McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Cicfada the players won't go back under Mc Carthy and the Board won't coutenance him not being involved. Since no-one is prepared to compromise, i couldn't give a continental if they field next year. You solve nothing without talking about it, and the fact that none of the relevent parties are prepared to sit down and talk about it means your average GAA fan has washed their hands of it. Conor Counihan has told the footballers he's resigning if they get involved, hence the reason they have stayed clear.
Who cares at this stage? I don't anymore. You solve nothing without talking about it.


Quote from: orangeman on December 18, 2008, 12:37:58 AM
It amuses me that you keep referring to Mc Carthy as a bad manager - what is a bad manager ? Is it one who is incompetent ? Can't make the right switches on match day ? Is it one who has poor interpersonal skills ???

Exactly why do you feel that Mc Carthy is a bad manager ?

That someone would be is gormless as to ask this question after all that has been discussed in this thread is astonishing


Quote from: cornafean on December 18, 2008, 09:37:17 AM
Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 12:54:09 AM

Every man and his dog can see that he is a poor manager.
Can't make the right switches..yes,
Poor interpersonal skills..yes,

Along with that poor training sessions, poor decision making, naive tactics, poor chainging of tactics, not knowing things that you should know about the players, like oh I don't know, who they are, what club they play for, going back on his word, going on a power drive..there are a lot of reasons why he's not a good manager. Being a good player doesn't automatically make you a good manager, in this case it's true.

If Gerard is such a bad manager, I can't understand why didn't the Cork hurlers call for his replacement 12 months ago instead of campaigning against Teddy Holland.

OH for the love of God how many more times..

They had these problems last season which have been made clear but they gave him a chance, they said that he had a 2 year contract so they let him finish a two year contract because they thought like everyone else that there was no way he would be brought back..we were wrong.


Quote from: theskull1 on December 18, 2008, 08:41:47 AM
QuoteTYPICAL GAA attitude. Shut up or put up. It's a joke, it's about time we moved on from it before it kills the game

A TYPICAL GAA attitude? What a load of balls Reillers. I'll give you one GAA mantra which is lost on you boys. What about respecting other volunteers and if you have a concerns, be part of the solution rather than the problem? 99.99% would be embarrassed whinging/lambasting in the way this group of players are doing to the point they would have walked away a long time ago with their dignity intact. I still think the reasons why this group of players just don't go away quietly has to be seriously questioned. Just how much has them maintaining "their" profile in the game got to do with it?

And you can be sure that the GAA would be killed a hell of a lot quicker if administrations started to jump to the tune of egotistical publicity aware players who have one eye on the benefits from that profile which the game gives them. The lessor of two evils. Look at homes where the children tell the parents what to do and you'll maybe get the picture. The CCB are simply doling out some tough love after years of putting up with bad attitude from the main men in this dispute. Now get off the naughty step  ;) and either be part of the solution or just walk away quietly

You can't see it because you are one of them. There is this age old way that basically says that the GAA and the CB's can do whatever they like to whoever they like, they can do things their way, their version of democracry, trat the players however they like and because it's the GAA the players MOST put up with it. Put up or shut up. Because God forbid they stand up for their rights. There's one thing respecting the volunteer. This isn't what this is about. Their problem is with the people who get paid and honest to God Skull how many more times do we have to say it.
This isn't about egotistical players wanting control. They want the best for Cork and they'll do about anything to get that. They don't care what people think or how many pathetic little PR stunt that the CB pulls they will not back down because in their mind it's the right thing to do, if they back down the CB wins and Cork GAA will die. This isn't about them trying to tell the board what to do. You said look at the homes where the children tell their parents what to isn't like that, more like look at the homes where the parents abuse their power, would be more relevant.

I cannont believe that you back the CB I don't think any real fan would because if you knew the facts, if you considered them for one second, there is no way you can think that the CB are doing what's best for the Cork. Cork is bigger then just one addministration on a power drive, but unfortunatley that's what's been RUINING GAA in Cork for years. Did you read the article, no I doubt it, because you'd no from it that the CB has done little to improve GAA in Cork in the time Frank Murphy has been in charge. He loves the power to much and will abuse his position until one day when he leaves and that will be a good day, that day Cork GAA can start moving forward again instead of being in a dead stand still for years..lets hope it's not too late. At the end of the day if this board get what they want, if they get rid of the players, they might get rid of the most vocal group they've seen in a while, but the same problems will affect the new squad, it's a matter of whether they will do anything or not.
You've no idea how much of a hinderance this board has been, you've no idea what these players had to do just to get back on their feet.

