McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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No reply to being caught in an embarrassing litany of lies OM?


Quote from: dowling on February 10, 2009, 04:15:54 PM
Quote from: The GAA on February 10, 2009, 02:23:12 PM

That is an astounding list of conclusions to have drawn from that interview. astounding.

Do you think so GAA?
Heard of any diparaging remarks Gerald made on the radio?
Would your assumption be Martin's sympathies weren't always with the players?
Has Martin Walsh not knifed Gerald McCarthy in public?
Is this action and the words of Martin Walsh not putting Gerald out on a limb or more so depending on how you look at it?
Is there not the possibilty that Martin Walsh fears for future involvement with the county side?
Why not criticise Eddie Keher?
And why no harsh words for Frank Murphy in particular and the county board in general? How come?

My conclusion was that Martin has followed his heart and thrown his hat at it after hearing one too many personal attacks on a group of players he knows these things not to be true about.

I didn't hear any of this radio interview, nor can i find it on rte - a link would be greatfully appreciated.

Its very obvious that he has sympathy with all sides and expresses them for all parties - you just picked his sympathy for the players out of all of that because its suits you.

knifing gerald in public? Its an honest answer to questions he was asked. what should he do, tell lies?

How can this man's resignation be putting Gerald out on a limb. the fact that he resigned is a matter of personal conscience for himself. gerald's actions, words and current position are of his own making.

Fearing for his future involvement with a county side? how in god's name can you make that leap? thats a vindictive conclusion to draw based on nothing but seeing what you want to see.

His criticism of Babs is entirely justified. Babs' contribution to the whole debate was to question what kind of sons the two o'sullivans are when they wouldn't stand on the side of their father. what kind of backward shite is that? the o'sullivans are grown men well capable of making their own decisions on merit.

maybe he has genuinely no harsh words for FM? you guys are eulogising him day and night and now you are demanding he be attacked! this contradicts your argument.

Before ye start trying to discredit the man, Martin is a gael like everyone else. he's a club chairman and delegate and a volunteer of some standing. he volunteered for the county team for the bast two years and is in a better positin than most of us to know the situation


This is an astounding list of conclusions to have drawn from that article. Astounding


Your fascination with me and my posts betrays an inability to debate and articulate your argument (if you have one).


I'd genuinely like to help with a link but no success here either.
But if GMcC had made any disparaging remarks they would have found their way into the papers by now. I don't recall Gerald making any disparaging remarks on a personal level at all at any time throughout this dispute however.
Your right, Martin expressed smypathy for everyone except Gerald. In the circles I move in that's called hedging your bets! There's quite clearly , along with the all round sympathy an alignment with the 2008 panel. And from the way it read it was always there so why be involved at all or why withdraw after one match? If somehow Cork had beaten the Dubs would he still be away?
So no one can avoid knifing someone else in public because they have to tell the truth?
And in a 'colleague' so doing it doesn't at least push someone further out on a limb?
And if Babs Keating hadn't mentioned the OSullivans would there have been no problem and no further reference to Babs not liking modern players?
Maybe Martin has no harsh words for Frank, it's just difficult to understand that in view of how he's been demonised in other quarters.
And by the way GAA I'd say the greater majority of us on here are Gaels.
There's no doubt this article will be great solace to others, I just think there's more to it than can be taken at face value and he hasn't done himself any favours in spite of what he might think


gerald mc carthy is not going to resign tonight
the gpa have refused membership to the 09 panel if any of them were thinking of joining


Quote from: realrebel on February 10, 2009, 06:22:37 PM
gerald mc carthy is not going to resign tonight
the gpa have refused membership to the 09 panel if any of them were thinking of joining

The GPA are not involved in this strike.


If Martin Walsh was hedging his bets why does he give a big interview to 'da paper'? Maybe there's just a small chance that these are his legimately held views?

Everyone here is using everything to suit their argument. Martin Walsh damns the current set-up and the pro-players group on here say that this irrevocably proves their point. The anti-players element ignore it and say its just a man looking out for his own interests. Opinions are way too polorised on this issue for me to think there's going to be any positive outcome anytime soon.

Do people not appreciate that massive mistakes have been made by Gerald McCarthy, by Frank Murphy, by board delegates and by the 2008 panel? Nobody in this mess has a monopoly on righteousness
Mayo for Sam! Just don't ask me for a year


Quote from: RedandGreenSniper on February 10, 2009, 06:34:50 PM
If Martin Walsh was hedging his bets why does he give a big interview to 'da paper'? Maybe there's just a small chance that these are his legimately held views?

Everyone here is using everything to suit their argument. Martin Walsh damns the current set-up and the pro-players group on here say that this irrevocably proves their point. The anti-players element ignore it and say its just a man looking out for his own interests. Opinions are way too polorised on this issue for me to think there's going to be any positive outcome anytime soon.

Do people not appreciate that massive mistakes have been made by Gerald McCarthy, by Frank Murphy, by board delegates and by the 2008 panel? Nobody in this mess has a monopoly on righteousness

100% correct.


Quote from: RedandGreenSniper on February 10, 2009, 06:34:50 PM
If Martin Walsh was hedging his bets why does he give a big interview to 'da paper'? Maybe there's just a small chance that these are his legimately held views?

Everyone here is using everything to suit their argument. Martin Walsh damns the current set-up and the pro-players group on here say that this irrevocably proves their point. The anti-players element ignore it and say its just a man looking out for his own interests. Opinions are way too polorised on this issue for me to think there's going to be any positive outcome anytime soon.

Do people not appreciate that massive mistakes have been made by Gerald McCarthy, by Frank Murphy, by board delegates and by the 2008 panel? Nobody in this mess has a monopoly on righteousness

How many papers is he supposed to give interviews to?
On your last paragraph, the only person Martin Walsh openly lays any blame with is Gerald.
If his views have always been legitimate and so strong why did he not declare them earlier and avoid involvement with the present panel? Surely integrity would have dictated he be up front and walk away from the present management and panel.
No doubt Gerald McC will be feeling badly betrayed and rather Martin hadn't been there at all than to have behaved in this way.

So the GPA has raised its head! As Orangeman says it probably isn't involved though!

GAA just listened to that interview again and confirmed my earlier views. Haven't a link but you can listen to it on the Marian Finucane podcast on the RTE radio website.

Just heard the news about the GMcC and delegates meeting tonight. This will be interesting.


Quote from: dowling on February 10, 2009, 07:15:15 PM
Quote from: RedandGreenSniper on February 10, 2009, 06:34:50 PM
If Martin Walsh was hedging his bets why does he give a big interview to 'da paper'? Maybe there's just a small chance that these are his legimately held views?

Everyone here is using everything to suit their argument. Martin Walsh damns the current set-up and the pro-players group on here say that this irrevocably proves their point. The anti-players element ignore it and say its just a man looking out for his own interests. Opinions are way too polorised on this issue for me to think there's going to be any positive outcome anytime soon.

Do people not appreciate that massive mistakes have been made by Gerald McCarthy, by Frank Murphy, by board delegates and by the 2008 panel? Nobody in this mess has a monopoly on righteousness

How many papers is he supposed to give interviews to?
On your last paragraph, the only person Martin Walsh openly lays any blame with is Gerald.
If his views have always been legitimate and so strong why did he not declare them earlier and avoid involvement with the present panel? Surely integrity would have dictated he be up front and walk away from the present management and panel.
No doubt Gerald McC will be feeling badly betrayed and rather Martin hadn't been there at all than to have behaved in this way.

So the GPA has raised its head! As Orangeman says it probably isn't involved though!

GAA just listened to that interview again and confirmed my earlier views. Haven't a link but you can listen to it on the Marian Finucane podcast on the RTE radio website.

Just heard the news about the GMcC and delegates meeting tonight. This will be interesting.

Tonight's meeting will be a back me or sack me appeal from Mc Carthy I reckon.


Quote from: dowling on February 10, 2009, 07:15:15 PM

How many papers is he supposed to give interviews to?

Not quite sure what the relevance of this point is. Can you explain further?

Quote from: dowling on February 10, 2009, 07:15:15 PM
On your last paragraph, the only person Martin Walsh openly lays any blame with is Gerald.
If his views have always been legitimate and so strong why did he not declare them earlier and avoid involvement with the present panel? Surely integrity would have dictated he be up front and walk away from the present management and panel.
No doubt Gerald McC will be feeling badly betrayed and rather Martin hadn't been there at all than to have behaved in this way.

My last paragraph is not just referring to the interview Martin Walsh did, more a general point.
Maybe Martin Walsh's judgement and timing was flawed. Lord knows he wouldn't be the only one in this saga. Why did he wait so long? Maybe he was naive and saw a quick resolution. When it didn't come about, and actually now looks further away than ever, he didn't want to wait in a system he didn't see working as things stand. Way too many assumptions being made by people.

Mayo for Sam! Just don't ask me for a year