Have Kerry and Tyrone, since 2003, both been bad for football?

Started by T Fearon, October 03, 2008, 02:57:31 PM

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T Fearon


How many of you,like me, hanker for the glory days, and fabulous innocent and romantic All Ireland victories by the likes Armagh and Galway, before the current nasty era dominated by the cynicism and win at all costs attitude of both Kerry and Tyrone?

T Fearon

er, I though the author title was a bit of a giveaway as regards the identity of the thread originator, myself ;D

EC Unique

Have Kerry and Tyrone, since 2003, both been bad for football?

NO :-*


I never thought I'd see the day.

Tony using an article from the Belfast Telegraph to beat the GAA with. Oh how times have changed.
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under the bar

The biggest laugh is how he mentions a one-trick pony like Armagh in the same sentance as Galway!  ;D

red hander

In the long list of pathetic Fearon threads - and there are many candidates - this has to be the most pitiable.  Tony's obsessive jealousy with his vastly more successful neighbours is bordering on the ridiculous, and now he's bringing poor Kerry into it, as if they haven't suffered enough :-*


Tony it really does irk you that we have 3 times as many more All Ireland Senior titles as yous. Jes man forget it. Dont let it take over your whole life. We will take the Sam up to you sometime during the winter for a quick look if its of any help friend!!


So why would Kerry and Tyrone be bad for football Tony Fearon and Armagh not be/have been? Apart from obvious winding up potential.


I suppose he does have a point

Between Tyrone and Kerry we've won 38 Ai's


All-Ireland County Wins in 10 years at all levels

Tyrone - 9
Kerry - 6
Armagh - 2

Yeah, I think Tony has a point guys  :D
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Final Whistle

Dont Start lads.

Only thing he enjoys more than this craic is when McDonalds have a sale on big macs.

Just adopt the following attitude........

tony!!! lol

Armagh!!!! lol (note; final whistle generally likes armagh fans, tony though is a pr*ck, dont worry though every county has at least one)

Spurs!!! lol

Tony >>>>>>>>>  http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7648634.stm

his holiness nb

Quote from: Final Whistle on October 03, 2008, 03:15:49 PM
has tony fearon seen his penis since 2003? :( :(

This is a stupid thread and the answer is clearly no.
But is there any need for the personal crap?

Seems mods will let you away with murder once its only Tony you say it to.
Ask me holy bollix


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