Read what the legend that is Ring said to a CB delegate after he said let this man in he's won either AI's.

Ring's riposte was immortal: "And if I wasn't carrying fellas like you I'd have won another eight."'ve no idea how true this is with this team, if they didn't have a CB that is determined to see this team fall, that intentionally put obstacles in it's way, they would have won more, if the CB gave them even an inch of support we'd have won a hell lot more AI's in the last few years. But no, no, no, they've had to "carry fellas" waste time and energy fighting wars off the pitch more then they did on the pitch. Cork have some big rivals who would love to see nothing more then to get hammered each and every time, the biggest rivals of all ARE the CB. This is their dream come true, this situation is their miracle.

Don't give me this bull about the real GAA man, the volunteer, because this is nothing about that side of GAA, it's the other side, it's dealing with the side that get paid.

And I cannot believe that you back them. I thought you were a real GAA fan.


Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 11:58:00 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on December 18, 2008, 08:41:47 AM
QuoteTYPICAL GAA attitude. Shut up or put up. It's a joke, it's about time we moved on from it before it kills the game

A TYPICAL GAA attitude? What a load of balls Reillers. I'll give you one GAA mantra which is lost on you boys. What about respecting other volunteers and if you have a concerns, be part of the solution rather than the problem? 99.99% would be embarrassed whinging/lambasting in the way this group of players are doing to the point they would have walked away a long time ago with their dignity intact. I still think the reasons why this group of players just don't go away quietly has to be seriously questioned. Just how much has them maintaining "their" profile in the game got to do with it?

And you can be sure that the GAA would be killed a hell of a lot quicker if administrations started to jump to the tune of egotistical publicity aware players who have one eye on the benefits from that profile which the game gives them. The lessor of two evils. Look at homes where the children tell the parents what to do and you'll maybe get the picture. The CCB are simply doling out some tough love after years of putting up with bad attitude from the main men in this dispute. Now get off the naughty step  ;) and either be part of the solution or just walk away quietly

You can't see it because you are one of them. There is this age old way that basically says that the GAA and the CB's can do whatever they like to whoever they like, they can do things their way, their version of democracry, trat the players however they like and because it's the GAA the players MOST put up with it. Put up or shut up. Because God forbid they stand up for their rights. There's one thing respecting the volunteer. This isn't what this is about. Their problem is with the people who get paid and honest to God Skull how many more times do we have to say it.
This isn't about egotistical players wanting control. They want the best for Cork and they'll do about anything to get that. They don't care what people think or how many pathetic little PR stunt that the CB pulls they will not back down because in their mind it's the right thing to do, if they back down the CB wins and Cork GAA will die. This isn't about them trying to tell the board what to do. You said look at the homes where the children tell their parents what to isn't like that, more like look at the homes where the parents abuse their power, would be more relevant.

I cannont believe that you back the CB I don't think any real fan would because if you knew the facts, if you considered them for one second, there is no way you can think that the CB are doing what's best for the Cork. Cork is bigger then just one addministration on a power drive, but unfortunatley that's what's been RUINING GAA in Cork for years. Did you read the article, no I doubt it, because you'd no from it that the CB has done little to improve GAA in Cork in the time Frank Murphy has been in charge. He loves the power to much and will abuse his position until one day when he leaves and that will be a good day, that day Cork GAA can start moving forward again instead of being in a dead stand still for years..lets hope it's not too late. At the end of the day if this board get what they want, if they get rid of the players, they might get rid of the most vocal group they've seen in a while, but the same problems will affect the new squad, it's a matter of whether they will do anything or not.
You've no idea how much of a hinderance this board has been, you've no idea what these players had to do just to get back on their feet.

Read what the legend that is Ring said to a CB delegate after he said let this man in he's won either AI's.

Ring's riposte was immortal: "And if I wasn't carrying fellas like you I'd have won another eight."'ve no idea how true this is with this team, if they didn't have a CB that is determined to see this team fall, that intentionally put obstacles in it's way, they would have won more, if the CB gave them even an inch of support we'd have won a hell lot more AI's in the last few years
. But no, no, no, they've had to "carry fellas" waste time and energy fighting wars off the pitch more then they did on the pitch. Cork have some big rivals who would love to see nothing more then to get hammered each and every time, the biggest rivals of all ARE the CB. This is their dream come true, this situation is their miracle.

Don't give me this bull about the real GAA man, the volunteer, because this is nothing about that side of GAA, it's the other side, it's dealing with the side that get paid.

And I cannot believe that you back them. I thought you were a real GAA fan.

I'm sorry Reillers but that statement is just about as ridiculous as you've made during the ocurse of the past 80 pages - Ok I've been guilty of a few myself but to blame the CB for not winning more AIs is total rubbish.

Frank Murphy wasn't playing centre back / half / back / corner back when this great KK were tearing them to shreds.

I'm sorry Reillers but that's just plain ridiculous.


Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 03:49:29 AM

Oh and so according to you it's ok that a coach doesn't know a players name, or the club they play for and it's ok with you that when the players went to a match theie dressing room was being used so they'd to go and get changed in the hall..that's ok with you.

Its not ideal that he doesn't know a player's club but its hardly a crisis either. Maybe it was an honest mistake. But I don't like the way its being used as a stick to beat Gerald McCarthy with. Bobby Robson couldn't tell the difference between Shola Ameobi and Carl Cort but still did a great job with Newcastle. Paidi O Se turned around on the Westmeath team bus and said to Joe Fallon 'well Dessie, how's the hamstring'! I'm sure twas a funny incident but it didn't stop Paidi leading Westmeath to their first ever Leinster title later that summer.
And of course its not good that the lads had to get changed in the hall. Bad organisation but that sort of carry on was sorted yet we still here reference to that story. If it happened in most counties the players would make a complaint but would probably see the funny side too. Its not the end of the world, merely a crease that needed to be ironed out and was.

Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 03:49:29 AM

TYPICAL GAA attitude. Shut up or put up. It's a joke, it's about time we moved on from it before it kills the game, because.."The more political players get, the more they will challenge this set up."

People like this, like you, are what's wrong with the GAA, and will eventually lead to the death of it if things don't change. We expect out players to act like pros, play like pros, they punish players as strictly as they do in the professional games, they are after bringing in even more strict rules now, profesional in all but name..but when it comes to our great set up in the GAA, it's pathetic, and the sad thing is some people want to keep it like that, and the most ironic thing about it is that the worst run, worst set up feature in the GAA, the most "amateur like" are the lads who are actually getting paid for it.

I'll agree, there are administrative problems in the GAA and they need to be tackled. But there's not a massive queue there, is there? Maybe you should put your name forward, you seem to have all the answers.
But don't you dare tell me for a second that people like me are what's wrong with the GAA. Is it any wonder people are sick of the Cork hurlers when supporters like you come out spouting that sort of sh*te. What do you want so? A professional GAA is it? Do you think the players would have any say in the selection of a manager then? Did any of the Blackburn players have any input into the selection of Sam Allardyce as manager? No. That's the way of the world me boy.

Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 03:49:29 AM

It's people like you who think the players should act like sheep, that they stay quiet and get treated like crap. This attitude, this old as times attitude is what will kill the GAA because the people who are supposedly in charge, who get decent wages for this want to have their cake and eat it too and there are idiots out their with the same attitude..the players are getting so blatantly treated like crap but according to ye it' dare they stand up against that. This attitude of yourself and others is one of the biggest flaws of this game. One of the major problems that could well kill it.

I'll tell you what the major problems with the GAA are. The fact that clubs can't get enough volunteers and actions like the Cork hurlers are engaging in are doing absolutely nothing to help matters. Our club will have our AGM soon and we'll struggle to fill the key positions even though we're going fairly well at the moment.
Another problem is rural clubs are going to have to fold because of lack of numbers, because lads can't get planning to build a house in their home area so they have to buy a house in an estate in the nearest big town and while they might continue to play their club football with their old club, there's no way they're children can do likewise. That's a serious problem.
People like you who think inter-county players should be the be all and end all of the game is a major problem with the GAA. If things are so bad in Cork why don't the clubs rise up? Surely if the players have so much right on their side and the board are so clearly wrong, the clubs would instruct their delegates to move against the board. But maybe the clubs don't feel like this. Maybe the clubs, who have a lot more insight to this situation than I do, are as sick of the constant move towards the nuclear option by the Cork hurlers.
People appreciate the efforts of the inter-county players. But there's a limit to how much you have to complain about. The boys are well past that stage. I don't really wanna say too much more on the matter because as Indiana says if neither side is willing to budge, what's the point in discussing it? Leave them at it. Cork hurling will be the losers and that's the pity  
Maybe its because they've taken things too far

Mayo for Sam! Just don't ask me for a year


Quote from: cornafean on December 18, 2008, 09:37:17 AM
If Gerard is such a bad manager, I can't understand why didn't the Cork hurlers call for his replacement 12 months ago instead of campaigning against Teddy Holland.

If that's the sum total of your knowledge of the situation, then I'd say you have to do a bit of reading before you go posting again on it.


