Will Tyrone ever shake off the puke football tag?

Started by T Fearon, September 03, 2008, 10:59:06 AM

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Will T-Fearon every lose his sour grapes about Tyrone?

Not until Tyrone have a 10 year barren run at all levels
Not until Armagh win another All-Ireland
Not until he becomes a priest
Not until he wins the lottery
Not Until he spits out the sour grapes and goes back to munching apples
Never - He is just to bitter and twisted

T Fearon

It seems to me that outside Ulster (journalists work for papers that of course don't want to jeopardise their circulation figures) Tyrone enjoy little or no respect, with the national media attributing Dublin's failure against them to the shortcomings of the Dublin management for example. Even if Tyrone open up and hammer Kerry playing exemplary attacking graceful football, will this be sufficient to shake off the puke tag and finally earn respect?


Quote from: T Fearon on September 03, 2008, 10:59:06 AM
It seems to me that outside Ulster (journalists work for papers that of course don't want to jeopardise their circulation figures) Tyrone enjoy little or no respect, with the national media attributing Dublin's failure against them to the shortcomings of the Dublin management for example. Even if Tyrone open up and hammer Kerry playing exemplary attacking graceful football, will this be sufficient to shake off the puke tag and finally earn respect?

I know this is another windup (It's going to be a long 3 weeks), but personally I have a huge respect for Tyrone. They have been the second best team of this decade at national level, and have proven extremely resiliant despite having several difficult periods, Cormac McAnallen (RIP), the serious injuries, retirements.

I might not like some elements of their approach, but I don't like some elements of Kerry's approach either, and I have the utmost respect for the Kingdom.

So, from this view, outside Ulster, I have immense respect for Tyrone, their ability, and their record. Players like Peter Canavan, Sean Cavanagh, Steven O'Neill, Brian McGuigan, Philip Jordan, Ryan McMeniman, Conor Gormley et al. have proven themselves to be at the peak of Gaelic football over the past 5 years or more.

All things considered, good and bad, Fair play to them I say. Deserving of their elevated station in the game, and deserving All Ireland winners and current finalists.

Over the Bar


Very unfair on Tyrone, but what would you expect from a pig but a grunt?


f**k me but he starts some shit threads!!!  He has one in the non gaa section on hot cross buns :-\  This 1 is a joke as it just reeks of pure jealousy, I think Tyrone played exellent football en route to their 2005 all ireland, and were great against Dublin and for long spells against Wexford.  What does he want?? At least they aren't totally depressing to watch like 11points a game Armagh who I think you'll find are the kings of puke football and helped Spillane to invent the term at halftime in the 2002 final! Theyve now been playing with that style for close to a decade...at least Tyrone can mix it up a bit!  
The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.

Over the Bar

LOL.  you can just picture him sitting in a South Armagh shebeen cracking open his bottle of Magners and chewin on a "borgor" watching the AIF in a borrowed Kerry jersey.   ;D :D ;D


Every county should follow the tyrone blueprint as the way they have played in the last two games has been unreal and the comaderie they have is top drawer.


Some anagrams of Tony Fearon:

Forte, Annoy!
Noon, Eat Fry
O, Tyrone Fan
Fanny or Toe?
No Entry, Oaf!
Yo, Neon Fart.
noon, yer fat.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


I have to say lads, I know Tony can be a bit of a tit at times, but from my reading of his post he is saying Tyrone DO deserve respect from the Southern Media but are having to work very hard to get it..

never kickt a ball

Quote from: T Fearon on September 03, 2008, 10:59:06 AM
It seems to me that outside Ulster (journalists work for papers that of course don't want to jeopardise their circulation figures) Tyrone enjoy little or no respect, with the national media attributing Dublin's failure against them to the shortcomings of the Dublin management for example. Even if Tyrone open up and hammer Kerry playing exemplary attacking graceful football, will this be sufficient to shake off the puke tag and finally earn respect?

Alas not everyone is lucky enough to be an Armagh supporter. Year after year (well almost) claiming the Ulster crown and year after year being consistently the best team in Ireland in July.


Tony, if you are going to sit up all night trying to come up with a decent wind up, you'll have to do better than this.

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Is he really on the wind up with this one?
Shock horror could he actually be genuine, and be making an observation on the apparent anti-Tyrone bias of some of the Southern media!


Yeah I think I get Tony's sentiment i.e. Tyrone are having to work hard for credit from the Southern press because of the perceived Northern bias. But unfortunately he has said Tyrone have this 'puke football' tag which in fairness hasn't been evident since 2003 so he's having a bit of a wind up with that one.

Anyway if Tyrone win the All Ireland they will have to play well and there is no doubt how good they played the last 2 games so I think they will get plenty of respect IF they win. If they don't well Kerry will have done the 3 in a row beating Tyrone along the way so the talk will be about the moder day greats and nobody will even care about Tyrone.

THe final really baffles me. On one hand I don't want Kerry domination with a 3 in a row. On the other it would kill me for Tyrone to win their 3rd All Ireland and have to listen to all the shite that entails. I suppose the best I can hope for is a good game and a day's entertainment!