Fearon now employed as a security man

Started by Minder, September 05, 2008, 10:16:20 PM

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 :D :D

not wanting to get 'involved' with you donal this was not my view but what i believe (yes its true i havn't carried out a comprehensive survey of all ni supporters) to be the view of the 'northern ireland' supporters!

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

I think it would be a fair assumption to say that a sizeable proportion of the OWC fans would consider themselves BRITISH first, then some would say their Northern Irish, then Irish.
And before anyone  ::) asks for proof, there have been OWC posters on here who have stated as much. In fact, it has been discussed ad nauseum on this forum before.

his holiness nb

Quote from: iluvni on September 09, 2008, 10:47:20 AM
I suppose this thread was bound to go down the usual lines 

By that I presume you are commenting on the fact that the majority of posters here condemn the attacks, whether the fans were causing trouble or not??

Somehow I dont think so.

The more info that comes forward, the more it seems that the nifans were running a bit of a muck in the Irish bar with offensive songs, gestures and taking down the flags.

Now I still dont think they deserve what they got, just think the reports from one side saying they were sitting hand in hand in the bar with flowers in their hair singing coom bay ya as gaeilge shows how some people will blindly defend them because of what they are without having a clue what happened.

I dont know how many times English football fans have claimed total innocence when the foreign police clamped down on their hooliganism.

Truth is, nobody here knows exactly what happened, its all hearsay, we can all claim to know a lad who was there, its an anonymous forum, but nobody here should presume one extreme or the other.
Ask me holy bollix


Quote from: his holiness nb on September 09, 2008, 01:59:45 PM
Quote from: iluvni on September 09, 2008, 10:47:20 AM
I suppose this thread was bound to go down the usual lines 

By that I presume you are commenting on the fact that the majority of posters here condemn the attacks, whether the fans were causing trouble or not??

Somehow I dont think so.

The more info that comes forward, the more it seems that the nifans were running a bit of a muck in the Irish bar with offensive songs, gestures and taking down the flags.

Now I still dont think they deserve what they got, just think the reports from one side saying they were sitting hand in hand in the bar with flowers in their hair singing coom bay ya as gaeilge shows how some people will blindly defend them because of what they are without having a clue what happened.

I dont know how many times English football fans have claimed total innocence when the foreign police clamped down on their hooliganism.

Truth is, nobody here knows exactly what happened, its all hearsay, we can all claim to know a lad who was there, its an anonymous forum, but nobody here should presume one extreme or the other.

Of course the majority of posters here are totally opposed to what happened to the fans in the pub. Christ sakes, these lads are just the same as the majority of us..support our teams and banter the defeats and fans of other teams. Thats part and parcel of the appeal of sport, isnt it? Any wrong doing, I'd be completely and totally against it. Easy to say I suppose but the accounts of those in the pub on OWC ring truer than friend of a friend stuff.
What I was referring to when I said 'this thread was bound to go down the usual lines' is that we all know there are those, the Fearons  of this world and his  opposite on the other side' who arent able to settle for banter, but who have barely concealed glee that others have received a beating and suffered dreadful assaults. You'll always find them on threads  when NI football surface. The hatred spews out of them. They shame the rest of us, on 'either side', and their views deserve challenged at all times.

Solomon Kane

I was actually in The Dubliner on Saturday, although not when the bother started thank God. The "security" in question were actually far-right Mafia enforcers who work the whole of the city centre, not just any specific bar. I did see some of them later on elsewhere, but there were no high-vis bibs or anything like that - they were dressed in black bomber-jackets etc. At no point were ROI tri-colours ripped down, nor did I hear any sectarian chanting where I was or during the game. There were actually NI fans drinking in that bar later that day  :o. Personally I couldn't give the bastards another penny after calling thoses goon in to deal with what was just high spirits. It seemed at first sight to be a decent enough bar with nice food, with the usual tack that "Oirish" bars have all over the world. I would be surprised if there was actually any real Irish connection to the place - it struck me as just another gimmicky tourist trap.
The Mafia are huge in Bratislava and I would be shocked if there were any repercussions from this.


Quote from: iluvni on September 09, 2008, 10:47:20 AM
Quote from: T Fearon on September 08, 2008, 04:36:28 PM
I hear it went something like "We're not Brazil we're Northe.......fcuk me jaws broke!" ;D

I suppose this thread was bound to go down the usual lines, but this bore Fearon does take the biscuit sometimes. You portray yourself as some reasonable bloke, offended at some slight upon your poor community, but clearly, when the mask slips, you are one hateful sectarian c**t.
That you are continually indulged here is a pity.
Reported.  You might be allowed to post what you want on OWC (as long as you toe the party line) but there's rules on this board.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?