McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 03:06:55 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 03:02:13 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 09, 2009, 02:25:38 PM
Reillers, no harm but when I read your posts its like groundhog day and it normally takes about 2/3 reads to try and figure out what you are trying to say.

If the clubs have allowed this to happen, who's to say it won't happen again. Alot of the grassroots need to do their own thinking and make their own decsions and not have a playing squad make stir them into action.

Is it true that Des Bishop is to get the fulltime secretary job when FM is ousted?

All the IC players did was hand the decisions over to the clubs and the clubs have ran with it. They made the calls, they even chaired last nights meeting.

Shows my ignorance - I hadn't realised it belonged to the former Cork hurling panel to give...

Heffo you know full well what I mean.
The decision of what would happen with the players.
If the clubs didn't back them they would disband.
The players let it up to the clubs what to do and they made their decision.


The petiness on here is unbelievable.

The grassroots have spoken.
Yet ye don't give a damn. Ye continue to bitch and whine about my posts about this and that. Nit picking. No no because there most be something that isn't right, something for ye to whinge about.

Like I said the reaction on here would seperate the genuine with the ones who just enjoyed a good bitch about the players.

And ye have made it perfectly clear which ones ye are.


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 03:11:27 PM
The petiness on here is unbelievable.

The grassroots have spoken.
Yet ye don't give a damn. Ye continue to bitch and whine about my posts about this and that. Nit picking. No no because there most be something that isn't right, something for ye to whinge about.

Like I said the reaction on here would seperate the genuine with the ones who just enjoyed a good bitch about the players.

And ye have made it perfectly clear which ones ye are.

Do you think when all of this is over and the dust settles that we can all be friends?


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 03:08:17 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 03:04:57 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 02:55:30 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 02:26:16 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 09, 2009, 01:38:43 PM
What crime did the 2009 players commit only ensuring you weren't thrown out of the competition altogether. They knew what they were getting into? 3/4 of them Reillers are better than some of the 30 players , a lot better than them. Some of them are cleaning out inter county players , have won Fitzgibbon medals, are senior county champions in a top3 county and Humphries has the temerity to call them imposters and Junior C players. But thats ok, because "they knew what they were getting into".

Judging by your post it appears to me that only the 30 members of the 2008 panel have the right it seems to wear the Cork jersey at senior hurling level. Its an absolute rambling of a post.

Reillers you've directly insulted a lot of people as well, but you're quite happy to chastise people here for comments they have made, yet apply a different set of principles to yourself on comments you have made AND are quite happy to hide behind the anonymity that a message board provides you yet chastise others because they hide behind the same veil of secrecy?
You can add that as a reference for hypocrisy in any English dictionary.
I insulted who?

Your clubmate - 'Sideshow Bob' as you describe him
Cork PRO Gerard Lane - you referred to him as a 'p***k' (even though his job is to put forward the official view of the county board and the message he is conveying mighn't necessarily be one he agrees with
Frank Murphy - dozens of times
Any poster on this thread who's disagreed with you

Aside from all of those people you've insulted, I can't list any others..
I never said he was my club mate.
As said "what is it some people call him, Sideshow Bob" that's what I said, I never called him that directly.
I retracted what I said about Ger Lan pretty much straht away and if you find my post on that you'll see that's what I did.
Frank Murphy, ya fair enough.
And posters, I've called some mainly OM stupid when he was being stupid, but that's about it, and I never denied any of that.

You though, you post personal info about me which I never clarified nor said you could and when I say drop it you continue to do so with crap like oh how you txt Bob all the stuff I said, which in my view is trying to out a persons identity on this which comes with a very hefty ban, but I'm not a mod.
#And you still haven't admitted that you lied blatantly.

Ok I'll never raise it again - I simply pasted your post about a 'powerful club member of yours involved with the county board' and then you referred to this 'powerful club mate of yours' as the aformentioned 'Sideshow Bob'

You asked the question 'Who did I insult' - I've listed them for you that's all - it's a pity you couldn't play the ball and not the man and concentrate on the issues

You seem to be flip-flopping again on your opinion of the CB - the other day you said you wanted rid of the entire CCB. Then you changed that to exclude JOS (who has only been there 'for five seconds'), then someone pointed out that he's a long standing member of the CCB executive and you ignored this.