Must remember to throw in more of those "God Reillers how many more times to I need to say it" exclamations in future posts when I feel the need to bolster my arguments   ;)'ve no idea how true this is with this team, if they didn't have a CB that is determined to see this team fall, that intentionally put obstacles in it's way, they would have won more, if the CB gave them even an inch of support we'd have won a hell lot more AI's in the last few years

Granny Balls Granda or what  :D
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Thats the best post Sniper for about 60 pages on this thread. More sense in that post than anyone elses, including mine. Fair play.


Quote from: orangeman on December 18, 2008, 12:13:05 PM
Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 11:58:00 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on December 18, 2008, 08:41:47 AM
QuoteTYPICAL GAA attitude. Shut up or put up. It's a joke, it's about time we moved on from it before it kills the game

A TYPICAL GAA attitude? What a load of balls Reillers. I'll give you one GAA mantra which is lost on you boys. What about respecting other volunteers and if you have a concerns, be part of the solution rather than the problem? 99.99% would be embarrassed whinging/lambasting in the way this group of players are doing to the point they would have walked away a long time ago with their dignity intact. I still think the reasons why this group of players just don't go away quietly has to be seriously questioned. Just how much has them maintaining "their" profile in the game got to do with it?

And you can be sure that the GAA would be killed a hell of a lot quicker if administrations started to jump to the tune of egotistical publicity aware players who have one eye on the benefits from that profile which the game gives them. The lessor of two evils. Look at homes where the children tell the parents what to do and you'll maybe get the picture. The CCB are simply doling out some tough love after years of putting up with bad attitude from the main men in this dispute. Now get off the naughty step  ;) and either be part of the solution or just walk away quietly

You can't see it because you are one of them. There is this age old way that basically says that the GAA and the CB's can do whatever they like to whoever they like, they can do things their way, their version of democracry, trat the players however they like and because it's the GAA the players MOST put up with it. Put up or shut up. Because God forbid they stand up for their rights. There's one thing respecting the volunteer. This isn't what this is about. Their problem is with the people who get paid and honest to God Skull how many more times do we have to say it.
This isn't about egotistical players wanting control. They want the best for Cork and they'll do about anything to get that. They don't care what people think or how many pathetic little PR stunt that the CB pulls they will not back down because in their mind it's the right thing to do, if they back down the CB wins and Cork GAA will die. This isn't about them trying to tell the board what to do. You said look at the homes where the children tell their parents what to isn't like that, more like look at the homes where the parents abuse their power, would be more relevant.

I cannont believe that you back the CB I don't think any real fan would because if you knew the facts, if you considered them for one second, there is no way you can think that the CB are doing what's best for the Cork. Cork is bigger then just one addministration on a power drive, but unfortunatley that's what's been RUINING GAA in Cork for years. Did you read the article, no I doubt it, because you'd no from it that the CB has done little to improve GAA in Cork in the time Frank Murphy has been in charge. He loves the power to much and will abuse his position until one day when he leaves and that will be a good day, that day Cork GAA can start moving forward again instead of being in a dead stand still for years..lets hope it's not too late. At the end of the day if this board get what they want, if they get rid of the players, they might get rid of the most vocal group they've seen in a while, but the same problems will affect the new squad, it's a matter of whether they will do anything or not.
You've no idea how much of a hinderance this board has been, you've no idea what these players had to do just to get back on their feet.

Read what the legend that is Ring said to a CB delegate after he said let this man in he's won either AI's.

Ring's riposte was immortal: "And if I wasn't carrying fellas like you I'd have won another eight."'ve no idea how true this is with this team, if they didn't have a CB that is determined to see this team fall, that intentionally put obstacles in it's way, they would have won more, if the CB gave them even an inch of support we'd have won a hell lot more AI's in the last few years
. But no, no, no, they've had to "carry fellas" waste time and energy fighting wars off the pitch more then they did on the pitch. Cork have some big rivals who would love to see nothing more then to get hammered each and every time, the biggest rivals of all ARE the CB. This is their dream come true, this situation is their miracle.

Don't give me this bull about the real GAA man, the volunteer, because this is nothing about that side of GAA, it's the other side, it's dealing with the side that get paid.

And I cannot believe that you back them. I thought you were a real GAA fan.

I'm sorry Reillers but that statement is just about as ridiculous as you've made during the ocurse of the past 80 pages - Ok I've been guilty of a few myself but to blame the CB for not winning more AIs is total rubbish.

Frank Murphy wasn't playing centre back / half / back / corner back when this great KK were tearing them to shreds.

