McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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" we've no interest in money the moment"

Ooops :-X
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


I am sure it was a slip on John Gardiners part to say "we have no interest in money at the moment"!Look the players made a big boo boo to concentrate on gerald Mc carthy in the beginning when it is the issue with the co board that is the heart of the matter! Secondly there was information flowing to journalists about Mc carthy's training methods, is that a breach of confidence or at the very least imprudent when your battle is with the co board? I also seem to remember articles outlining the players points of view before Mc Carthy went on the airwaves despite what the players said in their statement last night!  As regards the club delegates, Reillers is spot on about the co board. Delegates are terrified to say anything  in front of the co board in case of recrimination. The convention is a joke with the only motions being  proposed being along the lines of ...." I propose that we adjourn for a cup of tea" kinda thing! The co board are in no hurry to sort it out anyway, sure Frank is off on holiday for a few weeks!  Believe you me, the fellas left behind are just as capable of 'handling the players" !!

Tatler Jack

Quote from: Kerry Mike on November 06, 2008, 09:47:54 PM
John Gardiner, Cork Captain in 2008 on Prime Time in a few mins, the country is in real Shite and this crap in langerlands get on prime time FFS.

For once KM I am in agreement with you. However I hope the panto is providing enjoyment to all in Kerry as the recession bites. Free entertainment :D

Tatler Jack

QuoteI am sure it was a slip on John Gardiners part to say "we have no interest in money at the moment"!

Might not be - DOnal Og has been quite explicit in saying that the log term objective of the GPA is to have players paid.

The rest of your piece about the Cork CB is typical stereotpe stuff - I know our club delegate does not go in just to rubber stamp everything and he is a man of ability and integrity who would agree with the executive on some issues and argue against on others. This lazy analysiis that likens the Cork CB to the old Soviet politburo is convenient for those who are unable to entertain the notion that the players might share some blame.!!!


What club are you from yourself if you don't mind me asking? I'm not saying who of for what club but there are more then a few who vote against what the club tells them to.
Some in fairness are decent. There are a few (minority) who fight the good fight. But the people who are claiming the that the CCB are Soviet politburo comes from journalists, the standing of players have nothing to do with them, the players being bad or good guys-they really couldn't care less. People who have inside knowledge or inside information are the ones who've been making the soviet politburo claims.

They have no reason to stereotype the CCB. 


One wonders if the cork footballers will join them. some kick in the nuts if they don't. Conor Counihan has told the footballers himself and his management team are resigning if they do.


Quote from: Tatler Jack on November 06, 2008, 10:34:23 PM
QuoteI am sure it was a slip on John Gardiners part to say "we have no interest in money at the moment"!

Might not be - DOnal Og has been quite explicit in saying that the log term objective of the GPA is to have players paid.

The rest of your piece about the Cork CB is typical stereotpe stuff - I know our club delegate does not go in just to rubber stamp everything and he is a man of ability and integrity who would agree with the executive on some issues and argue against on others. This lazy analysiis that likens the Cork CB to the old Soviet politburo is convenient for those who are unable to entertain the notion that the players might share some blame.!!!

There is NO way that the Cork county board delegates just turn up, do whatever Frank tells them to do and go home again - NO CHANCE.


Quote from: theskull1 on November 06, 2008, 10:22:44 PM
" we've no interest in money the moment"

Ooops :-X

Simply unbelievable ................................  but then again maybe the mask finally slipped ??????????

Money !

I think there are some, only some within the panel who want hurling to become professional - to be full time paid athletes - but if this is the case, why don't they come out and say so instead of spinning and spinning ??

The leaks about Mc Carthy's training methods are no worse than the leaks about the survey backing Mc Carthy in June.

The players have stepped over a line that they shouldn't have crossed - unfortuntaely it will be a long way back for a lot of them.

I still can't believe Gardiner came out with that !!!!!!!


Gardiner, I've no idea why he was on, was never good in front of the camera, I've no doubt that Donal Og and Co. will rip his head off.

I know, for a fact, that the vast majority of Cork players do not want pay for play, but of course every single word they say will be ridiculed. They don't want money at the moment..because they don't want it at the moment. If ye think this is about the money. If they can't convince ye that it's not, if the journalists can't convince ye that it's not, if I or others on here can't convince ye that it's not then what's the point.
Over analysising and over ridiculing every word he says, someone, if you saw him in front of a tv camera or public crowd for that matter, ye would no is not a good speaker, not like Donal Og, Sean Og..etc. Ye are over analysing it purely for the sake of looking for something to hit them with.

