McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Please Reillers I've never stooped to your level by calling you a p***k or such like - so please desist - it merely shows ho big a fool you're making out of yourself by having to resort to name calling behind the safety of a keyboard.

Tatler Jack summed up the state of mind you live in perfectly a long time ago.

Now back to the pertinet question :
you've proved nothing wrong - you keep going on about proof etc etc etc - but your only proof is a campaign of discrediting ( haven't a clue etc ) and name calling.

Schoolboy stuff.


Quote from: Eoghan Mag on February 21, 2009, 08:01:52 PM
Well if Donal Og did build houses in Africa I declare him the biggest pr*ck alive!!!!!!! >:( I cannot stand this type of sc**bag. There are people in Ireland-  yes this country- struggling to get a roof over their heads and there is a damn lot of homelessness. I hate anyone who thinks they can 'do good' by a big profile PR charity job in a foreign county while ignoring what is going on on their own doorsteps. If I ask him to bulid an extension for my rundown, too small house here in Ireland because I'm too poor to get a loan to fix it up will he also do it for free? LIKE HELL HE WILL! Donal Og might be a good hurler but I cannot stand any of the people who took part in this building programme.  

God knows what you must think of Alan Kerins so considering the project is in his name.


Quote from: orangeman on February 21, 2009, 08:18:41 PM
Please Reillers I've never stooped to your level by calling you a p***k or such like - so please desist - it merely shows ho big a fool you're making out of yourself by having to resort to name calling behind the safety of a keyboard.

Tatler Jack summed up the state of mind you live in perfectly a long time ago.

Now back to the pertinet question :
you've proved nothing wrong - you keep going on about proof etc etc etc - but your only proof is a campaign of discrediting ( haven't a clue etc ) and name calling.

Schoolboy stuff.

Like I said, you ignore my posts when you know you're wrong or you can't answer and instead you ramble on, and look ya did it again. Well done.


Not rambling on at all Reillers. I'm not into the schoolboy name calling and personal insults that you engage in.

You're following the path of the 2008 panel. They're doing their best to keep the debate going but are failing miserably.


Quote from: Eoghan Mag on February 21, 2009, 08:01:52 PM
Well if Donal Og did build houses in Africa I declare him the biggest pr*ck alive!!!!!!! >:( I cannot stand this type of sc**bag. There are people in Ireland-  yes this country- struggling to get a roof over their heads and there is a damn lot of homelessness. I hate anyone who thinks they can 'do good' by a big profile PR charity job in a foreign county while ignoring what is going on on their own doorsteps. If I ask him to bulid an extension for my rundown, too small house here in Ireland because I'm too poor to get a loan to fix it up will he also do it for free? LIKE HELL HE WILL! Donal Og might be a good hurler but I cannot stand any of the people who took part in this building programme.  

God help us all!


QuoteThey're doing their best to keep the debate going but are failing miserably.

They should recruit you so OM, you've managed to keep this one going for over 200 pages without making a substantiated pertinent point.


This thread has sank to new lows and it's not like it wasn't already near rock bottom with OM posting!

OM never have I seen someone who knows so little "contribute" so much!


Quote from: imtommygunn on February 21, 2009, 08:36:38 PMhav y
This thread has sank to new lows and it's not like it wasn't already near rock bottom with OM posting!

OM never have I seen someone who knows so little "contribute" so much!

Change channel - you don't have to read the posts - so if you yourself have anything to contribute, make your point if you know so much.


Any chance you could answer Uladh's points below?


Thought so.

Since every time i check this board Orangeman you are making the most noise i thought i'd ask you to fill in some of the blanks you've created...

If you get a bit of time:

Quote from: orangeman on February 20, 2009, 07:19:38 PM
If someone was abusing you a year I'd say it wasn't good enough.
If someone pointed out to you that it wasn't good enough and a year later the abuse was still going on, I'd say it still wasn't good enough.
If the abuse continued for another year or two, and even though it was pointed out to you,I'd still say it wasn't good enough.

If however the abuse continued for the best part of 30 years and it had been constantly pointed out to you what was going on and that something should have been done about it, I'd say that it was your own fault for stiitng back, taking the abuse and not doing something about it.

Same here in Cork - you know the thing's not right and you do not nothing about it.

Whose fault is it really ?

So, are you admitting there is widespread abuse of power over a prolonged period of time in cork?

Quote from: orangeman on February 20, 2009, 07:23:32 PM
Appoint Mc Carthy for 5 years and he'll win at least 3 All Irelands with these lads if the progress of the past month is anything to go by.

How would you anticipate this being achieved given that he hasn't been able to win anything with the best players in cork?

Quote from: orangeman on February 20, 2009, 11:19:57 PM
That's what I meant by the strikers stirring the pot - they've been saying one thing and doing another from day one but telling their journo friends like Keys some other story .