Now today you claim that are 'some good men, some good lads' on the CCB

Have they gotten to you? Is this why in the space of a week you've turned virtually 180 degrees on this issue?
And I never said I was from there and I still haven't so you still don't know what you're talking about.
I've always, ALWAYS said there are good men at CB level.
I replied to that, and none of which, that I know of comes with a ban I'm pretty sure what you've posted does.
My opinion on the CB has always stayed the same, a complete overhaul of the CB are needed, there are good men there and like I allready said will suffer because of associaion.
Never once has that changed Heffo.

Just so I'm clear on this:

Frank, Bobby & Ger Lane are all gougers in your opinion

JOS (despite his long standing membership of the CCB executive and being involved in two strikes in two years as vice-chair & Chair) gets away scott free even though he has apparantly changed nothing

The first three in your opinion are damaging Cork GAA but the entire CCB from CCC1, CCC2 upto CCC, Coiste Na Nog everyone has to go in the new Cork GAA world order - what started out as Ger Mac serving up white bread in Dungarvan has manifested into a cull the likes of which have not been seen since the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia..


Pull hard and early


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 09, 2009, 01:38:43 PM
What crime did the 2009 players commit only ensuring you weren't thrown out of the competition altogether. They knew what they were getting into? 3/4 of them Reillers are better than some of the 30 players , a lot better than them. Some of them are cleaning out inter county players , have won Fitzgibbon medals, are senior county champions in a top3 county and Humphries has the temerity to call them imposters and Junior C players. But thats ok, because "they knew what they were getting into".

Judging by your post it appears to me that only the 30 members of the 2008 panel have the right it seems to wear the Cork jersey at senior hurling level. Its an absolute rambling of a post.

Reillers you've directly insulted a lot of people as well, but you're quite happy to chastise people here for comments they have made, yet apply a different set of principles to yourself on comments you have made AND are quite happy to hide behind the anonymity that a message board provides you yet chastise others because they hide behind the same veil of secrecy?
You can add that as a reference for hypocrisy in any English dictionary.
I never said that the 09 players deserved a second of what they got but they did no fully what they were getting themselves into. That's all I'm saying. 3/4 will make the squad, and if this hadn't undfolded 3/4 would be on the team and that's great. Some were excellent in fact and winning the Fitzgibbon Cup is again brilliant and hopefully a sign of what's to come.
But they knew they'd get grief coming into it, I'm not conduning it, I'm just saying they should have been aware that they'd get the hastle they got. Anyone who earns the right to wear the jersey should wear it.
But I haven't criticized the 09 team so I don't know what you're rambling about.
I insulted who, and never once have a pretended to be horrified by something as ridiculous of what ye are pretending to be horrified for. Ye act all horrified at Humphries saying it, in his view, how it is, yet ye call the players absolutely everything under the sun and more, and ye call me a hypocrite. You might want to use that English dictionary of your Indianna.
The last bit that you have blabbered on about, well lets just say never once have I posted something personal without someone premission on here like you did, especially when I made it clear that I didn't want it discussed.
I may have called OM an idiot when he was being one and if that gets me into trouble then so be it, but never did I do what you or Heffo did and then try to hide behind it.

Like I said earlier. Now is the time when the genuine are seperated from the ones who just want to bitch about the players and would be happy as larry if no resulution was found and I think well that's been truely revealed here.

Find me one reference in the past 300 pages where I have directly insulted any player- you won't find one. I'm quite happy for the Cork clubs to take ownership of their County affairs. I've no issues with the principles of Gaa democracy. I don't deal in hypocrisy. Its just a pity it wasn't completed 4-5 months ago like it should have been.
The issue now for Cork Gaa is can it put all this behind them without any further divisiveness. As for Frank staying on Reillers, your sources can't be that bad to know that isn't going to happen. Its common knowledge whether its now or in 3 months that he's gone because as I said the likely scenario is that Cooney is going to take it in hand if necessary. Thats the ultimatium coming from Croke Park. They don't want 1,000 supporters watching tipp play cork in the munster championhip in a recession. Money talks.
As far as I can see Reillers the vast majority of the Irish public read newspapers as oppose to chatrooms. Virtually the entire national media has sided with them from the start, so your claim that the world is against them is absolute balderdash. They've had an armchair ride in that context.


