McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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County Player

Quote from: Tatler Jack on December 28, 2008, 12:59:58 PM
An agreed process for selecting the manager was in place and was followed and the players did not get what they wanted.

That is not the case and is the entire argument in a nutshell.

Tatler Jack

Quote from: County Player on December 28, 2008, 01:04:11 PM
Quote from: Tatler Jack on December 28, 2008, 12:59:58 PM
An agreed process for selecting the manager was in place and was followed and the players did not get what they wanted.

That is not the case and is the entire argument in a nutshell.

Can you elaborate. Are you saying (a) there was not an agreed process or (b) it was not followed.


Quote from: Tatler Jack on December 28, 2008, 12:59:58 PM
Quotewhat "ban" you would give to volunteers, what would you give to the CB who have singlehandedly been destroying Cork for years,

In many ways the above statement by Reillers gets us to the nub of the problem in having any rational debate about this issue. The current crop of Cork players and their blind followers like Reillers have constructed a reality that suits their argument. In this reality (lets call it Reillersland) you have the hurlers – modern day Cuchullians who if given a fair chance would win every AI and adorn the playing fields with such wondrous feats of skill and athleticism that they would be remembered forever in verse (somewhat like Thady Quill!!). And not alone would their prowess on the hurling field be remembered but also their burning passion for the future of Cork GAA as they try against might and main to restore Cork GAA to its rightful place. Che Guevara cannot hold a candle to these boys in terms of revolutionary zeal. Unfortunately in this parallel universe there is a nasty group – know as the "County Board" whose sole mission in life is to destroy the GAA in Cork. These are warped and twisted individuals who are so intent on destroying the GAA that they give up most of their time to this. They spend their time attending meetings, sorting fixtures, raising finance and can also be seen at most Cork games. You might even have the impression that they are contributing something to the GAA but you could not be further wrong – they are there to preside over the demise of the GAA and in particular to make it impossible for Cork teams to win an AI – especially the senior hurlers.

In Rellersland the players play under conditions imposed by the CB that makes success nigh impossible. Players cycle to matches, tog out behind a hedge, get jam sandwiches after the games and then have to play in wellingtons using roughly hewn ash plants as camáns. They also have to put up with a useless coach who knows nothing about hurling and only won 5 AI medals. If only theses lads got fair play and a bit of oul respect sure we would never lose a game – in Rellersland Cork are never beaten by a better team  - there has to be another reason and the CB are always part of that reason. And in Reillersland everyone knows that all other counties have perfect CBs, unlimited funds and are "light years" (mandatory cliché!!) ahead of their CB.

Unfortunately some like Orangeman, BudWiser and myself do not live in Rellersland but in the real world. IN this world lots of things happen that we do not like such as losing. Also in the real world we sometimes have to accept democratic verdicts even though we know well that "we know best". And part of coping with reality if you are involved in the GAA is realising that you cannot always have perfection. The CB will always fall short of your ideals even if you are part of that CB yourself. You realise that the GAA is composed of people who give up their spare time to do what is largely boring and thankless work so that the Association can continue and that young people will have the joy and thrill of playing what are great games.  Increasingly it is becoming more and more difficult to get people to become involved in administration and to take up any positions at club or divisional level. There are few enough who seek this oft quoted "power" that is supposed to be what officials are interested in.

In the current dispute the players and their supporters need to constantly portray the problem as one that centres around the CB since their argument about selecting the manager has been lost. An agreed process for selecting the manager was in place and was followed and the players did not get what they wanted. Tough but that's democracy. They now realise this and are trying to portray this as a far more nobler fight for the future of Cork hurling – here are the modern equivalent of the West Cork Brigade taking on the might of the empire. And they are doing all of this for the future of Cork hurling that is now dying on its feet and if they do not strike (pardon the pun) the mortal blow now then we will all be subjected to another 700 years of tyranny. The problem for the Reillersland boys is that there are more than a few flaws in their arguments. Lets say Gerald had retired as manager and someone acceptable to the players was installed. Now the CB would still be largely the same, the same structures would be in place, etc. Would the players and all others in Rellersland be up in arms about the demise of Cork hurling and giving us their doomsday forecasts? And if things are so bad why as honourable men did they not walk away a few years back rather than giving legitimacy to this regime that is trying to destroy Cork hurling. Surely that would be the honourable thing to do.

There are lots of shortcomings with the GAA in Cork as in most other counties. Most of these shortcomings arise from the nature of the organisation – volunteer based, a few people trying to do too much and while easy to get a consensus on what is wrong not always easy to get agreement on what to do to put it right. The GAA is increasingly stretched in terms of resources – people to help and financially. At county level the increased focus on county teams has implications both financially and in terms of club competitions – leading to a large fall away in people playing the games after underage level. These challenges face all CBs, Divisional Boards and clubs and are not easily solved. Broader problems also face the GAA in general that make it more difficult to operate an amateur organisation in today's world.  There are indeed some Cork specific problems that the CB executive and players have both contributed to – perhaps not deliberately but nevertheless problems have been created that have damaged the GAA in Cork and will take time to resolve. The CB have been slow to recognise that change is needed in the way one deals and relates with players, The players have been all too petulant each and every time an issue has arisen and have left very little space for sorting out problems. There is also the GPA issue that whether one likes it or not has been part and parcel of all the disputes.

I hope this dispute can be resolved but if the players refuse to even attend talks then I am pessimistic as to what can be done. If the CB force Ger Mac to resign in order to settle the problem then the whole basis of the GAA and what it stands for will have changed. It would be an easy way to solve the problem but the wrong one. If the players enter talks then I suggest that for the future the CB agree that the selection of the manager is left to a sub-committee that does not contain either representative of the executive or of the players. The players would agree that they would take no further action that would inhibit Gerald from carrying out his role as manager – if players are not comfortable to play under him then they opt out on an individual basis.
Reillers your point re the Pairc Ui Caoimh is somewhat tangential to this debate. Yes the Park is desperately in need of renovation and I understand that there are various plans for its development with a lot of different views as to what should be done. Again no simple solution as there is a reluctance to spend money on necessary repair now if in a year or two a major redevelopment takes place.

Im afraid I do not have time or motivation to contribute regularly to this debate. Like most people I have a job to do and a family to look after. Plus from next week I will be doing my bit at club level – meetings, fund raising and training some kids on a Saturday morning. I would gladly swap for the days when I was young and fit enough to play and enjoy the games. Maybe someone should remind the players that this is sport after all.

There simply is no argument with this.

Definitely one of the better posts on the this thread if not the board ( and not because I agree with it ).

Tatler Jack has hit a lot of nails on the head.


great post tj, best on the thread. send it to players. Would make them feel very silly indeed.


Can't wait for GPA member to elaborate on his 13 words of wisdom on this whole derbarcle

Would love Reillers to explain the "We're trying to save Cork GAA from the evil CB but we'll not bother saving anybody bar ourselves if GMcC is sacked" argument

Excellent post TJ particularly your explainations of the imperfections of our great amateur orginisation. But it's maybe a bit real worldie for some. The sky is falling in Reillerslands
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: Tatler Jack on December 28, 2008, 12:59:58 PM
Quotewhat "ban" you would give to volunteers, what would you give to the CB who have singlehandedly been destroying Cork for years,

In many ways the above statement by Reillers gets us to the nub of the problem in having any rational debate about this issue. The current crop of Cork players and their blind followers like Reillers have constructed a reality that suits their argument. In this reality (lets call it Reillersland) you have the hurlers – modern day Cuchullians who if given a fair chance would win every AI and adorn the playing fields with such wondrous feats of skill and athleticism that they would be remembered forever in verse (somewhat like Thady Quill!!). And not alone would their prowess on the hurling field be remembered but also their burning passion for the future of Cork GAA as they try against might and main to restore Cork GAA to its rightful place. Che Guevara cannot hold a candle to these boys in terms of revolutionary zeal. Unfortunately in this parallel universe there is a nasty group – know as the "County Board" whose sole mission in life is to destroy the GAA in Cork. These are warped and twisted individuals who are so intent on destroying the GAA that they give up most of their time to this. They spend their time attending meetings, sorting fixtures, raising finance and can also be seen at most Cork games. You might even have the impression that they are contributing something to the GAA but you could not be further wrong – they are there to preside over the demise of the GAA and in particular to make it impossible for Cork teams to win an AI – especially the senior hurlers.

