The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?


Tyrones own

Yes some pretty scary associations to radicalism with names I'd heard but hadn't time to research,
I'm sure you'll be reading about it but you might have to go to alternative news sources than
what you used to ;)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Sean Hannity and Fox News giving a fair an open minded show on Barrack Obama is like an Atheist preaching scripture- a total joke.

Ayers and Obama worked together, when Ayers was "active" with his protests Obama was 8yrs old.

Kahlidi and Obama were neighbors whose kids went to the same school. He ate dinner with the Kahlidis and discussed American and Muslim views on global relations. :o

The whole show was an Anti Obama smear campaign that the Republicans have again stooped down to because the election looks in doubt.

The only radical ideals or association in the program were how the Republicans and Fox News are in bed together.

I really do not consider myself a Democrat or Republican more of an Independent who can think for myself and doesn't have to be lead by a defined group to see who would be the best man/woman for an elected position.

What I witnessed tonite on Hannity was a blatant attack using more fear tactics that were used by "W" to win his election.


Quote from: Tyrones own on October 06, 2008, 04:55:12 AM
Yes some pretty scary associations to radicalism with names I'd heard but hadn't time to research,
I'm sure you'll be reading about it but you might have to go to alternative news sources than
what you used to ;)

On the contrary, I listen to quite a bit of talk radio (not Hannity as, as I've said, I just cannot stomach him), read many articles on websites like Townhall and National Review and I'm a subscriber to The Economist (not very sympathetic to the religious right, but certainly a fiscal conservative publication). I am not really interested in just hearing my opinions and prejudices reinforced day in and day out, which is why I like to read opinions from opposing philosophoes.  I do not swallow most of what they say, but that doesn't mean that I don't hear them. It boggles my mind when you read people on websites like FreeRepublic boasting about how they only get their news from talk radio and Fox News, but still maintain that they are well informed. How much reading do you do of non-right wing media? Surely you don't get all of your news from the likes of Michael Savage?


Quote from: DrinknHarp on October 06, 2008, 06:05:45 AM
Sean Hannity and Fox News giving a fair an open minded show on Barrack Obama is like an Atheist preaching scripture- a total joke.

Ayers and Obama worked together, when Ayers was "active" with his protests Obama was 8yrs old.

Kahlidi and Obama were neighbors whose kids went to the same school. He ate dinner with the Kahlidis and discussed American and Muslim views on global relations. :o

The whole show was an Anti Obama smear campaign that the Republicans have again stooped down to because the election looks in doubt.

The only radical ideals or association in the program were how the Republicans and Fox News are in bed together.

I really do not consider myself a Democrat or Republican more of an Independent who can think for myself and doesn't have to be lead by a defined group to see who would be the best man/woman for an elected position.

What I witnessed tonite on Hannity was a blatant attack using more fear tactics that were used by "W" to win his election.

Hannity is an utter sc**bag.


Looks like Obama is going to get down in the muck as well...

Quote from campaign email:

"Over the weekend, John McCain's top adviser announced their plan to stop engaging in a debate over the economy and "turn the page" to more direct, personal attacks on Barack Obama.

In the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, they want to change the subject from the central question of this election. Perhaps because the policies McCain supported these past eight years and wants to continue are pretty hard to defend.

But it's not just McCain's role in the current crisis that they're avoiding. The backward economic philosophy and culture of corruption that helped create the current crisis are looking more and more like the other major financial crisis of our time.

During the savings and loan crisis of the late '80s and early '90s, McCain's political favors and aggressive support for deregulation put him at the center of the fall of Lincoln Savings and Loan, one of the largest in the country. More than 23,000 investors lost their savings. Overall, the savings and loan crisis required the federal government to bail out the savings of hundreds of thousands of families and ultimately cost American taxpayers $124 billion.

Sound familiar?

In that crisis, John McCain and his political patron, Charles Keating, played central roles that ultimately landed Keating in jail for fraud and McCain in front of the Senate Ethics Committee. The McCain campaign has tried to avoid talking about the scandal, but with so many parallels to the current crisis, McCain's Keating history is relevant and voters deserve to know the facts -- and see for themselves the pattern of poor judgment by John McCain.

