School Strike

Started by Square Ball, October 19, 2008, 09:38:58 PM

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I started a thread a while back - Teachers get it Handy - It would appear I was wrong!  Pupils must be away clean raving mad these days.

Teachers holidays are still great though
In your Endo!

Dougal Maguire

Nolan is a complete twat. Its not all that long ago he was on about anti social behaviour by students in the Holy Land, however he seems to be quite content to tolerate it in the classroom. Patricia Lewesley is a joka and I agree with Lecale, what the hell does she do all day every day
Careful now


QuoteThe union have suggested a series of plans tailored to meet his needs but patricia lewesly claims it 'villifies' the pupil.
His needs? He needs a boot up the hole.

This is the whole problem in society, all this "god love the little rascal" bullshit makes my blood boil.  Kick the wee **** outof the school, let his parents deal with him - it will probably be news to his parents taht it's not teachers who should be bringing up their child though- and let everyone else get on with it.

Next thing he'll have some attention deficit disorder or some other bullshit. 
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Lar Naparka

Quote from: pintsofguinness on October 20, 2008, 07:36:31 PM
QuoteThe union have suggested a series of plans tailored to meet his needs but patricia lewesly claims it 'villifies' the pupil.
His needs? He needs a boot up the hole.

This is the whole problem in society, all this "god love the little rascal" bullshit makes my blood boil.  Kick the wee c**t outof the school, let his parents deal with him - it will probably be news to his parents taht it's not teachers who should be bringing up their child though- and let everyone else get on with it.

Next thing he'll have some attention deficit disorder or some other bullshit. 

I think you got it in one here.
Disruptive pupils very often come from disruptive homes. In rare cases, this might not be the case but nine times out of ten it is.
If parents were little f**kers themselves, you can't expect anything different from their kids. As regards the legal end, there is probably little or no difference between the situations here in the south and what seems to be the case up north.
Our government is running scared of its constitutional obligation to provide schooling for all children up to the legal leaving age of 15.
Because this is the main priority, little or no attention is paid to the problems parents, teachers or boards of management face on a daily basis and those three groups are hardly likely to protest at the same time or to demand  that their rights and those of the innocent kids involved be respected.
It is impossible to expel a pupil in the Republic. A school can get rid of one okay- provided it can come up with a suitable facility in the area willing to take him or her in. Even at that, parental consent has to be obtained.
Given that parental attitudes are usually at the root of the problem, that doesn't happen very often!
The situation changes, once a kid passes his or her 15th birthday. For one thing, backup in the form of counselling services and home visits drops away and the messers can be expelled.
Up until their constitutional rights to an education has ended, those trouble makers can do much as they please because our government is unwilling to spend the money needed to provide extracurricular facilities for them.
The tragedy is that one or two uncontrollable kids can disrupt the work of the whole school and put the safety and best interests of all other pupils at risk. I've seen enough of this codology down here to say it's a total farce and ties up a huge amount of teaching and supervision resources.
Janey! When there was more money in the kitty in recent times, schools down here had an overdose of child psychologists and social workers, not to mention counselling consultants, hopping up all over the place. None of them did a blessed bit of good and very few teachers were sorry to see them withdrawn. Absolutely nothing was done to stand up to aggressive pupils or their parents.
I feel the situation is much the same up north.
Nil Carborundum Illegitemi

Square Ball

Quote from: Orior on October 20, 2008, 11:32:37 AM
1) I suppose the toe-rag deserves some education, but where? Social services people would no doubt cry that he is a victim of his environment.

2) Its a shame that the parents of toe-rag have been able to keep their anonymity in all of this. They're the real culprits.

on the Nolan TV show tonight
Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid


Quote from: Square Ball on October 20, 2008, 09:19:17 PM
Quote from: Orior on October 20, 2008, 11:32:37 AM
1) I suppose the toe-rag deserves some education, but where? Social services people would no doubt cry that he is a victim of his environment.

2) Its a shame that the parents of toe-rag have been able to keep their anonymity in all of this. They're the real culprits.

on the Nolan TV show tonight

i missed it, what happened? did the union pull out of the show?

under the bar

Quote2) Its a shame that the parents of toe-rag have been able to keep their anonymity in all of this. They're the real culprits.

According to reports lad had never been in trouble up until his brother committed suicide last year.  Without knopwing the full facts of the case, it's probably easy to jump to conclusions about who's responsible.


According to a statement from the PPS the young lad has been charged with assault and will be summonsed to appear in court in November.

The teachers union are considering legal action against Patricia Lewsley because of her press statement yesterday.

No end in sight.


Quote from: under the bar on October 21, 2008, 10:40:01 AM
Quote2) Its a shame that the parents of toe-rag have been able to keep their anonymity in all of this. They're the real culprits.

According to reports lad had never been in trouble up until his brother committed suicide last year.  Without knopwing the full facts of the case, it's probably easy to jump to conclusions about who's responsible.

If, and i emphasise 'IF', that is the reason for his behaviour then he needs professional help with regard to his 'mental health' problems that are causing him to be a danger to all of those around him. Placing him back in a school where teachers and staff are not trained to deal with a person with such mental health issues is not the solution and in fact could lead to him being an even bigger danger to thier safety.
However In my opinion, eventhough it must be tough coping with a close family members death, too often these situations are exploited to condone the actions of what is merely a scum bag thug .


Should his parents not pull him out of school so that this gets sorted and let everyone else get back to normal? It's ridiculous that one child can impact on 500 others.
I'm 100% behind the teachers.


When I attended school, there was none of this ould ADHD n Ritalin n Human Rights shit.

There was P1-P7 as usual & then there was a P8 for the (shall we say) less well gifted (i.e. idiots & psychopaths). Failing that, the Christian Brothers just beat the shit outta ya, then your ma 'n' da followed suit when they found out.

No need for teachers' strikes back then. Ah, happy carefree days !


Looks like the strike at the school in N'ards could be called off at last. The board were totally intransigent but have now agreed to let the teachers union rep see the assessment of the youngster. The sticking point will be the appointment of the independent assessor.

It's good to see Education Minister Ruane finally getting involved and sorting this outbut what took her so long?
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