yourself a question in the mirror.

Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 04:43:01 PM
The threats ( some of violence ), the pressure, the media frenzy, the coercion etc etc has turned the result around in 6 weeks.

That's a pathetic excuse in the face of utter damnation from those who hold the real power in the county


Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:52:25 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 04:43:01 PM

The overwhelming majority ( your term ) both inside and outside of the CB delegate structures were full square behind Mc Carthy and the CB a mere 6 weeks ago.

They weren't. the delegates and the executive were. that's like asking yourself a question in the mirror.

Please refer to the article I posted yesterday by Vincent Hogan - end of January 2009
Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 04:43:01 PM
The threats ( some of violence ), the pressure, the media frenzy, the coercion etc etc has turned the result around in 6 weeks.

That's a pathetic excuse in the face of utter damnation from those who hold the real power in the county

You're right - the use of threats etc in this dispute is pathetic and is to be condemned.


Quote from: dowling on March 10, 2009, 04:14:06 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:01:06 PM

way to go in completely missing my point, which was that

constitution, procedure and byelaws cannot be used as fig leaves behind which to hide misuse of power and dereliction of duty

It's not missing the point at all. But for the sake of argument say I am.

So this is a new point. In any possible new scenario would constitution, procedures and bylaws apply and if so how, and what guarantees would there be to ensure they would be adhered to?

Quote from: dowling on March 10, 2009, 04:26:48 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:17:54 PM

i'm confused. why would they not apply?

There were actually three questions there GAA. Now you were close to answering one but decided to ask your own question so Ill re-phrase the first part and you can try again with it and the other two parts.

If there's a new scenario- although there might not be - what constitution, procedures and bylaws might apply?

And then the other bits.

No answers GAA?  Maybe facing a bit of a dilema here?


Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 05:18:15 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 10, 2009, 04:52:25 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 04:43:01 PM

The overwhelming majority ( your term ) both inside and outside of the CB delegate structures were full square behind Mc Carthy and the CB a mere 6 weeks ago.

They weren't. the delegates and the executive were. that's like asking yourself a question in the mirror.

Please refer to the article I posted yesterday by Vincent Hogan - end of January 2009
Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 04:43:01 PM
The threats ( some of violence ), the pressure, the media frenzy, the coercion etc etc has turned the result around in 6 weeks.

That's a pathetic excuse in the face of utter damnation from those who hold the real power in the county

You're right - the use of threats etc in this dispute is pathetic and is to be condemned.

As someone who has been on the receiving end of some of these threats, I can confirm it's not nice..


Quote from: dowling on March 04, 2009, 09:26:56 AM
Good to see the insulting language trimmed back but it's a pity the aggression levels are up.

Does the fact there's "There is agro in pubs and such...." that you refer to that not concern you?

Nickey Brennan has said how this dispute is ripping Cork apart and Sean Kelly likened it to Cork GAA's version of 'The Wind That Shook The Barley'.

Here's what Tomas Mulcahy had to say about this dispute. "

"Will there be winners here if it's sorted? Sadly I say no and the repercussions could be felt for a long time yet to come. ....friendships, personalities and individual characterisation are now to the forefront and will take time to heal if indeed it ever will.
...nobody envisaged that trust, friendships; camaraderie would be sabotaged in this sorry mess. It is them against us and win at all costs at this stage."

Now you can accuse me of not knowing anything if you like but Nickey, Sean andTomas....

And not only does Tomas highlight the bitterness but once again the fact that the 2008 panel had no idea of what they were starting. Give him a call and put him right.

If you're going to tell me I haven't a clue you may as well tell him also.

There's that Tomas Mulcahy piece Reillers. Care to comment now seeing as you didn't at the time.

Does he not have a clue either?


Quote from: dowling on March 10, 2009, 04:05:20 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 10, 2009, 10:59:28 AM
Quote from: dowling on March 10, 2009, 10:53:49 AM
Whatever way this immediate dispute ends there's only one point that is indebatable: the behaviour of the 2008 panel, the spokespersons of some of the clubs and certain journalists should hang their heads in shame. This is 'mob rule' with the mob now tasting blood and wanting to go in for the kill. And it's 'mob rule' because there still isn't a coherent strategy to deal with the dispute and any perceived issues that caused it and instead there is only lashing out at what are perceived to be 'legitimate targets', namely Gerald McCarthy and Frank Murphy. Of course journalists are a law unto themselves and the 'elite' players in Cork have shown from last year that bullying is not below them when Teddy Holland was their victim. Would it be fair to give those certain clubs and their spokemen a bit of leeway and say they have been swept along in the tide of pursuing success? These are supposed to be responsible people making statements so I don't think they deserve any leeway.