So at noon Eastern on Monday, October 6th, we're releasing a 13-minute documentary about the scandal called "Keating Economics: John McCain and the Making of a Financial Crisis" -- it will be available at, along with background information that every voter should know."


I'd have thought McCains voting record on the invasion of Iraq and his participation in bombing runs over Hanoi during the Vietnam war meant that he was actually involved in terrorist activities rather than Obama's links with Ayers?


"McCain lacked judgment on issue of visa for Adams"

"McCain followed Britain's lead and opposed giving Gerry Adams the visa. He described Clinton's involvement in Northern Ireland as "mistaken"."


As a die hard republician I have to say I am ashamed of the shift in tactics and the personal assaults on Obama. I would have been fine if the latest allegations had played out months ago but instead of playing their cards when they had them Mccain and the republicians waited until desperation set it before changing course towards extreme negativism and fear mongering. I hope the electorate see through it for what it is and shy away from being sucked into the Mccarthyesque fear mongering that Mccain has employed here.

McCain is going to lose, he seems to fear talking about the economy because he doesnt know what to do about it and if obama is any sort of orator at all he will steer the conversation back to what needs to get talked about which is the economy and away from who he broke bread with 40 years ago.

I feckin hate politicians. >:(
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on October 06, 2008, 10:43:39 PM
As a die hard republician I have to say I am ashamed of the shift in tactics and the personal assaults on Obama. I would have been fine if the latest allegations had played out months ago but instead of playing their cards when they had them Mccain and the republicians waited until desperation set it before changing course towards extreme negativism and fear mongering. I hope the electorate see through it for what it is and shy away from being sucked into the Mccarthyesque fear mongering that Mccain has employed here.

McCain is going to lose, he seems to fear talking about the economy because he doesnt know what to do about it and if obama is any sort of orator at all he will steer the conversation back to what needs to get talked about which is the economy and away from who he broke bread with 40 years ago.

I feckin hate politicians. >:(

Looks like I won't need a new shovel ;)


Now apparently it has come out that John Glenn, who like McCain was indicted but cleared in the Keating scandal, has been doing some campaign work for the Obama campaign. Kind of takes the steam out that particular counter-attack. :(

I don't know Stew. This is going to be very, very tight. If there is one that the Republicans are far more effective and organized at, its dirty campaigning. From Willie Horton to characterizing Gore as an arrogant liar to the utterly, odious swiftboat campaign against Kerry, they seem to know how to manipulate the people that little bit better. This is probably going to be more of the same and will probably work too. Don't be surprised to hear murmurings about race riots if McCain wins, just to instill that little more resentment and motivation into the "silent majority". It would have been useful for Obama to have the Clinton people on board, as they are among the few Democrats who can match the Republicans in this kind of dirty politics.


Quote from: Tyrones own on October 03, 2008, 02:25:53 PM
QuoteWhat piece of leglislation was this specifically?

Sure look it up, who knows you might actually educate yourself.
Australia definitely gained ground the day you landed, are there not enough
underlying problems down there for you to be concerned with without spouting
your ignorance for what's going on in America.......but then again its the boy's that
don't reside here that seem to be the experts and want to make names for yourselves
with your in-depth knowledge and expertize on this subject ::)

;D :D ;D What a redneck - brilliant

Tyrones own

QuoteWhat a redneck - brilliant

Ah yes.... yet another quality empty headed attempt at a retort :-[

Seriously, with the exception of J70 who is at least willing to make an attempt to debate
his beliefs, are the rest of you in a competition as to who can be the biggest
embarrassment on a subject that has A) nothing at all to do with ye
and B) has been fairly obvious now for 36 pages that most of you know little to nothing about
bar what ye read in your leftist blogs.....but hey feel free to vent that pent up anger and blinkered hatred!
I actually left Ireland to get away from's not healthy lads :-\

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


There's absolutely no point  - you make things up and when questioned on it or asked to back it up you resort to trying to get the person that's asking you about it to look it up, onus of proof lies with you. Pure theatre watching you scramble whilst spluttering nervously back at anyone that has the temerity to question your inane ramblings in the first place :D :D

Tyrones own

What exactly have i made up and i'll be glad to explain it to you!
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann