McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: theskull1 on March 09, 2009, 05:37:58 PM
Quote from: passedit on March 09, 2009, 05:23:15 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on March 09, 2009, 05:20:34 PM
if they have any guts down there at all, that they do not allow Ger Mc to fall on his sword and then move on as if that is a panacea. This is root and branch territory. If The executive of the county board are that duplicitous and scheming, then they have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to be in the positions they are.

to me that has been the nub of it from 2002 and before. The question is have they the guts?

Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 05:26:04 PM
The players can't do everything, nor should they be expected to do so.
Clubs have to deal with club business. Clubs have taken over from the players on this way and most stand on their own feet.

Is that a caveat you're throwing in there Reillers? Come on now. If they are doing this for the good of Cork hurling as they've/you've stated then surely they are going see this to it's natural conclusion. Sounds as if they/youre weaseling out. Surely they would know by now that the clubs have no balls without the strikers turning the screw behind them and they need their pressure to see it through?
So you're going to continue to be that petty Skull. Surely there's something else you can find to whinge about, because clearly that's all you're doing here.


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 05:21:04 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 05:12:00 PM
Quote from: passedit on March 09, 2009, 05:09:53 PM
apologies if this has been posted before, i cant be bothered trawling through pages of the reillers witchhunt by the hypocrites.

QuoteMurphy's law in doubt as clubs threaten boycott
Gaelic games news Kieran Shannon
Under pressure: Frank Murphy's position is under threat

Cork GAA could grind to a halt next month if clubs are not granted a special convention. At a meeting in Clonakilty of up to 250 ordinary members representing 102 clubs on Friday night, the one unanimous decision taken was that every club should write to county board secretary Frank Murphy requesting a special convention to end the five-month dispute.

However, clubs indicated that if the board were not to properly revisit the issue of Gerald McCarthy's contentious reappointment as Cork coach, then all GAA activity within the county should cease at the start of next month, with clubs prepared to withdraw from local county championships run by the same executive.

Murphy's position came under fire at the extraordinary meeting in Clonakilty and the heat is likely to further increase on the 64-year old full-time official today. Thousands of Cork fans are expected to demonstrate their support of the 2008 hurlers and the current football panel before and during the latter's National League Division Two match against Fermanagh Páirc Uí Chaoimh today. The demonstrators will be assembling at 1.30 in Kennedy Park before marching to the stadium and taking up position in its uncovered stand.

In the past week over 45 clubs have voted over-whelmingly in favour of both the removal of McCarthy as county manager and a new process in which county board delegates consult and vote over vital matters. As of yet no club has voted in favour of the status quo, although on Friday night Glen Rovers voted to remain neutral on the issue.

Tonight club officers will again meet with the 2008 panel at the Maryborough House Hotel where it is expected the players will withdraw from the discussion and leave it in the hands of the clubs. The clubs will meet with the county board executive on Tuesday at the latter's request for a consultative-informative meeting. It is expectd that at Thursday's county board meeting in Pairc Uí Chaoimh the clubs will put forward a notice of motion regarding McCarthy's future and the process concerning county board delegares.

McCarthy is likely to be considering his position in the wake of recent developments. The 2009 hurling panel trained last Tuesday and Thursday in the absence of their manager who was abroad on a break for most of the weeik. Cork are due to play Clare in two weeks' time in the national hurling league.

Yesterday former Clare manager Ger Loughnane issued his support of the striking Cork hurlers. "By now every sensible person knows this dispute is not about player power. It's Murphy's power that is on the line."
March 8, 2009

Oh Boo-Hoo - Kieran Shannon is an objective commentator if ever there was one..
Of course he is. Everyone and every article that has come out in favour of the players, which is a hell of a lot of people, all have hidden agendas, all are wrong,
the fans, oh there were less at the second march then there was at the first, there all just shopers anyway.
the players, just looking for comercial self gain.
the clubs, being led on a string by the players, (several hundred people)
the backroom staff, typical bias.
the journos, not objective.

