Peter Canavan on the grants issue!!

Started by BennyHarp, January 18, 2008, 10:22:10 AM

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Makes an interesting read!!

17 January 2008

Some Things Never Change - January 2008. Here we are - the New Year at last! The excesses of Christmas and the festive season well and truly behind us and before us the blank canvas that is 2008.

Just what that canvas will portray for us at the end of the year no-one knows, but if we were able to complete that canvas now it would be filled with all the beautiful colours of joy, love and success.

Unfortunately, though, for some of us the actual finished canvas will include the deep, dark colours of pain and sorrow while most of us will have a heavy scattering of all the bland colours to signify the limited success achieved throughout the year. Not too many people will end up with the perfect canvas I'm afraid. However, hope springs eternal and thousands of footballers, hurlers and camogs throughout Ireland will have optimistically launched themselves already into a mixed bag of training regimes - forgetting past failures and dreaming confidently of glorious conquests sure to come.

Throughout hundreds of homes in Ireland our administrators are snugly tucked away diligently preparing that chairman's address, secretary's report or treasurer's financial report for the thousands of patrons who will faithfully attend their own AGM. Draft reports are frequently read and re-read to ensure all facts and figures are correct and that nobody has been missed in their annual roll-of-honour.

The final draft is then read a few times, perhaps aloud, just to make sure that it can be confidently delivered with enough patriotic fervour and parochial pride so as to arouse the dormant passions of those present. Most of these AGMs and conventions will run as planned with the vast majority of old faces, clergy included, back in office and just a couple of new officers drafted in to keep things fresh and maybe add a new dimension to the heated debate that will surely follow when the topics of management and fund-raising are discussed.

The following scenario is fairly typical of what takes place throughout many clubs in Ireland:
John Joe has just been re-elected chairman of his club (should make honorary president next year along with the P.P. as it is his 30th year on the committee). His wife, Maggie, proudly applauds along with the rest of the 32 delegates present before turning back to check the water-boiler, knowing they'll be looking for their tea as soon as the remaining officers have been elected and before the big debate on the "outside man" as manager takes place. AGM over, they return to their country home. Once alive with youth and farming activities, the house is now quiet. Lads gone off to work, land let out to the Donnellys - the big farming family in the locality.

Maggie: I enjoyed your chairman's report. It was tremendous. And I don't think you missed out anything. You even remembered to congratulate young Rory Mac on making the county team again.
John Joe: Wouldn't you think he could have bloody made his way to the meeting today. Ever since he married and moved up near the city you would hardly clap eyes on him. Except for training twice a week, the matches, lotto meetings and U16 training you would never see him. He won't even go to the pub now with the rest of the lads for a couple of pints.
Maggie: Ahh, times have changed, John Joe.
John Joe: You're right there, Maggie! D'ya know, I mind the time I used to have to ride the bike four mile down to Black's medda for a match, ride another two mile to
the school for a meeting and ride back home again to do the milk'in. Sure you wouldn't get young lads to do that nowadays. Sure you wouldn't, Maggie?
Maggie: You would not John Joe. It's just a pity you're not fit for the same any more, John Joe, but sure times are changing.
John Joe: Aye, you've got that right Maggie!
Meanwhile, in the semi-detached on the outskirts of the city, 9.00pm Rory Mac lands home. Back from the county trials - 45 miles away.

Rory: Hello Kylie, pet. I'm home.
Kylie: Don't bloody pet me! I thought the trials were at two o'clock! I wanted the car to go see Mummy!
Rory: Yeah, they were at two. Weren't over to four, had a bit of pasta and then had to go to the physio for a rub.
Kylie: That's the only rub you'll be getting this day! Anyway, you'll probably need the physio again after you've eaten that dinner that has been in the oven this last three hours. Can I have the car tomorrow night?
Rory: Sorry, pet. Club have just got new "outside man" as manager and he has called a meeting tomorrow night.
Kylie: Oh, Rory. Things need to change!
Rory: I know, pet. I know.

Maggie: Will you still have to look after the clubrooms, John Joe?
John Joe: You know rightly I will. But sure it's just not as bad now that the managers make the lads red up after themselves. The time switch on the showers and heating is a great job too. The worst thing is those bloody ice-baths! They leave the whole place soaking. 35 young lads, them buck naked, running back and forward from the ice-baths to the showers. You can just imagine what that would be like! Can't you Maggie?

