McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: RedandGreenSniper on January 21, 2009, 12:59:27 AM
A sorry end to affairs, that is if it is the end.

McCarthy is definitely point scoring in his statement and I don't like to see that.

Too much we don't know, I'll have to say that. The striking players need to release a statement now.

At the minute no one is coming out smelling of roses. Not McCarthy. Not the players. And definitely not the county board.

What is super bizarre for me is that Jerry O'Sullivan, father of Diarmuid and Paudie, is chair of the county board. How must things be in that house? I can't begin to grasp how tense the whole situation must be.

McCarthy has done that everytime he's come out in the media, he'd always come across really well, too well if you ask me.

If the players released a statement now, which they are perfectly entitled to do, they'd only come across petty compared to Gerald. He's got the media wrapped around his finger and everyone is buying into it.

JOS is chairman and Sully isn't still at home, obviously Sully Og still is, but akward wouldn't even  begin to cover what it must be like for the 3 lads.

QuoteI can't begin to grasp how tense the whole situation must be.
Exactly, you'd swear by some peoples talk that the players enjoy it. The pressure they felt last season on strike was insane, God only knows what it most be like now, 10 times it I'd say.



QuoteWill that be the end of it now?

Certainly appears to be. What will reaction be if Cork end up playing in the Christy Ring comp next year??



Everyone buying into Gers position has got nothing to do with the media. You're deluded if you think it is. They just side with his position in all of this....end of.

You would almost think that the players didn't place that pressure on themselves the way you are talking. Walking away quietly is still an option they have still to take. Their lingering around like a bad smell whilst some of them allegedly tried to hold others going forward to represent their County has been the worst part of this sorry saga.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: theskull1 on January 21, 2009, 08:10:48 AM

Everyone buying into Gers position has got nothing to do with the media. You're deluded if you think it is. They just side with his position in all of this....end of.

You would almost think that the players didn't place that pressure on themselves the way you are talking. Walking away quietly is still an option they have still to take. Their lingering around like a bad smell whilst some of them allegedly tried to hold others going forward to represent their County has been the worst part of this sorry saga.

I can't see them walking away quietly - there'll be fireworks.


I'd say this is far from over, the pressure will increase on the footballers to show their hand but the real colour of peoples money will come to light once the national league starts. If this squad start shipping heavy defeats then the public reaction will tell a lot, if they demand the return of the 2008 squad Gerald's reign could be short. One way or another they've all made a real mess of this and Cork hurling is the real loser.


Everyone buying into Gers position has got nothing to do with the media. You're deluded if you think it is. They just side with his position in all of this....end of.

That's just not true, of course peoples opinions have been influenced by what they read or hear, most people don't know the full story (including all of us here) and many know very little about it, evidenced by the number of people who question Franks influence in Cork on this board. Most people I know who are well versed in Cork GAA don't have strong feelings about Gerald either way they see this as a players V CB issue, which at heart it is.


But the question remains : why did the strikers refuse to meet ? Have they all along a plan to ride this out, hope to bring in the footballlers and make it a far bigger, even national issue ?

They had every chance to meet but refused. It looks to me like this might only be the end of the first half of the book and the start of the second half.


QuoteBut the question remains : why did the strikers refuse to meet ?

Why would they meet, the CB said Gerald's position was not negotiable and that is what the strike is all about. They don't want Gerald as manager yet the CB reappointed him. Then they say lets talk this out but Gerald is staying, so what was there to talk about from the players point of view. OM it's been said numerous times at this stage but you don't seem to accept that the players and Gerald can't work together, their relationship is beyond repair and therefore any resolution which leaves Gerald in charge is unacceptable to the players.


But why did they say they would meet and then make every excuse under the sun not to meet ?.

Surely they made it easy for the CB to issue that statement last night and give Mc Carthy more ammunition than he already had ??

By not meeting, it has reflected more poorly on the strikers do you not think in the minds of the public ?.