Could you substantiate some of those allegations. one or two example would be grand.

Quote from: orangeman on February 20, 2009, 11:52:52 PM
Of course there was unhappiness at the meeting - the 2008 panel won't budge.

But you said they had movedon all but one of the issues? which is it?


Quote from: orangeman on February 21, 2009, 08:28:42 PM
Not rambling on at all Reillers. I'm not into the schoolboy name calling and personal insults that you engage in.

You're following the path of the 2008 panel. They're doing their best to keep the debate going but are failing miserably.

3 in a row OM, go on, keep ignoring the posts you can't answer.


Quote from: imtommygunn on February 21, 2009, 08:55:34 PM
Any chance you could answer Uladh's points below?


Thought so.

Since every time i check this board Orangeman you are making the most noise i thought i'd ask you to fill in some of the blanks you've created...

If you get a bit of time:

Quote from: orangeman on February 20, 2009, 07:19:38 PM
If someone was abusing you a year I'd say it wasn't good enough.
If someone pointed out to you that it wasn't good enough and a year later the abuse was still going on, I'd say it still wasn't good enough.
If the abuse continued for another year or two, and even though it was pointed out to you,I'd still say it wasn't good enough.

If however the abuse continued for the best part of 30 years and it had been constantly pointed out to you what was going on and that something should have been done about it, I'd say that it was your own fault for stiitng back, taking the abuse and not doing something about it.

Same here in Cork - you know the thing's not right and you do not nothing about it.

Whose fault is it really ?

So, are you admitting there is widespread abuse of power over a prolonged period of time in cork?

Quote from: orangeman on February 20, 2009, 07:23:32 PM
Appoint Mc Carthy for 5 years and he'll win at least 3 All Irelands with these lads if the progress of the past month is anything to go by.

How would you anticipate this being achieved given that he hasn't been able to win anything with the best players in cork?

Quote from: orangeman on February 20, 2009, 11:19:57 PM
That's what I meant by the strikers stirring the pot - they've been saying one thing and doing another from day one but telling their journo friends like Keys some other story .

Could you substantiate some of those allegations. one or two example would be grand.

Quote from: orangeman on February 20, 2009, 11:52:52 PM
Of course there was unhappiness at the meeting - the 2008 panel won't budge.

But you said they had movedon all but one of the issues? which is it?

Do you know which way you're arguing ???


Quote from: Reillers on February 21, 2009, 09:01:14 PM
Quote from: orangeman on February 21, 2009, 08:28:42 PM
Not rambling on at all Reillers. I'm not into the schoolboy name calling and personal insults that you engage in.

You're following the path of the 2008 panel. They're doing their best to keep the debate going but are failing miserably.

3 in a row OM, go on, keep ignoring the posts you can't answer.

:D :D :D  Definitely schoolboy stuff - make that 4 in a row - na,na,na,na,na !!! 


I prefer to take a logical argument OM and take everything I know into account - not just what suits a certain argument. I also prefer to let people who know more speak more.

The players have went about this very badly. It was hard, and is hard, to know whether their objective was to get Gerald or FM out. Also I think they think they are a lot better as hurlers than they are.(i.e. capable of beating KK though I do believe they've the players to give them the best rattle) No one can deny they have approached this in a bad way.

The Cork CB is obviously run in a very very dubious manner too though.

So my opinion is the players have went about it badly but now they've come this far they might as well get that CB out. What's telling people that the players want to play about like - why?


If your county booard was run as a dictatorship, then you'd do something about it. You wouldn't sit back and take it on the chin for 30 years and just put up with it. That's what some are saying. Personally I don't accept it. You know how CB's work - delegates are representatives of the clubs in most cases.
Whilst I've no dount that FM is a very powerful man in Crok I simply son't buy that he can influence every single decision so powerfully nor do I accept that delegates vote simply the way FM wants them to.

I've also no doubt like you that the Cork CB is run in a dubious manner ( to use your term ) but I don't think he's the Castro type figure he's made out to be.

The questions that remain are what do the players now want ?

Do they simply want Mc Carthy out ? Or do they want Mc Carthy AND the CB out ?

Do they want to run the GAA Cork SO far into the ground, to have it so divided, to create so much anarchy down there that the clubs will literally throw FM and the executive out of their seats at the top table ?.

And when that does happen, they will have kep themselves in good shape and can resume their normal duties.

Players should confine themselves to playing.

The 2008 have put themselves into a corner now they don't now how to extract themselves. They don't know who to trust or what a good deal is, such is the distrust and almost hatred that has been created during the course of this strike.


Quote from: imtommygunn on February 21, 2009, 09:18:02 PM
So my opinion is the players have went about it badly but now they've come this far they might as well get that CB out. What's telling people that the players want to play about like - why?

Seriously itg? That would be a good thing for the GAA if that were to happen IYO?

It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera