The Wire *Spoiler Alert* Series 3

Started by Dinny Breen, April 11, 2008, 11:02:46 AM

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Dinny Breen

Anybody else watch this on FX, watced Monday nights episode last night (god bless Sky plus), bloody fantastic, can't believe they killled Stringer Bell, didn't see that coming at all....


Downloaded and watched the first four seasons a while back after someone on here recommended it. There's a few more shocks to come in season three.

Dinny Breen

Thought there might be after that killing, tempted to either buy or just download the rest, can't wait.......


lads you should really hide those spoilers better as it coulf ruin the show for someone. i finished season 5 a few weeks ago. was a good decent show alrite!

Battlestar is back now for season 4!!!
Grand Slam Saturday!


Just finished Season 5 there last week as well, was the weakest of all the seasons but still brialliant television. If you're still on Season 3, then you've got the pleasure of Season 4 to look forward to(the highest ratest show on of the last four years), with out doubt the best show I've seen in my life.