Maggie: ????????????????
John Joe: Maggie?
Maggie: ..Uh,,,,, Oh, sorry John Joe. Yeah, I can just imagine. Anyway (regaining her composure), what are those ice-baths for?
John Joe: Couldn't tell you, Maggie. Something to do with your muscles and everything contracting with the cold. Anyhow, you wouldn't get me into one of them!
Maggie: No, John Joe - your muscles and everything seem to be contracting OK anyway! But sure times are changing, John Joe.
John Joe: Aye, you're right there, Maggie.

Kylie: (fixing herself a night cap) Where the hell has all the ice gone? I filled two trays yesterday!
Rory: (ice pack on shoulder, one on knee) Sorry, pet.
Kylie: Forget this! C'mon Rory. Let's go out for a wee drink, maybe something to eat.

Rory: Gee, pet. I'm exhausted. Anyway, you know I can't drink now that training has started and I really do need to lose a couple of pounds.
Kylie: Oh, for God's sake, Rory, plenty of footballers go out and have a few pints and play away!
Rory: Kylie, the old days of playing football are long gone! We have to be fit even before we go to training.
Kylie: OK, let's book Wednesday night. We can go to that restaurant - the only bloody one in the city that does your pasta just right - and have a nice relaxing evening.
Rory: Sorry, honey. County training has been arranged for Wednesday night - McKenna Cup starts in a couple of weeks.
Kylie: Hooray for the McKennas! Oh, Rory. Things will have to change.
Rory: I know, pet. I know.

Maggie: Isn't it great I don't have the bother of washing those jerseys anymore.
John Joe: Isn't it great, Maggie! You couldn't cope now anyway there is so many sets about. PJ's Engineering Works has sponsored another couple of set for the under age, Paddy's Pub has sponsored the senior kits again and yer man in Centra has sponsored the girls kits. But sure that new launderette is mighty and for all it costs sure you wouldn't see it out of the lotto money.
Maggie: I suppose you'll have to help with the pitch the year again?
John Joe: You know rightly, I will. But with Seamus there all the time she's not in bad shape. We throw the Donnellys a couple pound now and again for cuttin and roullin her and it's not hard to manage the rest. We just hang up the new nylon nets now and again and with that new stuff for marking her out twice a year is enough for that. I told the new manager he wasn't allowed to train on her till March so there won't be any work there for a while, maybe put up that new electronic scoreboard. They can use the gym or the all-weather pitch at school or travel to the leisure centre for a couple of weeks. I mind the time I used to come back from the medda with the legs stung off me with nettles and the knees cut off me. Huh, you wouldn't get the young lads to do that today.
Maggie: I'm sure you wouldn't. Remember the time, John Joe, I took short in the medda and got stung with them nettles meself.
John Joe: (recalls a distant memory, shudders, lets it pass) Indeed I do, Maggie.

Maggie: But sure, thankfully things have changed, John Joe.
John Joe: Thank God, Maggie. Thank God.

Rory: Do you think that football gear will be ready for Wednesday, pet?
Kylie: It would stand a better chance if it could somehow make its way from your smelly football bag to the washing machine. Every bloody evening that washing machine goes on and it's only for your bloody stuff!
Rory: Aye, well, it's that time of year. Every place is mucky.
Kylie: Just remember. I will be at Mummy's on Tuesday evening so you'll have to look after yourself.
Rory: No worries. One of the lads is lifting me to go ticket selling.
Kylie: Ticket selling?
Rory: Yeah, what with this new "outside man" on-board the club has launched a fund-raising draw so we all have to sell a few tickets.
Kylie: Sigh.