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 03:11:27 PM
The petiness on here is unbelievable.

The grassroots have spoken.
Yet ye don't give a damn. Ye continue to bitch and whine about my posts about this and that. Nit picking. No no because there most be something that isn't right, something for ye to whinge about.

Like I said the reaction on here would seperate the genuine with the ones who just enjoyed a good bitch about the players.

And ye have made it perfectly clear which ones ye are.

Jesus Reillers. You're the one posting line upon line of incoherent inconsistent jibberish. Stop posting such rubbish and maybe this discussion would flow a bit better. Did you ever consider that everybody else may have a point about the way you make comments on here and that it's just a bit too easy to ignore that fact (you being you) and simply accuse the rest of us as bitchers and nit pickers.
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Right, just to recap:

Ger McC resigns or the vote of no confidence is carried by Cork CB, is that suffice for a healing process to begin?

does Frank need to go now or agree to 'retire' in May?

do the players still want 'representation' on the selection committee, but no say?

does the CCB need to re-invent itself and get development squads up and running?

Will junior clubs be afforded direct representation on the new and improved CCB?


Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 02:26:16 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 09, 2009, 01:38:43 PM
What crime did the 2009 players commit only ensuring you weren't thrown out of the competition altogether. They knew what they were getting into? 3/4 of them Reillers are better than some of the 30 players , a lot better than them. Some of them are cleaning out inter county players , have won Fitzgibbon medals, are senior county champions in a top3 county and Humphries has the temerity to call them imposters and Junior C players. But thats ok, because "they knew what they were getting into".

Judging by your post it appears to me that only the 30 members of the 2008 panel have the right it seems to wear the Cork jersey at senior hurling level. Its an absolute rambling of a post.

Reillers you've directly insulted a lot of people as well, but you're quite happy to chastise people here for comments they have made, yet apply a different set of principles to yourself on comments you have made AND are quite happy to hide behind the anonymity that a message board provides you yet chastise others because they hide behind the same veil of secrecy?
You can add that as a reference for hypocrisy in any English dictionary.
I insulted who?

Your clubmate - 'Sideshow Bob' as you describe him
Cork PRO Gerard Lane - you referred to him as a 'p***k' (even though his job is to put forward the official view of the county board and the message he is conveying mighn't necessarily be one he agrees with
Frank Murphy - dozens of times
Any poster on this thread who's disagreed with you

Aside from all of those people you've insulted, I can't list any others..

I can see that you're deleting a lot of your posts after bobby-gate, but here's a couple of other beauties as a counterpoint to your open-ended question ' Who did I insult?':

"they (CCB) are a fuckin disgrace, Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed, how many skeletons did he threaten to bring out of the closet." - You now claim the CCB has a lot of 'good guys' on it

"it's about standing up to the bullies, ridiculous bullies that are the Cb and GMC" - I forgot that I had left out poor aul Ger Mac

"It's bullshit, you know it, I know it and it's all down to that piece of crap Murphy"

"Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed"


Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 02:26:16 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 09, 2009, 01:38:43 PM
What crime did the 2009 players commit only ensuring you weren't thrown out of the competition altogether. They knew what they were getting into? 3/4 of them Reillers are better than some of the 30 players , a lot better than them. Some of them are cleaning out inter county players , have won Fitzgibbon medals, are senior county champions in a top3 county and Humphries has the temerity to call them imposters and Junior C players. But thats ok, because "they knew what they were getting into".

Judging by your post it appears to me that only the 30 members of the 2008 panel have the right it seems to wear the Cork jersey at senior hurling level. Its an absolute rambling of a post.

Reillers you've directly insulted a lot of people as well, but you're quite happy to chastise people here for comments they have made, yet apply a different set of principles to yourself on comments you have made AND are quite happy to hide behind the anonymity that a message board provides you yet chastise others because they hide behind the same veil of secrecy?
You can add that as a reference for hypocrisy in any English dictionary.
I insulted who?

Your clubmate - 'Sideshow Bob' as you describe him
Cork PRO Gerard Lane - you referred to him as a 'p***k' (even though his job is to put forward the official view of the county board and the message he is conveying mighn't necessarily be one he agrees with
Frank Murphy - dozens of times
Any poster on this thread who's disagreed with you

Aside from all of those people you've insulted, I can't list any others..

