The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



Was hoping to get Florida and Nevada but not looking likely.

I'd love to smack this greyo moustachey looking Republican c**k on BBC. He doesn't seem to be taking this ass whooping gracefully!!!!!!

Night night folks...



Did you ever see a more dour person in your life lol Wasn't taking it well at all. Even giving out about the standard of the BBC reporting at one point. What about that excitable wee Republican that was being interviewed. Thought he was going to burst, he was that excited lol Anyway, eyes are heavy. Time I went to sleep. Looking forward to waking up in the morning to seeing the headlines President Elect Barack Obama. Goodnight all. :)
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I can actually hear people cheering in the streets and fireworks going off now.

President Obama has a nice ring to it.

McCain showed class with his defeat speech.

Now the work begins, a bunch of messes to cleanup.

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Stew make sure you change the oil in that snowblower, I will not be heading north ;).

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Quote from: Old Bill on November 05, 2008, 01:51:37 AM
GREAT interview with jesse jackson on BBC. Studio people said that without someone like jesse jackson, there would be no President Obama today

No one in Chicago likes Jesse Jackson(his home base), Obama should distance himself from the moron.

By CHARLES HURT, D.C. Bureau Chief
Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama
Last updated: 10:10 pm
July 9, 2008
Posted: 6:35 pm
July 9, 2008

WASHINGTON - In a vulgar tirade caught on tape by Fox News, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said he wanted to "cut his [Barack Obama's] nuts out" and he accused the fellow Chicagoan of "talking down to black folks" by giving moral lectures to African-Americans, source said Jackson's shocking quotes were picked up by a hot mic before an interview on health care in Fox's Chicago studio last Sunday

Fox planned to air the recording on Bill O'Reilly's "The Factor" show.

In an effort to blunt the controversy, Jackson issued an apology.

"For any harm or hurt that this hot mic conversation may have caused, I apologize," Jackson said in a statement.

Jackson said he couldn't recall everything he'd said in the studio but couched the remarks as part of a discussion about Obama speaking to black churchgoers.

In such settings, Obama has urged greater emphasis on fatherhood, advised parents to choose reading books over playing video games and most recently told young students to stick with school and forget about a career as a rap star or professional basketball player.

Jackson said that in doing so Obama was hurting his relationship with black voters, "that the senator was cutting off his you-know-whats with the black people and black churches."

Jackson told CNN that he called the Obama campaign to apologize and reiterated his support for the campaign of the first black nominee of a major party.

"My support for Senator Obama's campaign is wide, deep and unequivocal," he said in his statement. "I cherish this redemptive and historical moment."

Obama had no comment.

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Great speeches from both McCain and Obama. I never thought it could happen in my life time.
Talking is an overrated way of communicating.


I'm waiting for the official visit to Ireland when he suddenly discovers his Irish roots and was really O'Bama.

The lesser of the two evils methinks.
To find his equal an Irishman is forced to talk to God!


Quote from: Aerlik on November 05, 2008, 07:20:28 AM
I'm waiting for the official visit to Ireland when he suddenly discovers his Irish roots and was really O'Bama.

The lesser of the two evils methinks.

His roots are in Offaly ,We've known this for a year . I don't think the phrase lesser of two evils applies to Obama
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.


Quote from: Gnevin on November 05, 2008, 09:11:41 AM
Quote from: Aerlik on November 05, 2008, 07:20:28 AM
I'm waiting for the official visit to Ireland when he suddenly discovers his Irish roots and was really O'Bama.

The lesser of the two evils methinks.

His roots are in Offaly ,We've known this for a year . I don't think the phrase lesser of two evils applies to Obama

You're right. There isn't enough difference in them to be able to distinguish. Not as far as we are concerned anyway.

give her dixie

2 Offaly men now in charge..............
Between them, the county is in for some serious investment.
There will be one hell of a homecoming for President Obama when he returns to Tullamore.....
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


I see Vice President elect Joe Biden has strong links to Ireland too.... its gona be a real paddys party at the white house :D


Quote from: ziggysego on November 05, 2008, 03:32:27 AM
Did you ever see a more dour person in your life lol Wasn't taking it well at all. Even giving out about the standard of the BBC reporting at one point. What about that excitable wee Republican that was being interviewed. Thought he was going to burst, he was that excited lol Anyway, eyes are heavy. Time I went to sleep. Looking forward to waking up in the morning to seeing the headlines President Elect Barack Obama. Goodnight all. :)

Quote from: dec on November 05, 2008, 04:01:27 AM
President elect Barack Obama.

Damn it. I couldn't hang on for another half hour :(

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I think it only appropriate to commend McCain on his dignity throughout the campaign and his graciousness in defeat. A great man imo involved with a not so nice Political Party with some really nasty edges to it. Measure of the man imo that he made a fight of the election despite Bush Jnr and the recent financial turmoil which really rendered his chances impossible.

Still feel that Obama will really disappoint as he cannot deliver on all his promises.Great also to see the first Catholic Vice President and "Irish" to boot.


Quote from: Canalman on November 05, 2008, 12:59:37 PM
Great also to see the first Catholic Vice President and "Irish" to boot.

I think Gerald Ford was Catholic. I know he wasn't elected but he was VP and later President.