McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: orangeman on January 20, 2009, 11:30:35 PM
Thank God to hear from you Reillers - we were speculating on where you'd gone.

What do you make of the statement ??

Can we have the truth about the strikers and the meeting that was to have happened ??

Why did they not meet ??
It always looked to me that the strikers never had any intention of meeting - this belief of mine was reinforced whenever you tried to say that they had family / work committments.

So what now Reillers ??? Civil war in Cork ?? Footballers out in strike as well ?? GPA balloting their members on strike action ??

I can't see the strikers simply walking away from this.

And I genuinely believe ( always have believed ) that it's only a matter of time before some of the strikers who were not at the front of the picketline return to the fold.  I know you've said they were all in it together but I think some at least will return.

It's only a matter of time all right.
I think the younger players could cross the picket line and no one could blame them for that, but it's only a matter of time, because of the Smeplegate masacre under the lights in the League, peoples opinions, the divisions, the principals and their side, will begin to blurr. Because it wont mean anything, because all everyone wants is for Cork to be winning. Sides will go out the door and there will be a massive call for McCarthy's head.
He'll be fired and the players hopefully will come back.
Gerald thinks the public will be patient, he thinks the Cork hurling fans will be patient, he's got another thing coming if he thinks that people are going to continue to except comments like there were some positive displays and points to take from it, the lads played their hearts out, they're only learning..etc.
That wont wash, because everyone in Cork expects at the least an AI final.
And McCarthy, God love him, he thinks he's got all this backing of the CB and the fans, the CB will wash their hands of him in a heartbeat the second things go pearshaped and pressure comes on them, and the "fans" if he had so much backing there would have been more then 300 at the WIT game. It's only a matter time before there is one goal, one want in Cork and that is for McCarthy to be fired, it wont matter one bit what side anyone was on in this. Humiliation at the hands of teams we could have beaten in our sleep will just about force anyone together.
It is only a matter of time.


Quote from: realrebel on January 20, 2009, 11:37:07 PM
well i bet ya my house mul wont
but wouldnt the board have to pick the manager and they would pick ger cunningham, seanie or patsy

Probably wont no, just thinking out loud.
The CB will never, NEVER let any of those 3 near the intercounty scene again.

Realrebel, honestly now, after we get humiliated by Tipp or Dublin, you still think that Gerald should keep his job.


it wasnt long ago reillers when u were saying that no player would cross the line they are all united
now u are saying they might
as for the wit game did u not see the weather i think that had a big say on the attendance dont u


Quote from: orangeman on January 20, 2009, 11:37:27 PM
Quote from: Reillers on January 20, 2009, 11:22:49 PM
What do ye want me to say that we don't all ready no. All this fighting is for nothing, it's irrelevant. Why? Because we're going to end with the same result.
We'll suffer record losses in a row, the CB will eventually crumble under the pressure, and sack McCarthy they'll (hopefully) appoint a respectable manager who can do the job who doesn't considering pucking a ball between two for 20 mins appropriate for intercounty training, it'll probably be someone like Cunningham or Mulchay..etc. And the players will come back as we try to rebuild the remainder of the season..hopefully all of this will be solved before the Munster Championship.

....Yes, for part of it I'm living in denial, but I do believe that it's only a matter of time till McCarthy's fired. He's served his purpose. He's a terrible manager and will be fired because of that. It's just a question of will the CB have the balls to swallow their ego and get the players back.

Gerald thinks he's won this fight, he's delighted with life, he actually thinks he's won. He still doesn't realise that he's a massive, massive pawn in all of this.
He'll be fired, it's only a matter of time.

I honestly don't believe that Mc Carthy thinks he has won or that the strikers have lost - he has lost, so too the players and the CB - He's managing a team now that haven't a chance of doing anything this year. I note he says he's in place now for 2 years. If these lads don'r go back and Gerald stays for two years, a lot of their careers are over, which is very, very sad. I know you've accused me of having no time for the players, but as hurlers, they're exceptional and I'd love to have seen them play this year and topple KK.
And McCarthy has nothing to offer them. Even if this was the proper team, he'd have nothing to bring to the table. O Grady and Allen came up with and refreshed ways of beating everyone. Gerald's brought nothing to this team except making it worse, bringing it backwards. Some say that it's onl natural, but I refuse to believe that players, that a team, can slip that much in a few months.
Fair enough, we've always had an opposite opinion on this, but I agree it's a sad day to think that we'll never see the twins and co in the geansai again.