Because God forbid the people who actually have that know what's going on are right. The reality is that everyone who knows what's going on has come out on side of the players. But that's just too much for some to except.

They all have to be biased right.
Like I said, the genuine ones have been seperated from the peti "hate the players" people on here, it's clear who they are by now.

Quote from: AZOffaly on March 09, 2009, 05:31:51 PM
Quote from: passedit on March 09, 2009, 05:23:15 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on March 09, 2009, 05:20:34 PM
if they have any guts down there at all, that they do not allow Ger Mc to fall on his sword and then move on as if that is a panacea. This is root and branch territory. If The executive of the county board are that duplicitous and scheming, then they have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to be in the positions they are.

to me that has been the nub of it from 2002 and before. The question is have they the guts?

The problem, passedit, is that in each strike up to now, the issue of the day was merely the symptom. I've said that from the first day and people are sick of me saying it I'd say. Up until this year, I've never really known what side of the fence to be on though. I supported the players in 2002, largely, I supported the County Board and Teddy Holland last year, and I laughed at the 'deal' that settled that. This time around I wanted to hear the full story, and what I've heard and seen coming from the clubs, the only people I care about really, leads me to believe that there is certainly something rotten in the state of Cork.

Shame on the County Board. But Shame on the clubs if they allow this to end up with Ger McCarthy resigning, and nothing else. Because the line out of the Green Fields of France would be appropriate here. 'Did you really believe that this war would end wars?'.

As I said earlier Reillers you'll go a long way to find an article slating the players. To my knowledge one doesn't exist. I've lost a lot of respect for certain journalists and the way they've allowed the licence they have to abuse people who have taken no side in the debate.
Unfortunately Gerald hasn't been afforded the same luxury save for maybe 1/2 exceptions. One website had to be closed temporarily last week such was the level of abuse directed at him personally (I couldn't reproduce it here its so offensive). To an extent taking an objective view (thats under O in the dictionary Reillers) Mc Carthy has teed himself up for it by staying so long in the game when he probably should have stepped aside some time ago, for his own sake not for anyone elses.
When the level of personalised abuse gets to that stage its time to say in the context of the bigger picture of life in general, things have gone far enough. It has similarities to when Lyons got the chop in Dublin, you have a number of well meaning supporters/clubs saying its time for him to go but another mob element who have more similarities to the premiership rather than any connection nor affiliation to a Gaa club. There would be a remarkable similarties between a sizeable proportion of the Cork hurling following and the Dublin football following in terms of characteristics in that regard
I feel for Mc Carthy I really do, I admired him as a player and now all that will probably be forgotten and this is all that he'll be remembered for. Great is a term used too often in the Gaa, but Gerald was one of the greats. On reflection the county board should have put an end to this months ago if they had any respect for him, seeing what he's been subjected to in the last week in particular.
But as I said earlier if the clubs have voted for this , then in the interests of the Gaa, democracy must prevail. The question is will Cork have suitable volunteers to take up the task and can all divisions be healed. I think Gerald should hand his cards in, no principle is worth the abuse he is getting.


You know, I don't even bother reading those opinion pieces any more. That's all they are. Opinion. And you know the sayings about opinions.

What matters to me is that the clubs are quite clearly saying that the County Board are not doing their job, and worse than that, are deliberately manipulating votes to make it appear as if the procedures are correct and democratic.

So, getting Ger Mc to quit will do nothing in the long run. I'm not calling on the players to rise up and overthrow the County Board, but if the clubs feel as strongly as their votes suggest, then they must not stop at sacking the coach. They must sack the men who appointed the coach, simply to prove they held the power in Cork, and to prove to the players that they held the whip hand.

Anything less at this stage will make the last 5 months a pathetic joke, and will cause another upheaval within, optimistically, 5 years.


This article was written by Vincent Hogan, a mere 6 weeks ago, just prior to the 2008 panel meeting.In it he shows how the Cork public are full square behind Mc Carthy.

