McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: anglocelt39 on March 07, 2009, 01:23:00 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 07, 2009, 12:51:05 AM
Quote from: anglocelt39 on March 06, 2009, 11:50:25 PM
We would all, to a man, prefer to be labelled as difficult than as cowards to be seen as fanatical rather than morally weak; to be seen as acting above our station rather than subservient and self-serving."

Now feckit Reillers I thought about letting this go but there's been enough Shite posted on this this thread so a bit of pedantry will not go amiss. How exactly can your 29 other mates from the 08 panel be subservient AND self serving at the same time. No, hold on I got it now. Subservient=thanks Frank for getting me off that suspension which I blatantly deserved for acting the tr**p against Clare in 20whatever, Self Serving=in fact Frank you rate right up there with Hitler in terms of where we are at present, no hard feelings like. Now excuse us while we collect our endorsements.

I was making a point.
So answer it, leave you pathetic little petiness regarding the players aside just for one minute and answer me this, should if things are extermley bad with the Cb in Cork and the clubs and IC players are being fucked over every single time, should they shut up or put up?

Right so, so according to you lets f**k what the players think, what the fans think, what the clubs think, it's clear now that the players have a clear mandate. But no, screw what everyone else thinks because you hate the players. This isn't about the players anymore the clubs are not taking the lead ont it.
You've got some serious problem with the players, clearly you've nothing to give to this topic other then bitchyness at the players, whinging and moaning. Unless you're actually going to make a constructive point instead of blatantly insulting people who have done more for GAA then no doubt you ever will, go have a nice cry about it somewhere else. It's clear you couldn't care less about the situation and just want to whinge and bitch about the players. Why don't you save yourself and us some time and go and cry somewhere else if you're not going to discuss it. I'm sick to death of people like you. People who don't give a flying f**k about the situation, about the facts that the clubs have their full backing and such, and just want to winge and cry about the players because they have nothing better to do.

Because if you stoped you're whining over the players you'd realise that it's not just them and that the clubs, the grassroots, have suffered just as much if not more as the IC players over the years and are finally standing up to them. If you took a second to think that maybe God forbid the players were right and maybe just maybe the clubs are behind them for a reason.

Now that should be a piece of piddle for a lad like yourself who is close to the action in all things Cork GAA.

Reillers won't tell anyone what club he's a member of or what his role in that club appears his only role in the GAA is to copy and paste segments of rebelgaa and comment in almost homo-erotic terms about the strikers and how well they're looking in training..


Quote from: heffo on March 07, 2009, 01:29:30 PM
Quote from: anglocelt39 on March 07, 2009, 01:23:00 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 07, 2009, 12:51:05 AM
Quote from: anglocelt39 on March 06, 2009, 11:50:25 PM
We would all, to a man, prefer to be labelled as difficult than as cowards to be seen as fanatical rather than morally weak; to be seen as acting above our station rather than subservient and self-serving."

Now feckit Reillers I thought about letting this go but there's been enough Shite posted on this this thread so a bit of pedantry will not go amiss. How exactly can your 29 other mates from the 08 panel be subservient AND self serving at the same time. No, hold on I got it now. Subservient=thanks Frank for getting me off that suspension which I blatantly deserved for acting the tr**p against Clare in 20whatever, Self Serving=in fact Frank you rate right up there with Hitler in terms of where we are at present, no hard feelings like. Now excuse us while we collect our endorsements.

I was making a point.
So answer it, leave you pathetic little petiness regarding the players aside just for one minute and answer me this, should if things are extermley bad with the Cb in Cork and the clubs and IC players are being fucked over every single time, should they shut up or put up?

Right so, so according to you lets f**k what the players think, what the fans think, what the clubs think, it's clear now that the players have a clear mandate. But no, screw what everyone else thinks because you hate the players. This isn't about the players anymore the clubs are not taking the lead ont it.
You've got some serious problem with the players, clearly you've nothing to give to this topic other then bitchyness at the players, whinging and moaning. Unless you're actually going to make a constructive point instead of blatantly insulting people who have done more for GAA then no doubt you ever will, go have a nice cry about it somewhere else. It's clear you couldn't care less about the situation and just want to whinge and bitch about the players. Why don't you save yourself and us some time and go and cry somewhere else if you're not going to discuss it. I'm sick to death of people like you. People who don't give a flying f**k about the situation, about the facts that the clubs have their full backing and such, and just want to winge and cry about the players because they have nothing better to do.

Because if you stoped you're whining over the players you'd realise that it's not just them and that the clubs, the grassroots, have suffered just as much if not more as the IC players over the years and are finally standing up to them. If you took a second to think that maybe God forbid the players were right and maybe just maybe the clubs are behind them for a reason.

Now that should be a piece of piddle for a lad like yourself who is close to the action in all things Cork GAA.

