The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



This woman is a bit scary. Hopefully, if he gets elected, McCain sidelines her and reverts back to his old relatively moderate self. The last thing we need in the states is more christian whackjobs clutching the reins of power.


Did I read somewhere that she's in favour of teaching both evolution and creationism side by side?  :'(

Tyrones own

QuoteThe last thing we need in the states is more christian whackjobs clutching the reins of power.

As opposed to?

QuoteSo what did everyone think of the speech last night?

Fantastic speech especially considering some twit inadvertently ::) turned her teleprompter off mid speech,
not that you'd have noticed it mind you, calm, collected and flawless IMO.
I'm not so sure that there aren't a lot of Billary die hards casting an eye in her direction, I work with a bunch of
them and it was quare funny today to hear them trying to find a way to admit liking her without actually saying it :D
There'll be some craic for the next couple of months here in the great liberal state that is California ;)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on September 05, 2008, 01:40:52 AM
QuoteThe last thing we need in the states is more christian whackjobs clutching the reins of power.

As opposed to?

As to opposed to Obama/Biden or even McCain himself. I'd have seriously considered giving McCain my vote had he gone with Joe Lieberman (as he allegedly wanted to) instead of choosing Palin to win over the right wing base. He ain't getting it now. The Democrats have plenty of faults, but the christian right section of the Republican party makes me want to vomit. Its sad that McCain (whom they slimed so grotesquely in 2000) has decided he needs them.


Quote from: Tyrones own on September 05, 2008, 01:40:52 AM

QuoteSo what did everyone think of the speech last night?

Fantastic speech especially considering some twit inadvertently ::) turned her teleprompter off mid speech,
not that you'd have noticed it mind you, calm, collected and flawless IMO.
I'm not so sure that there aren't a lot of Billary die hards casting an eye in her direction, I work with a bunch of
them and it was quare funny today to hear them trying to find a way to admit liking her without actually saying it :D
There'll be some craic for the next couple of months here in the great liberal state that is California ;)

I think they have a great chance of winning this. The Republicans are always so much more organized and coherent and that little bit better at the negative crap, plus Palin appeals to a big section of the US population. Its getting depressing. All we need now is another anti-gay marriage campaign to get the fundies out in force in November.

Saw a McCain ad a few minutes ago BTW. He reckons a Democratic victory will mean big deficits, out-of-control spending and no balanced budgets. Has he been asleep for the last eight years?


Quote from: stephenite on September 05, 2008, 01:09:38 AM
Did I read somewhere that she's in favour of teaching both evolution and creationism side by side?  :'(

She answered to that effect in a debate in the governor's campaign in Alaska.

Apparently the troops in the Middle East are doing god's work too.

Scary woman.


Jon Stewart on the consistency of the Republicans on experience and gender in Democratic and GOP candidates....

The Rove one is hilarious, especially as his comments on Tim Kaine came all of one month ago! :D

Look for that consistency as well with O'Reilly's treatment of Britney Spears sister's pregnancy and her parents with his opinion on Palin and her family!


They didn't just use images/video of the 9/11 attacks in a propaganda video at the RNC earlier tonight, did they?


As to opposed to Obama/Biden or even McCain himself. I'd have seriously considered giving McCain my vote had he gone with Joe Lieberman (as he allegedly wanted to) instead of choosing Palin to win over the right wing base. He ain't getting it now. The Democrats have plenty of faults, but the christian right section of the Republican party makes me want to vomit. Its sad that McCain (whom they slimed so grotesquely in 2000) has decided he needs them.

I agree completely with this sentiment.....I said previously on this thread, that McCain has the ability to reach across the aisle...(failed immigration bill). I noticed that any mention of immigration was conspicuously absent in his speech tonight... However, his choice of Sarah Palin as VP is abhorrent to me personally....I think it proves that the Republican Party is still owned by the extreme right wing of the party...I believe if he had have picked ANYONE ELSE (with the exception of Rudi (Barf) Guliani), he would have had a great chance to win this...My vote is for Obama, absolutely no doubt in my mind..
Use your head...your feet are for dancing.


Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on September 05, 2008, 04:41:26 AM
They didn't just use images/video of the 9/11 attacks in a propaganda video at the RNC earlier tonight, did they?

Expect the terror threat level to go up to orange or even red in the final week of October.


Quote from: Boynegael on September 05, 2008, 04:45:20 AM
As to opposed to Obama/Biden or even McCain himself. I'd have seriously considered giving McCain my vote had he gone with Joe Lieberman (as he allegedly wanted to) instead of choosing Palin to win over the right wing base. He ain't getting it now. The Democrats have plenty of faults, but the christian right section of the Republican party makes me want to vomit. Its sad that McCain (whom they slimed so grotesquely in 2000) has decided he needs them.

I agree completely with this sentiment.....I said previously on this thread, that McCain has the ability to reach across the aisle...(failed immigration bill). I noticed that any mention of immigration was conspicuously absent in his speech tonight... However, his choice of Sarah Palin as VP is abhorrent to me personally....I think it proves that the Republican Party is still owned by the extreme right wing of the party...I believe if he had have picked ANYONE ELSE (with the exception of Rudi (Barf) Guliani), he would have had a great chance to win this...My vote is for Obama, absolutely no doubt in my mind..

We will live in hope, but irrelevancies like "god, guns and gays" has won the day for the republicans before. Sarah Palin ticks all the boxes for the so-called "middle" or "real" Americans (isn't it funny how approximately half of the electorate doesn't vote in line with these real Americans?) and is literally becoming a superstar. Do not underestimate her.


Oh believe me, I don't underestimate her at all...Like yourself and half the electorate....I live in Hope. 
Use your head...your feet are for dancing.


I hope Obama doesnt get in, he's a slimy piece of work. I'm not a fan of the republican party but god help us if that egomaniac gets into power, his agenda is to try rebalance the distribution of wealth to the detriment of industry, which in turn means more job losses back in the old sod. As if it wasnt bad enough there now.

At least McCain is looking at trying to revitalise the economy (well, promised anyhow), Obamas ideas are a flashback to the days of robin hood...or Zimbabwe in modern times. Very scary.

They're all liars, its trying to find the one who might have some semblance of truth behind them. A bt like home really...


QuoteObamas ideas are a flashback to the days of robin hood...or Zimbabwe in modern times. Very scary.

Jesus - If this is the level of thinking out there it'll be great craic till November