The 2008 panel have done sterling work in the interim and have really turned up the heat, the threats, increased the biterness and division and hey presto, Mc Carthy is "on the brink". Must do is a great master,given what was at stake for the 2008 panel.

Monday January 26 2009 VINCENT HOGAN

IN the movie 'The Odd Couple', Felix and Oscar reach an emotional reconciliation on discovering that, without one another, they amount to just two damaged, lonely people. Oscar, the slob, even takes to scolding his poker friends for dropping cigarette butts on the carpet.

"This is my house, not a pigsty!" he snaps, suddenly in harmony with his uptight, fastidious room-mate. It is the formulaic, happy Hollywood ending of the '60s, sworn enemies coming to their senses.

We sure could do with a little bit of Hollywood in Cork hurling now.

You have to wonder what, if anything, of value can come from tonight's press conference by the '08 panel, given that the conflict has -- for months -- been sighing and wheezing like a busted old plumbing system. What exactly have they up their sleeves? A detailed dismantling of Gerald McCarthy's latest statement? A sharply worded critique of the county board's adversarial ways?

If so, a word to the wise. Cancel.

Frankly, we're losing the will to live here. Unless and until somebody, somewhere is willing to park their obstinacy and, yes, principle on this matter, the story is going nowhere. It's just noise. A booming symphonic whine. One side bad-mouthing the other, scoring points, splitting hairs, wasting time.

For what it's worth, this column's sympathy is with the '08 panel. The re-appointment of Gerald McCarthy was (a) a needlessly swift and provocative act given the players' stated aversion to his management and (b) a gratuitous exploitation of the same players' political naivety.

Worse, it followed a trend. You might imagine a County Board would be inclined to smooth the path towards its representative teams winning All-Ireland titles. In Cork's case, the board seems compelled to all but put up road blocks.

But both sides now baulk at the steep steps descending to a compromise and, truth tell, the rest of hurling is tempted to catch ye both by the ears and push. This thing is getting tedious. It is clear from Gerald's language that he will not capitulate and, on all available evidence, that's just fine by the Cork public.

They don't see him as the problem here. They see a refusal to swallow pride as the problem. An adherence to the kind of barbed-wire philosophy defined entirely by proclamations of what you will not do.

It may be that you imagine the proximity of tomorrow night's County Board meeting and, specifically, the Cloyne motion calling for clubs to engage proactively in this dispute as potential wind in your sails. It may be, too, that you are bargaining on a humiliating start to Cork's League campaign over the coming weeks rehabilitating your negotiating position.

But the problem is that you don't have a negotiating position.

Since this dispute erupted in late October, your whole argument has swung on a hinge that can neither be oiled nor replaced. You will not work with Gerald. You will, it seems, not even enter into a room to discuss not working with him. Yet, you committed to the arbitration process, a process adhered to -- to the letter, if not the spirit -- in his re-appointment.

Yes, that made you look guileless and not nearly as politically astute as when you put manners on the County Board in 2002. And, yes, the Board's entire motivation in this dispute has looked nothing more sophisticated than a vengeful attempt to balance the books. For that, the compliance of the very clubs you now hope might be energised has been lamentable.

But can you honestly sustain an argument that you are fighting for future generations of Cork hurlers when it is in your interests that the young players currently wearing the jersey are wiped out brutally in competition?

If tonight is to count for anything, let it be for humility. Your unity has been admirable. You deserve better than a spiteful County Board playing politics with a game they hold in trust. For seven years, you have adorned that game with the classicism of your hurling.

But that is when your voice is at its most eloquent. In the hot belly of Semple Stadium or Croke Park on a Championship Sunday.