Reillers won't tell anyone what club he's a member of or what his role in that club appears his only role in the GAA is to copy and paste segments of rebelgaa and comment in almost homo-erotic terms about the strikers and how well they're looking in training..

Not true. I've let someone on here know what club I'm from. He's dissapered but I've told him and if ye can't get what club I'm from what I've said then ye don't really know Cork hurling.
I will not say what club I'm from directly on here because some of the things that have been said, and truth be told I wouldn't tell half of ye even if ye asked. All ye do on here, day and night, is bitch and degrade the hurlers, talk them into the ground, not an inch of respect for any of them, you think I'd tell ye my club for ye to do the same. Ya right.
And none of ye have said that ye are even involved at club level, which by some of yere posts, especially Dowling's, I don't think ye are, which makes it's even more impossible for ye to judge this situation.


Quote from: heffo on March 07, 2009, 01:27:21 PM
Whats this fella smoking??

"Referring to the recent address of a county board meeting by Gerald McCarthy the Clon delegate said asking the delegates to vote by a show of hands was not the way to conduct business." - Why not? That's the way every other county in the country conducts their business and they manage to do it without bringing the GAA into disrepute..

"We need new delegates with fresh ideas to represent us at the county board." - it's the role of the delegate to be imaginative and come up with ideas, it's his role to vote under instruction from his club officers....

For the 100th time.
You still haven't grasped how much power and pressure FM holds in those meetings. It's intimidating, and when a vote is called on something, there's massive pressure there for you to vote in the way FM's voting. If you don't, lets just say you're clubs name is blackened.
If there's a secret ballot then there's no intimidating, FM will never know which way anyone voted. But that said, you couldn't trust some of the delegates as far as you could throw them, in the open vote the clubs can see it when their delegates vote against them, in a closed vote they can't.


Quote from: Zulu on March 07, 2009, 12:43:25 PM
Were you drinking when you posted that early this morning dowling? There is so much wrong with it it's hard to know where to start, I've referred to some of it in my previous post but I'm beginning to think your a pure chancer, you've questioned Reillers connection to the Cork hurlers yet you've hardly posted on any other topic on this board, that seems strange to me. You also portray yourself as a knowledgable GAA man yet you said this...

QuoteI would have put a motion in to county convention to go before congress that paid county secretaries, as I believe all now are, are disqualified from being recognised as county officers and allowed no input unless sought from the CB into county board decisions

You don't need to be an expert on GAA matters to know this is far from true. As for the rest of your post how anyone who has already agreed (as you have) that the democratic process is flawed and has agreed that secretaries can manipulate votes to get what they want could argue that the players go through this process is beyond belief. By going on strike the players forced the ordinary club man to get involved and not simply allow one man (their delegate) to represent them. Even at that it took a few hammerings in the league before they got off their arses to make their feelings known.

Hopefully you won't think that by disagreeing with you I'm giving you 'shite' ::)

There you go again Zulu. I didn't know there were only certain times I was allowed to post or that if I did post at a certain time I might be open to question. And as I've said before I didn't realise there were a certain amount of topics I have participate in to be allowed to participate in this one.
For all you know I might be an alcoholic and drink during the daytime or an insomniac. So what. You might be an alcoholic for all I know or you might be worse. I don't think it's relevent.
But you and other posters feel it's alright to use insulting language and terms - and check if you want it largely comes from pro posters - yet question me for pointing it out as if I shouldn't draw attention to it. But then if I shouldn't draw attention to it why should you feel the need to use it.
As I've continually said, when you use such language it reflects more on you.


Quote from: Reillers on March 07, 2009, 01:45:25 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 07, 2009, 01:29:30 PM
Quote from: anglocelt39 on March 07, 2009, 01:23:00 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 07, 2009, 12:51:05 AM
Quote from: anglocelt39 on March 06, 2009, 11:50:25 PM
We would all, to a man, prefer to be labelled as difficult than as cowards to be seen as fanatical rather than morally weak; to be seen as acting above our station rather than subservient and self-serving."

Now feckit Reillers I thought about letting this go but there's been enough Shite posted on this this thread so a bit of pedantry will not go amiss. How exactly can your 29 other mates from the 08 panel be subservient AND self serving at the same time. No, hold on I got it now. Subservient=thanks Frank for getting me off that suspension which I blatantly deserved for acting the tr**p against Clare in 20whatever, Self Serving=in fact Frank you rate right up there with Hitler in terms of where we are at present, no hard feelings like. Now excuse us while we collect our endorsements.

I was making a point.
So answer it, leave you pathetic little petiness regarding the players aside just for one minute and answer me this, should if things are extermley bad with the Cb in Cork and the clubs and IC players are being fucked over every single time, should they shut up or put up?