In Rellersland the players play under conditions imposed by the CB that makes success nigh impossible. Players cycle to matches, tog out behind a hedge, get jam sandwiches after the games and then have to play in wellingtons using roughly hewn ash plants as camáns. They also have to put up with a useless coach who knows nothing about hurling and only won 5 AI medals. If only theses lads got fair play and a bit of oul respect sure we would never lose a game – in Rellersland Cork are never beaten by a better team  - there has to be another reason and the CB are always part of that reason. And in Reillersland everyone knows that all other counties have perfect CBs, unlimited funds and are "light years" (mandatory cliché!!) ahead of their CB.

Unfortunately some like Orangeman, BudWiser and myself do not live in Rellersland but in the real world. IN this world lots of things happen that we do not like such as losing. Also in the real world we sometimes have to accept democratic verdicts even though we know well that "we know best". And part of coping with reality if you are involved in the GAA is realising that you cannot always have perfection. The CB will always fall short of your ideals even if you are part of that CB yourself. You realise that the GAA is composed of people who give up their spare time to do what is largely boring and thankless work so that the Association can continue and that young people will have the joy and thrill of playing what are great games.  Increasingly it is becoming more and more difficult to get people to become involved in administration and to take up any positions at club or divisional level. There are few enough who seek this oft quoted "power" that is supposed to be what officials are interested in.

These men are making a hash of it, ye speculate, but it's just that, speculation. Ye are making comments like this, oh high and mighty and all knowing, but where's your proof. There are people who give up their free time for the GAA, I am one of them, I presume that most on here are as well, but the men who are doing f**k the men who are the problem, are the ones who are getting paid, and not doing their job.

And why shouldn't there be perfection, it can be reached to an extent, well not perfection because nothing can be perfect but good even would do, but typical GAA old as time attitude as sure shite will do.

In the current dispute the players and their supporters need to constantly portray the problem as one that centres around the CB since their argument about selecting the manager has been lost. An agreed process for selecting the manager was in place and was followed and the players did not get what they wanted. Tough but that's democracy. They now realise this and are trying to portray this as a far more nobler fight for the future of Cork hurling – here are the modern equivalent of the West Cork Brigade taking on the might of the empire. And they are doing all of this for the future of Cork hurling that is now dying on its feet and if they do not strike (pardon the pun) the mortal blow now then we will all be subjected to another 700 years of tyranny. The problem for the Reillersland boys is that there are more than a few flaws in their arguments. Lets say Gerald had retired as manager and someone acceptable to the players was installed. Now the CB would still be largely the same, the same structures would be in place, etc. Would the players and all others in Rellersland be up in arms about the demise of Cork hurling and giving us their doomsday forecasts? And if things are so bad why as honourable men did they not walk away a few years back rather than giving legitimacy to this regime that is trying to destroy Cork hurling. Surely that would be the honourable thing to do.

That's bull, the process wasn't followed, hence why we are here. Their actions have been to do with the CBs appointment of the manager. It wasn't followed. It wasn't even used as a guideline, they do what they always do, what they want and they get away with it.
And democracy, GAA democracy, oh ya, that bullet proof system.

"The claim that democracy has been honoured in Cork is also a contentious one, not for the first time. Power is centred on the executive, a small cabal, and most ordinary delegates are 'yes men' who tow the line. There are ways in which the system can be corrupted, as we saw recently in Meath, where a loophole was found to avoid giving the job to the man the majority of the selection panel wanted: Luke Dempsey.

Democracy is what it says on the tin; GAA democracy is another thing altogether. The more politicised players become, the more they're likely to revolt against the gombeenism that still thrives within much local administration. There's bound to be a lot more trouble ahead."

From the indo.
And he's bang on.

There are lots of shortcomings with the GAA in Cork as in most other counties. Most of these shortcomings arise from the nature of the organisation – volunteer based, a few people trying to do too much and while easy to get a consensus on what is wrong not always easy to get agreement on what to do to put it right. The GAA is increasingly stretched in terms of resources – people to help and financially. At county level the increased focus on county teams has implications both financially and in terms of club competitions – leading to a large fall away in people playing the games after underage level. These challenges face all CBs, Divisional Boards and clubs and are not easily solved. Broader problems also face the GAA in general that make it more difficult to operate an amateur organisation in today's world.  There are indeed some Cork specific problems that the CB executive and players have both contributed to – perhaps not deliberately but nevertheless problems have been created that have damaged the GAA in Cork and will take time to resolve. The CB have been slow to recognise that change is needed in the way one deals and relates with players, The players have been all too petulant each and every time an issue has arisen and have left very little space for sorting out problems. There is also the GPA issue that whether one likes it or not has been part and parcel of all the disputes.

