McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: Reillers on February 10, 2009, 11:20:31 PM
Quote from: realrebel on February 10, 2009, 11:02:27 PM
well from what i heard nobody gave gerald a hard time at the meeting

And that surprises you. The players said it themselves and we all know it, there's never any debate, look at the results all the time, it's always 80/90 to 13/14.
There's no debate because everyone does what Frank wants them to do, and in any of that county, that wouldn't happen, you would not have gotten that result they got tonight, there shouldn't have even been a vote. Anywhere else, (like Offaly) it would have been sorted and common sense would have won out. But in Cork..well results speak for themselves.
As much respect you have for the man, surely you can't see any logic to keeping him in the job, surely you most know that anywhere else he'd have been gotten rid of (wrongly or rightly) a long time ago, like in Offaly.
When there's a dispute between manager and team (in this case 30 players) the manager is always gotten rid of, in Cork's case, well it's special isn't it.

I've no doubt that the likes of OM, Indiana, Dowling..etc people who try to convince that they are up on the situation will roll on in here and say oh democracy this and fair that. But you and I both no, Cork GAA hasn't functioned for a long time and wont for a long time to come as long as FM is at the head of it.
Hell like look at the Cloyne motion, it made sense, it had nothing to do with Gerald situation really, it just made sense and it was blasted out of the water with a majority vote. You know as well as I do, no matter what our views are on this situation, just how backwards the CCB are and that nearly everyone will always vote the same way FM does.
The likes of Indiana and OM will pretend to understand, but you and I both know the GAA is dying on it's feet for one reason and one reason only, and that like in every other county in this country there is no way at all this would have been allowed to happen, we all know that this, all of this is just one big power strugle from the CB and their puppets on a string.

No other county would sit by and wait and watch while their IC hurling team are relegated to the Christy Ring Cup and watch their football team who are the key now, not play at all, all for one man....where else would that happen?
They're willing to rip down Cork GAA for one man. It shouldn't matter what that man has done, no one can be that important, no one should be that important.
There are obviously a lot of people in cork who want to see kilkenny win 4 or more in a row by making sure that FM gets his revenge.

Of course Cork are the only team that can beat Kilkenny eh :D


I'm sorry about what I said earlier - the GPA are involved in this strike - I thought they weren't but Dessie's timely intervention suggests otherwise.

Why not let the 2009 panel join ?


Quote from: Reillers on February 10, 2009, 10:57:33 PM
Quote from: realrebel on February 10, 2009, 10:46:46 PM
but reillers these men are from your club my club
the clubs had to have talked about a vote coming up so they knew it was coming

Knew it was coming ya..that I did know. They're so predictable. And I know people going in there, I'm sure you do as well or at least have heard of it, who don't vote the way their clubs want them to.

Assuming you're a member of the GAA Reillers, how did your delegate vote?

If he didn't vote as mandated have you called your club Secretary to demand an explanation?

If not, why not?


Its got nothing to do with what we can or can't see Reillers , the problem is you can't see the bigger picture. If the vote of a club delgate means nothing then the entire fabric of democrarcy within the Gaa is irrevocably shattered. Its not perfect but its the best we have. We cannot allow the shambolic state of Cork to impinge upon the democratic workings of the association for the other 31 counties. Just because you guys can't get your house in order doesn't mean that a system that serves everyone else fine should be disbanded with for some form of quasi-Stalinist politics.


Quote from: passedit on February 11, 2009, 01:46:12 AM
You see for 'passedit', 'the GAA' and reillers there has been a difficulty reading between lines and weighing stuff up. Thus the foul and abusive language.

Example please

"More shame on you then when you come out with shit like this"

"I have no interest in you other than being pissed off with you trying at every opportunity to shoehorn the GPA into this debate"

There ye go


In light of the vote last night, what's the point in holding any more meetings with clubs, organising marches etc - surely it's now over ?

Mc Carthy kep the door open last night - but I would doubt if many of the strikers will take up the offer.

Cork hurling manager Gerald McCarthy addressed delegates at a county board meeting in Cork last night and was given a clear mandate to continue in his role.

A vote of confidence in McCarthy as the man to lead Cork hurling was taken, with the incumbent receiving the backing of 84 out of 97 delegates present.