Quote from: Reillers on January 20, 2009, 11:39:09 PM
Quote from: orangeman on January 20, 2009, 11:30:35 PM
Thank God to hear from you Reillers - we were speculating on where you'd gone.

What do you make of the statement ??

Can we have the truth about the strikers and the meeting that was to have happened ??

Why did they not meet ??
It always looked to me that the strikers never had any intention of meeting - this belief of mine was reinforced whenever you tried to say that they had family / work committments.

So what now Reillers ??? Civil war in Cork ?? Footballers out in strike as well ?? GPA balloting their members on strike action ??

I can't see the strikers simply walking away from this.

And I genuinely believe ( always have believed ) that it's only a matter of time before some of the strikers who were not at the front of the picketline return to the fold.  I know you've said they were all in it together but I think some at least will return.

It's only a matter of time all right.
I think the younger players could cross the picket line and no one could blame them for that, but it's only a matter of time, because of the Smeplegate masacre under the lights in the League, peoples opinions, the divisions, the principals and their side, will begin to blurr. Because it wont mean anything, because all everyone wants is for Cork to be winning. Sides will go out the door and there will be a massive call for McCarthy's head.
He'll be fired and the players hopefully will come back.
Gerald thinks the public will be patient, he thinks the Cork hurling fans will be patient, he's got another thing coming if he thinks that people are going to continue to except comments like there were some positive displays and points to take from it, the lads played their hearts out, they're only learning..etc.
That wont wash, because everyone in Cork expects at the least an AI final.
And McCarthy, God love him, he thinks he's got all this backing of the CB and the fans, the CB will wash their hands of him in a heartbeat the second things go pearshaped and pressure comes on them, and the "fans" if he had so much backing there would have been more then 300 at the WIT game. It's only a matter time before there is one goal, one want in Cork and that is for McCarthy to be fired, it wont matter one bit what side anyone was on in this. Humiliation at the hands of teams we could have beaten in our sleep will just about force anyone together.
It is only a matter of time.

I'm not sure about Mc Carthy being sacked - he's more likely to stay for the year and walk away and let somebody else at it next year. The CB have nailed their colours to the mast. The expectation of Cork getting to the AI final is not there now.

The current climate means that people are now more ocncerned with paying the mortgage, the credit card and grocery bill than anything else.

Players will return to bolster the team  - but the public know that the best team won;t be on the field and Mc Carthy's job will be safe for the year at least.


Quote from: realrebel on January 20, 2009, 11:43:10 PM
it wasnt long ago reillers when u were saying that no player would cross the line they are all united
now u are saying they might
as for the wit game did u not see the weather i think that had a big say on the attendance dont u

True, it wasn't long ago I said that no one would cross. And on belief and team strength and unity I don't think anyone will, but it'll depend on how tired they become. Not of the fight, but the pointless, in their view training sessions they go to, and if they stop them, the club training wont do.
When you're bit by the hurling bug it's very hard to shake. And I don't think any of them would hold it against the younger players if they went back. It really depends on how tired they become with it all.

Come on, people go to games, have gone to Cork games in worse weather then that. If the fans really wanted to make a point, a stance, backing McCarthy they would have been there, we've played in worse conditions then that.
McCarthy's support, and I can guarantee this, will only dwindle from here on in. Whatever feelings people have now will be wiped out when we get beaten, trashed by Dublin.


You might beat Dublin - then what ?? Mc Carthy the best thing sincle sliced bread and good riddance to the strikers ??? Probably not - you're right - they'll get stuffed.