Right so, so according to you lets f**k what the players think, what the fans think, what the clubs think, it's clear now that the players have a clear mandate. But no, screw what everyone else thinks because you hate the players. This isn't about the players anymore the clubs are not taking the lead ont it.
You've got some serious problem with the players, clearly you've nothing to give to this topic other then bitchyness at the players, whinging and moaning. Unless you're actually going to make a constructive point instead of blatantly insulting people who have done more for GAA then no doubt you ever will, go have a nice cry about it somewhere else. It's clear you couldn't care less about the situation and just want to whinge and bitch about the players. Why don't you save yourself and us some time and go and cry somewhere else if you're not going to discuss it. I'm sick to death of people like you. People who don't give a flying f**k about the situation, about the facts that the clubs have their full backing and such, and just want to winge and cry about the players because they have nothing better to do.

Because if you stoped you're whining over the players you'd realise that it's not just them and that the clubs, the grassroots, have suffered just as much if not more as the IC players over the years and are finally standing up to them. If you took a second to think that maybe God forbid the players were right and maybe just maybe the clubs are behind them for a reason.

Now that should be a piece of piddle for a lad like yourself who is close to the action in all things Cork GAA.

Reillers won't tell anyone what club he's a member of or what his role in that club appears his only role in the GAA is to copy and paste segments of rebelgaa and comment in almost homo-erotic terms about the strikers and how well they're looking in training..

Not true. I've let someone on here know what club I'm from. He's dissapered but I've told him and if ye can't get what club I'm from what I've said then ye don't really know Cork hurling.
I will not say what club I'm from directly on here because some of the things that have been said, and truth be told I wouldn't tell half of ye even if ye asked. All ye do on here, day and night, is bitch and degrade the hurlers, talk them into the ground, not an inch of respect for any of them, you think I'd tell ye my club for ye to do the same. Ya right.
And none of ye have said that ye are even involved at club level, which by some of yere posts, especially Dowling's, I don't think ye are, which makes it's even more impossible for ye to judge this situation.

I've posted that I'm a County board officer and a club Secretary

Respect has to be earned Reillers and imo the Strikers lost my respect by the way they've carried on.


Quote from: dowling on March 07, 2009, 01:03:58 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 07, 2009, 10:27:37 AM

If there are situations in other county boards as poor and as damaging to the GAA in that county as there is in cork then i would expect, never mind support, whatever action was necessary to rectify it. If that action is in the form of motions tothe county executive then fair enough if it gets the job done. but if it requires clubs withdrawing fees, witholding players, etc then also air enough. If it requires players to withdraw their services to highlight malpractice then also fair enough.

everything in proportion though

Fair enough to an extent GAA. In spite of my focus on rules and procedures I of course recognise they're flouted all the time or that there are other avenues by which to apply pressure to get a result. Not for all clubs though but the 'bigger' or more successful ones. All clubs aren't on a par when it comes to affecting change. Counties deal with this all the time but very rarely, if ever , would occasions have the potential to split counties like is happening. Everything in proportion is a good point.
The 2008 panel went on strike, not to highlight malpractice, but to affect change to replace the management. This is more profound than what you're talking about because if the panel win on this issue they, in effect, usurp the Cork Board's authority as given to it by clubs. The panel in effect become the authority to select their manager. And it doesn't matter if they say they don't want to pick the manager. But we've been through all that bit.
As for elite players in general looking to make money from playing at county level, and I don't mean through the sponsorship or high profile things.
Talk to a GPA member in a moment of honesty or look at the statements from the GPA over the years referring to increased gate monies that the players create and you'll find that the GPA want a 'slice of the cake' for their members.

As for the Cork panel and the strike. The strike hasn't achieved change, it's only achievement has been to drag the whole county down.
But when you talk about actions to cause pressure why didn't the Cork footballers say they were refusing their holiday or all the perks/welfare benefits before they go on strike. Everything is supposed to be part of a package. At least there would be a bit of a sacrifice there.

All of this was caused because of the way in which the CB reappointed Gerald.
It started with that battle, but it's broken out into a war, that we all could see coming. If they'd won that battle and it'd been put to bed then we'd be back in the same spot next season or the season afterwards fighting over something else again.
The CB's willingness to stick the heels in to get rid of the players has backfired on them completley. The players wouldn't have wanted to wake the sleeping dog by challenging them on all of this at the start because they would have gotten no backing way back then, but ironically it's the cb that have woken the sleeping dog, the clubs.

Oh the GPA, here we go again, the great conspiracy.

