McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 09:16:46 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 09:12:42 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 08:59:48 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 08:55:56 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 08:51:31 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 08:42:51 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 07:57:51 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 09, 2009, 07:30:44 PM
I fully expect Gerald to resign this week, at the meeting on Thursday night or maybe even before. I don't see how he can take much more of this. His life's been made a misery by all of this. His mother has just died recently and Sean Og kinda knew that he would have to give in when he asked him what he wanted all the hassle for at his time of day.

The new regime will be enabled on Thursday on a wave of mob pressure. Unlike the previous corrupt regime the new GPA driven executive will be hand picked from GPA friendly clubs and will enjoy the popular support of a supportive media.

Good, decent club members like Reillers will continue to have their head stuck in the sand and will not let any criticism of the new overlords near them.

A core of the new regime will continue to earn six figure sums and adorn every billboard between Dublin and Cork City and appear thrice daily in newspapers at sponsorship launches in Dublin, whilst at the same time bemoaning the fact they aren't committed to their clubs. The less high profile members of the new regime will be happy with the few scraps thrown their way in the form of a sponsored car or what not and quietly wonder to themselves why they stood shoulder to shoulder with their comrades when all they really wanted was to go out and hurl, yet now that they've gotten their way some of the more vocal lads are reigning it in and any member of the GAA who queries this state of affairs is routinely described as 'a rump of malcontents'

Good luck to Cork hurling - you should've been more careful what you wished for.

What players have gotten sponsored cars?

I'll post this for the third time just for your benefit: - I believe that's Ben O'Connor picking up a shiny new sponsored car

"Each of the starting 15 drives a sponsored car and a few of the subs have them as well; the team know their market value off the field"

Is this clear enough? ....
No, you said you can't open a newspaper or go down the street or turn on the tv..etc. All you've done is post 2 articles from over one and two years ago.
Both about cars.

So no that's not enough, not near enough.

You asked who drives sponsored cars - I believe I've answered that quite clearly..
Oh ok then, you just ignored the rest of us, and that was two years ago, and you don't know if that still is happening.

It also happens in other counties, wanna go whinge about them somewhere else?..thought not.

Start reading the newspaper every day - especially tabloids and see how many days per week a certain Cork hurler is in it plugging products.

Get yourself a hankie to dry the tears and type something along the lines of 'Sean Og sponsorship' or a variation of it into google - I would caution however to only do so if you're ready for it as you've had your head stuck in the sand for 300 pages refusing to believe anything..

What newspaper?

Oh and I did for pure curiousity to see what planet you're living on, I did google it, and what did come up for Sean Og, one for Spar (not Supervalue like I thought) for Kids Fit For Life with Derval O Rourke and one for Children in Need.
I am just shocked and appauled.  ::) ::)


It looks like Mob Rule will win the day and another step on the road to semi professionalism will have been taken even though everybody will deny it and say that it has nothing to do with the GPA etc. etc.  The new/revised CB will be fully at the mercy of the 2008 panel from now on and will be required to meet their demands in very respect with regard to training expenses etc.

How many in the mobs will be prepared to get involved in running their local clubs and district boards or put their money wwhere their mouths are as sources of sponsorship at all levels dry up.  I just hope GMcC has the good sense to make the CB sack him and publicly explain theeir decision.  The way he has been treated he should make it easy for neither side.

We are in for interesting times at all levels and the next big battle will be when the goverment discontinue the € 5M grant to keep the GPA happy as surely they must.


Teddy Holland treated like a tr**p last year.

Teddy Mc Carthy treated like dirt

Gerald Mc Carthy treated like shit

Who's next ????


Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 08:55:06 PM
I feel like an adult who's just told a child there is no such thing as Santa..
If only you could post like an adult...


Quote from: zoyler on March 09, 2009, 10:50:02 PM
It looks like Mob Rule will win the day and another step on the road to semi professionalism

The Country is going down the swany, there won't be any free cars to hand over or any sponsorship deals. 


Quote from: zoyler on March 09, 2009, 10:50:02 PM
It looks like Mob Rule will win the day and another step on the road to semi professionalism will have been taken even though everybody will deny it and say that it has nothing to do with the GPA etc. etc.  The new/revised CB will be fully at the mercy of the 2008 panel from now on and will be required to meet their demands in very respect with regard to training expenses etc.

How many in the mobs will be prepared to get involved in running their local clubs and district boards or put their money wwhere their mouths are as sources of sponsorship at all levels dry up.  I just hope GMcC has the good sense to make the CB sack him and publicly explain theeir decision.  The way he has been treated he should make it easy for neither side.

We are in for interesting times at all levels and the next big battle will be when the goverment discontinue the € 5M grant to keep the GPA happy as surely they must.

Sometimes mob rule is your only man if a dictatorship is in power and abusing that power.

I'd have liked to seen the club route taken a few months back but been told that at that juncture that wasn't possible, don't know why, maybe it was because the public pressure hadn't mounted yet.

If this coup d'état is to be successful then that void will need by competent people, so the clubs better have options available if the need arises in a similar manner the players should have had a few managers names ready for the selection process that they don't want to be part off..


Quote from: zoyler on March 09, 2009, 10:50:02 PM
We are in for interesting times at all levels and the next big battle will be when the goverment discontinue the € 5M grant to keep the GPA happy as surely they must.

Only three weeks to go...  :o
Boycott Hadron. Support your local particle collider.