Please, Cork GAA has more money then anyone (and yet the clubs see very little of it.) 

I hope this dispute can be resolved but if the players refuse to even attend talks then I am pessimistic as to what can be done. If the CB force Ger Mac to resign in order to settle the problem then the whole basis of the GAA and what it stands for will have changed. It would be an easy way to solve the problem but the wrong one. If the players enter talks then I suggest that for the future the CB agree that the selection of the manager is left to a sub-committee that does not contain either representative of the executive or of the players. The players would agree that they would take no further action that would inhibit Gerald from carrying out his role as manager – if players are not comfortable to play under him then they opt out on an individual basis.
Reillers your point re the Pairc Ui Caoimh is somewhat tangential to this debate. Yes the Park is desperately in need of renovation and I understand that there are various plans for its development with a lot of different views as to what should be done. Again no simple solution as there is a reluctance to spend money on necessary repair now if in a year or two a major redevelopment takes place.

The players are going to sit down and talk, they have, or so I've been told, sit down for talks. Gerald Mac wont be forced to resign, I hope he isn't, I don't think he should have got the job in the first place, not to mention kept it, but he shouldn't be forced to resign. But I can't see what will both sides agree on. They hate eachother so much. The Board despise the players, they always have and the players are the most paranoid group of lads when it comes to dealing with the CB and that has come from years of doing so. The players feel very alone and isolated in this, Gerald is on his own litereally, but he's so much backing, the players have always had the attitude of them against us, but the players feel isolated and something like bringing in Ger Cunningham on to the backroom staff would help enourmously. But, like so many others, I don't think he'd work with the CB again, especially they way they were thrown out with not so much of a thank you the last time.

The players refuse to play under Gerald, I don't blame them, I don't entirely agree with them, but I don't blame them. There is no simple solution. I think if a comprimise was make, don't ask me which, but if McCarthy left and the bulk of the senior senior players left as well and Murphy (dreamland) left then we'd all be happy. Or well, in the nicest way possible, (it's only a matter of time before Gerald gets the sack, simply because he's not a good manager,) but if each side took a hit then it would be a lot easier for a deal to be made.

Personally, the younger players going hurts me a lot more then the older ones, they've had their day in the same and if need be, they can walk away, pretty fullfilled. The thought of not seeing the kids, the likes of Naughton who will be one of the greats in a Cork jersey again kills me a bit. The way he just tore Tipp apart in the first half was a thing of beauty, I personally think he should have gotten HOTY og, but, despite Canning getting it based on one preformance really though he was spectacular and I suppose you can't blame them for giving him it in the end, I think overall Naughton had been consistantly brilliant. But, hell, clearly I'm biased. 

I believe that they are not being led astray by the older players, that they care a lot about this, as much as the older players do. But if the senior players pushed them in the direction of the team then they could go back.

I respect your opinion I do, but like clearly there's massive differences in oppinions here. Maybe I have little perspective which does cloud my judgement more then a small bit, but some of the things said on here are wrong and unfair on the players.

And by the way, I respect your opinion, so don't you patronize me because you have an OPINION, and that's all it is, an opinion, like so many others, with no fact or proof whatsoever.

I have asked for proof or fact or evidence that suggest that Cork GAA isn't dying, (which it is, with or without these players) or that the CB aren't trying to gain full control. Everyone on here as bitched and whinged about the players, hate full, spitefull posts, now all I'm asking is some evidence, proof and facts to back it up. Because I have to honestly believe that there is no way that all of their spitefull bitter posts have been based purely on opinion.

Im afraid I do not have time or motivation to contribute regularly to this debate. Like most people I have a job to do and a family to look after. Plus from next week I will be doing my bit at club level – meetings, fund raising and training some kids on a Saturday morning. I would gladly swap for the days when I was young and fit enough to play and enjoy the games. Maybe someone should remind the players that this is sport after all.

And as for the rest of ye, would I prefer aiming for perfection. Or Skulls version where we all act like sheeps no matter what or OMs version, would be bullshit after bullshit where everythings fine and when it's not we simply ignore it and ignores all the hard questions and problems because he doesn't have he answers.


