Free State Government grant to Orange Order

Started by T Fearon, February 07, 2008, 11:14:39 AM

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T Fearon

Is there anything the free state authorities will not do to appease these bigots? They do not seem to have got their heads round the concept that treating people with kindness and human civility will not necessarily make them civilised. Another kick up the teeth for beleaguered people in Portadown etc who have suffered grievously from Orange terror. Remember the five fingered salute outside the bookmakers on the Ormeau Road? Its like grant aiding the old Apartheid regime in S Africa, or maybe Eoghan Harris is running the show now anyway >:(


I don't think any of the money is coming north. It's for the Orange Order in the south along the border areas of Cavan, Monaghan and Louth.
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T Fearon

And is there a difference Ziggy? Like do the orange louts in Monaghan, Cavan etc allow their members to marry catholics, and not consider the Pope to be the anti christ?


To be honest, I'm not familiar with the Orange Order in the south. I'm just taking Rossnowlagh as a reference point and to me that seems to be run quite well.
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T Fearon

It runs quite well due to the magnanimity of the local people in ignoring or accommodating their demonstration. Take it from me its the same Orange Order with the same hate filled ethos that we all know and hate

guy crouchback

Quotethe same hate filled ethos that we all know and hate

can you not see tony that this is you.


I think you will find that it's the IRISH GOVERNMENT giving grants to IRISH CITIZENS who live in the area ruled by the IRISH Government.

A lot of them may well be religious bigots but arent Shamrock Rovers getting a free stadium off the same Government and there are a lot of hate filled bigots in that club.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM

Gaoth Dobhair Abu



unbelievable, culture my arse wouldnt give them a cent

Fear ón Srath Bán

No organisation that forbids membership, or discriminates, on the basis of what one is born by chance should be in receipt of tolerance and understanding, much less tax payers' money.
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...


Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.

T Fearon

The free state is the 26 counties of Ireland not under British Diktat. Sadly its people and government have now willingly assented to British diktat prevailing in the remaining six counties and the same government now finances the worst manifestations of that diktat, namely the bigoted, sectarian and exclusive Orange Order. I can't understand why the Polish community doesn't invite their government to take over  that part of Dublin they live in. After all the freestate government willingly facilitates the British occupation of the six northern counties, and surely wouldn't therefore object to Poland ruling part of Dublin. >:(

Star Spangler

Quote from: ziggysego on February 07, 2008, 11:23:49 AM
To be honest, I'm not familiar with the Orange Order in the south. I'm just taking Rossnowlagh as a reference point and to me that seems to be run quite well.

95% of the marchers at Rosnowlagh are from the North.


Ziggy for a seeminly intelligent man u are a bit green around the ears. Of course this money is coming north. On the face of it the wan**rs say that it is going to be used for doing up their tin huts etc. but as soon as the cheque clears they will be into the bureau de change to get the ole queens head money that they are more happy with. The problem is that the generation that knew the order for what it is are having less and less to say on matters.


This is real evidence of why FF will never relate to the people of the 6 countys. They have no concept of the reality of the 6 countys. They are victims of they're own success. Through years of disconnecting the two parts of the Island they have actually disconnected themselves from Irish people they claim to be their own.