These spokespersons will be the first to tell their club members when an issue arises to use the appropriate channels, that rules must be abided by but that rules can be changed as long as proper procedures are adhered to. Rules that are passed in their clubs, usually with their backing and urging of members to give likewise, and which again are passed at county convention with their backing and their clubs.
But now it's damm the rules and procedures that they themselves put in place and they don't even see the irony or that they're damming themselves. Every rule can be changed but it's how it's changed that is important.
But it seems firstly the 2008 panel didn't have the stomach to go to their clubs for support so they could do what all the rest of the association does and now after having given two fingures to the structures of the GAA in Cork as ratified by those clubs certain clubs are now saying fine in their fear of losing out on glory.
So now the 2008 panel lead the clubs and have certain clubs joining in with their dirty campaign. And make no mistake about it, that's what it is. Instead of attempting to do anything by the book there's been a very public campaign of villification against both Gerald McCarthy and Frank Murphy. It matters not that both men have famillies or have given anything positive to Cork for many years in spite of their faults. And there's no doubt fists have punched the air when another public blow came Gerald's or Frank's way, "we're getting there boys." Fair play to ye boys.
But what about Jerry OSullivan? Where's his villification? Don't want to upset the boys? But the chairman clearly nailed his colours to the mast yet no discerning comments about him and it's quite clear why.
The 2008 panel never had any big ideal about doing anything for the good of Cork, The only objective they went into this dispute with was to get rid of Gerald McCarthy. As things have gone along they targeted Frank Murphy as the unreasonable key to all this, the user of Gerald, poor naive Gerald, and everything was fair in love and war. Don't want to upset the OSullivan brothers? What have the panel and now these club spokespersons done to the famillies of Gerald and Frank, never mind to them on a personal level. Or does the GAA in Cork not worry about such trivial things like villifying members in public? If members of the 2008 panel feel they can go to their graves in peace there would seem to be a problem with their priorities in life.
If the wrongs in Cork are so bad then there's no reason changes could not have come about without a very public villification of these two men. And if a group of players and certain clubs believe they had no choice other than to very publicly villify two men in pursuit of glory it's a very sad day for Cork.
And the irony is that those certain clubs backing and pertaking in such behaviour means it can happen again and again. And most likely will. And maybe one day it will be one of those spokespersons on the receiving end.

So shame on them for the bullying and villifying of two members of Cork GAA. And shame on the posters here who add to it and justify it.

The only way to deal with a 65 year old man is to villify him in public!

Oh cry me a river Dowling.
The only way to deal with a 65 year old man..

"When the history of Cork hurling is written Frank Murphy will take his rightfull place at the bottom of the pile."

Give up Dowling you're sounding desperate at this stage.
I'll make an attempt to reply to..that..when I have more time, but the last bit is the biggest joke.

Of course Frank Murphy and Gerald McCarthy were publicly villified and it was the only way the 2008 panel could deal with him. Certain clubs are now falling into that too.

If you're going to reply with all the stuff you usually reply with don't bother, I'll not read it, I know where you stand.

Give me your answer to the Tomas Mulcahy question you avoided some time ago. Need me to post it again?

Villified, ya after months of PR crap against the players. People on here have a very short memory. But players till about a month or so ago took abuse to the hilt. Abuse after abuse after abuse. Thrown at them by Gerald who was on the radio/tv/paper night and day for weeks, by the time the press conference had came around he had made almost 40 statements to the press while the players had made 8/9.
Oh no but the players used the press, the players are apparently physic.

The way the players have done things, the road they have went down, was the only road that would have gotten them any attention. The clubs would have laughed in their faces if the players went to them 5 months ago. The only reason the CB angered the clubs so much was when JOS basically said that they don't give two shits what the clubs think it's their power, their rules, that was the final straw. That was a slap in the face for the clubs that they had needed. Things should have been done years ago and like a club chairman said (can't remember who) we've no one to blame but ourselves.
So how else would it have worked?
Some are so desperate to continue criciticising FM they label him as a harmless 65 year old man. If you'd spent 5 mintues with the man, well lets just say he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself..and himself alone.

And what Mulcahy question now Dowling..what's your point from that. He's not wrong, I never said he what's the question?