It's petty and sad really.

And telling the truth about how shite training is is nothing compared to blatantly giving a private confidential document that the players did in complete privacy to the public just to get a few sympathy vote is way over the line, 100 time worse then the players telling the truth about crap training, you know that, I know that but you're just looking for any excuse now.

You're trying to make the players look like the bad guys because ye purely just don't like them which was obvious from the start. Ye just waiting for something to hop all over.


Quote from: orangeman on November 06, 2008, 11:12:30 PM
Quote from: Tatler Jack on November 06, 2008, 10:34:23 PM
QuoteI am sure it was a slip on John Gardiners part to say "we have no interest in money at the moment"!

Might not be - DOnal Og has been quite explicit in saying that the log term objective of the GPA is to have players paid.

The rest of your piece about the Cork CB is typical stereotpe stuff - I know our club delegate does not go in just to rubber stamp everything and he is a man of ability and integrity who would agree with the executive on some issues and argue against on others. This lazy analysiis that likens the Cork CB to the old Soviet politburo is convenient for those who are unable to entertain the notion that the players might share some blame.!!!

There is NO way that the Cork county board delegates just turn up, do whatever Frank tells them to do and go home again - NO CHANCE.

You know that for a fact do ya??

Everything has  an excuse with you lot.


Right back at cha Reillers

Do you know the opposite to be fact?

You really are a man of certainties
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: orangeman on November 06, 2008, 10:11:50 PM
Quote from: Reillers on November 06, 2008, 06:40:29 PM
Quote from: orangeman on November 06, 2008, 06:00:24 PM
Quote from: Reillers on November 06, 2008, 05:56:21 PM
Billy and Co..who think the players are just a bunch of whingers, spoiled brats who are just throwing their dummies of the pram..

From AFR.

What about dealing with the real problem ?
By Slán go Fóill Saturday November 8th, 2008

A BREAK is as good as a rest, or so they say, so it was off to Barcelona for four days during mid-term. But nothing really changes, does it? Four days, three of them lashing rain all day long, we thought we were back at home.

But what we did see is that there is a very thin, fine line between genius and mad man and when we stared in awe at Gaudi's architecture in various parts of the city we just couldn't decide which he was, genius or mad man. Maybe a bit of both. It brought into mind our GAA situation here in Cork.

Are we all geniuses or mad men, especially in light of what Cork hurling is going through again? Only geniuses could have steered the GAA through the past 120 years, crisis after crisis, and delivered it improved and thriving on to the next generation. Only mad men could put up with some of the crises we create and I include the present hurling crisis in that. Not a single word of GAA for four whole days, we arrived home to find the newspapers full of the Cork story. Confidential documents leaked to the press, lack of trust and confidence, back-stabbing and accusations and, again, outsiders butting in, telling us what we should do and who to blame.

Where are we going and what are we doing? Are we seriously saying that the crisis with the Cork hurling team is the most pressing problem facing the GAA in Cork today? Well, gentlemen of the Cork hurling team, Gerald McCarthy and fellow mentors, members of the County Board, I have news for you today. It isn't.

This 'crisis' will be done and dusted in time for the National Leagues in the Spring, one way or the other, but the real problems facing Cork GAA will still be with us. Why doesn't the media deal properly with those problems? Because they aren't sensational enough and we all want to put our heads in the sand and pretend they don't exist. But they do, and they are not going away because very little is being done to solve them.

Do you want a list of the Top Twenty problems facing the GAA in Cork today, every one of them more important than Cork hurlers going on strike, again? Well, here they are – 1. An unacceptable fallout of players between the ages of 12 and 18. 2. an unacceptable fixtures structure that penalises clubs and club players. 3. an elitist system that forces out the less able players. 4. long, fine weeks of summer going by with no serious club activity. 5. no plan of action to cater for the growing, young populations in many urban centres. 6. declining standards in both football and hurling, especially in the city. 7. declining crowds at most club games. 8. the ever-rising cost of running clubs today. 9. total shortage of full-time coaches to service the schools. 10. deplorable lack of promotion of Gaelic games by the County Board in opposition to growing interest in other codes.

