Jonny Wilkinson- Speech

Started by Off The Fence, July 16, 2008, 10:46:44 PM

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Off The Fence

Could Anyone help me fins the speech was sent by the Army General to Jonny Wilkinson before the 2002 World Cup Final.  Want to show it to a friend but cant find it anywhere.


12.75 seconds on Google.

Today you must do more than is required of you.
Never think that you have done enough or that your job is finished.
There's always something that can be done, something that can help to ensure victory.
You can't let others be responsible for getting you started.
You must be a self-starter.
You must possess that spark of individual initiative that sets the leader apart from the led.
Self-motivation is the key to being one step ahead of everyone else and standing head and shoulders above the crowd.
Once you get going don't stop.
Always be on the lookout for the chance to do something better.
Never stop trying.
Fill yourself with the warrior spirit - and send that warrior into action

One of General Patton's apparently.

Off The Fence

Niall Quinn

Back to the howling old owl in the woods, hunting the horny back toad

Yes I Would

This one never fails to motivate the troops, and bring a tear to the eye.