I can see that you're deleting a lot of your posts after bobby-gate, but here's a couple of other beauties as a counterpoint to your open-ended question ' Who did I insult?':

"they (CCB) are a fuckin disgrace, Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed, how many skeletons did he threaten to bring out of the closet." - You now claim the CCB has a lot of 'good guys' on it

"it's about standing up to the bullies, ridiculous bullies that are the Cb and GMC" - I forgot that I had left out poor aul Ger Mac

"It's bullshit, you know it, I know it and it's all down to that piece of crap Murphy"

"Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed"

I've not deleted a single post Heffo and I resent that you think I have.
I know full well that I have not posted a single, well there was one I think, but a single post about him.
As for FM I've never said I haven't insulted him. So what's your point.
You've insulted the players, you want me to find all the posts where you have.

Like I said nothing but petiness.


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 04:10:45 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 02:26:16 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 09, 2009, 01:38:43 PM
What crime did the 2009 players commit only ensuring you weren't thrown out of the competition altogether. They knew what they were getting into? 3/4 of them Reillers are better than some of the 30 players , a lot better than them. Some of them are cleaning out inter county players , have won Fitzgibbon medals, are senior county champions in a top3 county and Humphries has the temerity to call them imposters and Junior C players. But thats ok, because "they knew what they were getting into".

Judging by your post it appears to me that only the 30 members of the 2008 panel have the right it seems to wear the Cork jersey at senior hurling level. Its an absolute rambling of a post.

Reillers you've directly insulted a lot of people as well, but you're quite happy to chastise people here for comments they have made, yet apply a different set of principles to yourself on comments you have made AND are quite happy to hide behind the anonymity that a message board provides you yet chastise others because they hide behind the same veil of secrecy?
You can add that as a reference for hypocrisy in any English dictionary.
I insulted who?

Your clubmate - 'Sideshow Bob' as you describe him
Cork PRO Gerard Lane - you referred to him as a 'p***k' (even though his job is to put forward the official view of the county board and the message he is conveying mighn't necessarily be one he agrees with
Frank Murphy - dozens of times
Any poster on this thread who's disagreed with you

Aside from all of those people you've insulted, I can't list any others..

I can see that you're deleting a lot of your posts after bobby-gate, but here's a couple of other beauties as a counterpoint to your open-ended question ' Who did I insult?':

"they (CCB) are a fuckin disgrace, Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed, how many skeletons did he threaten to bring out of the closet." - You now claim the CCB has a lot of 'good guys' on it

"it's about standing up to the bullies, ridiculous bullies that are the Cb and GMC" - I forgot that I had left out poor aul Ger Mac

"It's bullshit, you know it, I know it and it's all down to that piece of crap Murphy"

"Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed"

I know full well that I have not posted a single, well there was one I think, but a single post about him.

Can you explain what that means please? You appear to have emphatically denied then admitted insulting him in the same sentene.

Can you also clarify whether the 30 strikers who all stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity pool all monies received for commercial activities?


Quote from: johnneycool on March 09, 2009, 03:55:01 PM
Right, just to recap:

Ger McC resigns or the vote of no confidence is carried by Cork CB, is that suffice for a healing process to begin?

does Frank need to go now or agree to 'retire' in May?

do the players still want 'representation' on the selection committee, but no say?

does the CCB need to re-invent itself and get development squads up and running?

Will junior clubs be afforded direct representation on the new and improved CCB?

Nothings happened yet.
And I don't think it's over yet, by a long shot, but the clubs have made their call.
FM needed to go a long long time ago, hopefully Cooney will take him with him at the end of all of this, but technically FM doesn't have to do anything. He wrote his own contract and every single person from every single club could tell him that they want him gone and he could still technically keep the job. He can't be fired. And he will not step down.
The players never wanted to be on the selection committee themselves.
There should be reps, but not player reps. But at the end of the day, they dont want a say, Mulvey impossed that on them the last time and look how well that went.
They probably want people they can trust. At the end of the day, despite what a lot on here think, they don't and never wanted to pick their own manager and did not want or look to be on the selection panel in the first place and I'd say if it came to that they would probably prefer to nominate 2 ex players, maybe recent retirees.

