So what sort are you?

Started by pintsofguinness, August 25, 2008, 07:20:29 PM

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I feel we don't know each other well enough.

Your answers suggest you are an Introvert, not an Extrovert.
You tend to focus on and get your motivation from your own inner thoughts and ideas.
Pints - Planner, facts, heads, Introvert
Not Pints - spantoneous, ideas, hearts, extrovert

Who would have thought it.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


What was your final description Pints?

mine was performer = spontaneous, facts, heart, extrovert

Agnes Dipesto

Go-Getter: Spontaneous, facts, head, extrovert


Your answers suggest you are a Go-getter

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:
Spontaneous, Facts, Heads and Extrovert
Summary of Go-Getters

    * Inventive, resourceful problem solvers with a love of life
    * Can be tough-minded when necessary
    * Think of themselves as enthusiastic, determined and alert
    * May become frustrated by rules and routines

More about Go-Getters

Go-getters are active, flexible people who put a great deal of energy into life. This group prefers learning on the job to quiet study and willingly jumps into almost any situation. Others are attracted to the Go-getter's positive attitude and enthusiasm.

Go-getters are most likely to say they dislike reading poetry books, according to a UK survey.

Go-getters find fun ways to tackle problems head-on and don't worry too much about rules. They are good at using logic to assess the situation and finding realistic solutions.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Go-getters may reject all routines and put fun ahead of responsibilities. Under extreme stress, Go-getters may become overwhelmed by thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong.

Go-getters may be liable to forget important dates such as a loved one's birthday.
Go-Getter Careers

Go-getters are attracted to a variety of careers, especially those which require attention to detail.

It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


Quote from: el_cuervo_fc on August 25, 2008, 07:35:07 PM
What was your final description Pints?

mine was performer = spontaneous, facts, heart, extrovert

Your answers suggest you are a Realist

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:
Planner, Facts, Heads and Introvert
Summary of Realists

    * Loyal and steady workers who meet deadlines
    * Believe in established rules and respect facts
    * Think of themselves as mature, stable and conscientious
    * May appear too logical or tough-minded and forget their impact on other people

More about Realists

Realists are loyal to the people around them and work hard to keep their promises. They are honest and straightforward with others and expect the same in return. Realists believe in standard procedures and will only support change when there is a demonstrable benefit.

Realists are the most common personality type in the UK, according to a nationwide survey.

Realists respect factual information, which they store up to use when making decisions. This group likes to have time to think quietly and carefully before taking action.

These extremely productive people like to be occupied in their leisure time with pursuits such as craftwork, hiking or reading.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Realists may become obsessed with schedules, critical of others or have trouble trusting other people to get the job done properly. Under extreme stress, Realists may complain loudly that events have taken a turn for the worse and predict negative outcomes.

Realists typically only share their opinions or personal experiences with trusted friends.
Realist Careers

Realists are attracted to jobs where decision making based on factual knowledge and experience is required.

I think it's extremely accurate! (apart from the craftwork and hiking)
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Your answers suggest you are a Nurturer
The four aspects that make up this personality type are: Planner, Facts, Hearts & Introverts

Summary of Nurturers
Care for the important people in their lives
Strive for harmony and avoid confrontation
Think of themselves as gentle, conscientious, and mature
May have trouble making decisions that could hurt others
More about Nurturers
Nurturers are quiet people who believe in order and diligently look after the people they care about. They focus on the needs of others and establish routines to help them meet their commitments.

Nurturers remember details that are important to them, such as their friends' birthdays and anniversaries. People with this personality type value others' feelings and may challenge behaviour they think is insensitive.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Nurturers may feel bitter and seek support by complaining to their colleagues. Under extreme stress, Nurturers may become preoccupied with the worst possible outcome and believe that they are heading for disaster.

Because they are so caring and loyal, Nurturers run the risk of being taken advantage of.

Nurturer Careers
Nurturers are often drawn to jobs that allow them to help others.

It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.


Your answers suggest you are a Strategist

Summary of Strategists

    * Quiet, easy-going and intellectually curious
    * Use logical, objective thinking to find original solutions to problems
    * Think of themselves as bright, logical and individualistic
    * May be impractical, forgetting practical issues, such as paying bills or doing the shopping

More about Strategists

Strategists are quiet people who like to get to the heart of tough problems on their own and come up with innovative solutions. They analyse situations with a sceptical eye and develop ways of measuring everything, including themselves.

Strategists are generally easy-going. They are intellectually curious and enjoy abstract ideas. Sometimes they like thinking of a solution to a problem more than taking practical steps to solve it.

In situations where they can't use their talents, are unappreciated, or not taken seriously, Strategists may become negatively critical or sarcastic. Under extreme stress, Strategists could be prone to inappropriate, tearful or angry outbursts.

Strategists may be insensitive to the emotional needs of others or how their behaviour impacts the people around them.

Strategist Careers

Strategists are often drawn to technical or scientific careers, where specialist knowledge is required. They also seem to enjoy jobs that involve long-term planning, abstract thinking or design.

It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.
Testing Accessibility


Puck = Innovator.

Your answers suggest you are an Innovator
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Innovators
Energetic and creative taking inspiration from everyone they meet
Enjoy flexible work environments with few rules and many opportunities for fun
Think of themselves as imaginative, sociable and sympathetic
May not think logically about their ideas
More about Innovators
Innovators are fun-loving, creative, sensitive people who enjoy developing their ideas by discussing them with others. This group supports the people around them and expects the same in return. Others are drawn to Innovators because of their love of life, caring nature and openness.

Innovators are most likely to say they do their best work when they start at the last minute, according to a UK survey.
Innovators are good at spotting opportunities and recognizing potential in people. Innovators put all their energy into new projects and their enthusiasm motivates others to support their plans.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Innovators may become rebellious and unfocused. Under extreme stress, Innovators may become preoccupied with meaningless details.

Innovators may over-extend themselves or put a night out with friends ahead of more pressing commitments.

Innovator Careers
Innovators are drawn to careers that require teaching or counselling, where they can work with and help encourage the development of others.

It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.

The Real Laoislad

Quote from: Puckoon on August 25, 2008, 08:50:16 PM
Puck = Innovator.

Your answers suggest you are an Innovator
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Innovators
Energetic and creative taking inspiration from everyone they meet
Enjoy flexible work environments with few rules and many opportunities for fun
Think of themselves as imaginative, sociable and sympathetic
May not think logically about their ideas
More about Innovators
Innovators are fun-loving, creative, sensitive people who enjoy developing their ideas by discussing them with others. This group supports the people around them and expects the same in return. Others are drawn to Innovators because of their love of life, caring nature and openness.

Innovators are most likely to say they do their best work when they start at the last minute, according to a UK survey.
Innovators are good at spotting opportunities and recognizing potential in people. Innovators put all their energy into new projects and their enthusiasm motivates others to support their plans.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Innovators may become rebellious and unfocused. Under extreme stress, Innovators may become preoccupied with meaningless details.

Innovators may over-extend themselves or put a night out with friends ahead of more pressing commitments.

Innovator Careers
Innovators are drawn to careers that require teaching or counselling, where they can work with and help encourage the development of others.

It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.

Real Laoislad also = Innovator
You'll Never Walk Alone.



there you go, thats all you need to know about me
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Summary of Resolvers
Good at getting to the heart of a problem and quickly finding a solution
Make rational decisions using the facts available
Think of themselves as understanding, stable and easy-going
May focus on short-term results and lose sight of the big picture
More about Resolvers
Resolvers are independent people who quietly learn how things work by analysing large amounts of information. Should a problem arise, they solve it with as little fuss as possible. Resolvers are only interested in abstract ideas, if they can be used to solve a problem quickly.

Resolvers like to take risks: Many of them seek jobs and pastimes that put them in harms way and guarantee an adrenaline rush.

Resolvers have changed jobs most frequently since leaving full-time education, according to a UK survey.
Resolvers are often tolerant of behaviour different to their own as long as their values aren't compromised. They sometimes give the impression that they agree with other peoples' viewpoints because they don't actively disagree.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Resolvers may become cynical, negatively critical or put off decisions. Under extreme stress, Resolvers could be prone to inappropriate, tearful outbursts.

Resolvers are quiet and sometimes it is difficult to get to know them; however, they often talk freely about subjects they understand well.

Resolver Careers
Resolvers are often drawn to hands-on jobs that require an analytical mind and careful organisation of large amounts of data.


I've always found you to be a bit scatty to be honest Treas.
Testing Accessibility


Quote from: ziggysego on August 25, 2008, 10:20:42 PM
I've always found you to be a bit scatty to be honest Treas.

Em.. why's that LL, or whatever your name is


Quote from: Treasurer on August 25, 2008, 10:25:05 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on August 25, 2008, 10:20:42 PM
I've always found you to be a bit scatty to be honest Treas.

Em.. why's that LL, or whatever your name is

Oh, it's like that now? :P
Testing Accessibility



Summary of Supervisors

    * Bring order to their home and work life
    * Like to act on clear, achievable goals
    * Think of themselves as stable, practical and sociable
    * May be irritated when people don't follow procedures