Establishing committees or calling strategic press conferences just pads around the issue. As one chat-board contributor put it memorably last week: "It reminds you of the Fr Ted episode where Dougal is stuck with a bomb on the milk float. When Ted asks for ideas, Fr Derek Beeching responds "Is there anything to be said for saying another Mass?"


acne noun, pathol a skin disorder, common in adolescence, caused by overactivity of the sebaceous glands, especially on the face, chest and back.
ETYMOLOGY: 19c: perhaps from Greek akme point

noun the highest point of achievement, success, excellence, etc.
ETYMOLOGY: 16c: from Greek akme point.

Heffo, give yer oul mucker bob a ring and tell him thon bstard Humphries reckon's he's got bad skin.
Don't Panic


Quote from: AZOffaly on March 09, 2009, 05:52:10 PM
You know, I don't even bother reading those opinion pieces any more. That's all they are. Opinion. And you know the sayings about opinions.

What matters to me is that the clubs are quite clearly saying that the County Board are not doing their job, and worse than that, are deliberately manipulating votes to make it appear as if the procedures are correct and democratic.

So, getting Ger Mc to quit will do nothing in the long run. I'm not calling on the players to rise up and overthrow the County Board, but if the clubs feel as strongly as their votes suggest, then they must not stop at sacking the coach. They must sack the men who appointed the coach, simply to prove they held the power in Cork, and to prove to the players that they held the whip hand.

Anything less at this stage will make the last 5 months a pathetic joke, and will cause another upheaval within, optimistically, 5 years.

I think what you're saying AZ is "don't shoot the messenger" ? Something I've been saying for a long time. The real target here was the CB, not Gerald but the easy target was Gerald. Had Gerald stepped aside long before now, the 2008 panel would have been back playing away and not a word about Frank. Geting the players back onto the pitch is the only concern of the 2008 panel. Nothing else counts.


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 05:50:01 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on March 09, 2009, 05:37:58 PM
Quote from: passedit on March 09, 2009, 05:23:15 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on March 09, 2009, 05:20:34 PM
if they have any guts down there at all, that they do not allow Ger Mc to fall on his sword and then move on as if that is a panacea. This is root and branch territory. If The executive of the county board are that duplicitous and scheming, then they have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to be in the positions they are.

to me that has been the nub of it from 2002 and before. The question is have they the guts?

Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 05:26:04 PM
The players can't do everything, nor should they be expected to do so.
Clubs have to deal with club business. Clubs have taken over from the players on this way and most stand on their own feet.

Is that a caveat you're throwing in there Reillers? Come on now. If they are doing this for the good of Cork hurling as they've/you've stated then surely they are going see this to it's natural conclusion. Sounds as if they/youre weaseling out. Surely they would know by now that the clubs have no balls without the strikers turning the screw behind them and they need their pressure to see it through?
So you're going to continue to be that petty Skull. Surely there's something else you can find to whinge about, because clearly that's all you're doing here.

pet·ty  (pt)
adj. pet·ti·er, pet·ti·est
1. Of small importance; trivial: a petty grievance.
2. Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views.
3. Marked by meanness or lack of generosity, especially in trifling matters.
4. Secondary in importance or rank; subordinate. See Synonyms at trivial.

Petty? Explain how I am being petty?

So you reckon that after going on strike for 4 ish months that the sacking of Ger McC would be sufficient for the strikers to come back, if the clubs didn't want persue the CCB? And you consider me questioning you on that point to be "petty" after you stating time and time again that this was all about saving Cork hurling? I really am confused. Can you help clarify things for me?

It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Getting back on the pitch SHOULD be the overriding concern for the hurlers. They hurl. That's what they do best.

But the clubs are the ones who need to step up and do the needful. Worst case scenario here, long term, is that Ger Mc stands down, and that's it. That would get the players back playing, but it does nothing for the future of Cork GAA without a house cleaning as well. What will make me sick to my stomach is if Ger Mc goes, nothing else changes, and in July John Gardiner or Tom Kenny or someone is looking to Frank Murphy to get them out of a suspension.

This is the time to make a difference in Cork. If they don't sieze it now, then they are worse than the County Board themselves.

