Best excuses for missing training.

Started by Lecale2, October 22, 2008, 04:38:32 PM

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I was grounded once - wasnt allowed out the door (and I mean out the door) except for mass and school for a month. I got back to training and football after a week.


The late Mick Holden arrived very late at training in Parnell park one Saturday morning and Heffo pulled him aside ready to read him the riot act

Holden: Heffo did you hear about the big armed robbery yesterday?
Heffo: Yeah, why?
Holden: Cos the guards pulled me over on the way and said I was the image of one of the robbers
Heffo: Jaysus, are you serious?
Holden: No, but it sounds better than I just couldn't be bothered getting out of bed!


One of our minors couldn't play a match one because of a golf injury. Not the most macho excuse ever . . .

Of course Stephen Ireland missed a match once because his grandmother was died. But, of course, she wasn't
Mayo for Sam! Just don't ask me for a year


Quote from: Lecale2 on October 22, 2008, 04:38:32 PM
I just got a text from one of our minors saying he couldn't train tonight because his sister was going to her school formal. I text him back asking how that affected him and he replied that he had to be at the house to wave bye bye to her when she gets into the limo. WTF! 

Will he be dropped is the question??

off the laces

ive been lifting bales all day i have no need to be doing any training this week ::)
Keeps 'er' straight


I had to leave training early one night to get my hair cut, i told the manager i had to go and he was laughing (thinking i was joking) as i started to walk away and he realised i was serious the laughter left him and the language got very industrial.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Not football but I was late for work one day and the boss was looking for an explanation

Boss - Where the f**k were you?

Zap - Sorry the girlfriend was having a baby.

Boss - Ooh, fair enough, what did she have?

Zap - I'll tell ye in nine months ;)

Boss - Hahahaha, good man Zap.

It's not originally mine, I had heard of another guy doing it so tried it and it worked a treat :D


Another old one: A young lad arrive into school an hour late one snowy morning.

- Where are you going at this hour?
- The roads are fierce slippy sir. Every time I went two steps forward I slipped three steps back.

- You realise that, mathematically, that means you could never have got here?
- I know. Sure didn't I turn around to go home!


Will never forget the time that we had a match the Sunday the clocks went forward.
Our intercounty player turned up at half time wondering why the match had started early.
Everyone had told him the clocks went forward at Fridays training.
The manager had even phoned him on Saturday night  ::)

Wanted.  Forwards to take frees.
Not fussy.  Any sort of ability will be considered

Louth Exile

St. Josephs GFC - SFC Champions 1996 & 2006, IFC Champions 1983, 1990 & 2016

fred the red

Someone let my budgie out of its cage.


Best one I heard was that a player couldnt make training because he was helping his da build a pigeon shed.

Also, a mate of mine once texted his manager at 2.30am on a Friday morning from Belfast asking him did he know the number of Dial-a-Drink. Worst of all the team had a match that night.


last year towards the end of the season we were sittin in renshaws and 2 of the lads had trainin at home (although they werent students, they were just down for the night before), and were try to make up excuses not to go back down the road, so one of them plucked up the courage and just text the manager saying that he wouldnt be back from belfast in time he was still there, and then the other one text immediately after just saying "so am i"  :D chancer!!


trainer...... why u late for training?

pa.............had to take the cow to the bull

trainer........could ur father not have done that?

pa..............jaysus no.. it had to be bull!
I'm trying to decide on a really meaningful message..
