McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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"Sorry now but what does that mean?"

Typical pro 2008 panel response Zulu. Rather than examine something close your eyes to it.
If it helps even things up, I've no evidence but I've no doubt that Croke Park is in contact with the Cork board in an "unoffical" way.
And another typical response, make a conclusion on what you want to believe I write rather than reading it. I never said the GPA are pulling the strings just that I believe they're involved and very much have a vested interest in this dispute. If there's an opportunity for the GPA "to get their feet further under the table" do you really think they're going to leave it to chance without any input? As more information comes out as this continues more people are questioning a possible GPA involvement.  
It's quite clear as more information surfaces too that Donal og is the man pulling the strings in all this. But don't forget he wears too hats. And as he is pulling the strings why wasn't he at the front of the press conference? To give the impression he wasn't pulling the strings perhaps.


If you want to see the real Cork hurlers play, they're playing now on TG4 !!


Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 04:24:10 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on February 08, 2009, 04:18:18 PM
Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 04:03:07 PM
Maybe the CB should remember that as well. By your talk you'd swear it's all the players. The CB executives are paid for their job, they are a disgrace and unfit to do their job, anywhere else for any other job they'd be sacked. The players are fighting this on their own time, getting slated in the papers and still having to turn up to work. It's a lot harder for them to fight this as it is for the CB to get paid to fight it.

sack the exectutives reillers. they signed a contract for their position. All you have to do is find where they aren't meeting their remit and sack them . the lack of will in Cork among the clubs is embarrassing. 4 lads on the team I train were made redundant on Friday. They now have to emigrate, thats the real world Reillers. You can't expect me to have any time for this ludricrous debate anymore. That debate on national radio is the most cringeworthy topic to have airtime with the country on its knees. I did this, and I did that and bla bla bla and no you didn't donal and yes you did gerald. Who the f*** cares anymore.

Sack the executives..when they signed a contract it was signed in cement. It's easy to say it, but I really don't think it's clicking with ye that it cannot be done.
It is embarrasing.
Don't lecture me on the real world and loosing jobs, people I know, members of my family and my friends have up and left to Australia, to Scotland. SO excuse me for looking for some light in this.
If you've no time for this, if you're too snobby for this, and you've no time go f**k off and do what you like. People are holding on to sport for their dear life, it's the only thing that is keeping some of us going.
People care because there's little left to hold on to and hurling is our light and always has been.
You're not the only one living in the real world Indiana so don't talk to me like I don't know, you've no idea.

We're fed up listening to this lack of will and things that can't be done. Everything can be done Reillers. F**** sake you'd swear you were Palestinians or something. Its all bullshit Reillers. You lot are an embarrasement to the GAA. No willpower, no bottle no guts. Cork Gaa people have neither the gumption not the strength of character to take the County Board on head-on. Thankfully the rest of the Gaa world are made of stronger stuff.


Quote from: dowling on February 08, 2009, 04:24:44 PM
"Sorry now but what does that mean?"

Typical pro 2008 panel response Zulu. Rather than examine something close your eyes to it.
If it helps even things up, I've no evidence but I've no doubt that Croke Park is in contact with the Cork board in an "unoffical" way.
And another typical response, make a conclusion on what you want to believe I write rather than reading it. I never said the GPA are pulling the strings just that I believe they're involved and very much have a vested interest in this dispute. If there's an opportunity for the GPA "to get their feet further under the table" do you really think they're going to leave it to chance without any input? As more information comes out as this continues more people are questioning a possible GPA involvement.  
It's quite clear as more information surfaces too that Donal og is the man pulling the strings in all this. But don't forget he wears too hats. And as he is pulling the strings why wasn't he at the front of the press conference? To give the impression he wasn't pulling the strings perhaps.

Right, where's your proof?
All these accusations, where's your proof? Because without it you sound like a paranoid, Anti GPA poster where everything is a conspiracy.
You sound like some paranoid god only knows what, watching Donal Og in a press conference, oh he blinked twice and then coughed, it most be a message to the GPA. Ready the troops.
FFS like.


Quote"Sorry now but what does that mean?"

Typical pro 2008 panel response Zulu.

What are you talking about, I didn't understand the point you were trying to make so I sought clarification, which you still haven't provided.

