McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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I have..clearly you haven't though.

If you're on about the academy thing.

Gerald is a bad manager, maybe in a different time, maybe in better circumstances things might have ended differenty. But he's not a good manager of this team.
He would be ideal for a position in this new academy if it ever happens, not in charge of it, but he should be there to share his experience, which would go to waste.

Clearly you are being overdramatic yet again. And personal..the "personal" comments, saying he was lying, which he was, saying otherwise would have made me a liar.

What have I said other then that??


Quote from: Reillers on December 31, 2008, 01:48:46 AM
I have..clearly you haven't though.

If you're on about the academy thing.

Gerald is a bad manager, maybe in a different time, maybe in better circumstances things might have ended differenty. But he's not a good manager of this team.
He would be ideal for a position in this new academy if it ever happens, not in charge of it, but he should be there to share his experience, which would go to waste.

Clearly you are being overdramatic yet again. And personal..the "personal" comments, saying he was lying, which he was, saying otherwise would have made me a liar.

What have I said other then that??

Here's a summary - honestly your criticism has been personal, unfair and over the top for a man who is one of the most decorated servants of Cork hurling - he's given his life and the personal insults were not deserved - ok I know you're standing up for the players and you've every right to do so but he's not what you've made him out to be. He'll not run away, he'll stand up for himself, but taking on Mc Carthy in a fight and trying to blackguard him was and is wrong.

for 98 pages you've contended that Mc Carthy should never have been reappointed, that he's a bad manager, Cork have had nothing but horrible defeats because of Mc Carthy, that the CB and him are inextricably linked ala SF / IRA, that he's insulted all and sundry, that he has leaked sensitive, confidential information, that he is not to be trusted, that he would do anything just to have his own way, that he is manipulative, engages in PR stunts, he doesn't even know the names of the players or what clubs they're from, you've scorned his Cork hurling academy, Mc Carthy is egotistical unlike the players, has behaved disgracefully throughout, is only there to do the CB's bidding, his training methods are shit, is tactically rubbish and above all else is a liar. This list is not exhaustive by the way.


Quote from: orangeman on December 31, 2008, 02:16:11 AM
Quote from: Reillers on December 31, 2008, 01:48:46 AM
I have..clearly you haven't though.

If you're on about the academy thing.

Gerald is a bad manager, maybe in a different time, maybe in better circumstances things might have ended differenty. But he's not a good manager of this team.
He would be ideal for a position in this new academy if it ever happens, not in charge of it, but he should be there to share his experience, which would go to waste.

Clearly you are being overdramatic yet again. And personal..the "personal" comments, saying he was lying, which he was, saying otherwise would have made me a liar.

What have I said other then that??

Here's a summary - honestly your criticism has been personal, unfair and over the top for a man who is one of the most decorated servants of Cork hurling - he's given his life and the personal insults were not deserved - ok I know you're standing up for the players and you've every right to do so but he's not what you've made him out to be. He'll not run away, he'll stand up for himself, but taking on Mc Carthy in a fight and trying to blackguard him was and is wrong.

Yes apparently, but what have I actually said exactly, without twisting, exagerating and putting words in my mouth, because clearly you seem to have a different idea, clearly you are, yet again reading what isn't there, you seem to have some warped version of logic and I'd like to know what exactly you mean.

for 98 pages you've contended that Mc Carthy should never have been reappointed, that he's a bad manager, Cork have had nothing but horrible defeats because of Mc Carthy, that the CB and him are inextricably linked ala SF / IRA, that he's insulted all and sundry, that he has leaked sensitive, confidential information, that he is not to be trusted, that he would do anything just to have his own way, that he is manipulative, engages in PR stunts, he doesn't even know the names of the players or what clubs they're from, you've scorned his Cork hurling academy, Mc Carthy is egotistical unlike the players, has behaved disgracefully throughout, is only there to do the CB's bidding, his training methods are shit, is tactically rubbish and above all else is a liar. This list is not exhaustive by the way.

He should never have been reappointed, anywhere else or in any other sport he wouldn't have been..that isn't unfair or over the top. It should have been based on preformance, like it is in every other sport, but here it's based on politics and personal vendettas.
He was a bad manager, his tactics, his running of the team, the training and importantly the bad results.
5 defeats in 2 seasons, fact.
I've no idea what you're on about the SF/IRA thing.
He did leak sensitive confidential information.
Again I don't know where you got the next bit.
He didn't know the names of some of the players and where some of them were from.
I've scorned His Cork hurling acadamey??
Behaved disgracefully doing what exactly? Again I never said that.
No I think the CB are using him as a pawn, it's a different thing, complete opposite.
Egotistical unlike the players..I didn't say that, once again you put words in my mouth, I said a large part to why he kept the job was due to a bruised ego.
His training compared to O Grady, Allen, Mickey Harte, Cody..etc. is shite.
His tactics, naive and costly.
If you lie, you are a liar..he lied, saying otherwise would have made me a liar and you denying it would make you one.

I don't see what you're point is here, I have said some of those things, exagerated by you, yes, but still, I think you are getting mixed up a bit, on what's insulting and on what's the truth, because most of this is the truth.


You're a laugh Reillers - now I'm a liar as well !  :D :D :D

Most of it is the truth ??????? Surely you're not saying that you've told some little porkies ????   ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D



Like what, some examples. You talk the talk but you never and nor have you once backed it up.

And amazingly you still don't reply.
Go on, show me you can, reply to each point I made there and tell me with backing and proof what's wrong with it instead of reading half a line, responding to that and putting in an annoying amount of smiley faces that makes me wonder....


You've dragged Mc Carthy through 99 pages and discredited him at each and every turn around - I honestly think that I've given you a fair enough summary of how you've painted him.

You've called him a liar and continue to do so. Now I'm one too.

You are in a better position than me to say what goes on down there. And maybe you do have proof. But you can't say all the things you've said and then wriggle out of it and say that he should get the director of hurling job as well.

Way over the top. You say that the Cork hurlers want what is best for Cork hurling - I've no doubt that Mc Carthy would say the same thing, i.e that he wants what is best for Cork hurling - but of course you wouldn't accept that.


Quote from: orangeman on December 31, 2008, 03:03:47 AM
You've dragged Mc Carthy through 99 pages and discredited him at each and every turn around - I honestly think that I've given you a fair enough summary of how you've painted him.

You've called him a liar and continue to do so.  HE LIED!!!! So by definition he was a liar!! Now I'm one too. I DIDN'T SAY THAT YOU SPECIAL LITTLE CHILD!!!!I said, word for word that....
QuoteIf you lie, you are a liar..he lied, saying otherwise would have made me a liar and you denying it would make you one.
If you lie it makes you a liar. IF you deny that that makes you a liar also, no so far you haven't so I can't say you are now can I, but surprise surprise you didn't read my post, you just saw what you wanted to see, and you say I'm living in my own world..ffs...

You are in a better position than me to say what goes on down there. And maybe you do have proof. But you can't say all the things you've said and then wriggle out of it and say that he should get the director of hurling job as well.

I'm not wriggling out of anything, you just don't read my bloody posts. He has done a bad job here, he has managed this team badly, but making you a bad manager doesn't mean you don't know your hurling, just because he wasn't able to keep up with the modern game doesn't mean that his years of experience should go to waste, I've said more then 50 times that I have great respect for Gerald Mac, that he was a legend of a player..etc, And you would know that IF YOU READ MY POSTS!!

Way over the top. You say that the Cork hurlers want what is best for Cork hurling - I've no doubt that Mc Carthy would say the same thing, i.e that he wants what is best for Cork hurling - but of course you wouldn't accept that.

Of course he wants what's best for Cork hurling, but in his case I think his judgement was blurred by a bruised ego and maybe a better manager would have walked away when he knew when he as beaten, but Gerald as a manager and a player, never knew when he was beaten, never gave up, but in this case he should have, for the better of Cork hurling. He has nothing more to give then he's given all ready in two years and he's completley lost the dressing room. A lot of this fight is based around pride and McCarthy is a PART, NOT ALL, but a PART of that.



WOULD you just READ my posts. A lot of this wouldn't have happened if you had saved us all some time and READ them..FULLY, for what they are, not you're twisted version of them in your own little world.."orangeman word".


All sides would obviously say that they want what is best for Cork hurling but it all depends on where they're coming from.

You say Mc Carthy's position is all about pride, ego etc.

The player's position according to you is simply about the future of Cork hurling and the players are prepared to stand up to the board and everybody else to safeguard hurling. Very noble of them.


Quote from: orangeman on December 31, 2008, 03:27:27 AM
All sides would obviously say that they want what is best for Cork hurling but it all depends on where they're coming from.