How many times do you poke a dog until he bites back?
If you think that this hasn't achieved anything then you don't know GAA dowling, especially Cork GAA.
The leadership and actions of these players have resulted in the clubs finally standing up and challenging the CB, who are not doing their job, something which was underlined in the Croke Park offer of a resolution, something which would pretty much strip the CB of their power. Even Croke park don't think they're doing their job. And after last night that was echoed even more. And you don't think anything's been achieved. A hell of a lot has and it is probably ironically one of the best worst things to ever happen to Cork GAA if the players and clubs win this. It could be the sole reason why the county will start to climb out of the rot it's been in for years.
The footballers like every other county in their position get a holiday. They are not fully involved in this and I don't see the problem. And what holiday are you on about?


Ahh Jesus dowling, my comment was a bit tongue in cheek but your post was agressive and made little sense as I've pointed out to you already. Yet all you can do is post more complaints about the language used rather than address the content of the post and the questions put to you, you've said I (and others) give you shite and were idiots yet you try to take the high ground. From my recollection all I've said to you was that one of your points was rubbish and another was bullshit (which I apologized for) yet if you we're to just read your posts you'd think I subjected you to constant personalized abuse, will you grow up and debate the issue if you want. Repeatedly complaining about some mildly colourful language or strong rejections of your posts is very tiresome and it's strange that no other anti-player poster seems to feel as you do.


Come on now Reillers, three positive things about the County Board and administrators, surely you can manage that in the interests of showing your balance and maturiity in your views of all things Cork GAA. And for god's sake one positive comment on FM surely, I mean he's a grand lad to go on County panel holiday with so surely you can muster something????
Undefeated at the Polo Grounds


Quote from: heffo on March 07, 2009, 01:55:58 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 07, 2009, 01:45:25 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 07, 2009, 01:29:30 PM
Quote from: anglocelt39 on March 07, 2009, 01:23:00 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 07, 2009, 12:51:05 AM
Quote from: anglocelt39 on March 06, 2009, 11:50:25 PM
We would all, to a man, prefer to be labelled as difficult than as cowards to be seen as fanatical rather than morally weak; to be seen as acting above our station rather than subservient and self-serving."

Now feckit Reillers I thought about letting this go but there's been enough Shite posted on this this thread so a bit of pedantry will not go amiss. How exactly can your 29 other mates from the 08 panel be subservient AND self serving at the same time. No, hold on I got it now. Subservient=thanks Frank for getting me off that suspension which I blatantly deserved for acting the tr**p against Clare in 20whatever, Self Serving=in fact Frank you rate right up there with Hitler in terms of where we are at present, no hard feelings like. Now excuse us while we collect our endorsements.

I was making a point.
So answer it, leave you pathetic little petiness regarding the players aside just for one minute and answer me this, should if things are extermley bad with the Cb in Cork and the clubs and IC players are being fucked over every single time, should they shut up or put up?

Right so, so according to you lets f**k what the players think, what the fans think, what the clubs think, it's clear now that the players have a clear mandate. But no, screw what everyone else thinks because you hate the players. This isn't about the players anymore the clubs are not taking the lead ont it.
You've got some serious problem with the players, clearly you've nothing to give to this topic other then bitchyness at the players, whinging and moaning. Unless you're actually going to make a constructive point instead of blatantly insulting people who have done more for GAA then no doubt you ever will, go have a nice cry about it somewhere else. It's clear you couldn't care less about the situation and just want to whinge and bitch about the players. Why don't you save yourself and us some time and go and cry somewhere else if you're not going to discuss it. I'm sick to death of people like you. People who don't give a flying f**k about the situation, about the facts that the clubs have their full backing and such, and just want to winge and cry about the players because they have nothing better to do.

Because if you stoped you're whining over the players you'd realise that it's not just them and that the clubs, the grassroots, have suffered just as much if not more as the IC players over the years and are finally standing up to them. If you took a second to think that maybe God forbid the players were right and maybe just maybe the clubs are behind them for a reason.

Now that should be a piece of piddle for a lad like yourself who is close to the action in all things Cork GAA.

Reillers won't tell anyone what club he's a member of or what his role in that club appears his only role in the GAA is to copy and paste segments of rebelgaa and comment in almost homo-erotic terms about the strikers and how well they're looking in training..

Not true. I've let someone on here know what club I'm from. He's dissapered but I've told him and if ye can't get what club I'm from what I've said then ye don't really know Cork hurling.
I will not say what club I'm from directly on here because some of the things that have been said, and truth be told I wouldn't tell half of ye even if ye asked. All ye do on here, day and night, is bitch and degrade the hurlers, talk them into the ground, not an inch of respect for any of them, you think I'd tell ye my club for ye to do the same. Ya right.
And none of ye have said that ye are even involved at club level, which by some of yere posts, especially Dowling's, I don't think ye are, which makes it's even more impossible for ye to judge this situation.

I've posted that I'm a County board officer and a club Secretary

Respect has to be earned Reillers and imo the Strikers lost my respect by the way they've carried on.