QuoteIf it helps even things up, I've no evidence but I've no doubt that Croke Park is in contact with the Cork board in an "unoffical" way.
And another typical response, make a conclusion on what you want to believe I write rather than reading it. I never said the GPA are pulling the strings just that I believe they're involved and very much have a vested interest in this dispute. If there's an opportunity for the GPA "to get their feet further under the table" do you really think they're going to leave it to chance without any input? As more information comes out as this continues more people are questioning a possible GPA involvement.  
It's quite clear as more information surfaces too that Donal og is the man pulling the strings in all this. But don't forget he wears too hats. And as he is pulling the strings why wasn't he at the front of the press conference? To give the impression he wasn't pulling the strings perhaps.

I've no doubt that both the GPA and CP are in touch with either (possibly both sides) and I fully accept that Donal Og is the driving force behind the players, but so what? You seem intent on uncovering some dastardly sub plot to all of this, when there isn't any evidence to suggest there is. So do us a favour and drop the GPA bullshit, you have nothing to back up your point so it is irrelevant.


Quote from: INDIANA on February 08, 2009, 04:37:39 PM
Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 04:24:10 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on February 08, 2009, 04:18:18 PM
Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 04:03:07 PM
Maybe the CB should remember that as well. By your talk you'd swear it's all the players. The CB executives are paid for their job, they are a disgrace and unfit to do their job, anywhere else for any other job they'd be sacked. The players are fighting this on their own time, getting slated in the papers and still having to turn up to work. It's a lot harder for them to fight this as it is for the CB to get paid to fight it.

sack the exectutives reillers. they signed a contract for their position. All you have to do is find where they aren't meeting their remit and sack them . the lack of will in Cork among the clubs is embarrassing. 4 lads on the team I train were made redundant on Friday. They now have to emigrate, thats the real world Reillers. You can't expect me to have any time for this ludricrous debate anymore. That debate on national radio is the most cringeworthy topic to have airtime with the country on its knees. I did this, and I did that and bla bla bla and no you didn't donal and yes you did gerald. Who the f*** cares anymore.

Sack the executives..when they signed a contract it was signed in cement. It's easy to say it, but I really don't think it's clicking with ye that it cannot be done.
It is embarrasing.
Don't lecture me on the real world and loosing jobs, people I know, members of my family and my friends have up and left to Australia, to Scotland. SO excuse me for looking for some light in this.
If you've no time for this, if you're too snobby for this, and you've no time go f**k off and do what you like. People are holding on to sport for their dear life, it's the only thing that is keeping some of us going.
People care because there's little left to hold on to and hurling is our light and always has been.
You're not the only one living in the real world Indiana so don't talk to me like I don't know, you've no idea.

We're fed up listening to this lack of will and things that can't be done. Everything can be done Reillers. F**** sake you'd swear you were Palestinians or something. Its all bullshit Reillers. You lot are an embarrasement to the GAA. No willpower, no bottle no guts. Cork Gaa people have neither the gumption not the strength of character to take the County Board on head-on. Thankfully the rest of the Gaa world are made of stronger stuff.
If you don't care go get a life. Stop coming on here to whinge and cry and moan about something you've no time for and don't care anymore, so stop whinging and just go away, you said you don't care so stop coming on here to bitch.
Ok wise one, tell me, how do you get rid of a man who cannot be forced out of the job or fired, and can only leave when he wants to, who holds all the clubs at ransom, they don't back him he doesn't back them which means f**k all funds, support, high profile fixtures. Without him clubs will sink more then they have all ready.
So tell me oh so wise one, how do you fix that. How, because there's a hell of a lot people who would love to know.


Reillers you predicted Cork would lose to Dublin today and you were right. Of course it wasn't hard to make that deduction. Everything about the match pointed to a Dubs win and that was the logical conclusion. Now why can't you apply that same type of logic to the present dispute? We're not talking rocket science here.


Do Cork Gaa people really care?  The gaa is an association built and fuelled by its members. If they wanted Frank out they could put enough pressure on him so he'd have to go. This idea that he holds clubs to ransom? In the name of Christ Reillers he isn't the taoiseach. He's a 65 year old pensioner . You talk about him as if he's some sort Gandhi like figure. I don't see the unity from the clubs or its members. It seems to me they just don't care. Because if they did they'd do something about it.
The willpower, the drive, the commitment to get rid of Frank isn't there. Maybe Cork people are only interested in the Munster rugby team . After all your avatar suggests something similar.


Inidiana is rgiht - Frank is not invincible - hecan be got rid of if things are that bad.

The truth is that not enough people care.