11. severe lack of voluntary workers in most clubs. 12. major lack of new, young referees and a very poor standard of refereeing all round. 13. unrealistic Co. Board deadlines that force teams to play three championship games within a week. 14. meaningless conventions that merely serve to emphasise the lack of proper democracy at grassroots' level. 15. an amateur organisation that sees some people making plenty money under the table but the big bosses can't even identify the tables. 16. a stadium that is antiquated and the most uncomfortable in the country. 17. a stagnant association that has seen only one new club formed, with great opposition, during the past quarter century. 18. too many Boards, all vying for their own slice of time, pitches and players. 19. too many ex-players putting nothing back into the clubs. 20. antiquated, dysfunctional divisional boundaries kept in place by vested interests. Etc,. etc.

None of these items are classed as crisis but 25 players refusing to play for their county is a major crisis. At this stage I wouldn't even put the hurling situation in my Top Fifty problems facing the GAA in Cork. It means nothing to me or my club whether or not we put a Cork hurling team on the pitch in 2009, except that we might be deprived of some good days out next summer.

All the above items directly affect my club and the players in it. That is the real GAA, that is the GAA that should be taking up our attention. Why isn't it? Because all the above problems are internal GAA problems and have no interest among the general public, no media interest.

There's no news in a junior club in West Cork being idle for thirteen weeks of the summer and then being forced to play three important games in a week. Or in players not being able to fix family holidays because nobody can give them a definite date for the next round of the championship. Or in a junior B championship starting at the end of October. Or being accosted at every hand's turn by clubs running large lotteries to fund developments or running costs. Or schools dropping out of Sciath na Scol because no coaches are provided to help them out.

What parents want to be told that the GAA under age club is not a baby-sitting service and that they should make some effort to give a hand while their kids are playing? Does it matter to the media if your under-12 hurling team, that you put so much effort into all during a very successful summer, leaves you high and dry when soccer and rugby start up again?

As I asked at the start, are we all geniuses or mad men? Sometimes I wonder. Maybe a greater influx of women into the association at all levels would help solve many of our problems. But the lack of effort in involving women is another ongoing problem in a male-dominated organisation.

I suppose as long as the games continue, we will always be satisfied with less than we should.


That's before I even go near any of the problems with Cork senior hurling. That's a taste of what we've to put up with. And ALL of that, not some, not most. ALL OF THAT is the CCB's fault and no one elses.

Totally way off the mark -

Has your club any representation on the county board ?

Do they send delegates to meetings ? If os, what do your delegates do about the above ?

What I'm trying to say is that you can't leave all these problems at Frank Murphy's door and I'm not a supporter of Frank Murphy by the way. I merely respect what he has done for the association over a very long period of time - in fact most of his life.
Way off the mark?? Read my last posts.

Respect what he's done, I respect the fact that he has put so much time in to it (for not a bad wage) but did you not read any of the above post except the bit you highlighted..clearly not. What he's doing now is running Cork GAA into the ground and that is the CCB's fault and their fault alone. How can you respect that??

When you look at results of voting from the floor. You see results like margins like 82-6 or 84-8....etc.
What does this prove, that every time they have to vote on something serious they all tend to vote in the exact same way, my point being that people are not voting in conscience, they are doing what they are told
When the same bunch who voted overwhelmingly to appoint Teddy Holland vote overwhelmingly to sack him a few months later then you'd have to wonder who's doing the thinking in that meeting room.

Murphy is the puppet master and he's everyone but the players on a string.

The man rules the roost and he's enough turkeys around to help him maintain this power..FACT. He can not be moved until he wants to go.

Your arguments were well founded up until the point where you started to attack only one person and lay the blame for the entire malaise that is Cork hurling at ONE man's door. This man came to the Cork players rescue many times in the recent past and defended them and backed them to the hilt.

The Cork players speak of a vendetta against them - I'm not sure if there is one but you certainly appear to be waging one against Frank Murphy with staements such as you have made above and in other statments - no way is Frank Murphy "enjoying" this. Absolutely NO WAY !

Ya and yo know how he got them off, because he is the most sly person you'll ever meet and knows every trick in the book and every loop hole.

Frank Murphy and Co. are the reason behind this fall out..AGAIN.

The board and it's pretty well known but not well documented, whole reason for this, for what they've done over the last 2 seasons, is to get rid of the senior players in the squad.
Apparently an ex All Ireland winning Cork player said to the board that he wanted the job, he was told to hang on for a while, that McCarthy is just there to get rid fo a the senior players.

You know nothing about it. I've defended them, over and over, and I'm not prepared to say the same thing again just because of one stupid word that has been totally taken out and totally over analysised and ridiculed, just for a bitching session. It wasn't about money a day ago and no it's still not about it now.