Yet you haven't stated what club your from. It's completley different as well. I do not feel comfortable discussing my club here because of conflicting things that have been said or that I might say. Respect wise I'd like to leave it out of it, clearly that's hard enough for you to get.

These lads have, I actually don't think you understand just what they've achieved. Something which I thought was impossible.

First of all everything they achieved and won on the pitch was down to their own graft, blood sweat and tears.
The had to strike and fight the board like hell to get what's near proper standards expected at IC level for a top IC team, or even an IC in general. They then with a hell of a manager and backroom team, turned it into the best professional set up in the country.
They went to having to drive up the country because no bus booked by the CB to get to match up north to having the most professional set up ever. And two brilliant managers and an amazing backroom team. Everything down to the last inch, to the last ball, gach uile liathroid, nothing was left overturned.
And they won a bucket full plus of trophies. Now KK are an oustanding team, but they've everyones backing, the manager, Cb working as one, not inspite of the players, not looking to get rid of the best players, but Cork won what they did swimming up a river against the tide.
All that they built with their own hands was threatened in 06 when instead of doing what was expected, needed, and succesful, the CB wanted to stop the ring of brilliance because they were no near involved as they wanted to be, they felt that what the players achieved had nothing to do with them, and it didn't, it was won inspite of the CB.
So the CB said hey, we don't want that anymore, so they put in their man, Gerald, a yes man. And things went from being the most professional set up to probably one of the worst. The likes of Donal O Grady, Allen, and all the backroom team, had it down to a tee. They could tell the twins apart, Gerald didn't know some of the players names, clubs, who was playing who wasn't, who was injured, training was poor, match tactics were ancient, subs called were in large costly.

You've no idea what work is put in. And for that to be smashed because of the CB's want for revenge. Other counties are handed the things the players had to graft and work their asses off for.
And the CB, in a blink of an eye destroyed their work.
Now maybe KK would still have won if we kept the circle going, but it's not the point. The players weren't given the chance to even try half as near well as they could. And they tried, they tried for two long hard years.
And then after two bad years, they didn't want to have another two, and no one thought that the Cb would reappoint Gerald, it'd be a ridiculous, disatorus decision. Not only did the players not get on with him, they made it clear they didn't want him as manager again, the results were incredibly poor for Cork standards, they even needed a facilitator to get through the end of the last season, it was that bad.
And then the CB just, without a bother, despite what the players say, just reappoint the man.

Now what would you have done if you were them. Going to the clubs straight away wouldn't have worked, I'm amazed it's worked now. There's no way in a million years had if the players confronted the Cb then and tried to get the clubs to do the same would anthing have happened. They'd be laughed out of the place, with how stupid do ye think we are probably called after them. It would have been stupid and pointless to try and do it then.

So what would you have done?
The players did the only thing they could do, refuse to play. It's the only weapon they had in their arsenal.
And the CB, just didn't want them back, all of this was clearly to get tid of the "ring leaders." If the CB wanted the players back to be playing, they'd be playing by now, it's as simple as that.
Maybe the players shouldn't have respounded in the press at times. But in large they were responding to McCarthy's statements. He had made over 30/40 statements to the press by the time the players had their press conference, while the players had only made 8/9. In each of McCarthy's statements to the press he thrashed them, insulted them. Some of the stuff he said about Sean Og was highly insulting. He leaked a confidential document to the press that ruined whatever trust was left and I can tell you hear and now lost some of the younger players who might have been having second thoughts.

They have showed incredible restraint and leadership. They have sat down in front of the press, all 30 of them, and let themselves open to whatever questions that could have been thrown at them. They accepted everyone one of them, answered honestly and addmited when they wrong.
They did the same with the clubs, sat in front of any club that wanted to turn up, were if they're honest, expecting a hostile response, they could have been askde anything, anything at all could have been said to them by the clubs.
But they sat there anyway.

The CB and Gerald haven't done either. They are hiding behind rules. They are not respecting the grassroots. They don't give a damn what the clubs think, what the players think, what the fans think.
They hide underground and make a statement every so often that has the words, rule book and democratic in the statement.

The players have showed incredible leadership to unite the clubs, even the Glen who were expected to vote against the players and their motions wouldn't and voted to be neutral.

They have united the clubs and they are challenging a curropt system that is denying the clubs a voice.

Now where exactly have they lost respect?

But where exactly did they loose respect from you?


Quote from: anglocelt39 on March 07, 2009, 02:24:52 PM
Come on now Reillers, three positive things about the County Board and administrators, surely you can manage that in the interests of showing your balance and maturiity in your views of all things Cork GAA. And for god's sake one positive comment on FM surely, I mean he's a grand lad to go on County panel holiday with so surely you can muster something????