Tyrone played Monaghan at the weeked - a local derby - Tyrone AI champs - the fixture couldn't muster anymore than a 1000 hardy souls - but it really has nothing to do with who is there or how many are there -

Cork in whatever form will have a hurling team in the league and championship - that's for sure. How many supporters are there to see them doesn't really matter -

Winter / spring hurling doesn't bring out the crowds.


Quote from: hardstation on January 20, 2009, 11:53:50 PM
Jesus, I think I can see this thread coming to a close soon. I lay down a challenge to all:

Using no more than five bullet points, where are we at?

Don't think so HS - I think it's only beginning.

You could see the following taking place :

1. Footballers downing tools.
2. GPA getting involved more directly.
3. Strikers crossing the picket line to the training pitch.
4. Civil war
5. Continuity army's numbers being bolstered.

There's 5 points for you.


Quote from: orangeman on January 20, 2009, 11:44:32 PM
Quote from: Reillers on January 20, 2009, 11:39:09 PM
Quote from: orangeman on January 20, 2009, 11:30:35 PM
Thank God to hear from you Reillers - we were speculating on where you'd gone.

What do you make of the statement ??

Can we have the truth about the strikers and the meeting that was to have happened ??

Why did they not meet ??
It always looked to me that the strikers never had any intention of meeting - this belief of mine was reinforced whenever you tried to say that they had family / work committments.

So what now Reillers ??? Civil war in Cork ?? Footballers out in strike as well ?? GPA balloting their members on strike action ??

I can't see the strikers simply walking away from this.

And I genuinely believe ( always have believed ) that it's only a matter of time before some of the strikers who were not at the front of the picketline return to the fold.  I know you've said they were all in it together but I think some at least will return.

It's only a matter of time all right.
I think the younger players could cross the picket line and no one could blame them for that, but it's only a matter of time, because of the Smeplegate masacre under the lights in the League, peoples opinions, the divisions, the principals and their side, will begin to blurr. Because it wont mean anything, because all everyone wants is for Cork to be winning. Sides will go out the door and there will be a massive call for McCarthy's head.
He'll be fired and the players hopefully will come back.
Gerald thinks the public will be patient, he thinks the Cork hurling fans will be patient, he's got another thing coming if he thinks that people are going to continue to except comments like there were some positive displays and points to take from it, the lads played their hearts out, they're only learning..etc.
That wont wash, because everyone in Cork expects at the least an AI final.
And McCarthy, God love him, he thinks he's got all this backing of the CB and the fans, the CB will wash their hands of him in a heartbeat the second things go pearshaped and pressure comes on them, and the "fans" if he had so much backing there would have been more then 300 at the WIT game. It's only a matter time before there is one goal, one want in Cork and that is for McCarthy to be fired, it wont matter one bit what side anyone was on in this. Humiliation at the hands of teams we could have beaten in our sleep will just about force anyone together.
It is only a matter of time.

I'm not sure about Mc Carthy being sacked - he's more likely to stay for the year and walk away and let somebody else at it next year. The CB have nailed their colours to the mast. The expectation of Cork getting to the AI final is not there now.

The current climate means that people are now more ocncerned with paying the mortgage, the credit card and grocery bill than anything else.

Players will return to bolster the team  - but the public know that the best team won;t be on the field and Mc Carthy's job will be safe for the year at least.

For now, the CB have nailed Cork's coffin shut.

Quotelet somebody else at it next year
..something which he should have done this year.

QuoteThe expectation of Cork getting to the AI final is not there now.
If we had the team we were supposed to have it would have been. But now nothing more then record defeats are expected. People say, McCarthy's supporters say, fair play to him, we'll take the losses on the chin..they will in their hole.

QuoteThe current climate means that people are now more ocncerned with paying the mortgage, the credit card and grocery bill than anything else.
You underestimate just how important and popular hurling is in Cork, it is the religion, it is everything. "Winning the All Ireland hurling final isn't the everything to Corkonians, it's the only thing." It is our way of life. And our light out of this depressing time. Or atleast it was.

You think that the CB will leave McCarthy stay in the job a year?
You again, underestimate the CB, McCarthy might end up "walking away" in "mutual agreement" but he wont last the year, not if it goes how I think, how everyone thinks it'll go.
Now unless the CB are delighted with the money they are saving..which is possible, the saved a bundle in last years strike, they just love their money.