I'm sorry Reillers but that's just plain ridiculous.

So you don't think that if the players weren't on strike last season they would have been more ready and fit for the Tipp match..they ran out of steam in the second half because they hadn't their fitness where it should have been, we should have beaten Tipp that day, but two things got in our way McCarthy's ridiculous subs and change of tactics in the second half and our lack of fitness, which was a direct reflection on the strike.
If we had proper facilities before 2002 if we had things done properlly this team that burst into the scene in 99 would have won another AI before 2004. The great KK also have a great board, who do whatever they can to help them and work with them, they all have one goal, and that is to win the AI, our board do whatever they can to make our players lives misserable, they would rather see the team get destroyed then win an AI because they know that it was in spite of them, that they had NOTHING to do with it.
They also have the best manager in the game, we don't, we have one who like I said doesn't even know some of the players names or clubs they play for, who's training sessions have players standing around..I could go on but it gets tiring after 999 time you say it.
If circumstances were different, we could have been and should have been where KK are now. There was very little seperating those teams, but the CB and a bad manager drove that wedge in and spread it apart even more.
If circumstances were different so would our AI final count.

Oh and Frank..HE'S NEVER PLAYED EVER, not a game in his life before. Felt like I should throw that in there.


Quote from: RedandGreenSniper on December 18, 2008, 12:17:37 PM
Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 03:49:29 AM

Oh and so according to you it's ok that a coach doesn't know a players name, or the club they play for and it's ok with you that when the players went to a match theie dressing room was being used so they'd to go and get changed in the hall..that's ok with you.

Its not ideal that he doesn't know a player's club Not ideal, wow, something tells me that Cody or any other manager would make a mistake like that, and it's happened more then once. It's not good enough  but its hardly a crisis either. Maybe it was an honest mistake. But I don't like the way its being used as a stick to beat Gerald McCarthy with. Bobby Robson couldn't tell the difference between Shola Ameobi and Carl Cort but still did a great job with Newcastle. Paidi O Se turned around on the Westmeath team bus and said to Joe Fallon 'well Dessie, how's the hamstring'! I'm sure twas a funny incident but it didn't stop Paidi leading Westmeath to their first ever Leinster title later that summer.
And of course its not good that the lads had to get changed in the hall. Bad organisation but that sort of carry on was sorted yet we still here reference to that story. If it happened in most counties the players would make a complaint but would probably see the funny side too. Its not the end of the world, merely a crease that needed to be ironed out and was.If it was just a crease that needed ironed out, do you honestly think that you'd have about 60 players refusing to play for Cork. And it's not just that, more and more of that type of carry on went with the CB, it's only changed now because the players got it sorted themselves, that's the point. The CB didn't see any need to fix the problem, they didn't see anything wrong with it at all.

Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 03:49:29 AM

TYPICAL GAA attitude. Shut up or put up. It's a joke, it's about time we moved on from it before it kills the game, because.."The more political players get, the more they will challenge this set up."

People like this, like you, are what's wrong with the GAA, and will eventually lead to the death of it if things don't change. We expect out players to act like pros, play like pros, they punish players as strictly as they do in the professional games, they are after bringing in even more strict rules now, profesional in all but name..but when it comes to our great set up in the GAA, it's pathetic, and the sad thing is some people want to keep it like that, and the most ironic thing about it is that the worst run, worst set up feature in the GAA, the most "amateur like" are the lads who are actually getting paid for it.

I'll agree, there are administrative problems in the GAA and they need to be tackled. But there's not a massive queue there, is there? Maybe you should put your name forward, you seem to have all the answers.
But don't you dare tell me for a second that people like me are what's wrong with the GAA. Is it any wonder people are sick of the Cork hurlers when supporters like you come out spouting that sort of sh*te. What do you want so? A professional GAA is it? Do you think the players would have any say in the selection of a manager then? Did any of the Blackburn players have any input into the selection of Sam Allardyce as manager? No. That's the way of the world me boy.

THEY DON'T WANT A BLOODY INPUT. They would love nothing more then to sit back and leave others make the right decisions, but there's no way that he should have been given the job again, they didn't do it in the right way, or with the best intentions of Cork GAA in mind.
I'm sorry but how many more times does this have to be said, do we need to put bells on it, maybe a nice ribbon before it sinks in??

I don't want a professional GAA, but how about for once the only part of the GAA that are getting paid act professional, instead of this put up or shut up old as time attitude that they and some fans still have. It will kill this game. How about the players get treated fairly for once.

Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 03:49:29 AM

It's people like you who think the players should act like sheep, that they stay quiet and get treated like crap. This attitude, this old as times attitude is what will kill the GAA because the people who are supposedly in charge, who get decent wages for this want to have their cake and eat it too and there are idiots out their with the same attitude..the players are getting so blatantly treated like crap but according to ye it' dare they stand up against that. This attitude of yourself and others is one of the biggest flaws of this game. One of the major problems that could well kill it.

I'll tell you what the major problems with the GAA are. The fact that clubs can't get enough volunteers and actions like the Cork hurlers are engaging in are doing absolutely nothing to help matters. Our club will have our AGM soon and we'll struggle to fill the key positions even though we're going fairly well at the moment.
Another problem is rural clubs are going to have to fold because of lack of numbers, because lads can't get planning to build a house in their home area so they have to buy a house in an estate in the nearest big town and while they might continue to play their club football with their old club, there's no way they're children can do likewise. That's a serious problem.

Cork aren't getting enough volunteers either, it's the same here like everywhere else, it's a major problem, the club scene in Cork is dying on it's feet, and the players have nothing to do with it. The youth structure is pathetic..nothing to do with that either. Now if anything these players put a hell lot back into their clubs. They are fighting the power. Cork club scene especially in the City hasn't grown or improved in the 20 plus years that Frank Murphy has been in place, and what's worse, he hasn't even tried.

People like you who think inter-county players should be the be all and end all of the game is a major problem with the GAA. If things are so bad in Cork why don't the clubs rise up? Surely if the players have so much right on their side and the board are so clearly wrong, the clubs would instruct their delegates to move against the board. But maybe the clubs don't feel like this. Maybe the clubs, who have a lot more insight to this situation than I do, are as sick of the constant move towards the nuclear option by the Cork hurlers.

I don't, but I think that players who expected to give so much shouldn't get treated like crap. I have a list long of problems about my club the way it's run the lack of money we're getting..etc. the list goes on and on and on, I have problems with that believe me I do, but this isn't a topic about my club now is it. And I will say this for at least the 50th time in this thread. The club and the county scene don't get along. They blame eachother for their problems because they get in eachothers way..the problem is that the only one responsible for this is the one who's going without blame, the CB, who put it like that. And there are some clubs who think what the CB are doing are wrong, and there are others where the delegates are in the CB's pocket. Now there's nothing anyone can do about Frank Murphy, he can't be gotten rid of, if a club stands up against him, if they speak up there will be ramifications. The club will loose out. There are some clubs who back the players, a lot realise that the players only option is the "nuclear options" but refuse to cut off their nose despite their face. They've too much to loose.

People appreciate the efforts of the inter-county players. But there's a limit to how much you have to complain about. The boys are well past that stage. I don't really wanna say too much more on the matter because as Indiana says if neither side is willing to budge, what's the point in discussing it? Leave them at it. Cork hurling will be the losers and that's the pity  
Maybe its because they've taken things too far

That's just it isn't it, we'll watch them all summer long, get great entertainment out of them, book our holidays around them, but when it comes to their problems, it's not our problem and the ah screw them attitude comes into place. Cork hurling will be the loosers..and will continue to do so until Frank Murphy leaves and stops destroying it, whether the hurlers come back or not, Cork looses either way and will stay at a complete standstill until he moves on. 

I got too personal, sorry, but this is what happens when you've been debating this for 80 pages making the same points over and over again.



Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 01:25:18 PM
Not ideal, wow, something tells me that Cody or any other manager would make a mistake like that, and it's happened more then once. It's not good enough 

Firstly I think its wrong to compare to Cody, he's in another league. I've given you an example of two managers, one GAA, one soccer. I'm sure I could come up with more if I put my mind to it. My point is that its a bad example to cite. In fact the fact that every Cork player was aware of this shows the willingness of the player in question (Timmy McCarthy) to undermine the manager to the other players. Not a good sign either.

If it was just a crease that needed ironed out, do you honestly think that you'd have about 60 players refusing to play for Cork. And it's not just that, more and more of that type of carry on went with the CB, it's only changed now because the players got it sorted themselves, that's the point. The CB didn't see any need to fix the problem, they didn't see anything wrong with it at all.

Fair enough, the strike was called at the time and they achieved what they set out to do.

Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 03:49:29 AM

THEY DON'T WANT A BLOODY INPUT. They would love nothing more then to sit back and leave others make the right decisions, but there's no way that he should have been given the job again, they didn't do it in the right way, or with the best intentions of Cork GAA in mind.
I'm sorry but how many more times does this have to be said, do we need to put bells on it, maybe a nice ribbon before it sinks in??