3 positive things.
They can talk their way out of anything.
They know the rulebook inside out.
They are about the only CB that can survive and go on and justify going against their clubs.

And FM. Know one is more manipulative and knows the rule book better then him.

You are completley anti player, you make not one constructive point about how to solve this, or anything really. You come on to insult the players and you talk crap like oh holidays and shit when you know everyone else gets one as well.

Either try and somehow contribute or save your whinging for bebo or facebook or whatever the hell you cry on. I'm sick to death of so called GAA "fans" like you. You would love nothing more to see the players loose and the clubs loose once you can still bash them to the hill.


Quote from: Zulu on March 07, 2009, 02:06:40 PM
Ahh Jesus dowling, my comment was a bit tongue in cheek but your post was agressive and made little sense as I've pointed out to you already. Yet all you can do is post more complaints about the language used rather than address the content of the post and the questions put to you, you've said I (and others) give you shite and were idiots yet you try to take the high ground. From my recollection all I've said to you was that one of your points was rubbish and another was bullshit (which I apologized for) yet if you we're to just read your posts you'd think I subjected you to constant personalized abuse, will you grow up and debate the issue if you want. Repeatedly complaining about some mildly colourful language or strong rejections of your posts is very tiresome and it's strange that no other anti-player poster seems to feel as you do.

Ah Jesus Zulu sure my post might only have been tongue in cheek also.
It's a bit rich to accuse me of being aggressive because I put on one post of exagerated language to make a point. I have faced plenty of aggression here.
And back to the 'grow up' because I point out the constant use of 'mildly colourful language'. The use of such language is aggressive in that consciously or sub-consciously it's an attempt to belittle the poster rather than address the post. It's use doesn't 'debate the issue'.

I have no ulterior motive to be on here other than personally I disagree with what the 2008 panel have done and believe it to be detrimental to Cork and the GAA in general. And I also believe the basis of the strike was an attempt to bully Gerald McCarthy as Teddy Holland was bullied last year.


Quote from: Reillers on March 07, 2009, 02:02:31 PM
Quote from: dowling on March 07, 2009, 01:03:58 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 07, 2009, 10:27:37 AM

If there are situations in other county boards as poor and as damaging to the GAA in that county as there is in cork then i would expect, never mind support, whatever action was necessary to rectify it. If that action is in the form of motions tothe county executive then fair enough if it gets the job done. but if it requires clubs withdrawing fees, witholding players, etc then also air enough. If it requires players to withdraw their services to highlight malpractice then also fair enough.

everything in proportion though

Fair enough to an extent GAA. In spite of my focus on rules and procedures I of course recognise they're flouted all the time or that there are other avenues by which to apply pressure to get a result. Not for all clubs though but the 'bigger' or more successful ones. All clubs aren't on a par when it comes to affecting change. Counties deal with this all the time but very rarely, if ever , would occasions have the potential to split counties like is happening. Everything in proportion is a good point.
The 2008 panel went on strike, not to highlight malpractice, but to affect change to replace the management. This is more profound than what you're talking about because if the panel win on this issue they, in effect, usurp the Cork Board's authority as given to it by clubs. The panel in effect become the authority to select their manager. And it doesn't matter if they say they don't want to pick the manager. But we've been through all that bit.
As for elite players in general looking to make money from playing at county level, and I don't mean through the sponsorship or high profile things.
Talk to a GPA member in a moment of honesty or look at the statements from the GPA over the years referring to increased gate monies that the players create and you'll find that the GPA want a 'slice of the cake' for their members.

As for the Cork panel and the strike. The strike hasn't achieved change, it's only achievement has been to drag the whole county down.
But when you talk about actions to cause pressure why didn't the Cork footballers say they were refusing their holiday or all the perks/welfare benefits before they go on strike. Everything is supposed to be part of a package. At least there would be a bit of a sacrifice there.

All of this was caused because of the way in which the CB reappointed Gerald.
It started with that battle, but it's broken out into a war, that we all could see coming. If they'd won that battle and it'd been put to bed then we'd be back in the same spot next season or the season afterwards fighting over something else again.
The CB's willingness to stick the heels in to get rid of the players has backfired on them completley. The players wouldn't have wanted to wake the sleeping dog by challenging them on all of this at the start because they would have gotten no backing way back then, but ironically it's the cb that have woken the sleeping dog, the clubs.

Oh the GPA, here we go again, the great conspiracy.

How many times do you poke a dog until he bites back?
If you think that this hasn't achieved anything then you don't know GAA dowling, especially Cork GAA.
The leadership and actions of these players have resulted in the clubs finally standing up and challenging the CB, who are not doing their job, something which was underlined in the Croke Park offer of a resolution, something which would pretty much strip the CB of their power. Even Croke park don't think they're doing their job. And after last night that was echoed even more. And you don't think anything's been achieved. A hell of a lot has and it is probably ironically one of the best worst things to ever happen to Cork GAA if the players and clubs win this. It could be the sole reason why the county will start to climb out of the rot it's been in for years.
The footballers like every other county in their position get a holiday. They are not fully involved in this and I don't see the problem. And what holiday are you on about?

