Ulster Scotch

Started by Square Ball, December 31, 2006, 10:31:06 PM

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QuoteP.S. It should be remembered that Gaelic in Scotland was never a "national" language, at its height it was only spoken in about 1/3rd of the current landmass of Scotland.
a very disputable statistic but even if true the remainder of the country  were prtending to speak ulster scots or any other antiquated vrsion of englis but pictish another Celtic language which Graudally died out in favor of  a more scottish Gaelic language and the invaders language in the south.
Like the bowler hats ulster scots is an attempt to stop the clock at a favorable time in football terms just in the 70th minute just before a last minute goal or point is scored against you. think Kerrry 5 in a row and seamus Darby
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere

Square Ball

Guys, all you ever wanted to know abot Ulscer scats is here
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