And again, the players wouldn't need to be involved in picking a manager if they could trust the CCB to do their job properly and if things change there will be no need to.

But like I said it's not over yet.

An excellent way of putting it seeing as I seem to ramble and such, this is a post from Rebelgaa..

QuoteYeah, agree about the dying sting alright. If anyone thinks there is likely to be a dignified surrender tomorrow night, then they are kidding themselves. I reckon some of the executive would burn down the bunker rather than leave it on someone elses terms. Be prepared for the mother of all " last chance saloon " salvage attempts.

I`d hate to have any outsnatnding IOUs by tomorrow night..............


Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 04:14:51 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 04:10:45 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 02:26:16 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 09, 2009, 01:38:43 PM
What crime did the 2009 players commit only ensuring you weren't thrown out of the competition altogether. They knew what they were getting into? 3/4 of them Reillers are better than some of the 30 players , a lot better than them. Some of them are cleaning out inter county players , have won Fitzgibbon medals, are senior county champions in a top3 county and Humphries has the temerity to call them imposters and Junior C players. But thats ok, because "they knew what they were getting into".

Judging by your post it appears to me that only the 30 members of the 2008 panel have the right it seems to wear the Cork jersey at senior hurling level. Its an absolute rambling of a post.

Reillers you've directly insulted a lot of people as well, but you're quite happy to chastise people here for comments they have made, yet apply a different set of principles to yourself on comments you have made AND are quite happy to hide behind the anonymity that a message board provides you yet chastise others because they hide behind the same veil of secrecy?
You can add that as a reference for hypocrisy in any English dictionary.
I insulted who?

Your clubmate - 'Sideshow Bob' as you describe him
Cork PRO Gerard Lane - you referred to him as a 'p***k' (even though his job is to put forward the official view of the county board and the message he is conveying mighn't necessarily be one he agrees with
Frank Murphy - dozens of times
Any poster on this thread who's disagreed with you

Aside from all of those people you've insulted, I can't list any others..

I can see that you're deleting a lot of your posts after bobby-gate, but here's a couple of other beauties as a counterpoint to your open-ended question ' Who did I insult?':

"they (CCB) are a fuckin disgrace, Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed, how many skeletons did he threaten to bring out of the closet." - You now claim the CCB has a lot of 'good guys' on it

"it's about standing up to the bullies, ridiculous bullies that are the Cb and GMC" - I forgot that I had left out poor aul Ger Mac

"It's bullshit, you know it, I know it and it's all down to that piece of crap Murphy"

"Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed"

I know full well that I have not posted a single, well there was one I think, but a single post about him.

Can you explain what that means please? You appear to have emphatically denied then admitted insulting him in the same sentene.

Can you also clarify whether the 30 strikers who all stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity pool all monies received for commercial activities?
I think I half insulted him once. But that was it. And you really are one to preach.
The second part of your post is insulting to the players, which you have no evidence of, is breaking a rule on here when posting about personal finaces and like I said, petiness.


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 03:02:13 PM
Quote from: bingobus on March 09, 2009, 02:25:38 PM
Reillers, no harm but when I read your posts its like groundhog day and it normally takes about 2/3 reads to try and figure out what you are trying to say.

If the clubs have allowed this to happen, who's to say it won't happen again. Alot of the grassroots need to do their own thinking and make their own decsions and not have a playing squad make stir them into action.

Is it true that Des Bishop is to get the fulltime secretary job when FM is ousted?
I was never the best with phrasing things, but I do my best to get my point across, even though it mightn't be the clearist.

The clubs have had enough, that's why, and when you go past that point you don't go back. Especially if a proper system is put in place, which it wasn't for years. The CB's "democracy" wasn't working.
The players didn't bring this to the clubs months ago because it was clear as day they wouldn't run with it, I'm still suprised enough that they did this time, but obviously they've had enough. You can only poke a dog so many times before it bites back. And the clubs have bitten back.
They wouldn't have done anything a few months ago because they didn't want to wake a sleeping dog because they wouldn't have been fully backed and would have been bitten, but ironically it's the CB who awoken a sleeping giant, the clubs, because through their actions of trying to take all the power back from the players, through their actions of that, they pushed the clubs one step too far. And here we are.