Everyones mind was made up long ago, you only have to look at this thread to see how little peoples opinions have changed over the course of this discussion. There is nothing more to be said about the rights and wrongs of this issue (there hasn't been for sometime really), compromise isn't an option at this stage, either the players go or Gerald goes and it looks like Gerald is staying. But IMO Gerald is and  was always going to be the loser in all of this, the CB aren't going anywhere and the Cork public won't allow their best players sit in the stands while Cork take big beatings so they'll be back at some stage. Gerald may get this year out of it but he won't be allowed to stay next year if the only lads who'll play for him are those outside the top 50 - 70 players in the county.


Zulu I've always been a players man and there is wrong on both sides of this but I'm exceptionally disappointed with the players for refusing to even go halfway. Anyone who's experience of business resolution and I do realises when they enter talks, they will not get everything they want. The idea is you ask for all and get half and you accept that before you go in.
There have been countless other problems in other counties with managers. Wexford had a major problem with John Conran but it didn't stop them beating kilkenny one year because they went to him and told him what they expected 3 months before the game. They didn't go on strike.
The fact that they wouldn't even meet Barry Murphy or Olann Kelleher who are neutrals in the argument is beyond belief. Some of the previous squad will never see a Cork jersey again. Its a pity some of them have been the finest exponents of the game and they've made a decision they will live to regret in 10 years time. Life is short and your playing career is even shorter. Sad way for the whole thing to end.


What was the run up to this statement by the CB last night ??

Was there a CB meeting where the attempts to contact / meet the players were outlined ?? Or was it a case of the CB executive issuing this statement ?


But Indiana Wexford players got rid of Myler last year, the only difference between the Cork and Wexford situations is the WCB listened to the players. And Waterford players got rid of Justin half way through the season but Justin unlike Gerald did the sensible thing IMO, he said if ye don't want me then grand, I'll go somewhere where they do. This isn't a employer/employee issue where compromise can occur and everyone gets something, this is a situation where young men give up a huge amount of time, put in a huge physical effort, sacrifice a large part of their social lives and take a good deal of personal abuse when things don't go right demanding the backroom support necessary for them to perform.

I know you've been involved in GAA to a fairly high level Indiana so you can appreciate that any squad where the panel, rightly or wrongly, have no respect or working relationship with the manager can't succeed. In truth they can't even function let alone succeed so any CB interested in their success wouldn't reappoint that man and IMO any man interested in the success of that team wouldn't put his name forward for that position again anyway.


Quote from: Zulu on January 21, 2009, 10:20:39 AM
But Indiana Wexford players got rid of Myler last year, the only difference between the Cork and Wexford situations is the WCB listened to the players. And Waterford players got rid of Justin half way through the season but Justin unlike Gerald did the sensible thing IMO, he said if ye don't want me then grand, I'll go somewhere where they do. This isn't a employer/employee issue where compromise can occur and everyone gets something, this is a situation where young men give up a huge amount of time, put in a huge physical effort, sacrifice a large part of their social lives and take a good deal of personal abuse when things don't go right demanding the backroom support necessary for them to perform.

I know you've been involved in GAA to a fairly high level Indiana so you can appreciate that any squad where the panel, rightly or wrongly, have no respect or working relationship with the manager can't succeed. In truth they can't even function let alone succeed so any CB interested in their success wouldn't reappoint that man and IMO any man interested in the success of that team wouldn't put his name forward for that position again anyway.

Justin did walk away, but was it right that he was got rid of in the first place ? The Cork CB obviously feel different about Gerald.

Do we really want a situation to develop in the GAA where players effectively have a veto on who the manger is ?


QuoteThe Cork CB obviously feel different about Gerald.

No they don't and if they do you'd have to question their abilities to judge a managers worth, JOM, Pat O'Shea and Mickey Harte have all come under far more pressure than Gerald and all of them have far better managerial CV's.

The player's don't have or want a veto on the manager but i think it is perfectly sensible to seek the opinions of senior players as to who might be suitable as the future manager. Who would have the better insight into the qualities of various managers, the people who currently play the game and may well have played under some of prospective coaches in the past or CB men who haven't kicked or pucked a ball out of their way in maybe 20 years?

If I was hiring a babysitter for my 5 and 7 year old kids I'd seek the kids opinion on the candidates because it is they who would be dealing with the sitter, so their preference would be an important factor. Not the over-riding one but certainly an important one so if I was a CB chairman I'd definitely seek the counsel of senior players, again I may not go with their choice but their opinion would hold serious weight in my book.