McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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You know professional coaches involved with a top professional sports club and another team competing at an almost professional level? I'd doubt it, some personal trainers might train the local football and rugby team but I'd doubt very much anyone is attempting to look after two top level squads in different countries, one of whom is paying him a healthy salary to the job. There are 3 guys named as the fitness coaches so I'd say McGurn will play a very limited hands on role, he will probably just advise the other two and maybe create generic weight sessions for the players to do on there own. Money isn't a problem for Cork so I'd say he was hired in part to add gravitas to the backroom staff and to rub it into the former players.

There's talk of some of the former players coming back now so it looks like the end of the road for some of the older players. The only way the players might still win this fight is if they all stay away and the current team suffer some bad beatings. If the CCB come out of this smelling of roses it will be a black day for Cork GAA and the GAA in general.


I agree Zulu, if a chunk of last years squad go back it's over for Donal, Séan, Ben, Gerry, Curran, Gardiner, Joe, Timmy etc...


From what I hear the 2 Sullivans will go back this week in a show of solidarity with their father, fair enough, but any more and it's officially over.

Donal will have a lot more time on his hands, people might wish he'd stayed hurling... ;D


Quote from: stevetharlear on December 13, 2008, 03:49:41 PM
I agree Zulu, if a chunk of last years squad go back it's over for Donal, Séan, Ben, Gerry, Curran, Gardiner, Joe, Timmy etc...


From what I hear the 2 Sullivans will go back this week in a show of solidarity with their father, fair enough, but any more and it's officially over.
Donal will have a lot more time on his hands, people might wish he'd stayed hurling... ;D

It is over if the Sullivans go back.


It'll never be over.

See what the Wayne Sherlock situation did to Cork hurling a few years back, once fans realised he truly was gone and not coming back they freaked out.

The same will happen here next season except multipied tenfold. When the Continuity Cork take their first heavy beating (and I'd wager it'll come in the league, well before Tipp) it'll hit home and there'll be uproar. Whatever you think about McGurn and Mac Gearailt, they might be decent fitness trainers, but they're not gonna turn this bunch into intercounty hurlers. Jesus himself would struggle with that.

I know our secretary won't care much about the beatings, he's got the skin of a rhino, but Gerald and his backroom team will be out the gap.

A new manager in... and we're back to square one again.

I'll repost this in June and see how far out I am.


Stevetharlear, how can you say that Gerald McCarthy is a clown?.  Did nobody ever tell you that he has 5 All Ireland medals?.  I would say that he knows an awful lot more about hurling than you or I do.


how many all irelands do u have none i bet not even a munster i say
how can u call him a clown he knows more bout hurling than u ever will
i say ur one of these fellas who just turn up to big games dont go to any other games armchair fan i say
u keep going on bout how ger will be gone when the defeats come
well if u know ger then u will know he will see out the 2 years he wont be walking away from this
i think ur the clown for thinking he will


I think that it's a great bag, but it's also a massive PR stunt. A MASSIVE one. It's amazing what the CB will do for the team when they want to. If ye can't see though that it's such a massive PR stunt then at best ye're seriously naive.


Quote from: realrebel on December 13, 2008, 05:49:28 PM
i say ur one of these fellas who just turn up to big games dont go to any other games armchair fan i say

I live and work in the UK, spend thousands coming back every year for games, and am too busy playing the game and working to make every single Cork game, dnot that's any of your business.

I'd still say my opinion is every bit as valid as yours or anyone elses on here.

The reason i called Ger a clown is because even though his record is ridiculously poor, and he'd been told by the players in private that they needed change, he still let his name go forward, causing this mess in the first place.  Maybe clown was the wrong word,  patsy might've been more appropriate.

And I'm sure he's stubborn enough to stick out his 2 years, problem is, when the hammerings come, Frankie'll be rid of him without a second thought for him, his reputation or his medals. And I for one will shed no tears.


Ok - call it a PR stunt - a publicity stunt -  call it what you will - but what is clear is that the backroom team has been well and trult bolstered  - the Sullivans are going back - a few of the young lads can't wait to get back -

The war is over !


Quote from: Zulu on December 13, 2008, 03:41:29 PM
There's talk of some of the former players coming back now so it looks like the end of the road for some of the older players. The only way the players might still win this fight is if they all stay away and the current team suffer some bad beatings. If the CCB come out of this smelling of roses it will be a black day for Cork GAA and the GAA in general.

Would that really be a good thing Zulu? It almost sounds as if it would be in your eyes although I don't beieve you think that? Surely it has to move onto middle ground rather than people talking about winners and losers in all of this?

The bad mouthing by our newbie steve is totally unwarranted and the truth is he sounds like a young man who has not been through the mill long enough to realise how lacking in perspective and as a consequense how lacking in respect his comments are. He'll not have a clue what I'm talking about no doubt.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


I'm certainly not suggesting I want to see the current squad take a few hammerings nor do I want to see Ger McCarthy be humiliated (any further I guess) but I do want to see change in Cork GAA. IMO there needs to be serious changes at the top for a number of reasons. But it all boils down to the fact that the CCB are not doing a good job for the GAA in Cork and they restarted this battle to get rid of the current squad (the words of a selector during the O'Grady/Allen era, not mine) so they shouldn't be allowed walk away from this untarnished. Quite simply the CCB are not working for the GAA in Cork.


