Play on Windsor Park sectarianism heading to Dublin

Started by T Fearon, January 01, 2008, 04:41:57 PM

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T Fearon

Yes, with Paddy Kielty in the lead role Marie Jones famous play, One Night in November, based on the unparalleled scenes of unbridled sectarianism at Windsor Park in Ireland's crucial World Cup qualifier in November 1993, is being staged in Dublin in February. A chance for all of you in the 26 counties to get up to speed on the sectarian nature of the North of Ireland support and the misplaced superiority and hatred of all things Irish and Catholic, that feeds it. Go see


Quote from: T Fearon on January 01, 2008, 04:41:57 PM
A chance for all of you in the 26 counties to get up to speed on the sectarian nature of the North of Ireland support and the misplaced superiority and hatred of all things Irish and Catholic, that feeds it. Go see

Sure we dont need to "go see" Tony.
We can read your posts to get up to speed on those subjects. :D
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM

town lad

Is Marie Jones not a "North of Ireland" supporter.

Evil Genius

Quote from: town lad on January 01, 2008, 07:00:35 PM
Is Marie Jones not a "North of Ireland" supporter.

Indeed, TL. Something which the bigot Fearon never mentions in his one-man crusade to publicise this play is that not only was Marie Jones not at the actual match, but she'd never previously been to a football match in her entire life - she was "inspired" to write this play on the basis of news reports the following day.

However some time later, she was persuaded to attend her first NI match by her sons (both NI fans), an experience she presumably enjoyed so much she is now a regular follower, even having been spotted at away games!

Then again, Fearon is hardly likely to want to draw attention to someone being converted to the NI cause, seeing as despite his many protestations to the contrary, many believe he himself was an NI fan for many years, before defecting to the ROI.

Still, if we're prepared to welcome back the Prodigal Marie Jones, I'm sure we could find it in our hearts even to forgive the Prod-hating Fearon back into the fold, should he flip-flop again (that's assuming the fat f**ker could get through the turnstiles, and doesn't occupy his usual two seats...)

Meanwhile, as if by coincidence, here is an account by another former ROI supporter who has recently "come home" to a warm welcome, and is thouroughly enjoying the experience!

(Posted by "Let's All Do the Bouncy" on Our Wee Country at 02.21 this morning, which explains the somewhat rambling prose, I imagine!)
I'm a bit of a different case "So Good" [another OWC poster, to whom LADTB was replying], born in Derry to a catholic family most of whom living on the falls I moved to England with my mum and brother very young, due to my mum's work. Here in England I grew up a fan a loose fan of the republic especially as I spent a lot of time in Belfast with family, and I have always considered myself Irish despite my contrary accent. However it always seemed strange to me as a youngster that Northern Ireland, where my family were born and grew up played football and yet they still supported the republic. Of course as I grew up I became to understand the troubles and the politics in OWC and could see why they supported the republic, and yet my Granny refused to support a team for political reasons and insisted on supporting OWC against the entirety of the family. When I was very young she took me and my brother to Windsor, and from then for a while I agreed to support NI and the RoI in equal measure, although too young to follow all results I would tell everyone who I supported. All that changed when at 16 I started to read about all the efforts to eliminate sectarianism in NI support, and I began to hear of the GAWA and their incredible support, this became all the more eveident to me when I watched the England game and saw the fantastic support. Until that day I had perceived another visit to Windsor as a ridiculous and unbelievable notion, as I felt my Irishness and in particular my family's would leave us in major threat. Inspired by this I began to follow much closer the games of owc, and in the end decided to go to Lichy away, and thought mountains of persuasion my mum agreed to accompany me (She'd grown up on tales of NI supporting bigots and sectarianism) And what did we find in Lichy? Simply the best few days of our lives, amazing craic with amazing people however even then my mum refused to say where in Belfast she had grown up, and I told everyone against my wish that I was born in Londonderry. It was in Lichy we met the chairman of the supporters club we are now members, the SoENISC who we owe a great debt for many incredible times, and it was here in Lichy that I met people who represented everything I loved about the country in which I was born and the country I love without exception. From then on we've both been mad fans, joining the supporters club as well as going to spain, lichy at home and myself getting involved in the Sea of Green for that game. Never before have I met such a friendly fun bunch of people, me and my mum are now proper GAWA converts and I can't stop talking about yous all, I never thought I would be accepted at any Northern Ireland game when I am a catholic and a nationalist as well as with an english accent! The response from the GAWA has been ecxeptional, in spain I proudly told everyone I was from Derry and I got no bad response, something my mum cannot believe. The GAWA's willingness and determination to eliminate sectarianism has made us committ to you, and I also plan on bringing some cousins from Belfast on our next away trip, although they are still convinced it is not safe for them...

My mum is a more classic case of conversion, she grew up a fan of the republic and looks back on their glory days with clearer memories than espana 82 which she admits to barely remembering. However the sheer goodwill and good craic of the GAWA has her converted as well.

Sorry this is incredibly rambling its amazing what strongbow does to you! I will be able to explain better tomorrow Im sure!

Here's to the GAWA who accepted a celtic fan with an English accent, without a bat of an eyelid, god bless you all and Onwards and Upwards!

"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


Ah EG, that story from the prodical son has brought a tear to my eye. But one swallow dosnt make a summer.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians

Evil Genius

Quote from: Orior on January 01, 2008, 08:39:15 PM
Ah EG, that story from the prodical son has brought a tear to my eye. But one swallow dosnt make a summer.