I'm sure the County Board feel they are doing what's best for Cork GAA, I'm not suggesting they aren't. But they have become detached from the clubs they are supposed to be representing.


Quote from: theskull1 on March 09, 2009, 06:03:04 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 05:50:01 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on March 09, 2009, 05:37:58 PM
Quote from: passedit on March 09, 2009, 05:23:15 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on March 09, 2009, 05:20:34 PM
if they have any guts down there at all, that they do not allow Ger Mc to fall on his sword and then move on as if that is a panacea. This is root and branch territory. If The executive of the county board are that duplicitous and scheming, then they have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to be in the positions they are.

to me that has been the nub of it from 2002 and before. The question is have they the guts?

Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 05:26:04 PM
The players can't do everything, nor should they be expected to do so.
Clubs have to deal with club business. Clubs have taken over from the players on this way and most stand on their own feet.

Is that a caveat you're throwing in there Reillers? Come on now. If they are doing this for the good of Cork hurling as they've/you've stated then surely they are going see this to it's natural conclusion. Sounds as if they/youre weaseling out. Surely they would know by now that the clubs have no balls without the strikers turning the screw behind them and they need their pressure to see it through?
So you're going to continue to be that petty Skull. Surely there's something else you can find to whinge about, because clearly that's all you're doing here.

pet·ty  (pt)
adj. pet·ti·er, pet·ti·est
1. Of small importance; trivial: a petty grievance.
2. Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views.
3. Marked by meanness or lack of generosity, especially in trifling matters.
4. Secondary in importance or rank; subordinate. See Synonyms at trivial.

Petty? Explain how I am being petty?

So you reckon that after going on strike for 4 ish months that the sacking of Ger McC would be sufficient for the strikers to come back, if the clubs didn't want persue the CCB? And you consider me questioning you on that point to be "petty" after you stating time and time again that this was all about saving Cork hurling? I really am confused. Can you help clarify things for me?

The fact that you need me to answer that for you says a lot.
They said they will go back when Gerald is gone and I expect them to do so.
The clubs do want to persue the Cb and that's the point.
The players started the ball rolling but the clubs need to take care of club business, they need to stand on their own two feet or else this will never work.
I never said it was about saving Cork hurling, to my recognition anyway, and stop twisting nit picking posts that I posted months ago.
And if the Cb is changed and FM is gone, that is Cork GAA saved in my view anyway.

And you think you aren't being petty. Grow up.


Reillers, can I ask you a question?

Tell me if this scenario is better, worse or the same as what is happening at the moment (i.e. Ger McCarthy in situ, Newcomers playing)

July 2009. Cork Manager Ger Cunningham names an unchanged team for the Munster Final, with Joe Deane recovered from injury. Donal Og Cusack is making his Xth appearance for Cork and the half back line of Sean Og, Tom Kenny and John Gardiner continue. Also boosting Cork's chances is the return of Cathal Naughton, who had his 2 month ban overturned following an appeal from Cork. Frank Murphy, secretary, said "It was quite clear that due process was not followed, and Cathal is rightly available for selection for Thurles"


Quote from: orangeman on March 09, 2009, 05:58:24 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on March 09, 2009, 05:52:10 PM
You know, I don't even bother reading those opinion pieces any more. That's all they are. Opinion. And you know the sayings about opinions.

What matters to me is that the clubs are quite clearly saying that the County Board are not doing their job, and worse than that, are deliberately manipulating votes to make it appear as if the procedures are correct and democratic.

So, getting Ger Mc to quit will do nothing in the long run. I'm not calling on the players to rise up and overthrow the County Board, but if the clubs feel as strongly as their votes suggest, then they must not stop at sacking the coach. They must sack the men who appointed the coach, simply to prove they held the power in Cork, and to prove to the players that they held the whip hand.

Anything less at this stage will make the last 5 months a pathetic joke, and will cause another upheaval within, optimistically, 5 years.

