The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?


Tyrones own

QuoteAny of you care to touch on Jim Johnson or Franklin Raines or should I post a link

Fcuk it I'll post it anyway as it seems, like Obama, some of ye here would rather they didn't exist....
..Oh wait Obama has already said that :D
*Warning* it might go against the agenda here ;)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann

Tyrones own

The above doesn't warrant a response as these facts have already been covered...
at least read the thread before you embarrass yourself.

Jaysus they should try this ploy in Alaska... there'd be some uproar if she tried it :o
Could the wheels be coming off the machine  ;D
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on October 01, 2008, 04:58:14 AM
The above doesn't warrant a response as these facts have already been covered...
at least read the thread before you embarrass yourself.

Jaysus they should try this ploy in Alaska... there'd be some uproar if she tried it :o
Could the wheels be coming off the machine  ;D

I presume lying in political ads is illegal in Missouri then is it? I would think McCain would be looking for the same protection from the authorities there so.


VP Debate

Rounds by Round Scoring  (each round 1/2 hour)

Round1   Joe 9     Sarah 1


Quote from: DrinknHarp on October 03, 2008, 02:49:03 AM
VP Debate

Rounds by Round Scoring  (each round 1/2 hour)

Round1   Joe 9     Sarah 1

Round 2  Joe 10   Sarah 0


Quote from: DrinknHarp on October 03, 2008, 03:01:20 AM
Quote from: DrinknHarp on October 03, 2008, 02:49:03 AM
VP Debate

Rounds by Round Scoring  (each round 1/2 hour)

Round1   Joe 9     Sarah 1

Round 2  Joe 10   Sarah 0

Round 3    Joe 10   Sarah 0

Joe answered questions with direct and thorough answers. He had facts and numbers to support his answers.

Sarah evaded questions with run around answers that eluded the actual questions. She spoke of her "Maverick" running mate and how she supports his plan of change without stating what this change is.

On a side note her grammar and accent was like fingernails on a chalkboard.


Quote from: AFS on October 03, 2008, 03:33:57 AM
That woman is ridiculous. How do more people not see this?

Every answer is recited like the memorised spiel it is.

She's gotten the names of at least a couple of people and places wrong already.

The questions that she actually answers, she never answers in any detail, in contrast Biden probably gives too much detail and gets a tad boring. Anyone with a half decent knowledge of  issues like climate change and Iraq/Afganistan/Pakistan, which unfortunately rules out a large percentage of the electorate in the states, would realise that she's waffling, talking nonsense and all not actually saying anything about anything.

She's played the disabled baby/ kid in Iraq card AGAIN.

Infuriatingly though, her sparky smiley nature, added to her couple of cheap and obvious digs, is probably doing her a lot good with all those Middle America voters that she's aiming at. She also pathetically plays up that 'cute, scared, All American little girl from small town USA' image, which again will probably win her plenty of votes.

And FFS how many times can one person say the words CHANGE, MAVERICK and REFORMER in an hour and a half?!?! Brain washing at its finest  ::)

As long as Palin didn't blank out and stand there tongue-tied, she was going to win this debate in the eyes of the public. Biden was on a hiding to nothing and played it correctly in my opinion by sticking to McCain and defending Obama. Palin passed the test as well and will have rehabilitated herself somewhat, but I'm not sure what difference either of them are going to make given the current circumstances, with the bail-out still topping the headlines, another presidential debate on Tuesday and only four weeks left. Maybe she'll swing some of the undecideds towards McCain, but I think its down to the two protagonists and whatever happens regarding the economy over the next few weeks. Maybe the likes of Tyrone's Own thinks tonight's debate will cause a swing back towards McCain, but I don't think so. At most it might stop Obama's surge of the past week. McCain himself will have to do the rest.

Tyrones own

QuoteThat woman is ridiculous. How do more people not see this?

Every answer is recited like the memorised spiel it is.

She's gotten the names of at least a couple of people and places wrong already.

The questions that she actually answers, she never answers in any detail, in contrast Biden probably gives too much detail and gets a tad boring. Anyone with a half decent knowledge of  issues like climate change and Iraq/Afganistan/Pakistan, which unfortunately rules out a large percentage of the electorate in the states, would realise that she's waffling, talking nonsense and all not actually saying anything about anything.

She's played the disabled baby/ kid in Iraq card AGAIN.

Infuriatingly though, her sparky smiley nature, added to her couple of cheap and obvious digs, is probably doing her a lot good with all those Middle America voters that she's aiming at. She also pathetically plays up that 'cute, scared, All American little girl from small town USA' image, which again will probably win her plenty of votes.

