The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



Quote from: Tyrones own on September 06, 2008, 06:02:13 PM

QuoteThere is no divide, as I've stated before, we have one party in the disguise of two and a dog and pony show for the gullible

I completely agree with your second point, however, to say there is no divide between Liberal
and conservative views is a tad wide of the mark....especially on here and most times
from lads that have never even been to this country but yet seem to know enough to form very staunch views based on
and thanks to the liberal blogs that they can't get enough of  ::)

QuoteVery depressing to see a mother force a shotgun wedding to suit her political image and then march the unfortunate mortified looking teenagers out onto the world stage to reinforce that image.

Can I ask where you read that she forced her daughter into a shotgun wedding,
and maybe I'm mistaken but weren't McCain's kids there too, did i also see Obama's kids as well
as Biden's kids being marched on to the stage at their convention ::)
I do know you can do better than that Muppet

No need. Mother does that to her pregnant 17 year old daughter.  >:(

Let's the media off the hook too as they should have never touched the story but now Mammy is using it as a trophy.
MWWSI 2017

Tyrones own

QuoteNo need. Mother does that to her pregnant 17 year old daughter. 

You've lost me here, does what to her 17 yr old daughter ???

I do agree that the media should never have touched it but they couldn't help
themselves in a moment of panic trying to score points which did indeed backfire on them
and i think Mammy is quite justified to use it as a stick to beat them with.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on September 06, 2008, 06:02:13 PM
I completely agree with your second point, however, to say there is no divide between Liberal
and conservative views is a tad wide of the mark....especially on here and most times
from lads that have never even been to this country but yet seem to know enough to form very staunch views based on
and thanks to the liberal blogs that they can't get enough of  ::)

Sure there is a difference between liberal and conservative viewpoints when it comes to the general public. Politicians are a different story, both George W Bush and McCain are more liberal than conservative. Politicians in favour of Agenda 21 are neither pro life nor anti war. Democrats and Republicans over and over again have proved that they are for gun control, violating the 2nd Amendment.  For them guns should only be in the hands of government and not the people. Gun control worked well for communist governments which slaughtered millions in Russia, Poland, China, Latvia etc. The Posse Commitatus Act of June 18, 1878 was violated at Ruby Ridge, Waco, Kent State, Ludlow, Lattimer, New Orleans and today in virtually every major US city. There will be no change no matter who gets into power. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
"I wish I could inspire the same confidence in the truth which is so readily accorded to lies".

Turlough O Carolan

Quote from: Tyrones own on September 06, 2008, 04:39:06 PM
QuoteHave no clue who Cenk Uygur is so stop acting the amadan.

Does the Huffington post ring a bell?

QuoteThey espouse Judgement Day with the same zeal they expouse creationism. They desire a big flame up in the middle East to speed up their entry into heaven. Sick hardly even describes them.

That's the third time you mentioned this and it only gets more laughable each time,
this kind of thinking or rhetoric reminds me of the lad you'd see standing on a milk crate
in the city centre with the two lumps of plywood around his neck spouting doomsday
nonsense years ago :D
Maybe you should find a way to vent that pent up anger that you carry can't be healthy

It is laughable. It is Sad too. But this rhetoric is coming from the Christian Right and Republican party. Are you genuinely missing the point or purposely sparing yourself the labor of thought. There's plenty of videos on YouTube from Hagee talking about the End of Days and linking it to the Middle East because he's read the signs in the bible. Here's a few for starters talking to the sympathetic rightwing nut Glenn Beck. McCain actively sought the endorsement of this dangerous clown and refused for a long time to disassociate himself from the crawthumper. Then again, why would he want to when the majority of his party believe in this crap. This stuff is good auld crack when it's the plot of The Omen films but when psychos misinterpret it as reality and use it to warmonger it is pure twisted.

Tyrones own

QuoteBut this rhetoric is coming from the Christian Right and Republican party

I'm not so sure that Hagee is on the payroll as a spokesperson for the Republicans :-\
Just as a side note, am I understanding you correctly that in your opinion, Iran threatening to wipe Israel
off the face of the earth is simply something drummed up by the "war mongering" Hagee and the Republican party, that there
is absolutely no intent to bring about such an event by Ahmadinejad or any other Muslim extremist for that matter.
....maybe Bush paid him to say it, or better still, he didn't actually say it, Fox news simply took it out of context ::)
Keep it coming.... can only be good for you to vent that hatred and anti American sentiment

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann

Tyrones own

QuoteSure there is a difference between liberal and conservative viewpoints when it comes to the general public. Politicians are a different story, both George W Bush and McCain are more liberal than conservative. Politicians in favour of Agenda 21 are neither pro life nor anti war. Democrats and Republicans over and over again have proved that they are for gun control, violating the 2nd Amendment.  For them guns should only be in the hands of government and not the people. Gun control worked well for communist governments which slaughtered millions in Russia, Poland, China, Latvia etc. The Posse Commitatus Act of June 18, 1878 was violated at Ruby Ridge, Waco, Kent State, Ludlow, Lattimer, New Orleans and today in virtually every major US city. There will be no change no matter who gets into power. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Great Post Seamus.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


So, in a nutshell, Muslim fundamentalism justifies Christian fundamentalism, and the 2nd Amendment is somehow the acid test of democracy? Righto. When they get around to making "At Home With The Princes" it should be a top long as it's scheduled before the time all God fearing right thinking folks ae in bed that is!