Colm Keys, spokesperson for the 2008 striking panel, in this morning's edition of the Indo issues another threat to the CB with the unashamed and unamiguos headline :


And the same spokeperson who doubles up as press agent for the 2009 footballing sqaud in the same edition on the same page issues another threat with the headline :


The threats, warnings, pressure, ultimatums are all increaing and every day it's the same message. And to think that Ga once said : "we never wanted to engage in a media battle".

The boigraphies are being prepared at the minute and will be in the shops 1st week of December just in time for the Christmas market.


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 09:24:28 PM
Quote from: milltown row on March 09, 2009, 08:51:51 PM
Reillers on a completely different note, was there any Cork 2008 players playing in the Fitzgibbon final at the weekend?

Some from the 08 team, Shane O Neill, Kevin Hartnett, Nash. O Neill was top class as per usual.
Some from the 09 team, Tadhg Og, O Sullivan...etc.

Cathal Naughton was on the CIT team. Their centre was too I think (Mannix?).

There was a good scattering of both. As Reilliers said, O'Neill was one of the players of the weekend. Hes a class act.

A quick solution to this dispute perhaps - give Nash the chance he deserves in the Cork goal and discard the other lad. He really is some keeper. Wasn't called on a whole lot this weekend due to how solid his defense was (the 2 WIT goals were more of a defensive hiccup than anything he did himself), but anytime I've watched him play he has shown himself to be one of the top keeper in the country, and certainly in Cork.

Hopefully Ger Cunningham gives him his chance when he takes over.


Quote from: Hound on March 10, 2009, 08:21:18 AM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 08:55:06 PM
I feel like an adult who's just told a child there is no such thing as Santa..
If only you could post like an adult...

That's not very nice now Hound..


Quote from: orangeman on March 10, 2009, 09:27:05 AM
Colm Keys, spokesperson for the 2008 striking panel, in this morning's edition of the Indo issues another threat to the CB with the unashamed and unamiguos headline :


And the same spokeperson who doubles up as press agent for the 2009 footballing sqaud in the same edition on the same page issues another threat with the headline :


The threats, warnings, pressure, ultimatums are all increaing and every day it's the same message. And to think that Ga once said : "we never wanted to engage in a media battle".

The boigraphies are being prepared at the minute and will be in the shops 1st week of December just in time for the Christmas market.

I thought the players had done their bit and where going to take a back seat and leave it to the Clubs. Sure, we'll just give them a reminder of who's calling the shots. Maybe the footballers where excluded from this.  ::)


Quote from: bottlethrower7 on March 10, 2009, 09:59:58 AM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 09:24:28 PM
Quote from: milltown row on March 09, 2009, 08:51:51 PM
Reillers on a completely different note, was there any Cork 2008 players playing in the Fitzgibbon final at the weekend?

Hopefully Ger Cunningham gives him his chance when he takes over.

Has Donal given him the nod officially?


Quote from: bottlethrower7 on March 10, 2009, 09:59:58 AM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 09:24:28 PM
Quote from: milltown row on March 09, 2009, 08:51:51 PM
Reillers on a completely different note, was there any Cork 2008 players playing in the Fitzgibbon final at the weekend?

Some from the 08 team, Shane O Neill, Kevin Hartnett, Nash. O Neill was top class as per usual.
Some from the 09 team, Tadhg Og, O Sullivan...etc.

Cathal Naughton was on the CIT team. Their centre was too I think (Mannix?).

There was a good scattering of both. As Reilliers said, O'Neill was one of the players of the weekend. Hes a class act.

A quick solution to this dispute perhaps - give Nash the chance he deserves in the Cork goal and discard the other lad. He really is some keeper. Wasn't called on a whole lot this weekend due to how solid his defense was (the 2 WIT goals were more of a defensive hiccup than anything he did himself), but anytime I've watched him play he has shown himself to be one of the top keeper in the country, and certainly in Cork.

Hopefully Ger Cunningham gives him his chance when he takes over.

It would take a very brave (or very foolish) manager to pick Anthony Nash or Martin Coleman to play in goal for Cork.  His time as manager would be very short indeed.  It was certainly not the intention of the strikers that Cork should have a new goalkeeper.  The question as to who is the best goalkeeper in Cork does not enter in to it at all.


Quote from: AZOffaly on March 09, 2009, 05:52:10 PM
You know, I don't even bother reading those opinion pieces any more. That's all they are. Opinion. And you know the sayings about opinions.

What matters to me is that the clubs are quite clearly saying that the County Board are not doing their job, and worse than that, are deliberately manipulating votes to make it appear as if the procedures are correct and democratic.

So, getting Ger Mc to quit will do nothing in the long run. I'm not calling on the players to rise up and overthrow the County Board, but if the clubs feel as strongly as their votes suggest, then they must not stop at sacking the coach. They must sack the men who appointed the coach, simply to prove they held the power in Cork, and to prove to the players that they held the whip hand.

Anything less at this stage will make the last 5 months a pathetic joke, and will cause another upheaval within, optimistically, 5 years.

Perfectly accurate in my view az. the motion that should be pushed forward is one of no confidence in the county executive.


Glad i missed the last couple of days of nonsense posting.

Now that ownership of the GAA in cork is looking like returning to where it should be -with the clubs - its interesting to read the amount of nit picking and grasping at side issues to continue the argument. also interesting see the anti player posters redefining "what they were arguing all along".