Quote from: Tatler Jack on December 28, 2008, 01:20:20 PM
Quote from: County Player on December 28, 2008, 01:04:11 PM
Quote from: Tatler Jack on December 28, 2008, 12:59:58 PM
An agreed process for selecting the manager was in place and was followed and the players did not get what they wanted.

That is not the case and is the entire argument in a nutshell.

Can you elaborate. Are you saying (a) there was not an agreed process or (b) it was not followed.

TJ - You haven't a clue !! You're talking bull !!!!!  ;) ;) ;)

Bud Wiser

" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


Quote from: Bud Wiser on December 28, 2008, 06:50:37 PM
Maybe some of this article is apt?

something of unique value in the sporting world has been maintained - beliefs that are intrinsically about more than just sport continue to be asserted. We are all richer as a result.

Not if the lads in Cork have their way !


Quote from: orangeman on December 28, 2008, 11:20:38 PM
Quote from: Bud Wiser on December 28, 2008, 06:50:37 PM
Maybe some of this article is apt?

something of unique value in the sporting world has been maintained - beliefs that are intrinsically about more than just sport continue to be asserted. We are all richer as a result.

Not if the lads in Cork have their way !

I'm sorry now, I've put up with your bull, disrespectfull non biased coments for 90 plus pages where you try to put together a paragraph of factless creap, where you have been making points that are wrong and you own opinion, but that is just wrong.
This team clearly you have no respect and hate this team, and don't insult me, by saying that you don't, because clearly you do. These Cork players will do anything for Cork, they will put their bodies on the line, they want to win, this is what all of this has been about. You stand there and you blab on and on with no proof, no facts and anytime anyones asked you a tricky question or about the game and players themselves you've shown you don't really have an idea of what's going on. But these players, and it is so evident by their preformances this year (and years and years before that) will do anything for Cork, anything.

So what, they want the best, but too many joes think that they should have to put up with this ya the set ups shit, deal with it, shut up or put up attitude.
Cork is unique, and what CORK, Munster and Tyrone have in common is their fans, and the belief of the team, the fight for the parish, the pure passion, Cork unites for it. It's been said so many times by different people from different counties that Cork fans are the best in the country, these players represent the parish, the towns, the Cork GAA public and the years of work their clubs have put into them and them into the clubs.

What right have you to say otherwise. You have bitched and cried about the Cork players, gone on and on and on for 90 pages, based on your opinion alone, no fact or proof or anything but opinion to back it up, you've got the wrong impression of these Cork lads completley and I'm betting you've never once spent 5 seconds with any of them, and you've never once been on the pitch at the final whistle, the Galway match represents what Cork is really about. Real fighters, real Rebels, real players.
What the hell gives you the right.


If they'll do anything for Cork Reillers why don't they sit down and sort things out instead of sticking their thumb in their mouth and sitting in the corner with their backs turned to everybody. Cork are not unique they are one of 32 counties, its precisely because a lot of these players think they are immortal that these problems arise. There is chain of command within the Gaa to sort issues out everybody else has to adhere to it, Cork don't apparently. I supported them in 2002 and last year, I don't support them on this one.
If they'll do anything for Cork, they'll enter binding arbritration and sort the issues out. If they don't want to do that, they should stop training  and retire gracefully.


Quote from: Reillers on December 28, 2008, 11:56:30 PM
Quote from: orangeman on December 28, 2008, 11:20:38 PM
Quote from: Bud Wiser on December 28, 2008, 06:50:37 PM
Maybe some of this article is apt?

something of unique value in the sporting world has been maintained - beliefs that are intrinsically about more than just sport continue to be asserted. We are all richer as a result.

Not if the lads in Cork have their way !

I'm sorry now, I've put up with your bull, disrespectfull non biased coments for 90 plus pages where you try to put together a paragraph of factless creap, where you have been making points that are wrong and you own opinion, but that is just wrong.
This team clearly you have no respect and hate this team, and don't insult me, by saying that you don't, because clearly you do. These Cork players will do anything for Cork, they will put their bodies on the line, they want to win, this is what all of this has been about. You stand there and you blab on and on with no proof, no facts and anytime anyones asked you a tricky question or about the game and players themselves you've shown you don't really have an idea of what's going on. But these players, and it is so evident by their preformances this year (and years and years before that) will do anything for Cork, anything.