McCarthy was critical of the striking players, but has said he would still welcome them back to the panel.

The striking players, meanwhile, have asked a representative of each club in Cork to meet them on Sunday night in a bid to gain their support.


Have those who blindly or otherwise support the players on strike ever considered the possibility that the County Board Delegates considered the position in which the county finds itself, then considereded their responsebilities as club delegates and County Board members and taking into account the duties and responibilites of a County Board under the rules of the GAA came to the conclusion (by a very substantial majority) that they were obliged to reaffirm the primacy of the County Board in the running of GAA affairs at all levels within their jurisdiction.
It is the County Board who are responsible for financial expenditure
It is the County Board and its officials who must find the sponsors and raise the funds
It is the County Board who must organise club fixtures top suit the needs of all in the county
It is the County Board who must ultimately carry the can when things go wrong.

Last night the 08 panel were given the oppertunity to attend the County Board meeting and make their case but choose not to attend.  What does this tell us about thier opinion of the democratic body responsible for the administration of the GAA in Cork.  They then have the nerve to call the Chairmen of the clubs to come and see them next Sunday and insult them by telling them to be sure and bring proof of identity!!  This aparently is to see where they all go from here.  What next? A Provisional County Board?

After last nights vote it would appear that it is the 08 panel who are out of step within Cork GAA


dowling give us a break, 'pissed off', 'shite', 'bullshit', we are all adults here I presume, if you as offended as you're letting on by those terms you mustn't get out much. They maybe mildly foul terms but they are far from abusive so just get over it and get on with it.

QuoteI'm sorry about what I said earlier - the GPA are involved in this strike - I thought they weren't but Dessie's timely intervention suggests otherwise.

Why not let the 2009 panel join ?

Nonsense, but not surprising, there are many lads posting here who would find something wrong with the GPA regardless of what they do or say. When I first heard about this i thought the Gpa were bang out of order but having seen the interview all Dessie said was that at this time they wouldn't because there are issues to resolve. Cork can't have two hurling squads as members of the GPA and even Gerald accepts there are two squads because after saying he was moving on without the 08 lads he about turned last night and said his door is still open to them. And if the 08 lads were to go back most of the current sqaud wouldn't wear a Cork jersey again, so it is perfectly sensible for Dessie to say what he said last night.

As regards last nights vote, if Cork clubs want to back the CB on this then fair enough, I think it is strange so many do, I think it is strange that 40 clubs abstained on such an important vote and I think last nights vote is further evidece of a flawed system in Cork. But as some lads point out that is teh system that's there and if Cork clubs don't have the balls or ability to run the GAA there properly then so be it.

However, as a GAA man I find it very sad and deeply regretable that GAA people on this site cannot see the wood from the trees. Not one of you has justified Geralds reappointment on any kind of logical ground. Therefore, like me you must believe that annoying the 08 squad was foremost in their (the CBs) thinking when reappointing him. That the men charged with the promotion of the GAA, one of them getting paid by us to do so, can act in a manner that ensures that 50-60 of the best hurlers and possibly 50-60 of the best footballers won't play for you then serious questions need asking


Quote from: dowling on February 10, 2009, 11:52:20 PM
Quote from: The GAA on February 10, 2009, 10:52:58 PM

Lads, we're getting nowhere with this debate. fellas on both sides are unwilling to make and accept reasonable points in good faith.
i'll be taking my leave from it and hope it works out.

before i go Orangeman, i want a retraction and an apology for the shite you posted earlier....

Quote from: The GAA on February 10, 2009, 04:11:04 PM
Quote from: The GAA on February 09, 2009, 09:29:13 AM
Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - You've got a history of abstentionism,

no i don't

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - come from a glorious a rich hurling tradition,

no i don't

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA -  have met up with the strikers on a copule of occasions round the club ( which apparently has bestowed wonderous insight into the dispute - one side only of course )

never spoken to any of those lads about this dispute

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - so why don't you take a wee drive down there and solve it if you're that intelligent ?

Its only you who says that i am intelligent - all the time actually.
why do you keep insisting on other people driving down and sorting out the problem?