A war we could all see coming eh?
Some of your earliest posts don't indicate that. Like,

"I'm sorry did I miss something. Did I fall asleep and did Donal Og lead a civil, no I don't think so."

"The players had a meeting, they voted 26 to 2 against the decision of the board, who along with Gerald Mac, were very aware of the players feelings. They said they have made it clear that they are not happy and the ball is now in the boards court.

Now have I missed something or is that all that's happened..

Now they can't go on strike again, so the worst that will happen is that 9 players leave and ye'll have no shite from Cork to put up with. God what will we do then."

or maybe

"The players have done nothing but take a vote on who agrees with the CCB's decision, yet people are using this as an excuse to bitch and whine about Cork hurling.

Lets not kid ourselves this is just one big bitching session while we're waiting for something to happen, if anything does happen."

and my favourite

"Don't worry it'll all be over soon. So be ready to go bitch at someone else." from October 25th I think.


Quote from: dowling on March 07, 2009, 02:40:28 PM
Quote from: Zulu on March 07, 2009, 02:06:40 PM
Ahh Jesus dowling, my comment was a bit tongue in cheek but your post was agressive and made little sense as I've pointed out to you already. Yet all you can do is post more complaints about the language used rather than address the content of the post and the questions put to you, you've said I (and others) give you shite and were idiots yet you try to take the high ground. From my recollection all I've said to you was that one of your points was rubbish and another was bullshit (which I apologized for) yet if you we're to just read your posts you'd think I subjected you to constant personalized abuse, will you grow up and debate the issue if you want. Repeatedly complaining about some mildly colourful language or strong rejections of your posts is very tiresome and it's strange that no other anti-player poster seems to feel as you do.

Ah Jesus Zulu sure my post might only have been tongue in cheek also.
It's a bit rich to accuse me of being aggressive because I put on one post of exagerated language to make a point. I have faced plenty of aggression here.
And back to the 'grow up' because I point out the constant use of 'mildly colourful language'. The use of such language is aggressive in that consciously or sub-consciously it's an attempt to belittle the poster rather than address the post. It's use doesn't 'debate the issue'.

I have no ulterior motive to be on here other than personally I disagree with what the 2008 panel have done and believe it to be detrimental to Cork and the GAA in general. And I also believe the basis of the strike was an attempt to bully Gerald McCarthy as Teddy Holland was bullied last year.

Of course you have an ulterior motive. It's become clear from your posts the lack of knowledge you have. You have not backed up anything you've said with substantial proof or reasoning.
You still haven't justified why Gearld was reppointed.
You can't justify the clubs backing the players, you just degrade it. Despite the overw, an overwhelming majority.
For the 100th time, the strike was against the reappointment of Gerald not Gerald himself, he was the one who made it personal.
While they didn't want to play under him anymore and they did respect him and though they made that clear to the CB from the start their feelings on it and they CB knew full well what had been going on they waited as long as they could tom officially bring up how bad things had been under him, because they honestly thought that the CB would be genuine and go into the talks in good spirit, and as they've said, they were naive to think that.
As for Holland, I'm sorry, but he knew 100% what he was getting himself into the players hadn't even played under him and they had made their point clear, that they wouldn't play under any manager until the issue was sorted, yet Holland, the 7th odd choice, was appointed anyway. It could have been anyone. It wasn't about him though, it was, like now, about the CB's decision. And you'd know that if you bothered trying. Clearly you don't know much at all about the Cork situation and all you do on here is whinge about them with no proof or backing to what your saying, and of course about the GPA conspiracies.


Quote from: Zulu on March 06, 2009, 05:36:46 PM
Tbh if we need to see strikes and aggro in other counties then so be it IMO, however I'm not sure any other county is as bad as Cork in this regard. Nevertheless a lot of CB's could do with a shake up and this is clearly evidenced by the club fixtures in many counties.

That is quite clearly advocating strikes Zulu irrespective of what you say about badly expressing yourself.