So what, they want the best, but too many joes think that they should have to put up with this ya the set ups shit, deal with it, shut up or put up attitude.
Cork is unique, and what CORK, Munster and Tyrone have in common is their fans, and the belief of the team, the fight for the parish, the pure passion, Cork unites for it. It's been said so many times by different people from different counties that Cork fans are the best in the country, these players represent the parish, the towns, the Cork GAA public and the years of work their clubs have put into them and them into the clubs.

What right have you to say otherwise. You have bitched and cried about the Cork players, gone on and on and on for 90 pages, based on your opinion alone, no fact or proof or anything but opinion to back it up, you've got the wrong impression of these Cork lads completley and I'm betting you've never once spent 5 seconds with any of them, and you've never once been on the pitch at the final whistle, the Galway match represents what Cork is really about. Real fighters, real Rebels, real players.
What the hell gives you the right.

I'm living in Reillersland !!!!!!!  ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D :D   I talk bull all the time - I know f--k all !!!! I haven't a clue ! I hate the team !!!!!  ;) ;) :D :D :D :D :D








Quote from: INDIANA on December 29, 2008, 10:41:58 AM
If they'll do anything for Cork Reillers why don't they sit down and sort things out instead of sticking their thumb in their mouth and sitting in the corner with their backs turned to everybody. Cork are not unique they are one of 32 counties, its precisely because a lot of these players think they are immortal that these problems arise. There is chain of command within the Gaa to sort issues out everybody else has to adhere to it, Cork don't apparently. I supported them in 2002 and last year, I don't support them on this one.
If they'll do anything for Cork, they'll enter binding arbritration and sort the issues out. If they don't want to do that, they should stop training  and retire gracefully.



Quote from: orangeman on December 29, 2008, 11:27:34 AM
Quote from: Reillers on December 28, 2008, 11:56:30 PM
Quote from: orangeman on December 28, 2008, 11:20:38 PM
Quote from: Bud Wiser on December 28, 2008, 06:50:37 PM
Maybe some of this article is apt?

something of unique value in the sporting world has been maintained - beliefs that are intrinsically about more than just sport continue to be asserted. We are all richer as a result.

Not if the lads in Cork have their way !

I'm sorry now, I've put up with your bull, disrespectfull non biased coments for 90 plus pages where you try to put together a paragraph of factless creap, where you have been making points that are wrong and you own opinion, but that is just wrong.
This team clearly you have no respect and hate this team, and don't insult me, by saying that you don't, because clearly you do. These Cork players will do anything for Cork, they will put their bodies on the line, they want to win, this is what all of this has been about. You stand there and you blab on and on with no proof, no facts and anytime anyones asked you a tricky question or about the game and players themselves you've shown you don't really have an idea of what's going on. But these players, and it is so evident by their preformances this year (and years and years before that) will do anything for Cork, anything.

So what, they want the best, but too many joes think that they should have to put up with this ya the set ups shit, deal with it, shut up or put up attitude.
Cork is unique, and what CORK, Munster and Tyrone have in common is their fans, and the belief of the team, the fight for the parish, the pure passion, Cork unites for it. It's been said so many times by different people from different counties that Cork fans are the best in the country, these players represent the parish, the towns, the Cork GAA public and the years of work their clubs have put into them and them into the clubs.

What right have you to say otherwise. You have bitched and cried about the Cork players, gone on and on and on for 90 pages, based on your opinion alone, no fact or proof or anything but opinion to back it up, you've got the wrong impression of these Cork lads completley and I'm betting you've never once spent 5 seconds with any of them, and you've never once been on the pitch at the final whistle, the Galway match represents what Cork is really about. Real fighters, real Rebels, real players.
What the hell gives you the right.

I'm living in Reillersland !!!!!!!  ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D :D   I talk bull all the time - I know f--k all !!!! I haven't a clue ! I hate the team !!!!!  ;) ;) :D :D :D :D :D


And yet again for what has to be atleast the 100th time you don't reply to a post, why because you have no reply!!

You do know f**k all, you don't know who half the players are. You think that the players who have been on goof form have been playing badly, you probably looked in google and picked four random senior players, of course then crosschecked their age because you probably wouldn't know that either. How about next week we'll go over what a hurley looks like.
Grow a pair and reply to the bloody posts.