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - Or maybe you'd just prefer to drive up and down the road past the field just like the eejit you made you of yourself before and are semingly quite prepared to do again ???

what the hell are you talking about?

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
What you fail to realise is that the GAA in Cork and every other part of the country will continue

You'll have to point out where i even inferred that this would not be the case. making stuff up again? tut tut

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
just like it did when you and yours were going round talking to yourselves and kicking stones round the house when your club was playing.
But then again, what else can you say ? You were wrong then and you're wrong now.

now you really are making stuff up.

Is that a record for the most wrong assumptions and lies in the one post?

You really should stop posting about me, read about the issues this thread relates to (rather than copying & pasting) and postr about the actual subject matter. if you can.


So the use of 'shite' is constructive and mature. Maybe if all the people who disagree with your viewpoint used the same language the debate might be more positive, eh? And is it ok to mention the GPA now?

we use the term shite talk where i come from but i believe the "proper" term is lies.

this nothing to do with this thread or the wider debate. it is a personal attack on me cnstructe entirely in OM's tiny mind


Zulu - the same could be said about you lads not seeing the wood for the trees  -

I have always contended that the strikers should have aired their grievance in other ways - Strike action by amateur players does not resolve anything.
The strikers knew they were playing a game of poker for very high stakes but thought all along that they'd simply get the CB to roll over just as they did last year with Holland - this time round, the CB and Mc Carthy in particular were not going to lie down and rightly so.

The strikers have not attempted at any stage to engage with the CB, Mc Carthy, Kellher, Croke Park and numerous other independent people in order to have the strike resolved.

They thought all along that they had the backing of the GAA public and that that would be enough.

It was last year - but not this time.

It's time they walked away and brought their industrial action to an end.


Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - You've got a history of abstentionism,

no i don't

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - come from a glorious a rich hurling tradition,

no i don't

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA -  have met up with the strikers on a copule of occasions round the club ( which apparently has bestowed wonderous insight into the dispute - one side only of course )

never spoken to any of those lads about this dispute

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - so why don't you take a wee drive down there and solve it if you're that intelligent ?

Its only you who says that i am intelligent - all the time actually.
why do you keep insisting on other people driving down and sorting out the problem?

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - Or maybe you'd just prefer to drive up and down the road past the field just like the eejit you made you of yourself before and are semingly quite prepared to do again ???

what the hell are you talking about?

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
What you fail to realise is that the GAA in Cork and every other part of the country will continue

You'll have to point out where i even inferred that this would not be the case. making stuff up again? tut tut

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
just like it did when you and yours were going round talking to yourselves and kicking stones round the house when your club was playing.
But then again, what else can you say ? You were wrong then and you're wrong now.

now you really are making stuff up.

Is that a record for the most wrong assumptions and lies in the one post?

You really should stop posting about me, read about the issues this thread relates to (rather than copying & pasting) and postr about the actual subject matter. if you can.


Defiant County Board give McCarthy vote of confidence

By Colm Keys

Wednesday February 11 2009

Gerald mcCarthy last night received a resounding vote of confidence from the Cork County Board at a dramatic meeting on Leeside.

Despite calls for the vote to be averted the vote, proposed by Central Council delegate Bob Honohan, was carried by 84 votes to 13 as Cork delegates decided to "draw a line in the sand."

The vote came five days before the 2008 hurlers seek to meet the chairmen of all clubs in Cork at the same south city hotel where they held their press conference two weeks ago.

The meeting heard an impassioned plea from McCarthy for backing and also an appeal to the 2008 players from long serving Cork secretary Frank Murphy to come to the negotiating table "immediately."

"There must be dialogue," said Murphy. "It is the first requirement for a solution. And that means the three parties -- players, team management and executive -- discussing where we can arrive at a solution."

In an unprecedented move McCarthy addressed delegates an appealed to them for a clear mandate. "If it can't be resolved then there is a road we have to travel. Tonight we have to have a decisive mandate," he warned.

Vowing to face down player power McCarthy warned that the principle of his removal, the desire of the 2008 hurlers, had to be defeated.

"If it's achieved once you can kiss it goodbye forever and I don't want it happening on my watch," said McCarthy of the players' desire to force him out.