And FFS how many times can one person say the words CHANGE, MAVERICK and REFORMER in an hour and a half?!?! Brain washing at its finest 

:'( :'( :'( Quit you blertin' girls and move over, we're coming through ;D

QuoteMaybe the likes of Tyrone's Own thinks tonight's debate will cause a swing back towards McCain, but I don't think so.

In all honesty I do actually....... she put a lot of begrudgers to bed early tonight, especially the two light weights above :D
the hoping and expectation from the left that she'd fall flat on her face simply didn't happen J, an awful lot of people
will have taken notice and i think the pressure falls firmly on Obama now to keep that unofficial lead in the polls intact :-\

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


McCain just announced he is giving up on Michigan, pulling all advertising on TV,newspapers and billboards. ???

I guess a "surge" will not win Michigan  ;) and it is easier to wave a white flag. :o


Palin and Biden asked before the debate what Darth Cheney's best and worst moments were - Biden plays it with a straight bat and admires his determination but stated that the decision to invade Iraq was the worst.

Palin's worst Cheney moment?

Duck hunting :o

And Tyrone's Own stupidest man will still have the gall to defend her :-\

Tyrones own

Stupid...... Let me give you stupid
QuoteI think empty rhetoric is still far better than the alternative

Showing your class alright......but then you wee lefties are a tad riled up this evening so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt,
rather than insulting anybody do you have anything of substance to add ???
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on October 03, 2008, 04:16:28 AM

In all honesty I do actually....... she put a lot of begrudgers to bed early tonight, especially the two light weights above :D
the hoping and expectation from the left that she'd fall flat on her face simply didn't happen J, an awful lot of people
will have taken notice and i think the pressure falls firmly on Obama now to keep that unofficial lead in the polls intact :-\

We'll see. At this point, I think most people are leaning one way or the other. Palin already had the christian right sown up, but I cannot see her changing too many other minds. As of tomorrow morning its back to the bailout and then McCain and Obama themselves. We're not going to have a two-week orgy of Palin-stories like we did last month after the RNC.


Quote from: Tyrones own on October 03, 2008, 04:32:08 AM
Stupid...... Let me give you stupid
QuoteI think empty rhetoric is still far better than the alternative

Showing your class alright......but then you wee lefties are a tad riled up this evening so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt,
rather than insulting anybody do you have anything of substance to add ???

Oh dear me - now who appears to be a tad riled up?

You're comments (and you were not alone) was that Obama talks a good game but has nothing of substance to back it up, and it's a fair point - I'd still prefer that than a hypocrite like McCain who somersaults on issues such as government intervention on the economy when it was him and his ilk that played no small part in causing the whole shit fight in the first place.

I'd still prefer empty rhetoric than watch more civilians and US troops lose their lives in Iraq and other places than the not so empty rhetoric of bringing them home.

Comments about you being stupid - merely my opinion, baffled as to how someone from Tyrone with an Irish flag as their avatar (assuming nationalsit sympathies, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) can support the Republicans in this race after the shit fight they've caused in foreign policies and economic matters over the last 8 years. You must work for Haliburton

Tyrones own

Quote from: AFS on October 03, 2008, 04:39:20 AM
The only reason she didn't fall flat on her face was because she didn't answer a single f**king question. And the reason she didn't answer a single questions is simply because she didn't know the answers. She'd had a memory bank of about 10 spiels that she regurgitated over and over again, always managing to shift the focus of the question over to what she had memorised, with the useless moderator letting her away with it every time. 

Are there people that are seriously going to vote for the ticket with this half-wit on it because she comes out with a few 'gosh darnits' and 'you betchas' just to show everyone how normal and down to earth she is? God, how I wish they would invite Jeremy Paxman to the states to chair one of these debates, if he'd been there tonight Palin would've left in tears, exposed as the lightweight she is.

*Shakes Head* You are a complete embarrassment to the people here that share your view....
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on October 03, 2008, 04:32:08 AM
Stupid...... Let me give you stupid
QuoteI think empty rhetoric is still far better than the alternative

Showing your class alright......but then you wee lefties are a tad riled up this evening so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt,
rather than insulting anybody do you have anything of substance to add ???

Riled up?........ Are you kidding me?

Sarah showed her substance tonite.........Nada/Nothing/Zip.

If anything, I am delighted with her performance. She demonstrated she has as much knowledge regarding the executive branch as the oak tree in the front yard.