You say Mc Carthy's position is all about pride, ego etc.

The player's position according to you is simply about the future of Cork hurling and the players are prepared to stand up to the board and everybody else to safeguard hurling. Very noble of them.




Quote from: Reillers on December 31, 2008, 03:29:20 AM
Quote from: orangeman on December 31, 2008, 03:27:27 AM
All sides would obviously say that they want what is best for Cork hurling but it all depends on where they're coming from.

You say Mc Carthy's position is all about pride, ego etc.

The player's position according to you is simply about the future of Cork hurling and the players are prepared to stand up to the board and everybody else to safeguard hurling. Very noble of them.



I have and you're trying to dilute your criticism. Too late.

Do you think Donal Og would be a good man to run the development squads ? I thought by your talk he'd be looking for a bigger job than that ?.


READ IT?? You completley ignored my post.

OMG you are actually special.

Lets try again..(maybe I should do it one point per post so it would be less confusing for you because clearly you are having some sort of problems reading it. No I'll just break it up more for you, lots of spaces and maybe some smiley faces, you seem to like them, maybe with some pretty pictures it'll be easier to read.)

So first...

Point 1..

Point 2..
I'm not wriggling out of anything, you just don't read my bloody posts. He has done a bad job here, he has managed this team badly, but making you a bad manager doesn't mean you don't know your hurling, just because he wasn't able to keep up with the modern game doesn't mean that his years of experience should go to waste, I've said more then 50 times that I have great respect for Gerald Mac, that he was a legend of a player..etc, And you would know that IF YOU READ MY POSTS!!

Point 3..
QuoteIf you lie, you are a liar..he lied, saying otherwise would have made me a liar and you denying it would make you one.
If you lie it makes you a liar. IF you deny that that makes you a liar also, no so far you haven't so I can't say you are now can I, but surprise surprise you didn't read my post, you just saw what you wanted to see, and you say I'm living in my own world..ffs...

Point 4..
Of course he wants what's best for Cork hurling, but in his case I think his judgement was blurred by a bruised ego and maybe a better manager would have walked away when he knew when he as beaten, but Gerald as a manager and a player, never knew when he was beaten, never gave up, but in this case he should have, for the better of Cork hurling. He has nothing more to give then he's given all ready in two years and he's completley lost the dressing room. A lot of this fight is based around pride and McCarthy is a PART, NOT ALL, but a PART of that.

Point 5..


IF this doesn't work I'm seriously considering finger puppets. Maybe this post is too big for you to take in all at once.

And Donal Og, a long with Justin Mc Carthy would be the best thing that could ever happen to the youth structure in Cork.


Quote from: Reillers on December 31, 2008, 03:41:22 AM
OMG you are actually special.

Lets try again..(maybe I should do it one point per post so it would be less confusing for you because clearly you are having some sort of problems reading it.)

So first...


Horrible ???????

Read your criticism cos I'm not going to spell it out for you - my summary is a fair enough analysis. Anyway it's far too late.

I don't think you can contradict anything I've said in it.

You've run Mc Carthy down at every opportunity and shouldn't have been so unequivocal about calling him a liar whilt defending Sean Og and the lads to the last.


No, no, what have I said, word for can't "spell it out" because you are exagerating and making crap up. I know exactly what I have said, but I'm curious if you are just bullshitting or if you honestly are getting a warped twisted version of what I am writting and seeing things that are not there.

QuoteI don't think you can contradict anything I've said in it
....You are a funny, little man.

I haven't run the man down at every opportunity, that's bull shit, I've nothing but respect for him, I've said the truth and that is it. Go on, continue to bullshit.


That is fact, something which I didn't make up, deal with it. He lied, making him in that moment of time, that's right, a liar!!


Quote from: Reillers on December 31, 2008, 03:50:02 AM
No, no, what have I said, word for can't "spell it out" because you are exagerating and making crap up. I know exactly what I have said, but I'm curious if you are just bullshitting or if you honestly are getting a warped twisted version of what I am writting and seeing things that are not there.

QuoteI don't think you can contradict anything I've said in it
....You are a funny, little man.

I haven't run the man down at every opportunity, that's bull shit, I've nothing but respect for him, I've said the truth and that is it. Go on, continue to bullshit.


That is fact, something which I didn't make up, deal with it. He lied, making him in that moment of time, that's right, a liar!!

Say all that you've spewed and you call that respect !!!!!!! That's fairly perverse itself.