The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



I remember reading somewhere that  Clinton may have been one of the sleaziest president in US history but also one of the best, does it really matter what he did in his private life if he was doing his job efficientley?

Of course it matters what he did in his private life....because he did it in the Oval Office...which is public property, I am a diehard Dem and as great a president (in my opinion) as Bill Clinton was....both he and Hillary did a lot of damage to the credibility of the Democratic Party....Great President....Very flawed Man...He used the Oval Office as a whore house...Now I think the only one who has to forgive his infidelities is his wife....but the whole country has to either forgive or forget where he committed them......I don't think they will, because you will be constantly reminded of it if Hil gets the nomination...
Use your head...your feet are for dancing.


The reason Republicans love Dems (perversely)'s the same way the DUP loves Catholics (perversely)...(or otherwise. votes they have to really work for) they will always be assured that the the laundry will be aired in public/split the vote/ or otherwise f**k UP..... Jesus Christ ( and forgive me for taking our Lord's name in vain) but can they agree on anything.... Dem's are already splitting the vote along racial/sexual/historic/gender lines.....give me two cats in an alley and place a bet....The Repubs have to be laughing right now...Give the Dem's a no lose situation...AND THEY WILL LOSE...

I actually thought this election would be easy...because the Republican Party already ripped John Mc Cain to shreds in 2002 (a la Karl Rove...I thought there wasn't much more dirt to throw)..  I really didn't think McCain would get the nomination (I believe he will now) and he is the only person as a self proclaimed DIEHARD DEM I would actually vote for right now. I personally am honest to a fault....I was reared on the Kennedy's, Dem, Sinn Fein.....but I respect honesty more that any other quality...The man is 71 ( he has 1 1/2 feet in the know what...I'm wavering...and i never thought I'd ever say that..
Use your head...your feet are for dancing.


Quote from: Boynegael on January 21, 2008, 03:59:44 AM
I remember reading somewhere that  Clinton may have been one of the sleaziest president in US history but also one of the best, does it really matter what he did in his private life if he was doing his job efficientley?

saw one of the best quotes of the campaign so far by mitt romney "the idea of bill clinton back in the white house with nothing to do is something i cant imagine"

still hope hillary wins tho!....


Quote from: magickingdom on January 27, 2008, 09:16:53 PM
Quote from: Boynegael on January 21, 2008, 03:59:44 AM
I remember reading somewhere that  Clinton may have been one of the sleaziest president in US history but also one of the best, does it really matter what he did in his private life if he was doing his job efficientley?

saw one of the best quotes of the campaign so far by mitt romney "the idea of bill clinton back in the white house with nothing to dois something i cant imagine"

still hope hillary wins tho!....

I hope she finishes dead last, she is an absolute disaster.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


what exacttly do you dislike about her stew? health care for all?


Quote from: magickingdom on January 27, 2008, 10:14:57 PM
what exacttly do you dislike about her stew? health care for all?
She's a Democrat, stew doesn't like the Democrats.


Quote from: dec on January 28, 2008, 01:52:08 AM
Quote from: magickingdom on January 27, 2008, 10:14:57 PM
what exacttly do you dislike about her stew? health care for all?
She's a Democrat, stew doesn't like the Democrats.

To be fair, there's a lot to dislike about the Democrats. They are by far the lesser of the two evils though!


Obama vs McCain with a Bloomberg thrown in the ring to muddle it up? could yet be an interesting race
Surely Edwards must soon drop out of the democratic race, and I will be pleased to see the final nail going into Giuliani's coffin.
Obama still isn't close to being clear of Clinton yet though there's a few more weeks before we se how that goes..
I think McCain has the Republican nomination in the bag.
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


obama won the kennedy primary! wonder will that get him over the hump on super tuesday..

Doogie Browser

No doubt about it the Camelot clan were fantastic trailblazers in the US and gave irish people a real sense of being in the 60's when times were particularly toough over here.  JFK & Bobby to a lesser extent gave Irish people great pride and their achievements still resonate today.
But (time for rant now) I am no fan of Ted Kennedy, he is forever claiming to represent the moral majority in the USA and thinks he has the divine right to express an opinion on any subject under the sun.  Can our american posters give us an idea of the press he gets across the pond?  is it a 'lynching' offence to publicly slag him off because of his surname? 
I am no saint but for me someone who was involved in the death of a young lady and did his best to cover it up deserves no public platform regardless of his connections.


I don't think a conservative piece on Kennedy ever passes without a mention of Chappaquidick!


QuoteI hope she finishes dead last, she is an absolute disaster.

Think if theres gonna be a Democratic President she needs to win cause I reckon the Republicans will take Obama apart. Style over substance it seems to me - being a media darling will only take him to the Democratic nomination no further.


Quote from: heganboy on January 28, 2008, 04:17:35 AM
and I will be pleased to see the final nail going into Giuliani's coffin.
Being prepared as we speak.

Florida primaries:

GOP - 29% reporting

McCain 34
Romney 33
Guiliani 15
Huckabee 14

Dems - Clinton the winner.


McCain won the GOP race, and looks set for the nomination now. 36-32 or something like that. Guiliani trailed in third, may well throw the hat at it.