Bud Wiser

Quote9 point win for dublin
4-14 to 1-14.

as regards strikes , marches etc who cares anymore? People are losing their jobs everyday of the week in this country at the moment, this is a hobby. The cork players would want to remember that sometime. Pathetic debates on national radio like yesterdays from all parties really bring home how silly this is. If oen of the Cork players was made unemployed tomorrow, then they would have a real problem.

Couldn't agree more, time to draw a conclusion to this farce, let them arch up and down the roads, go on TV but at this stage, regardless of who is right or wrong the name of the GAAis being dragged in the mire.

(On the score, this could be a handy enough Dub's team and badly needed at that.  Fair play to the youg rebels, they were beaten by nine points but shur that was the same margin the professionals were beaten by in their last competitive outing) 
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


Quotewhy can't you apply that same type of logic to the present dispute? We're not talking rocket science here.

Logic is something you have singularly failed to apply to even one of your posts.

QuoteThe truth is that not enough people care.

They care but like most people they probably don't have the time or energy to apply that kind of effort into their hobby, especially when it is primarily focused on their club.



100s of texts in to 103.
Of course they bloody care, and where's your answer?
I just said that he cannot be removed and people will not challenge him because of the impact it'll have on their clubs. Talk the talk all you want but where's your sollution?
Of course people care, you're talking through your ass. Even if you look at the march yesterday..12,000 people cannot be ignored.

There are 100s of texts being sent into 103fm in Cork.
He's read out a bucket load of them and 99% of them are backing the 08 players..a few went like this..

"There was nothing to do to cheer about today."

"We'll be playing division 2 in 2010, we'll be in the Christy Ring Cup after the Championship."

"Surely 12,000 marchers can't be wrong, it's about time they started listening to the grass roots instead of listening to a dictator"

"Gerald most see the light, step down."

"God help us when we meet quality opposition."

"Boys playing in mens jeresey's"

"10,000 at the march yesterday, 2,000 at the game today, says, it all"....etc.

"They are not wanted by 99% of the Cork fans."

The list goes on.
People care, you don't know any different.

Now ye all seem to know it all so tell me, how do you get rid of a man who holds a lot of clubs at ransom, has the rest of them in his pocket because of being owed favours and skeletons in the closet..etc.
And it is up to FM when he leaves. He cannot be fired or forced out, so where the hell is yere solution. Because I'd love to know, a hell lot of people would love to know.


The Solutiuon is to tell the 2008 players to F$%K off and then start from scratch as has been done.

Why should McCarthy back down, the 2008 players seems to think they have a God given right to do what they want.


Quote from: Zulu on February 08, 2009, 04:41:00 PM
Quote"Sorry now but what does that mean?"

Typical pro 2008 panel response Zulu.

What are you talking about, I didn't understand the point you were trying to make so I sought clarification, which you still haven't provided.

QuoteIf it helps even things up, I've no evidence but I've no doubt that Croke Park is in contact with the Cork board in an "unoffical" way.
And another typical response, make a conclusion on what you want to believe I write rather than reading it. I never said the GPA are pulling the strings just that I believe they're involved and very much have a vested interest in this dispute. If there's an opportunity for the GPA "to get their feet further under the table" do you really think they're going to leave it to chance without any input? As more information comes out as this continues more people are questioning a possible GPA involvement.  
It's quite clear as more information surfaces too that Donal og is the man pulling the strings in all this. But don't forget he wears too hats. And as he is pulling the strings why wasn't he at the front of the press conference? To give the impression he wasn't pulling the strings perhaps.

I've no doubt that both the GPA and CP are in touch with either (possibly both sides) and I fully accept that Donal Og is the driving force behind the players, but so what? You seem intent on uncovering some dastardly sub plot to all of this, when there isn't any evidence to suggest there is. So do us a favour and drop the GPA bullshit, you have nothing to back up your point so it is irrelevant.

Any real need for these "bullshit" comments Zulu? Predominately they come from the pro 2008 panel posters and I have to say it reflects on you badly.
To be honest I'd like to get off the GPA case. I've made my points and no one has to accept them. But I'll say this, I would not use the word dastardly at all but if the GPA have any influence over how this dispute pans out the it will be to serve their needs not the Cork GAA. And I believe they would see this as an opportunity to further their interests. There has never been silence like this from the GPA in any dispute before and you have to wonder at that. But we'll see in time.


Typical Gerald.
IN his post match interview.
The lads fought hard, a learning curve..there was a great crowd and great to see fans backing them. (2000 isn't a big crowd Gerald.)

The people txting in to 103 fm really aren't happy. Lol.