5 players were not txt about the match coming up..take a guess who those 5 are.

Kerry Mike

QuoteGardiner, I've no idea why he was on, was never good in front of the camera, I've no doubt that Donal Og and Co. will rip his head off.

Reillers: You have stated numerous times that the players are all independently minded and not led by DO'C or others so why would you now say that Donal Og and Co will rip his headoff.

The masks are slipping , Gerald McCarthy mentioned in one of his interviews that he thought the players were being led by a small militant few as did some one else from the county board.  Jaysus the dogs on the streets know they are. And if Gardiner as team Captain is not the right spoksman for the team then why didn't Donal Og go on TV tonight.

Given the Examiner report today and tonight on TV, I think these media stunts have back fired on the players given Gardiners faux pas about money.

Working in Cork and with many die hard Cork Supporters they the players are losing the public vote on this as the days go on.

BTW Is last one of last January's players demand that a player (maybe it was Donal Og) be represented on the County Board executive still on the agenda.

2011: McGrath Cup
AI Junior Club
Hurling Christy Ring Cup
Munster Senior Football


Quote from: theskull1 on November 06, 2008, 11:41:12 PM
Right back at cha Reillers

Do you know the opposite to be fact?

You really are a man of certainties

I know for a fact that some delegates vote against their clubs wishes. I know for a fact that half of them are in the boards pocket, yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir, and I know for a fact the other have are too afraid to do anything about it for fear of what would be crippilng reprocusions..not like ye care at all or will even read this, but club is everything in Cork and people who've put so much time and effort into the clubs aren't willing to loose that much money that they despersatly, thanks to the CCB, need.

You know, apparently the last night when the vote was taken, the delegates didn't know there was any issues surrounding the nomination when they were asked to vote, unbelievably unfair and underhand of the CCB, the delegates should have been informed and given the opportunity to go back to their clubs for direction, it was too serious an issue given what happened last year. If that isnt pulling a fast one on the delegates and the players I dont know what is.

They now on top of all of that have McCarthy on a string, every thing he has said has echoed the CCBs..suprise, suprise and so it begins.

So what does that lead to nearly complete unaminous voting, with the exception of some brave souls, they don't listen to players request, they don't try and change club fixtures so you've got clubs playing f**k all hurling for weeks and weeks and then you've got the shoving 3 important games into one week, you've got a board who wont do a flying f**k to solve this because this was their goal, getting rid of the senior hurlers and having them slaughtered by illinformed people like a lot on this forum. To have them not only leave but degraded and mortified in the press. Which despite what ye may want and hope and think, they do not deserve.


Quote from: Kerry Mike on November 06, 2008, 11:47:07 PM
QuoteGardiner, I've no idea why he was on, was never good in front of the camera, I've no doubt that Donal Og and Co. will rip his head off.

Reillers: You have stated numerous times that the players are all independently minded and not led by DO'C or others so why would you now say that Donal Og and Co will rip his headoff.

The masks are slipping , Gerald McCarthy mentioned in one of his interviews that he thought the players were being led by a small militant few as did some one else from the county board.  Jaysus the dogs on the streets know they are. And if Gardiner as team Captain is not the right spoksman for the team then why didn't Donal Og go on TV tonight.

Given the Examiner report today and tonight on TV, I think these media stunts have back fired on the players given Gardiners faux pas about money.

Working in Cork and with many die hard Cork Supporters they the players are losing the public vote on this as the days go on.

BTW Is last one of last January's players demand that a player (maybe it was Donal Og) be represented on the County Board executive still on the agenda.

Again over analysing things just to make it look bad. I could have said any number of players names. I said Donal Og. So what.
They had the media on their side yesterday, I don't know what it will be like tomorrow. But 2 statements change nothing, the facts that were true yesterday are still true today.

The players never wanted to be on the selection process in the first place, if ye listened to the interview tonight instead of drooling with excitment when Gardiner used the word moment to end his sentence you'd know that, but shock horror ye didn't listen. Instead ye just looked for things to strip[ great players of their status purely because of hate, not facts.
The hurlers are not public speakers, they are, just that amateur hurlers who love playing for Cork, would do about anything for the county, which means walking away, which shock horror means no money..surely there's some conspiracy in there from the player bashers on here, how do they plan on getting money from that..come on I'm sure there's some way to make it look like they're getting money from that right??