Quote from: theskull1 on December 14, 2008, 12:09:05 AM
Quote from: Zulu on December 13, 2008, 03:41:29 PM
There's talk of some of the former players coming back now so it looks like the end of the road for some of the older players. The only way the players might still win this fight is if they all stay away and the current team suffer some bad beatings. If the CCB come out of this smelling of roses it will be a black day for Cork GAA and the GAA in general.

Would that really be a good thing Zulu? It almost sounds as if it would be in your eyes although I don't beieve you think that? Surely it has to move onto middle ground rather than people talking about winners and losers in all of this?

The bad mouthing by our newbie steve is totally unwarranted and the truth is he sounds like a young man who has not been through the mill long enough to realise how lacking in perspective and as a consequense how lacking in respect his comments are. He'll not have a clue what I'm talking about no doubt.

Not a clue skull, in fairness what would I know being the same age as the lads in dispute at the moment. I've had personal experience of the tyranny of this CB but being of a demographic of GAA men that you obviously don't care about, I'm wasting my time here. Have you any idea how arrogant and elitist you sound? Do I have to line a thousand pitches, rear a brood of Ben's and Gerry's, serve on countless comittees and bring the mighty ducks (this is a reference to a motion picture from the last 20 years in case you're struggling, Martin Sheen's illegitemate youngfella was in it) through to win the minor county before the likes of you even listen to the likes of us? You'll not have a clue what I'm talking about no doubt.

I had fierce respect for Gerald and his exploits for Cork upto the time he decided to make a show of the lot of us all and become a tool in FM's personal vendetta against this Cork team. I know a number of these players personally and resent the smear campaign against them. Dya know these lads have medals as well to fall back on but they're being cast as gobshites by the likes of yourself against the almost angelic exploits of the players gone before them. Again though, you'll not have a clue what I'm talking about no doubt.

My perspective and respect comes from having to defend these men from dinosaurs like yourself for the past 6 years, lads who think they own the scene because they've been around longer than us. You know what, give us a chance, we're the lads who'll have to take up your mantle when ye've fecked off. I'd like to think we'll do an equal, if not a better job than yourselves when the time comes for us to hang up our hurls and boots.

As for the newbie comment, sure you were one once, and you've showed your ignorance once again by looking at my post count rather than my join date. Again though, you'll not have a clue what I'm talking about no doubt.


There are a few things I want to happen here, but the reality it's not going to happen, bar a miracle of course.

I agree with Zulu when he says that the only way that the players can win this is if tmind seeing if the kids get a hell of a beating, which one part of me wouldn't mind seeing if it meant getting the players back and getting the CB in a bit of bother, but the other part of me doesn't want to see the young lads get destroyed. I think it's a massive possibility but no one wants to see it, never mind hoping for it.

I want the player back.
I want Gerald gone..nothing to do with the man himself, all due respect to a legend of a player that he was, but he's not the right man for this, never was.
I want the CB to be gone, well certain members of it like. I want FM to go, to leave to never show his face in Cork again..ever.

But it's never going to happen..not all of them.

I wish there was middle ground in this one Skull, but I think we all no there isn't. The CB say they'll do a lot of things, you see with the team they put together what they are capabale of doing, but wont do. But the reality is, this is and was always their plan. They're not going to negotiate with the players, they're not going to do anything. And this could possibly end the way I know it'll probably end. The lads get hammered, humilated, really, really destroyed, Gerald and the players get blamed and the CB, despite that, come out, as per usual, smelling like roses.

The CB win, no matter what happens.  They don't have the best intentions of Cork GAA, they never had, their only plan recently, has been to put these players into the ground once and for all.  They don't really care, it's their way or no way and I honestly believe that come summer time when Cork are getting destroyed in a game certain members of the CB will be sitting their grinning from ear to ear, happier then they ever were winning the AI's.

All this takes away from the alarming situation at club and underage if we could get back to that that would be a great step in Cork GAA's future. It wont be resolved till FM leaves, he's invincible, it's an indistructable position which he has complete control over, and we wont get back to what really matters until he's left..until it's too late.

Can we please just get back to the hurling.


Quote from: orangeman on December 13, 2008, 08:24:21 PM
Ok - call it a PR stunt - a publicity stunt -  call it what you will - but what is clear is that the backroom team has been well and trult bolstered  - the Sullivans are going back - a few of the young lads can't wait to get back -

The war is over !

And you know this because....??

Sully and Sully Og going back are rumours, and you know a lot about the younger lads for someone who 5 or 6 pages ago didn't know who Pa Horgan was. There are a lot of rumours going about the place at the minute. Some involve Sully and Sully Og, some involve young lads going back..etc.

If nothing happens by Christmas something is going to happen on the players side..but like, even looking at them at the back of the Echo today..still as united as ever.


Of course there's middle ground - the players wanted better training - the CB have pulled off a major coup in appoiniting the team that they have - this is a sign of their willingness to change, to make improvements.

Did you ever think of what bthe consequences for the management and CB would be if they went out and got hammered every game ? . It would reflect very poorly on them.

Sadly it looks like the players actually want to see the young lads getting hammered. Which is really regretable as we're looking at a situation where players ( whether they're ex players or not is up to them ) WANT to see Cork geting hammered each time they go out so as they can prove a point.

Mc Carthy wants the players back - he has said that often enough - some of the players are going back - others will soon follow - whether Donal Og, Sean Og, the twins etc want to play for Cork next year is up to themselves.

Whether they go back or not, everybody has lost a little something in the whole affair.