"fifty Dead Men Walking"

Started by gerry, September 29, 2008, 09:48:30 PM

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rossie mad

No i was far from being sarcastic although after reading the post it did seem like that.

I was actually just stating the obvious.

Sarcasm is the best form of ignorance in my book to be honest.

Both sides of the above argument have valid points though.

rossie mad

Quote from: rossie mad on March 04, 2010, 10:28:32 AM

No i was far from being sarcastic although after reading the post it did seem like that.

I was actually just stating the obvious.

Sarcasm is the best form of ignorance in my book to be honest.

Both sides of the above argument have valid points though.

Sorry didnt read the last line of your post franko.
Wasnt trying to get at you.


Quote from: Franko on March 04, 2010, 08:47:23 AM
Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 08:35:33 AM
I wonder how many supporters of the provo killing machine on here would have shot/bombed anyone themselves.  I suspect that not too many would have, they prefer to sit in the comfort of their armchairs at home and pontificate to the rest of us about pacifism etc


Quite possibly none.  Just because you empathise with the cause for which someone does something (and possibly support their methods) doesn't mean you would necessarily go to the same lengths for the cause yourself.

How many members of the catholic church become priests/nuns/monks?  A very small percentage I would venture.  I know someone on here who sits behind his/her keyboard pontificating about the greatness of the church.  Is he/she equally as big a 'hypocrite'?

What a bullshit point ffs.  ::)
Your posts make you seem like a clueless gabshite
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something


Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 05:19:12 PM
Quote from: Franko on March 04, 2010, 08:47:23 AM
Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 08:35:33 AM
I wonder how many supporters of the provo killing machine on here would have shot/bombed anyone themselves.  I suspect that not too many would have, they prefer to sit in the comfort of their armchairs at home and pontificate to the rest of us about pacifism etc


Quite possibly none.  Just because you empathise with the cause for which someone does something (and possibly support their methods) doesn't mean you would necessarily go to the same lengths for the cause yourself.

How many members of the catholic church become priests/nuns/monks?  A very small percentage I would venture.  I know someone on here who sits behind his/her keyboard pontificating about the greatness of the church.  Is he/she equally as big a 'hypocrite'?

What a bullshit point ffs.  ::)
Your posts make you seem like a clueless gabshite

Your lack of any coherent argument or any attempt at such makes you seem like you are wrong.  ;)


people can talk about motivation and 'support' ec all they like
but the motivation was there
easy now sitting in the comfort of a ceasefire pontificating about how unnecessary fighting was

but in the middle of the bad old days, when catholics/nationalists/Irish were being persecuted and worse still - subjected to random acts of violence on families and individuals that were innocents - then eventually there was going to be a point where the camels back broke.
ordinary people turned to retaliation.
thats what it was -  retaliation. no big ideal for a united Ireland at the time as survival was the goal.
a life that did not have the violence allowed towards catholics/Irish/nationalists etc
unfortunately it took violence to stop this happening. civil rights movement and their attempts had no affect. It only got people killed and more attacked by the colluding appartheid like crown forces and unionist/loyalist vigilante kkk types.
Yes it was then mooted that a united Ireland would be the utopia that if reached would end the apartheid state and its at times genocidal activities and persecution.
However staying alive and being able to live a peaceful and somewhat free and normal life was what most of these volunteers wanted for their families.
Unfortunately it took violence to realise that.
Now we never want to have to see that again and thankfully we wont have to.


Franko the Church isn't priests and nuns etc, or not even the building.  It's all people who consider themselves Catholic so your point about the church is totally worthless

I stand by what I said, those people on here who are shouting about the legitimacy of armed struggle wouldn't do it themselves.  I have an uncle who is a supporter of the Shinners and all through his life he shouted about the injustices of this, that and the other.  Whenever anyone asked him if he wanted any of his sons to get involved, he went strangely quiet on it.  You and others on here remind me of him, armchair generals who are full of shit

Oh and another thing, the provos were riddled with touts.  Donaldson in the office, McShane in the car, I wonder if there is a tout within the trusted cabal.  It wouldn't surprise me.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something


Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 05:35:52 PM
Franko the Church isn't priests and nuns etc, or not even the building.  It's all people who consider themselves Catholic so your point about the church is totally worthless

I stand by what I said, those people on here who are shouting about the legitimacy of armed struggle wouldn't do it themselves.  I have an uncle who is a supporter of the Shinners and all through his life he shouted about the injustices of this, that and the other.  Whenever anyone asked him if he wanted any of his sons to get involved, he went strangely quiet on it.  You and others on here remind me of him, armchair generals who are full of shit
thats your opinion and fair enough.
you would prob be right about a few (obv in your own family) - but theres going to be a contingent of people you are wrong about.
rem from those times these ira folk have to spring up from somewhere !


Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 05:35:52 PM
Franko the Church isn't priests and nuns etc, or not even the building.  It's all people who consider themselves Catholic so your point about the church is totally worthless

I stand by what I said, those people on here who are shouting about the legitimacy of armed struggle wouldn't do it themselves.  I have an uncle who is a supporter of the Shinners and all through his life he shouted about the injustices of this, that and the other.  Whenever anyone asked him if he wanted any of his sons to get involved, he went strangely quiet on it.  You and others on here remind me of him, armchair generals who are full of shit

Well for a start you have no idea who would or wouldn't do anything. 
Most importantly though you can support something without being a part of it. Most people who vote and support political parties would not be a member of them. Of course no one would want their children to put themselves in harms way, that doesnt mean you can't respect, admire and support those who do. 
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 05:35:52 PM
Franko the Church isn't priests and nuns etc, or not even the building.  It's all people who consider themselves Catholic so your point about the church is totally worthless

I stand by what I said, those people on here who are shouting about the legitimacy of armed struggle wouldn't do it themselves.  I have an uncle who is a supporter of the Shinners and all through his life he shouted about the injustices of this, that and the other.  Whenever anyone asked him if he wanted any of his sons to get involved, he went strangely quiet on it.  You and others on here remind me of him, armchair generals who are full of shit

Yes, and nationalism/republicanism isn't IRA bombers/gunmen or safe houses, so how exactly does that make my analogy less applicable?  ???

Just because I wouldn't personally shoot someone in the name of 'irish unity' or whatever phrase you want to use to describe it doesn't mean that I can't call myself a nationalist.  Just because you aren't a priest doesn't mean you can't call yourself a Catholic.

Keep up please.  Is it any wonder the child abusers have managed to hoodwink you into defending them.


Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 05:35:52 PM
Franko the Church isn't priests and nuns etc, or not even the building.  It's all people who consider themselves Catholic so your point about the church is totally worthless

I stand by what I said, those people on here who are shouting about the legitimacy of armed struggle wouldn't do it themselves.  I have an uncle who is a supporter of the Shinners and all through his life he shouted about the injustices of this, that and the other.  Whenever anyone asked him if he wanted any of his sons to get involved, he went strangely quiet on it.  You and others on here remind me of him, armchair generals who are full of shit

Oh and another thing, the provos were riddled with touts.   Donaldson in the office, McShane in the car, I wonder if there is a tout within the trusted cabal.  It wouldn't surprise me.

Yes, and the Church is riddled with paedophiles...  is there a point to make here...??


The provos are riddled with paedophiles too or are you conveniently ignoring that?

Oh and Franko, almost forgot to ask you the question.  If it ever transpires that wee Marty or Gerry were touts, will you be shouting for them to be stripped, bound, gagged, blindfolded, shot and left in a ditch along the border with 2 bullets in the back of their head?
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something


Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 05:35:52 PM
I stand by what I said, those people on here who are shouting about the legitimacy of armed struggle wouldn't do it themselves.  I have an uncle who is a supporter of the Shinners and all through his life he shouted about the injustices of this, that and the other.  Whenever anyone asked him if he wanted any of his sons to get involved, he went strangely quiet on it.  You and others on here remind me of him, armchair generals who are full of shit

This sort of point always confuses me.

It usually comes from those of the opinion that 'those who were in the IRA were all cowards and criminals' while they argue the point that 'those who weren't in the IRA are all cowards for not being cowards and criminals' ???


Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something


Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 06:01:52 PM
The provos are riddled with paedophiles too or are you conveniently ignoring that?
Well there's no evidence that they were "riddled", unlike the church!
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Quote from: ardmhachaabu on March 04, 2010, 06:06:44 PM
Zap, you have confused me

Do you think that the posters on here you talk about did well as they never joined the IRA or is it something they should be shamefull about?