Quotebut the public know that the best team won;t be on the field and Mc Carthy's job will be safe for the year at least.
Again, you underestimate the fans, that excuse that weak team excuse does wash for a game or two in the League but watch as people, die hard McCarthy supporters buckle when we get humiliated by Dublin. At the end of the day it wont matter who's on the pitch, the only thing that will matter is what's on the scoreboard.
McCarthy's head will be called for after a handful of matches because the humiliation more then anything will be too much to take, and the fans will call for the managers head, it's a question of if the CB will give in.

It's just a question of when, not if at this stage.


Quote from: orangeman on January 20, 2009, 11:55:50 PM
You might beat Dublin - then what ?? Mc Carthy the best thing sincle sliced bread and good riddance to the strikers ??? Probably not - you're right - they'll get stuffed.

Tyrone played Monaghan at the weeked - a local derby - Tyrone AI champs - the fixture couldn't muster anymore than a 1000 hardy souls - but it really has nothing to do with who is there or how many are there -

Cork in whatever form will have a hurling team in the league and championship - that's for sure. How many supporters are there to see them doesn't really matter -

Winter / spring hurling doesn't bring out the crowds.

I think you underestimate what a defeat by Dublin will do to Cork.

Ya not many turned up to the GAA matches around the country.
But this match, was supposed to be a statement, and if McCarthy had as many fans as he thinks he does then there would have been a hell lot more fans there. Not turning up to Tyrone AI champions only playing Monaghan in the cold isn't much, but not turning up to what was supposed to be a statment by McCarthy is another. What 1000 were at the Tyrone game, about 300 at the Cork game and Cork is considerably bigger then Tyrone with a much bigger fan base.

Of course the amount of supporters matter, to the county, to the team, to the fans, it's a matter of pride. Do ya know how rare it is to outnumber Cork fans. Very. If very little show up, well it'll say something.


You could be right Reillers - I'll grant you that you've been right about the CB on more occasions than I've given you the credit for -

But yes, time will indeed tell. It always does.

Time will tell if Mc Carthy hasn't as much support as you think he has. Time will tell if hurling means "everything" to Cork.

Time will tell if the strikers return.

Time will tell what the fallout will be from this.

What do you call the man from Cork who wears the sombrero, I've met him a few times - what does he think of the whole thing ? Now there's a pasionate man if ever I met a passionate Cork man.


Reillers, would you say that this statement is accurate ?? Taken from RTE website.

There has been a further development in the row that's splitting Cork hurling, after the county board released a statement expressing their disappointed at the lack of talks aimed at resolving the issue.

The Cork senior hurling panel are refusing to play for their county in protest at Gerald McCarthy being named manager of the team and the way in which he was appointed.

In recent weeks, there had been signs from the players that they were willing to enter into talks with County Board Executive and the Cork management team, under an independent chairman.

However, a statement from the county board claims that the players are unwilling to enter such talks.


Quote from: hardstation on January 21, 2009, 12:12:17 AM
Yip, inaccurate. This bit:

The Cork senior hurling panel are refusing to play for their county

As in they're refusing to play for Mc Carthy ?


Quote from: hardstation on January 21, 2009, 12:15:08 AM
As in - Cork will always have a senior hurling panel. Players who refuse to play are not the Cork senior hurling panel.

Gotcha ! You're right there. The Cork senior hurling panel are the players who are training under Mc Carthy - the other lads, the strikers look like they are the ex Cork senior hurling panel.


A sorry end to affairs, that is if it is the end.

McCarthy is definitely point scoring in his statement and I don't like to see that.

Too much we don't know, I'll have to say that. The striking players need to release a statement now.

At the minute no one is coming out smelling of roses. Not McCarthy. Not the players. And definitely not the county board.

What is super bizarre for me is that Jerry O'Sullivan, father of Diarmuid and Paudie, is chair of the county board. How must things be in that house? I can't begin to grasp how tense the whole situation must be.

Mayo for Sam! Just don't ask me for a year