How rotten can this get? Was Ian the Patsy?

Started by Hurler on the Bitch, February 21, 2008, 09:01:45 PM

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Quote from: Hurler on the Bitch on February 21, 2008, 11:38:38 PM
Quote from: GweylTah on February 21, 2008, 11:25:58 PM
Opening this can-of-worms is long-overdue, voting on their own pay, expenses generally, SF-recuited taxi drivers masquerading as ministerial drivers, where does the list end?

Call the thought police... the Sinners are not innocent... fecking Adams being driven about by a guy who was feeding all back to the Brits.... then Scap ... then Donaldson....... Jesus, Mary and St Joseph........... in a real political party the main man would be requested to resign after such shite... but not in the Sinners - more democracy in a Stormont Parliament - 1922-1972................................ too many houses in Donegal if you ask me ... etc etc ... May Ireland's Dead ... Bobby Sands said that the revenge would be in the 'laughter of our children' ... more like the revenge will be in the screech of joyriders as the Sinners slept in Donegal!!!!!!!!!! Notice I do not put a H in S - H - inners.. Wonder Why?

Shoot them all!!!