Of course not. But it does prove that whether we are talking about one swallow or half a million, NI is quite warm enough for any that choose to return to where their parents nested (as it were). Which possibility bigots like Fearon persist in denying, even in the face of all the evidence.
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


Quote from: Evil Genius on January 01, 2008, 08:47:04 PM
Quote from: Orior on January 01, 2008, 08:39:15 PM
Ah EG, that story from the prodical son has brought a tear to my eye. But one swallow dosnt make a summer.

Of course not. But it does prove that whether we are talking about one swallow or half a million, NI is quite warm enough for any that choose to return to where their parents nested (as it were). Which possibility bigots like Fearon persist in denying, even in the face of all the evidence.

I was at the game in question and the norn iron fans were a disgrace. I had never witnessed such outright hatred and bigotry in my life and I was afraid for our lives in WP that night. Bingham acted totally out of character that night and seemed to make a bad situation worse by the way he acted. To this day I have my doubts about wether he knew what was going on in the ground but I keep coming back to the fact that he must have because the republics players certainly did. Given that I lost all respect for the man and despised the north for years after the game.

Having went to Chicago with a mate to watch them I found the and to be friendly and apart from the odd ballix they were first class and represented their team well. I am not sure how WP would be but I am going home next year and have ben invited to attend a game in the world cup qualifying and I intend to go to find out for myself because to me WP would be the proof in the pudding and I go knowing that things are far better than they used to be and also that they could not have gotten any worse. I look forward finding out just how far they have come. I hope they are as good as the like of EG and sammyg claim on here but I aim to find out sometime in the next 18 months.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: T Fearon on January 01, 2008, 04:41:57 PM
Yes, with Paddy Kielty in the lead role Marie Jones famous play, One Night in November, based on the unparalleled scenes of unbridled sectarianism at Windsor Park in Ireland's crucial World Cup qualifier in November 1993, is being staged in Dublin in February. A chance for all of you in the 26 counties to get up to speed on the sectarian nature of the North of Ireland support and the misplaced superiority and hatred of all things Irish and Catholic, that feeds it. Go see

Who really gives a shite, aload of scumbags go to a soccer match - couldnt see many wanting to see that play!
Grand Slam Saturday!


I was at that game too and i had convinced the wife to go to the the game as it was her first ever soccer game, as STEW pointed out the look on her face when the hatred and bigotry started was unbelievable and if the truth be told i was shitting myself as well as i was in the Linfield stand and witnessed 5 ROI lads getting escorted out of the ground by the RUC for their own safety.

Needless to say it wasn't a bad thing as she never asked nor wanted to attend another soccer game again ;D
I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch

his holiness nb

The play does sound interesting and the posts of stew and illdecide seem to indicate that while techically a work of fiction, a lot of whats in the play actually did take place. Would this is a correct assumption Stew, Illdecide?
Ask me holy bollix


QuoteI am not sure how WP would be but I am going home next year and have ben invited to attend a game in the world cup qualifying and I intend to go to find out for myself because to me WP would be the proof in the pudding

Good stuff stew.
Give us a shout before the game your going to!


read a few reviews of this play, and it was given a thumbs down by all, saying Keilty just isnt cut out for a one man show and that the script doesnt give him much of a help either. Also it was billed as a comedy but that the jokes were scarce, others found it a bit one-sided and smug but the unanimous verdict is that its a bit shit.
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Quote from: his holiness nb on January 02, 2008, 09:29:21 AM
The play does sound interesting and the posts of stew and illdecide seem to indicate that while techically a work of fiction, a lot of whats in the play actually did take place. Would this is a correct assumption Stew, Illdecide?

I'm not sure about the play and it's contents but that game in Windsor Park that cold night was unbelievable, seriously it was scary shit. I'll never forget the chants of "f**k the ceasefire" and "shoot the Fenian Bastards" and when Ireland scored the 4th goal this big fat **** got up of his seat and said to me as we got up of our seats to let him out "how can you sit there and watch that shite" of course i was trying to hide my grin saying "I know its crop this".

As i stated earlier when the ROI fans were escorted from the stands by the RUC there were 20-30 Norn Iron fans left to go after them even though the cops had them. If I'd have had a camcorder that night to record those incidents it would have hit CNN although i doubt UTV and BBC would have shown it they would rather show someone shoving an opponent on a GAA field
I can swim a little but i can't fly an inch


Quote from: illdecide on January 02, 2008, 10:40:52 AM
Quote from: his holiness nb on January 02, 2008, 09:29:21 AM
The play does sound interesting and the posts of stew and illdecide seem to indicate that while techically a work of fiction, a lot of whats in the play actually did take place. Would this is a correct assumption Stew, Illdecide?

I'm not sure about the play and it's contents but that game in Windsor Park that cold night was unbelievable, seriously it was scary shit. I'll never forget the chants of "f**k the ceasefire" and "shoot the Fenian Bastards" and when Ireland scored the 4th goal this big fat **** got up of his seat and said to me as we got up of our seats to let him out "how can you sit there and watch that shite" of course i was trying to hide my grin saying "I know its crop this".

As i stated earlier when the ROI fans were escorted from the stands by the RUC there were 20-30 Norn Iron fans left to go after them even though the cops had them. If I'd have had a camcorder that night to record those incidents it would have hit CNN although i doubt UTV and BBC would have shown it they would rather show someone shoving an opponent on a GAA field

you were there right enough! ::)
it's 'circle the wagons time again' here comes the cavalry!