- Colm Keys


Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - You've got a history of abstentionism,

no i don't

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - come from a glorious a rich hurling tradition,

no i don't

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA -  have met up with the strikers on a copule of occasions round the club ( which apparently has bestowed wonderous insight into the dispute - one side only of course )

never spoken to any of those lads about this dispute

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - so why don't you take a wee drive down there and solve it if you're that intelligent ?

Its only you who says that i am intelligent - all the time actually.
why do you keep insisting on other people driving down and sorting out the problem?

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
GAA - Or maybe you'd just prefer to drive up and down the road past the field just like the eejit you made you of yourself before and are semingly quite prepared to do again ???

what the hell are you talking about?

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
What you fail to realise is that the GAA in Cork and every other part of the country will continue

You'll have to point out where i even inferred that this would not be the case. making stuff up again? tut tut

Quote from: orangeman on February 09, 2009, 09:18:29 AM
just like it did when you and yours were going round talking to yourselves and kicking stones round the house when your club was playing.
But then again, what else can you say ? You were wrong then and you're wrong now.

now you really are making stuff up.

Is that a record for the most wrong assumptions and lies in the one post?

You really should stop posting about me, read about the issues this thread relates to (rather than copying & pasting) and postr about the actual subject matter. if you can.


QuoteZulu - the same could be said about you lads not seeing the wood for the trees  -

How's that now? Can you tell me why the CB reappointed Gerald and do you agree with it?

QuoteI have always contended that the strikers should have aired their grievance in other ways - Strike action by amateur players does not resolve anything.

You say it yourself in your very next line but striking has already worked twice for the players and it will again I'd say.

QuoteThe strikers have not attempted at any stage to engage with the CB, Mc Carthy, Kellher, Croke Park and numerous other independent people in order to have the strike resolved.

First off they did, they were part of the 7 man committee with the CB to pick the new manger. Secondly, and I'm finding it very hard to understand why you still don't get this but there is no middle ground on which to discuss anything with those parties you mentioned. The CB won't fire Gerald, Gerald won't resign and the players won't play for him, now it doesn't matter who you think is right or wrong here but we can all surely accept that as long as they all hold those positions there is no point in them talking.

QuoteThey thought all along that they had the backing of the GAA public and that that would be enough.

It was last year - but not this time.

They do have the backing of a significant proportion of the Cork GAA public, and last year the Cork clubs strongly backed Teddy Holland and then turned around and strongly voted to oust him. I wouldn't use the votes of club delegates as a measure of support unfortunately.


Quote from: Zulu on February 11, 2009, 10:49:07 AM
QuoteZulu - the same could be said about you lads not seeing the wood for the trees  -

How's that now? Can you tell me why the CB reappointed Gerald and do you agree with it?

The CB have shown that it was done fairly. I'm not going to comment on Gerald's managerial ability. This has already been discussed at length.

QuoteI have always contended that the strikers should have aired their grievance in other ways - Strike action by amateur players does not resolve anything.

You say it yourself in your very next line but striking has already worked twice for the players and it will again I'd say.

That's your view. The players seem to think that if you press the strike button, this works all the time. Maybe they'll find the button isn't working this time.

QuoteThe strikers have not attempted at any stage to engage with the CB, Mc Carthy, Kellher, Croke Park and numerous other independent people in order to have the strike resolved.

First off they did, they were part of the 7 man committee with the CB to pick the new manger. Secondly, and I'm finding it very hard to understand why you still don't get this but there is no middle ground on which to discuss anything with those parties you mentioned. The CB won't fire Gerald, Gerald won't resign and the players won't play for him, now it doesn't matter who you think is right or wrong here but we can all surely accept that as long as they all hold those positions there is no point in them talking.

Agreed - the time for talking os over - the strikers never wanted talks - they wanted conforntation in order to bully their way through this impasse.
QuoteThey thought all along that they had the backing of the GAA public and that that would be enough.

It was last year - but not this time.

They do have the backing of a significant proportion of the Cork GAA public, and last year the Cork clubs strongly backed Teddy Holland and then turned around and strongly voted to oust him. I wouldn't use the votes of club delegates as a measure of support unfortunately.

They may have backing and I've no doubt that they do have smoe backing - but they don't have it where it matters.