RTE News says reports are coming out that GMacC is to step down.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


Ye really will stop at nothing.
Ye will insult anything and anyone for any reason just to what, try and show yere right.
First it's the players, according to ye they want to rule the world.
Then the clubs, hundreds of people, are being dangeled along by players on a string.
Then it's the journos who..oh well eh, of course they'd back the players they want to write their biographies. It doesn't matter one bit that for months they abused and trashed the players in the media, not at all. Sure that was the plan all along.
Then it's the fans, not labelled the best fans in the country at all, the best travelling and supporting fans in the country, the fact that no one out numbers them, but feck that, why not a pop at them as well, ye've abused and insulted just about everyone else, oh they are nothing but a soccer crowd, a season sport, all this bullshit from people who probably haven't been near Cork for years.
Oh and then oh poor FM, the most manipulative underhand person you will ever meet, suddenly no he's a poor old OAP being brutalised and victimised by the evil players.
And then of course well the clubs are all suddenly mobs and there's nothing wrong with the curropt way the CB have ran it, the clubs fault. Oh and they're all mobsters anyway. The old way was perfectly fine and easily solved, (of course that's why it was left how it was) but the clubs are all GPA friendly and all mobs for wanting democracy used and their voice for once heard.
Oh and of course I forgot, the GPA, they have to come in here somehow, oh ya that's right Dripsey and them are totally out to back the GPA.

FFS who else have ye left to bitch and whinge about and blame.
Who'll be wrong tomorrow?

No, all covered.

..Am I forgetting anyone.

I'm sure it'll be someone elses fault tomorrow.

Ye couldn't be happy that the clubs are doing something to take their voices which has been blatantly obvious for years. No not at all, ye are all too pety to even bother trying to be happy, something or someone has to be wrong. Because God forbid the players actions led to something good.


So Reillers the players never ridiculed Gerald in public- how about asking him "why would a man of his age want to train a team".
I challenge you to reproduce those 40 articles condemning the players by the press. Hint they don't exist. I can put up articles on a 2:1 basis in the national media that are all in favour of the players.
Have the players been verbally abused in public has Gerald has?
Have members of their families been verbally abused in the Streets by the public like Gerald's has?
Has any website condemning the players been shut down in the past week ( burning down Gerald's shop was some supporters contribution I believe. But I suppose in reillersland that sort of behaviour is acceptable?

Yeah the players have had loads of abuse. Who are you trying to kid anymore?


Quote from: INDIANA on March 10, 2009, 06:14:59 PM
So Reillers the players never ridiculed Gerald in public- how about asking him "why would a man of his age want to train a team".
I challenge you to reproduce those 40 articles condemning the players by the press. Hint they don't exist. I can put up articles on a 2:1 basis in the national media that are all in favour of the players.
Have the players been verbally abused in public has Gerald has?
Have members of their families been verbally abused in the Streets by the public like Gerald's has?
Has any website condemning the players been shut down in the past week ( burning down Gerald's shop was some supporters contribution I believe. But I suppose in reillersland that sort of behaviour is acceptable?

Yeah the players have had loads of abuse. Who are you trying to kid anymore?

And you can justify all that Gerald said in those months.
They never said train a team, at all, they said to go through all of this, or something like that.
And stop being such a hypocrite. Gerald thrashed, insulted players personally, especially Sean Og, made things up to the press, which was denied by everyone and anyone who has anything to do with the 08 players, leaked a document to the press destroying any chance of a reconciliation, and I know first hand that some young players who might have been thinking did they do the right thing, that's when they were lost.
But hey that's ok. The closest thing to an insult that the players ever made to Gerald was that his training was mickey mouse type training. But hey, that doesn't matter at all lets keep on criticising the players. All their fault.

What have the players said that was so wrong and insulting, because Gerald said a hell of a lot in his 40 odd statements before the press conference, the playersd had only 8/9 made.

Is Gerald's behaviour acceptable?

All the players took for months at the start was abuse from the press and if you go back and look at articles from there you will see that, your memory is very short Indiana.
Months and months it went on for. Christ was it not you or OM who get blabbering on for ages about how the players had lost the PR war.
It was one of ye anyway.

I've never heard anyone abuse Gerald, and I don't condune it, nor has it anything to do witht the players. It's not acceptable. The man is a legend and I've never said otherwise, how dare you think that that's ok, why because I support the players. You think that little of the players and the clubs and everyone who supports them that you think we think that's ok. What the hell gives you the right.
You can twist and turn everything I've said but I've always held the same view that Gerald was a legend of a player and didn't deserve the abuse the abuse he was getting, despite the fact that he had made his own bed.
How dare you think that I would justify something like that.
Out of everything you have said Indianna, that is without a doubt the most insulting thing.

I cannot believe you think that little of the players, clubs and me that that's ok. Pathetic, without a doubt the most insulting thing.