Maggie: I hear some of the Donnelly lads have started playing soccer for the town, getting paid too, I hear.
John Joe: Aye, talking about Australia too I believe. It's far from it they were reared! They'll probably still expect to play on Sundays.
Maggie: Do you think the new "outside man" will allow that?
John Joe: I dunno, Maggie but I know Paddy won't allow it. You remember Paddy 'The Blade'? Played corner back on the great team of '61. He's in along with the "outside man". We were beat in the intermediate final that year. Wasn't Paddy's fault though. We were robbed. He was a mighty player. I remember one day he lost his boots and played in his hobnails. You wouldn't have knowed the difference! Mighty man! Me and him could had a lock of Guinness and a couple of rum the night before a match and you wouldn't have seen it on us the next day at all! Huh, you wouldn't see the likes of young Rory Mac doing that.
Maggie: 'Deed you wouldn't. But sure times are changing, John Joe.
John Joe: You're right there, Maggie!
Kylie: Do you think maybe we could get away for a drive somewhere at the weekend, Rory?
Rory: Sorry, honey. County trials on Saturday and the "outside man " has arranged a challenge match with some team in Leitrim on Sunday. I would probably need to get to bed as soon as I get back from the physio on Friday night. I'll drop off the lotto money on Saturday when I'm passing.
Kylie: Thanks for letting me know! You said last year that there would be no U21s and no college football and there would be plenty of time. Look Rory, we are just going to have to get another car. I can't go on like this. Why didn't you take up that offer you got last night and transfer to the local club. That offer of a car sure seems tempting now!
Rory: But sure there is no way I could leave the club at home, especially now that the "outside man" is in. You know, money is not everything pet.
Kylie: (Doh!!!)
Maggie: What decision did yous come to on that grants issue I heard yous discussing today?
John Joe: Sure we voted against it, of course. I know there's none of the lads about here want to play for money! I remember when we were playing the commitment we had was second to none!
Maggie: Watch the ashes of that fag, John Joe. It's falling into your fry!
John Joe: Them and their grants! Get me the butter and sugar there Maggie. Why the hell don't they leave things the way they are!
Maggie: Sure there's no bloody need to be changing anything, is there, John Joe?
John Joe: None at all, Maggie. None at all!
Kylie: Well, thank God the GPA has got those grants passed at last. When can we expect to get your grant, Rory? Would surely come in handy since you've had to quit the overtime and me now pregnant.
Rory: God, Kylie, I don't know if I can take that money. People will think I'm all for pay-to-play.
Kylie: (Did I really marry this geek?) But it's not pay for play. It's for achievement, endeavour and commitment. And don't you have to do more coaching?
Rory: I know all that, Kylie. Anyway it doesn't matter. John Joe and the boys have voted against the grants scheme so there probably won't be any grants.
Kylie: Way to go, John Joe! Remind me to buy him a drink next time we see him out. Really, Rory. Things will have to change.
Rory: I know, pet. I know.

That was never a square ball!!



I suppose it is a bit long winded but i think its a fairly well constructed article and not far off the mark!!
That was never a square ball!!


It was the structure that put me off. As close to Paddywacking as I've seen in a while.


QuoteIt was the structure that put me off. As close to Paddywacking as I've seen in a while.

::) Paddywacking?? God, give me strength!!!
That was never a square ball!!


You wouldn't get that dialogue in a bad Hollywood picture for an American audience.

Will Hunting

God, that's painful! Even Donny's diary is a better read.  :(


What's it about i couldn't be bothered reading it.

magpie seanie

Such a load of hackneyed rubbish. Shame on you Peter.


I know he's a teacherr but please God its not creative writing he teaches!!

The Claw

Jesus lads i thought it was an enjoyable read. Gives an insight into what a county player has to put up with from people close to him and from club members.


those pesky self preserving interfering club members eh?


Quote from: The Claw on January 18, 2008, 12:25:43 PM
Jesus lads i thought it was an enjoyable read. Gives an insight into what a county player has to put up with from people close to him and from club members.
Totally agree claw. Don't think it was meant to be a prose masterpiece but certainly gives a great snapshot of the pressures on young county players, particularly married ones and the superb commitment of the grassroots member- both of whom are the bedrock of our great asssociation. Unfortunately the gap between the two is so wide now, it is difficult for both to understand eachother. Is there anyone to blame for this?-IMO, it is Croke Park and the county boards who despite their gibberings about the club, couldn't care less about it and their main concern is MONEY< MONEY< MONEY!!!!


Quote from: hardstation on January 18, 2008, 12:44:52 PM
You all must have missed the hidden messages from The Great One. Superb article.
I'm away to buy a frame. This will be worth a fortune when he kicks the bucket.
Absolutely, Hardstation, they missed the message completely. Coming from a man who whose heart was much if not more with his club as his county, I think it could only have come from someone as clued in as Peter.


The style of the article may not be to everyone's tastes, but I for one thought it was an enjoyable read. Reactions like "paddywacker" and "shame on you peter" are ridiculous! I would imagine if you actually read the article instead of reading a few lines then commenting, you'd realise there are plenty of home truths contained! However, some people dont like to hear the truth! Its much easier to slag something in a very over exaggerated and infantile way!
That was never a square ball!!