"Mr Treehorn treats objects like women man."


The united states of America is a Republic. Not only is the 2nd Amendment non existant, the Constitution and the complete Bill of Rights are also. The (Anti)Patriot Acts and Military Commissions Act 2006 took care of that.
"I wish I could inspire the same confidence in the truth which is so readily accorded to lies".


Quote from: Tyrones own on September 07, 2008, 01:25:54 AM
QuoteBut this rhetoric is coming from the Christian Right and Republican party

I'm not so sure that Hagee is on the payroll as a spokesperson for the Republicans :-\

Hagee may not be on the Republican payroll, but he and his fellow travellers play a massive roll in Republican politics. There are some issues I agree with Republicans on, but as long as they kowtow to the demands of the religious right, I will never vote for them. How the hell any sensible person can find common ground with people like Bob Jones III, Ralph Reed, Ann Coulter and the rest of the them is beyond me. They are, for the most part, the American equivalent of the DUP, except that some fiscal libertartians/foreign policy hawks put up with all of the superstition and mysticism and intolerance in order to get some of their desired work done. The two-party system is a disaster in this regard.

Tyrones own


This can't be ..... is Fox news behind this :o Surely most of you here would agree
there's no Liberal bias in our main stream media... ye have been saying so for sometime now ::)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on September 06, 2008, 04:20:15 PM
As for McCain's speech, sleep worthy and all as you believe it was, he enjoyed bigger numbers tuning in than Obama did :P

do you think this has anything to do with the fact that it was broadcast during half time of the first game of the new NFL season featuring the super bowl champions and their oldest rivals?

Unfortunately with the two party system that's in place in the US, we are pretty much stuck with more of the same. The only shot of having any change here is if Obama is pulling a fast one by toeing party line until he gets into office and then proceeding with his big promises of the early campaign. I also think that whatever way you slice it the VP choice is very important as I believe there is a fair shot that no matter which one wins the VP could get the top job before the end of the first term.

Sarah Palin scares the crap out of me- If McCain dies in his first term I'm moving
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


I think a Mary Harney figure is needed to keep them in line.

Personally I hate Obama, I think he's a smug, sly, sneaky, horrible character. I also hate Oprah because she thinks she has influence over what america does. I don't like the way this has turned into a racial debate in america - its not about government policy, its about reparations.

At the same time I don't trust the republicans very much, they remind me of Fine Gael in their ways and I don't like them very much either.

I feel sorry for america, you are getting a very raw deal. The only reason I would think the republicans in government would be a better bet is that they might look to stimulate the economy, I have not heard the same ideas from the democrat side. I don't think a lot of democrats are happy with their nomination.

Clinton vs Guiliani would have been a better choice.

Tyrones own

QuoteUnfortunately with the two party system that's in place in the US, we are pretty much stuck with more of the same. The only shot of having any change here is if Obama is pulling a fast one by toeing party line until he gets into office and then proceeding with his big promises of the early campaign.

This word change has been fairly well exhausted at this stage, look no further than the approval rating
for how they've ran the senate into the ground, there was a familiar ring to the rhetoric of change from
Republican ways on their way to winning it at the time too...... two years later ::)....Yep just as i thought.

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Thought this was quite funny:

Republicans, Stop Calling Obama Elitist
Because the real reason you don't like him is that he's smarter than you.

by Bill Maher

New Rule: Republicans need to stop saying Barack Obama is an elitist, or looks down on rural people, and just admit you don't like him because of something he can't help, something that's a result of the way he was born. Admit it, you're not voting for him because he's smarter than you.

In her acceptance speech, Gov. Sarah Palin accused Obama of using his run for the White House as a "journey of personal discovery" -- this from the lady who just spent 10 minutes of her speech introducing her family -- Track, Trig, Bristol, Piper -- for a minute there I thought she was calling in an airstrike.

Karl Rove described Obama as "the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini, and making snide comments about everyone who passes by." Unlike George Bush, who's the guy at the country club who makes snide comments, and then passes out. Now this characterization, of course, was something Mr. Rove just completely pulled out of his bulbous, gelatinous ass, but remember this is America, a land where people believe anything they hear. One of McCain's ads casts Obama as "the one," implying he thinks he's the Messiah. Good, maybe he can raise McCain from the dead.

It doesn't matter to Karl Rove that his country club characterization is fictitious, it's the role that Obama must play if the party of plutocrats is going to win over the little guy. Over and over at this convention we heard about the new put-upon victim in our society, the person in America, like Sarah Palin, who's constantly mocked because they're from a ... small town! Governor Yup Yup's got 'em all riled up about being disrespected.

Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna cum laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so narcissistic that our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush is president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for America to vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black quarterbacks. Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a peg.

And finally: As for "country first," you know who's putting country first? I am, by supporting Obama, because a victory this fall for the McCain-Mooseburger ticket would make my job in the next four years very, very easy.

But sure now that the US is officially nationalising banks isn't the world about to end ;)


Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity