The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



Was actually reading an article today that reckons that an Obama/Clinton, Clinton/Obama ticket would be a disaster.....Too many reasons to get into....but actually made a lot of sense. The last I heard was Obama/Bloomberg was the dream ticket.  Bloomberg could finance a campaign without any donations and is seen as a true Independent.  Obama can still give his message of change, not special interest money, oil, insurance, health companies Bloomberg has bottomless pockets..

Personally..I don't know...African American/Jew,  African American/Woman, Woman/African American...Can any of these combinations beat McCain and ???????????....I think if McCain picks a Jesus Freak for a running mate to compensate for is alienation from the right wing of the Republican Party it can only work in the Dems favor...but I think McCain might be too smart for that...It's going to be interesting...

Use your head...your feet are for dancing.


Ron Paul is a very popular Congress man from Texas, he destroyed his neocon opponent Chris Peden to regain his Congressional seat with a 70% landslide victory in Tuesday's Republican primary, yet he only got 5.1% of the votes in the Texas Presidential Primary where John McCain is disliked, yet McCain received 51.2% of the vote. All the exit poles had Ron Paul in front. This smells of voter fraud just like what happened in all other states. Diebold voting machines to the rescue.

By telling the truth and having real solutions will make sure Ron Paul will never become President even though he is the choice of everyone that has heard his voice. The same voter fraud exists within the Democratic Primaries. The only difference is they are keeping this one close to captivate the gullible audience. Obama is the chosen one to be the next President as he has the backing of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderburg Group and the Rockefellers amongst others. There hasn't been a Presidential election in a while only Presidential selections. Bush was destroyed in the last election by patsy John Kerry. We have one party in the disguise of two controlled by the bankers and corporate America. There is never any change no matter which "party" is in power. We will still have perpetual wars in order to steal recourses and take away civil liberties, unconstitutional courts, taxes and licensing no matter which puppet becomes President.
"I wish I could inspire the same confidence in the truth which is so readily accorded to lies".


The Bilderburgs had backed Clinton I thought? If the conspiracy theorists that saw her in Istanbul at the last exclusive gathering are anything to go by, not these loons have any credibility whatsoever


Get to know Ron Paul in the following interviews, it will help you find out who the real loons are.
"I wish I could inspire the same confidence in the truth which is so readily accorded to lies".


Quote from: Seamus on March 07, 2008, 03:33:44 AM
Ron Paul is a very popular Congress man from Texas, he destroyed his neocon opponent Chris Peden to regain his Congressional seat with a 70% landslide victory in Tuesday's Republican primary, yet he only got 5.1% of the votes in the Texas Presidential Primary where John McCain is disliked, yet McCain received 51.2% of the vote. All the exit poles had Ron Paul in front. This smells of voter fraud just like what happened in all other states. Diebold voting machines to the rescue.

By telling the truth and having real solutions will make sure Ron Paul will never become President even though he is the choice of everyone that has heard his voice. The same voter fraud exists within the Democratic Primaries. The only difference is they are keeping this one close to captivate the gullible audience. Obama is the chosen one to be the next President as he has the backing of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderburg Group and the Rockefellers amongst others. There hasn't been a Presidential election in a while only Presidential selections. Bush was destroyed in the last election by patsy John Kerry. We have one party in the disguise of two controlled by the bankers and corporate America. There is never any change no matter which "party" is in power. We will still have perpetual wars in order to steal recourses and take away civil liberties, unconstitutional courts, taxes and licensing no matter which puppet becomes President.

You are a ray of sunshine this fine march mornin! :-\
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: Seamus on March 07, 2008, 03:33:44 AM
All the exit poles had Ron Paul in front.
Do you have any evidence of this?


Quote from: dec on March 07, 2008, 07:13:23 PM
Quote from: Seamus on March 07, 2008, 03:33:44 AM
All the exit poles had Ron Paul in front.
Do you have any evidence of this?

All the exit polls apparently (although a quick search of Google News reveals nary a mention - I guess they're in on the conspiracy too).


I see today that Bill Clinton said the supposed Dream ticket Clinton/Obama, Obama/Clinton is virtually unstoppable...Of course Bill thinks that Hilary should be top of the ticket...That would have to be decided by the superdelegates...If the superdelegates leave either of them off the ticket...there could be a huge backlash from whichever section of the Democratic voters that feels slighted...

Dems have being voting in this primary like never before and Obama deserves a lot of credit for this.  Methinks, that the Clintons are preparing for a Vice Presidential spot on the ticket for Hilary....It has been said that neither can win without the super delegates.  It could be a the only way to keep all the new Dems on board in November...
Is a compromise in the making behind closed doors..
Use your head...your feet are for dancing.


if clinton wins she will have to pick obama or shes fcuked, if obama wins he can pick who he wants imo...


Perhaps,  but because it is so close...i hope it doesn't lead to a situation where one set of voters end up cutting their nose off to spite their face because their candidate isn't on the ticket in some wouldn't be the first time the Dems self destructed....

A lot are saying that Obama's "message of change, we can believe in", could be easily attacked by Republicans if he takes Hil onboard...this makes sense imo....I do agree with you that Hil needs Obama a lot more than he needs her...
Use your head...your feet are for dancing.


Is this the turning point??

Inspiring stuff - A man for a generation

magpie seanie

I heard bits of it this mornig on the radio (cannot access youtube at work) and it was inspiring stuff. I really think this is a great man in the making and sincerely hope he gets the chance to do what I believe he can.


Very powerful speech. Just listened to it. I hope he is as good a man, as he is a candidate. By that, I mean that I hope his real motivation, attitude and intentions are the same as those he voices publicly.


Jaysus lads, yis are scaring me!

I must have a listen when I get home this evening.

What's the book called Seanie?

magpie seanie

The one I read (his second book) is called "The Audacity of Hope". I found it a great read. The title of the book is actually a phrase borrowed from the pastor that the controversy recently was over.