I think what you're saying AZ is "don't shoot the messenger" ? Something I've been saying for a long time. The real target here was the CB, not Gerald but the easy target was Gerald. Had Gerald stepped aside long before now, the 2008 panel would have been back playing away and not a word about Frank. Geting the players back onto the pitch is the only concern of the 2008 panel. Nothing else counts.
It's like we've gone back 100 pages with you OM.
It was ALWAYS about the CB, it was about their decision to reappoint Gerald, the way in which he was reappointed. It has been said over and over and over again OM.
Gerald made his bed and picked exactly what side he was going to sleep on, and he was used as a pawn by the CB, used as a weapon and he will be the first sacrificed and if the CB feel their power being threatened he'll be gone in a heartbeat. If Gerald had steped aside a few months ago none of this would have happened and we'd be in the same situation a year or so down the line, but it has happened and the CB have awoken a sleeping giant in the clubs.

You honestly think after all of this that their only concern is about getting back on the pitch and playing..honestly OM..I mean really.
Of course the rest of it counts, if it didn't the last month or so wouldn't have happened.


The players through their industrial action have pressurised a reaction from the clubs who have been as much to blame for letting the CCB have such a free hand for so long (if stories are to be believed). For the players now to just leave the wreck and ruin that they have been part of to the clubs to sort out only if they (the clubs) wish to is copping out if you ask me. Tells me that this was not really about saving Cork hurling but solely about getting rid of Ger McC. If history has taught them anything then they should know that the clubs cannot be trusted to fulfil their duties.


If you say something and support that argument strongly when you say it, then people have every right to consider that to be your belief. But eejits like you say what suits them at the time and then it flys back in your face down the line when you contradict it, yet you choose to calll those who catch you out doing it to be nit picking and petty. Arguing with a fool like yourself really is pointless.

......I've just seen youre latest you not see the contradictions in the things you say from one post to the next....I'm amazed....but I should know better by now
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


REILLERS : Quote from Ga last night :

John Gardiner said last night whilst Graham Canty, Anthony Lynch, Daniel Goulding, John Hayes and Pierce O'Neill were standing beside him :

" It's obvious now that democracy wasn't working, but if the people of Cork and the grassroots get their way on Tuesday night then we'll be back playing AND THAT WAS OUR GOAL ALL ALONG".

I thought it was all about saving Cork hurling ( or is it saved now - the 2008 panel are back ?? ).


Quote from: AZOffaly on March 09, 2009, 06:19:09 PM
Reillers, can I ask you a question?

Tell me if this scenario is better, worse or the same as what is happening at the moment (i.e. Ger McCarthy in situ, Newcomers playing)

July 2009. Cork Manager Ger Cunningham names an unchanged team for the Munster Final, with Joe Deane recovered from injury. Donal Og Cusack is making his Xth appearance for Cork and the half back line of Sean Og, Tom Kenny and John Gardiner continue. Also boosting Cork's chances is the return of Cathal Naughton, who had his 2 month ban overturned following an appeal from Cork. Frank Murphy, secretary, said "It was quite clear that due process was not followed, and Cathal is rightly available for selection for Thurles"

Well the fact they're still playing in July is one thing.
But what are you asking me? The same players playing or the fact FM getting a player off??


Quote from: orangeman on March 09, 2009, 06:34:29 PM
REILLERS : Quote from Ga last night :

John Gardiner said last night whilst Graham Canty, Anthony Lynch, Daniel Goulding, John Hayes and Pierce O'Neill were standing beside him :

" It's obvious now that democracy wasn't working, but if the people of Cork and the grassroots get their way on Tuesday night then we'll be back playing AND THAT WAS OUR GOAL ALL ALONG".

I thought it was all about saving Cork hurling ( or is it saved now - the 2008 panel are back ?? ).

Ya it was their goal all along but to say that's all they ever cared about is wrong and untrue. Things change OM, you really don't seem to grasp that cocept.