All the IC players did was hand the decisions over to the clubs and the clubs have ran with it. They made the calls, they even chaired last nights meeting.
IF Ger is gone in the morning the palyers will probably go back playing and leave the clubs and rightly so to sort out their business at CB level.
It's the way it should be

That's right the clubs will attempt to clear up the mess and destruction left behind. We'll see how easy that is.
You already said you don't know where we go from here.

But the Munster chairman admitted the dispute was doing "untold damage" to the GAA nationwide.

And John Obrien "We have reneged on our responsibilities over the years and we need to address that now, but it can only be done through the structures of the association."
Quite consistent with what we have all been saying here but ironic since he has gone along with action outside of the structures and in breech of the Mulvey agreement.

But we'll see what happens. Don't forget what Nicky Brennan said about the county board being the authoritive body on managerial selection.


Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 04:31:50 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 04:14:51 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 04:10:45 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 04:07:59 PM
Quote from: heffo on March 09, 2009, 02:26:16 PM
Quote from: Reillers on March 09, 2009, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on March 09, 2009, 01:38:43 PM
What crime did the 2009 players commit only ensuring you weren't thrown out of the competition altogether. They knew what they were getting into? 3/4 of them Reillers are better than some of the 30 players , a lot better than them. Some of them are cleaning out inter county players , have won Fitzgibbon medals, are senior county champions in a top3 county and Humphries has the temerity to call them imposters and Junior C players. But thats ok, because "they knew what they were getting into".

Judging by your post it appears to me that only the 30 members of the 2008 panel have the right it seems to wear the Cork jersey at senior hurling level. Its an absolute rambling of a post.

Reillers you've directly insulted a lot of people as well, but you're quite happy to chastise people here for comments they have made, yet apply a different set of principles to yourself on comments you have made AND are quite happy to hide behind the anonymity that a message board provides you yet chastise others because they hide behind the same veil of secrecy?
You can add that as a reference for hypocrisy in any English dictionary.
I insulted who?

Your clubmate - 'Sideshow Bob' as you describe him
Cork PRO Gerard Lane - you referred to him as a 'p***k' (even though his job is to put forward the official view of the county board and the message he is conveying mighn't necessarily be one he agrees with
Frank Murphy - dozens of times
Any poster on this thread who's disagreed with you

Aside from all of those people you've insulted, I can't list any others..

I can see that you're deleting a lot of your posts after bobby-gate, but here's a couple of other beauties as a counterpoint to your open-ended question ' Who did I insult?':

"they (CCB) are a fuckin disgrace, Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed, how many skeletons did he threaten to bring out of the closet." - You now claim the CCB has a lot of 'good guys' on it

"it's about standing up to the bullies, ridiculous bullies that are the Cb and GMC" - I forgot that I had left out poor aul Ger Mac

"It's bullshit, you know it, I know it and it's all down to that piece of crap Murphy"

"Murphy is a disgrace and should be forced out and removed"

I know full well that I have not posted a single, well there was one I think, but a single post about him.

Can you explain what that means please? You appear to have emphatically denied then admitted insulting him in the same sentene.

Can you also clarify whether the 30 strikers who all stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity pool all monies received for commercial activities?
I think I half insulted him once. But that was it. And you really are one to preach.
The second part of your post is insulting to the players, which you have no evidence of, is breaking a rule on here when posting about personal finaces and like I said, petiness.

Another Reillers insult against a named individual:

"REILLERS about pat spillane :I dispise that man, the most biased langer, I've never taken a word he's said about hurling, never mind Cork, seriously. He hasn't a clue.
I remember after the draw that Cork should have won against Waterford after that controversial free, Sean Og was being interviewed and at the end said something like sure we'll bring it on again for the next day, or something like that, and the camera went back to the studio and Spillane turned around and said in the thickest Cork accent, Bring it on indeed. It was so pathetic.

I have no evidence that certain members of the Cork hurling panel are engaged in commercial activities arising out of their hurling profile and this is against forum rules??

I can't turn on a tv, open a newspaper or drive down a road without some leading member of the strikers peering back at me hawking something new each week - all I asked was whether they pool monies received or are they communists in the boardroom but capitalists as soon as they leave it???