I don't want a professional GAA, but how about for once the only part of the GAA that are getting paid act professional, instead of this put up or shut up old as time attitude that they and some fans still have. It will kill this game. How about the players get treated fairly for once.

You'll think I'm a dinosour for saying this but the way for a grievance to be dealt with in the GAA is through the channels, club, delegate, county board etc. We all know this won't always have the desired effect and sometimes players will  take matters into their own hands. Mayo did it in 1992 to get rid of the then manager but it didn't go down well because they were as much to blame - something they alluded to themselves later but anyhow I digress.
The Cork players took the nuclear option before and they had support then. But to continue to do so is creating a rod for their backs. Perhaps they should have secured a more cast iron assurance last year during the talks with Diarmuid Falvey representing them.
Ok, the county board don't have the best intentions of Cork at heart? What are FM's intentions so? And don't just say power because I know power hungry people in my own county but to do so at the detriment of success is creating a rod for their own back.

Quote from: Reillers on December 18, 2008, 03:49:29 AM

Cork aren't getting enough volunteers either, it's the same here like everywhere else, it's a major problem, the club scene in Cork is dying on it's feet, and the players have nothing to do with it. The youth structure is pathetic..nothing to do with that either. Now if anything these players put a hell lot back into their clubs. They are fighting the power. Cork club scene especially in the City hasn't grown or improved in the 20 plus years that Frank Murphy has been in place, and what's worse, he hasn't even tried.

The point I was making here is not that Cork players are directly to blame for any of these. My point is that at a time when we need to address huge issues like these, we're getting sidetracked by another Cork players v Frank Murphy row.

I don't, but I think that players who expected to give so much shouldn't get treated like crap. .

Again, they're not being treated like crap. I think a big problem here is, accidentally, Donal O'Grady. He is possibly the most advanced manager in terms of methods in the GAA today. He went to unbelievable lengths and Cody is only better than him because of his success over a sustained period. But O'Grady's time in charge was a huge success because of his incredible attention to detail. To be honest the Cork players were spoilt by his methods and expected everyone else to match that standard. Granted, John Allen came close, but he was part of Team O'Grady in the first place so that was always going to be a smooth changing over.
Most managers currently managing at inter-county level wouldn't come close to O'Grady. The Cork players must realise this.

You talk about the clubs being afraid to stand up. Surely they can unite and form a group. It surely would be big enough that it couldn't be ignored or rode by Frank Murphy. I don't understand how you say clubs are in the county boards pockets. If people are talking about giving a bit of respect to younger Cork players and not saying they're being led by the hand by Donal Og and Co, then surely at least the same courtesy is due to men over the age of 40 who have a lot more life experiences than to suggest they're in the county board's pockets. Maybe its simply a case that they agree with the county board? Perhaps they're fed up with the players?

That's just it isn't it, we'll watch them all summer long, get great entertainment out of them, book our holidays around them, but when it comes to their problems, it's not our problem and the ah screw them attitude comes into place. Cork hurling will be the loosers..and will continue to do so until Frank Murphy leaves and stops destroying it, whether the hurlers come back or not, Cork looses either way and will stay at a complete standstill until he moves on. 

Again, first time round they had support, a lot of it. Its wrong to say that anyone on here doesn't care about inter-county players. Thats not accurate. But, again, Cork have went a step too far this time around.

I got too personal, sorry, but this is what happens when you've been debating this for 80 pages making the same points over and over again.

No worries, I'm not picking fights, you clearly care about the subject. But I just can't agree with their stance . . .
Mayo for Sam! Just don't ask me for a year


QuoteFirstly I think its wrong to compare to Cody, he's in another league. I've given you an example of two managers, one GAA, one soccer. I'm sure I could come up with more if I put my mind to it. My point is that its a bad example to cite. In fact the fact that every Cork player was aware of this shows the willingness of the player in question (Timmy McCarthy) to undermine the manager to the other players. Not a good sign either.

Why, why should we put up with anything but the best. It may sound arrogant or whatever but I think these players deserve the best. Theye've been doing it enough on their own with no help. Timmy McCarthy is probably one of the worst treated Cork players in the sense that he always seems to be the fall man when he doesn't deserve it, people don't see. He didn't know what club he played for, he's got the right to be pissed off, the players talk to eachother, nothing wrong with I said they want to put what's best for Cork first.