Quote from: dowling on March 07, 2009, 02:58:12 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 07, 2009, 02:02:31 PM
Quote from: dowling on March 07, 2009, 01:03:58 PM
Quote from: The GAA on March 07, 2009, 10:27:37 AM

If there are situations in other county boards as poor and as damaging to the GAA in that county as there is in cork then i would expect, never mind support, whatever action was necessary to rectify it. If that action is in the form of motions tothe county executive then fair enough if it gets the job done. but if it requires clubs withdrawing fees, witholding players, etc then also air enough. If it requires players to withdraw their services to highlight malpractice then also fair enough.

everything in proportion though

Fair enough to an extent GAA. In spite of my focus on rules and procedures I of course recognise they're flouted all the time or that there are other avenues by which to apply pressure to get a result. Not for all clubs though but the 'bigger' or more successful ones. All clubs aren't on a par when it comes to affecting change. Counties deal with this all the time but very rarely, if ever , would occasions have the potential to split counties like is happening. Everything in proportion is a good point.
The 2008 panel went on strike, not to highlight malpractice, but to affect change to replace the management. This is more profound than what you're talking about because if the panel win on this issue they, in effect, usurp the Cork Board's authority as given to it by clubs. The panel in effect become the authority to select their manager. And it doesn't matter if they say they don't want to pick the manager. But we've been through all that bit.
As for elite players in general looking to make money from playing at county level, and I don't mean through the sponsorship or high profile things.
Talk to a GPA member in a moment of honesty or look at the statements from the GPA over the years referring to increased gate monies that the players create and you'll find that the GPA want a 'slice of the cake' for their members.

As for the Cork panel and the strike. The strike hasn't achieved change, it's only achievement has been to drag the whole county down.
But when you talk about actions to cause pressure why didn't the Cork footballers say they were refusing their holiday or all the perks/welfare benefits before they go on strike. Everything is supposed to be part of a package. At least there would be a bit of a sacrifice there.

All of this was caused because of the way in which the CB reappointed Gerald.
It started with that battle, but it's broken out into a war, that we all could see coming. If they'd won that battle and it'd been put to bed then we'd be back in the same spot next season or the season afterwards fighting over something else again.
The CB's willingness to stick the heels in to get rid of the players has backfired on them completley. The players wouldn't have wanted to wake the sleeping dog by challenging them on all of this at the start because they would have gotten no backing way back then, but ironically it's the cb that have woken the sleeping dog, the clubs.

Oh the GPA, here we go again, the great conspiracy.

How many times do you poke a dog until he bites back?
If you think that this hasn't achieved anything then you don't know GAA dowling, especially Cork GAA.
The leadership and actions of these players have resulted in the clubs finally standing up and challenging the CB, who are not doing their job, something which was underlined in the Croke Park offer of a resolution, something which would pretty much strip the CB of their power. Even Croke park don't think they're doing their job. And after last night that was echoed even more. And you don't think anything's been achieved. A hell of a lot has and it is probably ironically one of the best worst things to ever happen to Cork GAA if the players and clubs win this. It could be the sole reason why the county will start to climb out of the rot it's been in for years.
The footballers like every other county in their position get a holiday. They are not fully involved in this and I don't see the problem. And what holiday are you on about?

A war we could all see coming eh?
Some of your earliest posts don't indicate that. Like,

"I'm sorry did I miss something. Did I fall asleep and did Donal Og lead a civil, no I don't think so."

"The players had a meeting, they voted 26 to 2 against the decision of the board, who along with Gerald Mac, were very aware of the players feelings. They said they have made it clear that they are not happy and the ball is now in the boards court.

Now have I missed something or is that all that's happened..

Now they can't go on strike again, so the worst that will happen is that 9 players leave and ye'll have no shite from Cork to put up with. God what will we do then."

or maybe

"The players have done nothing but take a vote on who agrees with the CCB's decision, yet people are using this as an excuse to bitch and whine about Cork hurling.

Lets not kid ourselves this is just one big bitching session while we're waiting for something to happen, if anything does happen."

and my favourite

"Don't worry it'll all be over soon. So be ready to go bitch at someone else." from October 25th I think.

I actually I'm surprised, you've surpassed yourself Dowling. You managed to ignore a post and take one word from my post and look for it in other posts. Well done. Irrelevant doesn't even begin to cover half of the stuff you've posted.

Firstly, the one about Donal Og was about Donal Og, he was getting grief from God only knows who I couldn't be bothered looking for the post and seeing as you conveinently didn't tell me where any of them came from..
He was getting grief from it and I was making the point that he hadn't done anything.

The second one, I don't get the releavance of that at all.
It was from months ago and a lot of things have changed from them. Nothing had happened by then, it was near the start of it and all they had done was take a vote.

Again the third one is just like the second one, from months ago at the start where nothing had happened.  

And the same with the first when things looked like it was about to end.

And none of that is rellevant to what I just posted. Maybe you could answer the post instead of picking random posts of mine from months ago to try and make some half attemped response of sorts.

And when I said that it was a war that we could all see coming, I meant (and I wouldn't have to explain this to an actual GAA person who had any small bit of knowledge of things that has happened in Cork over the years. But everything battle that the players had with the CB was just one step away from becomming a war.