QuoteYou'll think I'm a dinosour for saying this but the way for a grievance to be dealt with in the GAA is through the channels, club, delegate, county board etc. We all know this won't always have the desired effect and sometimes players will  take matters into their own hands. Mayo did it in 1992 to get rid of the then manager but it didn't go down well because they were as much to blame - something they alluded to themselves later but anyhow I digress.
The Cork players took the nuclear option before and they had support then. But to continue to do so is creating a rod for their backs. Perhaps they should have secured a more cast iron assurance last year during the talks with Diarmuid Falvey representing them.
Ok, the county board don't have the best intentions of Cork at heart? What are FM's intentions so? And don't just say power because I know power hungry people in my own county but to do so at the detriment of success is creating a rod for their own back.

But in Cork it's not dealt with that way..ever. Frank Murphy wants control, believe it or not, but more then that, they've always wanted that, it's he wants full blown revenge. He's hell bent on it. But he's got the backing because no one will stand up to him, that is except for the players, so if, or when the players loose this battle , thanks in part to the media, what do you think will happen when the only people who will stand up to the man are gone?? Think about that.
Maybe the nuclear option wasn't the best idea with the media pr stance, but they have no other option, they use their only tool at their desposal that would have an affect.

QuoteThe point I was making here is not that Cork players are directly to blame for any of these. My point is that at a time when we need to address huge issues like these, we're getting sidetracked by another Cork players v Frank Murphy row.
It's a Cork problem, and I agree I think that as just as the players actions are, they are deflecting away from the awful running of Cork GAA, the underage structure, the club scene..and Gerald thinks he's going to get an academy for the young gifted players set up, he's dellusional and niaeve to think that would's not going to happen. There are some massive problems in Cork GAA that have been there for years, especially the likes of the underrage system, any team that wins a minor or U21 title under this set up are bloody brilliant and to be feared by all because it's almost impossible to do so, it's so, so bad in Cork. And the results reflect on that.
We've had extremley good young talented players..but the set up was never there. I think and I think people if they'e some spare cash around the place would be well putting some money on the U21s this year, if there's any justice they should win the AI and provincial, just looking at the talent there, but I said that this year as well. Minors should have been in the final, they should have won, they would have in no light term smashed that KK side which is the poorest minor team I've seen in a KK jersey for a long time. They should have beaten Clare in the Munster semi final but played so badly, ya a lot of the playres had just played in the senior game, against Galway I think, but that's no excuse I've never seen a Cork team that played like they didn't care, and that reflected on the structure of the side. The talent is there, the back up for them isn't and it's not fair on them.

QuoteAgain, they're not being treated like crap. I think a big problem here is, accidentally, Donal O'Grady. He is possibly the most advanced manager in terms of methods in the GAA today. He went to unbelievable lengths and Cody is only better than him because of his success over a sustained period. But O'Grady's time in charge was a huge success because of his incredible attention to detail. To be honest the Cork players were spoilt by his methods and expected everyone else to match that standard. Granted, John Allen came close, but he was part of Team O'Grady in the first place so that was always going to be a smooth changing over.
Most managers currently managing at inter-county level wouldn't come close to O'Grady. The Cork players must realise this.

Aren't they..last time I checked they are. And so what, Donal O Grady brought them from pre 2002 to his standards, he is the best  better then Cody, but the circumstances will mean that Cody will go down as a bettter one. He was amazing, Allen carried that on, and when he stood down, the logical, right thing that should have happened was to continue on from that circle, to continue on with the success and appoint someone from Allen's backroom team..but the board thought no, we want our man in instead because they don't want another inspite of us manager, they wanted a yes man, someone they could control so they forced McCarthy who didn't want the job, into taking it. They didn't care how succesful that system had been, they wanted power and like Humphries said, when Allen steped down..
"This was the day when the empire began to strike back."

QuoteYou talk about the clubs being afraid to stand up. Surely they can unite and form a group. It surely would be big enough that it couldn't be ignored or rode by Frank Murphy. I don't understand how you say clubs are in the county boards pockets. If people are talking about giving a bit of respect to younger Cork players and not saying they're being led by the hand by Donal Og and Co, then surely at least the same courtesy is due to men over the age of 40 who have a lot more life experiences than to suggest they're in the county board's pockets. Maybe its simply a case that they agree with the county board? Perhaps they're fed up with the players?
Stand up..No..some wont, some don't want to.


i have to stop u there u say ger mac didnt want the job first day get ur facts rights right before u go preaching on here
he did want the job it was because of work that he was slow to take the job
it didnt mean he didnt want it


He didn't want the job, for whatever reason it was he didn't want it. He's said it, the players have said it, it's a commonly known fact that the board had to shove him in the direction of the job. He didn't want it at the start.